1 year anniversary of moving into my new house - happiness amidst quarantine

I think, if you told the world's population a year ago that we'd all be stuck at home, unable to go outside unless it was for short walks or essential shopping, you'd get laughed off as some nutjob spewing 4chan-tier doomsday speak. And yet, here we are.

Speaking of a year ago, exactly 365 days ago, I moved into my new home, closing out the final chapter of the part of my life that was dominated by a life-changing hurricane. In just a few more months, that hurricane and the devastation from it will be 3 years ago, isn't that crazy? It feels so long ago, and yet still like it was only a week ago. I've pretty much moved on from everything that happened, though, outside of still having a bit of PTSD when it comes to rain. Whenever it rains, even a little bit, or even in video games, I find that it makes my hands shake, and I feel this horrible sense of unease. Given what I lived through, and all the support I had throughout and all the positives that came after, I consider a little fear of rain to be incredibly minor, all things considered.

Back to living in my home--every single day, I wake up feeling super joyful because holy cow, I live in a real house again! It's so nice! I have my own office, isn't that the best??! There's something so relieving to know that after all the craziness that happened, I got back to normalcy. That getting past that hard part of my life led to so much happiness and gratefulness.

So, when it comes to being stuck at home all day for weeks on end, I'm not that bad off. I haven't been making the best use of my quarantine time--I try to do things like improving my drawing skills, or trying to learn how to crochet again, but I just find myself playing VR or having fun playing random games online with friends, which is totally okay! But I don't feel quite so productive, lol. I'd like to better learn how to budget my time and plan things, though.

Something I had planned out a year ago too, was to get my teeth fixed. See, I've had my wisdom teeth start coming in for quite a while now, and I've been to the dentist multiple times, but there was always something else (you need a root canal first, or, that previous dentist was an idiot you needed this procedure instead, or that other dentist was a super idiot and did the root canal wrong gosh) getting in the way. Which is, well, a freaking pain, if I'm being honest. It's not like it's easy to get an appointment during corona, either. But I find myself really tired easily, from the constant pressure that having my teeth push against each other. It's almost like combining a stress headache, a sinus infection, and a tooth infection at once. It's not fun, and I think my existence is fueled by ibuprofen some days, but at least I'll be able to get that fixed, soon, I hope. Moral of the story: get your wisdom teeth out asap if you can afford insurance.

But back to happier topics! Animal Crossing finally released!!! It's so fun, and I've loved every minute of it. I wasn't given a review code, but I do kind of want to write a review on it nonetheless. There's so much customization that it's insane to consider how far the series has come. Then again, there are some steps back...no gyroids, less furniture, less villager dialogue. Hopefully, we get some content patches in the future, but I do miss some things from older games! I was actually playing the GameCube version and I was so amused by the dialogue and snark in that game. I'm excited to keep putting more 100s of hours into both games, and refining my village, either way. How is everyone's village looking? I'd love to see other GBAtemper's designs, indoor or out!

Really, I've just been sitting around waiting for some friends to ready up for a game, so I decided to write a blog rambling my thoughts because I caught the calendar date offhand and it made me think of the significance of today. So I suppose I'll just leave things off here, lest I ramble TOO much. Thank you for reading, if you did, and have a wonderful day <3
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Man that hurricane happening is already 3 years ago? Time has been speeding by :V

I feel the "should have taken care of my wisdom teeth" thing

Mine came in halfway and now they periodically give me extreme pain for several days and I can't really tell you why

Glad you are in a nice house for the quarantine - and that you've got some new furry friends to keep you company

(feel free to post kittens more often) ((plz))
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Don't worry, I certainly haven't been as productive as I wanted to as well, lol. I definitely haven't run out of things to do or suffer from utter boredom to the point where I'm itching to go outside, but those "things to do" have been fleeting distractions nonetheless. Thank you, Animal Crossing et al...
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COVID, COVID, go away. Don't come back another day! *sigh!* It's getting kind of boring in here... I sympathize with you, Chary.

Well, I have taken this opportunity to do some more Rock Band hacks. I've finally managed to make a breakthrough in the RB3 DLC that I wasn't able to get working; I'll post about it in my dedicated "Rock Band Customs" Wii thread here soon.

I have been playing with my new Switch Lite like crazy. I find that Asphalt 9 is my favorite free game, and I've recently got hooked with Risk and DC Universe Online. I've also been trying some good ol' Wii games, including Ghostbusters and Kirby Epic Yarn. I'm afraid I'm getting too attached to technology as of late, though - I started feeling video game withdrawal when the power went out for a few hours one day this past month! I oughta start reading books again.

I feel alone a lot of times. I don't have very many friends, and the ones that I do have don't come over to my house to spend time with me. I'm not able to spend time with them much, either, as we're miles apart. I do pray that the mandates are lifted soon, even if that means the Coronavirus spreading more. I'd rather die happy than die lonely! :cry:

I know, I said I wasn't going to talk about COVID-19. I still don't want to discuss it, but I did want to share how it's affected my life.
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I’ve been struggling with not feeling productive during quarantine as well. There’s so many personal projects I’ve been meaning to work on that just aren’t getting done. I think it’s because my friends have as much free time as me now, so some of my working time has been replaced with social time. I’m trying to be lenient and remind myself that socialization is just as important as anything else, and I definitely feel better on the days I can talk to friends, but it’s still disheartening to look back on a day I didn’t leave the house or accomplish anything towards a long term goal.

The other reason my productivity has tanked is because of Animal Crossing. I haven’t been pouring hours at a time into it, but might play for thirty to ninety minutes a day and I’m loving it. It’s become this nice little zen ritual for me. I get up in the morning and turn on a podcast, or a comfort food show, and walk around my town and keep up with what changed overnight. Dig up the new fossils, collect any fruit, check the hot items, do as many Nook Miles + as I can. It’s the first time in over a year I’ve played a game without putting any pressure on myself to review it and that totally fits the relaxed vibe Animal Crossing gives off. I’m moving my way through the game slowly but I like doing it on island time.
As re being productive after this corona bs you need to find a career in something as yr very intelligent - re the rain you can try get over yr fear of it think of it in a positive way as beautiful sounding water like a waterfall and think of game scenes with beautiful waterfalls it may help you over time of course
... sadly this whole quarantine thing is what my daily life has looked like for years :(
and daaaang that sucks bad, i am very fortunate to not have any issues with my wisdom teeth right now, sorry to hear that your in pain... as far as being productive though, hey please do draw more! I think we'd all love to see what you come up with, at least i can speak for myself on that one :)
And congratulations on your whole year, I'm glad you were able to overcome all of it and not give up during the hard times, proud of you for staying strong even though i really can't claim to know you very well hehe
but it's inspiring!
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...did we move houses around the same time? (girlfriend and me moved the fourth of april 2019, iirc)

Either way: congrats on the move (I was certainly too busy then to notice). :)
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