We need to start warning rude members and giving out suspensions

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Sep 20, 2008
United States
It is absolutely disrespectful when a new member posts on this community and instead of getting welcomed they are bombarded with smart aleck responses to their very simple question. If 9.3+ can't be hacked for example, it takes the same amount of time to type. "Unfortunately,there is no release date on when the hack will be available."As opposed to writing "You fucking moron why don't you read the stickies you fucking idiot" This is completely unprofessional and shys people away from posting on this forum which in turn slows down the website traffic and ends up costing the website owner money.

You are NOT a special cookie because you read the tutorials and someone else didn't, You are NOT an expert hacker so please quit acting with the elitist attitude that you yourself developed the exploit. We need enforcement of these guidelines to assure that we have a welcoming and friendly community. Those are just my two cents.
Last edited by funnystory,
Oct 17, 2015
Seattle, WA
United States
It is absolutely disrespectful when a new member posts on this community and instead of getting welcomed they are bombarded with smart aleck responses to their very simple question. If 9.3+ can't be hacked for example, it takes the same amount of time to type. "Unfortunately,there is no release date on when the hack will be available."As opposed to writing "You fucking moron why don't you read the stickies you fucking idiot" This is completely unprofessional and shys people away from posting on this forum which in turn slows down the website traffic and ends up costing the website owner money.

You are NOT a special cookie because you read the tutorials and someone else didn't, You are NOT an expert hacker so please quit acting with the elitist attitude that you yourself developed the exploit. We need enforcement of these guidelines to assure that we have a welcoming and friendly community. Those are just my two cents.
A lot of our new members may have never been part of an online forum board or site, and are completely lost amidst the mass of info directed at them.

So this is to everyone:
If you see anyone post something "noobish," please excuse them. No one likes elitism, and it only serves to make you look like a prick. Refrain, please.


Sep 20, 2008
United States
A lot of our new members may have never been part of an online forum board or site, and are completely lost amidst the mass of info directed at them.

So this is to everyone:
If you see anyone post something "noobish," please excuse them. No one likes elitism, and it only serves to make you look like a prick. Refrain, please.

You are a quality poster with a great sense of what's right. I hope to see you post here more often.


Aug 22, 2013
Away from this shithole
United States
My favorite is when someone asks a noob question, it get answered but then 4-5 people will reply to it anyway because they want to be le kewl know-it-all kids. This happens when there is something to report as well. They don't even report, they just bump shit. We get it, you think you pwned a noob, congrats. Now go drink your cheerios or you will be late to school.
Is it that difficult to reply in a non-witty way to a noob, then write something like "next time you should use the search button instead" if it's something found in the forum?
It's like a contest for idiots to who calls out the most people without even reading the post. Some idiot tried to call me out for a post I made asking help with Flash Player not being supported anymore on Firefox and they gave me the same stupid witty "lel google first result lel" on how to enable flash player BEFORE the Firefox purge. They are very annoying.

My suggestions are to:

- make a very simple FAQ in the section or at the beginning of the thread. Or a TempWiki. Have someone in charge of updating this stuff regularly, because if it gets outdated it gets useless.
- Give more warnings, don't fuel le kewl kids. Threads like "DO NOT BUMP SPAM" are full of staff posts that are no better than this problem. They don't give warnings and then they complain there, while the usual users start circlejerking all over. Someone replies to a bot just to be kewl? PM him first, then give him a warning after the second time. Then do the same with these guys. Deleting by saying nothing and then complaining in a thread that not everyone reads is useless.

- Set an age limit. I won't hide the fact that I got very disappointed at the forum in the Youtube Red news thread. References to real porn websites everywhere, even from the staff and OP. Low quality jokes all over. Isn't that bumping spam in a way? Wasn't this forum open for everyone? If it isn't, then why there isn't an age limit? An 11 years old made an account here and constantly posts in the EOF. It even made a thread saying that an user was dead and a shitstorm happened. How can someone this young contribute to a forum in any way, if not by spamming a lot? I know there are many adults that act like 5 years old, but those are a small minority. Kids being kids are the norm. Set a 13 or 16 age limit in order to register here and ban anybody who doesn't meet the requirements. Sure, some might keep their age a secret, but what's the problem then? If they don't behave, treat them like a normal user and ban them.

- Close EOF, or clean it up, seriously. It should be a funny place, not a shitpost nest. It became a place where users write whatever the fuck they want without thinking. It became useless and having it there only increases the spam everywhere else. Either mod it better or close it.



Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2014
The problem is that <snip>

tl;dr Think before you post. This is not reddit/Twitch/Youtube/4chan. Do some research. Learn from mistakes AND DO NOT REPEAT IT. Call someone out if you have to but only if it will help them learn. Spewing out memes achieves nothing.

IMO, the real problem is that people who feel this way are a dying breed. Nowadays it's all about the smertfone generation and spouting the Twitch emoticon commands everywhere, even if they don't work.
'Cause that's what all the cool kids do, right?

Similarly, when you go to Reddit/social media, it's filled with people looking for attention. ("Look at me, I did something, give me likes/karma!")
People don't have the same etiquette they used to in the past, the way some of the better forums had, at least.
Everyone needs to get their voice heard no matter how inane the comment, and it has to be in a new thread, because posting in a relevant thread would mean you have to share your spotlight and it'll get drowned in a sea of comments, but my own comment is far too important for such a treatment.

There is really no "solution" to this, it's like trying to go against a tidal wave. And to begin with, it's not up to users to moderate others, if you get started with that, there'd be no end to it.
The best thing one can do is mark offensive messages for moderation and move on, and put the people you really can't stand on your ignore list. And setting the right example yourself, of course.
Or quit using a forum if a majority of the user base pisses you off, and find one that suits you better.

As for the topic, people not putting in reasonable effort has always been an issue with anything even remotely requiring such. There's really no helping that either, except setting up a police state and moderating infractions with an iron fist, because the only rule that the public will listen to, is one that has actual consequences to their posting freedom.
Doing that would improve the signal to noise ratio greatly, but it would also drive away people, feeling that the community is too elitist for them.

So there is really no clear solution, I feel the best way to go about it is to simply moderate or ban the worst bullies who are clearly only out to be disruptive, and let things go their course.

And yeah, git off mah lawn!


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2011
To everyone who thinks this 'attacking' behavior is new, its not.
Nice story. I've seen people randomly throwing around hacking slang in an attempt to sound intelligent before, but you sure manage to beat those wannabe-leetists. Really...WTF is this story supposed to be? It's a scrap pile compiled of outdated (or downright WRONG) guides, wrongly used terms and terrible assumptions....*snip*
This was a reply to a help thread I posted back in 2011. Trust me though, the "bashing" above was NECESSARY! I really had no idea what I was doing at the time.

The difference between then and now is the user quoted above HELPED after bashing. He let me know how stupid my questions were, what I was doing wrong, but then he posted the information I needed.

I put a key part of the quote in bold that helped me prevent a brick. If he had not have posted this, I would have just assumed I was doing something wrong. Instead, because of his post I learned I was not just wrong- but I was following a bunch of outdated material.

tldr; the internet is not new, people are not new.
get over yourself and just listen to the advice given
Last edited by jonthedit,


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
A forum is not a shop, you're not a customer and advanced users are not here to kowtow to the demands of newbies - just use basic netiquette, use the search bar and read the stickies before asking questions along the lines of "why does the sun rise in the east?" or "why do helium baloons float?". Politeness works both ways and repeatedly asking the same questions is impolite - users are expected to have some degree of due diligence and do research prior to asking for support. Let's not even talk about ROM begging or posting ROM site URL's which only goes to show that some newbies never bothered to read the rules.


Sep 20, 2008
United States
A forum is not a shop, you're not a customer and advanced users are not here to kowtow to the demands of newbies - just use basic netiquette, use the search bar and read the stickies before asking questions along the lines of "why does the sun rise in the east?" or "why do helium baloons float?". Politeness works both ways and repeatedly asking the same questions is impolite - users are expected to have some degree of due diligence and do research prior to asking for support. Let's not even talk about ROM begging or posting ROM site URL's which only goes to show that some newbies never bothered to read the rules.

You are right it is a community/organization. THe point is that we are a group of people that enjoy similar interests and we look to help each other out in order to provide the best environment possible.

If you don't want to contribute to a thread simply don't post. I remember the xbox-scene back in 2005 and you would never see the amount of immaturity that you see here,so I really don't want to hear people telling me to "just deal with it" when it serves absolutely no purpose and is unfunny. When users flame it isn't even witty or funny,it's kind of like when you were little there would be assholes that would burp in your ear.

If the flaming was even funny it would atleast make it more tolerable. I remember I made a thread about hacking my 3ds and posting that I successfully did it,This moron comes in and says "You shouldn't hack your 3ds, it sounds like you don't know what you are doing"

Needless to say I let him have it and I instead got a suspension. When someone flames here few times is it clever or witty,but if you do it back in an actually imposing type way. Suspension. That's why I am trying to state that there is no place for it here. GBAtemp was NOT like this in 2008.
Last edited by funnystory,


Former Staff
Sep 23, 2013
You are right it is a community/organization. THe point is that we are a group of people that enjoy similar interests and we look to help each other out in order to provide the best environment possible.

If you don't want to contribute to a thread simply don't post. I remember the xbox-scene back in 2005 and you would never see the amount of immaturity that you see here,so I really don't want to hear people telling me to "just deal with it" when it serves absolutely no purpose and is unfunny. When users flame it isn't even witty or funny,it's kind of like when you were little there would be assholes that would burp in your ear.

If the flaming was even funny it would atleast make it more tolerable. I remember I made a thread about hacking my 3ds and posting that I successfully did it,This moron comes in and says "You shouldn't hack your 3ds, it sounds like you don't know what you are doing"

Needless to say I let him have it and I instead got a suspension. When someone flames here few times is it clever or witty,but if you do it back in an actually imposing type way. Suspension. That's why I am trying to state that there is no place for it here. GBAtemp was NOT like this in 2008.
you could just ...you know block 99% of members on here....everyone who isn't on your intellectual level/comedic wavelength just block them, then you will be happy and not have to see butt jokes.....be like margen47 but with the block button....maybe he can hit you up with a nice macro

i just hope you see the irony in making a thread saying ban rude users and elitists, then going on to call everyone immature and idiots
Last edited by gamesquest1,


Sep 20, 2008
United States
you could just ...you know block 99% of members on here....everyone who isn't on your intellectual level/comedic wavelength just block them, then you will be happy and not have to see butt jokes.....be like margen47 but with the block button....maybe he can hit you up with a nice macro

i just hope you see the irony in making a thread saying ban rude users and elitists, then going on to call everyone immature and idiots

I didn't specifically call anyone an idiot, you are angry right now because I am refuting your points and you have no valid argument against them. I am saying members that post useless banter degrade the quality of GBAtemp. I am sorry you can't comprehend that when someone posts "I successfully hacked my console" it is completely useless to post "You are an idiot, you need to do some more research" . Come up with a better argument as to how criticizing randoms for things they do to THEIR property improves your quality of life. Pestering people is of no value to the community.


Former Staff
Sep 23, 2013
I didn't specifically call anyone an idiot, you are angry right now because I am refuting your points and you have no valid argument against them. I am saying members that post useless banter degrade the quality of GBAtemp. I am sorry you can't comprehend that when someone posts "I successfully hacked my console" it is completely useless to post "You are an idiot, you need to do some more research" . Come up with a better argument as to how criticizing randoms for things they do to THEIR property improves your quality of life. Pestering people is of no value to the community.
"i hacked my 3DS" is a perfect example of a pointless post, imagine if everyone did that :rolleyes:....and why should we even care what you did with your 3DS....why do you feel the need to post that?....what do you want a pat on the back? a medal? a bronze statue of yourself on the front page of gbatemp?......seems someone got upset because people were't impressed with his "l33t h4x0r skills"


Sep 20, 2008
United States
"i hacked my 3DS" is a perfect example of a pointless post, imagine if everyone did that :rolleyes:....and why should we even care what you did with your 3DS....why do you feel the need to post that?....what do you want a pat on the back? a medal? a bronze statue of yourself on the front page of gbatemp?......seems someone got upset because people were't impressed with his "l33t h4x0r skills"

No it was a thread asking for help, and I made one final post to clarify that my 3ds was successfully hacked insinuating that I no longer needed any help.

Now you are just trying to seem smart and start an argument, this is exactly what I am talking about.


Former Staff
Sep 23, 2013
No it was a thread asking for help, and I made one final post to clarify that my 3ds was successfully hacked insinuating that I no longer needed any help.

Now you are just trying to seem smart and start an argument, this is exactly what I am talking about.
what....your just contradicting every point you try to make...."rude people should be banned"....goes on to insult pretty much everyone that doesn't share his idea of the perfect utopia, "people should stop being elitists" goes on to say everyone else is childish/immature....(except himself ofc he is exempt from his own criticisms)....just be careful what you wish for because with your elitist jerkish attitude i doubt you would last very long if your proposed suggestion went into place

PS i would probably be banned too as i know i can be jerkish at times, but I'm man enough to admit it, the point is, your suggestion would catch pretty much everyone out, yeah gbatemp would be a much nice place to browse, but when your talking in a room on yourself it kinda looses its meaning, the best thing about gbatemp is its diversity, there are some people that grate on me, but its their life, they can talk how they like, unless they cross the line from average jerk to down right offensive troll, i say live and let live
Last edited by gamesquest1,


Jul 1, 2015
Some members just need to stop enforcing their opinions down people's throats. It has become so low that one has to convince someone else that their opinion is the only morally correct one and bash everyone else that thinks differently. They will continue to post until they have the last word or until the other person (who comes to realize that the conversation is going nowhere) eventually concedes the pre-flame war because they have more important things to do than have confrontations with random people on the internet.
Last edited by HaloEffect17,
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Sep 20, 2008
United States
Some members just need to stop enforcing their opinions down people's throats. It has become so low that one has to convince someone else that their opinion is the only morally correct one and bash everyone else that thinks differently. They will continue to post until they have the last word or until the other person (who comes to realize that the conversation is going nowhere) eventually concedes the pre-flame war because they have more important things to do than have confrontations with random people on the internet.

It's not an opinion its common etiquette and it is in the suggestions box for the staff to read, It is nothing more than a suggestion. Morality has nothing at all to do with this,It's a matter of increasing the overall quality of the website. Mature people would see that their is no value in insulting people for the kicks of it.No one is suggesting a ban,but maybe if we had a rep system we could quickly turn things around.
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Oct 17, 2015
Seattle, WA
United States
He let me know how stupid my questions were, what I was doing wrong, but then he posted the information I needed.

I believe this offers some justification for bashing. If it's necessary, then it shouldn't be penalized. In the above quote, the user bashing the quotee followed up with giving relevant information, pointing out OP's wrongs, and setting him on the right path. It's just one approach in many.

There's a clear distinction between clear and elitist bashing and bashing to do good. Thank you jonthedit for providing us with this example of how bashing can be a good thing.


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2014
United States
It's something that can't really be stopped.
Noobs will always post that kind of question and idiots will always bait on them.

Best is just to report it to the staff and let them deal with it.
Idiots? So most people on here are idiots? It happens all the time, even reputable members here do it because they're so much better


Persona Secretiva Felineus
Global Moderator
Jan 7, 2014
Another World
Idiots? So most people on here are idiots? It happens all the time, even reputable members here do it because they're so much better
Well, clickbait threads are baiting idiots. You cannot blame them.

also, if the thread/post is stupid at first, it has very high probability to attract stupid replies.

It's all mathematic.
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    @MysticStarlight, my condolences
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    Thank u. That's what I get for not making backups
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    @MysticStarlight, dunno how to make backups tbh
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    sorry about your hard drive, super sucks
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    I am mad because the drive isn't even that old. I never expected it to die so soon
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    i'm gonna do my backups tonight for reals
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    It does a clicking sound and Windows doesn't recognize it
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    clicking = bad, i'd still try it on a linux box or a mac, out of desperation
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    Do you recommend any way to back up?
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    I will keep trying, but that clicking sound seems like the moving parts are stuck or something
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    i use a mac, so I just leave time machine running, not real sure how to back up on a windows box
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    Buy SSD copy everything over and no more clicking lol
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    yeah clicking is bad, i don't do much recovery these days, so i don't know if the old tricks still work
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    Pretty much they do but only because mechanical is still mechanical
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    @Psionic Roshambo, the only hard drive i have is the one on my pc
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