8BitWalugi's Blog

So I recently decided to go find my first few posts. I found my very first topic! http://gbatemp.net/topic/79500-gba-exploder-how-to-play-big-roms/ ... Yeah... I started out having to ask for help. :P But hey, the least I stayed. I... Had my moments...
So I haven't played anything good for weeks, maybe months. Stumped for ideas, I decide to re-play Mother 3, this time writing the story as a narrative as I go along. It's all being posted to my Tumblr, but I'll probably keep links updated here too. Here they are! Chapter 1: Part 1 Part 2...
Alright, as some may recall, I used EERPOW's signature as a base for a poster competition a while ago. Original Image (EERPOW's signature): My edit (Poster) Well, I'm posting this because I WON! My prize was a PSP 3000 GoW Edition! I've already got it running PRO-B7. :P I just wanted to...
So I bought something off eBay a while back, and it arrived today! (Taken with my XBL Vision) Yeah, I bought 2 Core Drills! 1 as a necklace, one as a keychain! I just got back from school to find these! It was a great day... :D They're surprisingly heavy, and small. :/ Opinions? Also...
'Nuff said. :P I can give some pointers for Prof. Portal if necessary. :D Also, if you need help on any co-op achievements, add me! PSN: BBitWalugi Steam: 8BitWalugi
Well that only took a month and a half. Ah, the joys of dexing... And I still haven't beaten the champion yet. :P
And it was fucking MINDBLOWING! WORDS CANNOT EXPRESS THE AWESOMENESS OF THE SYSTEM! ...That and I've kinda forgotten how it all went down. Point aside, I played it, and with was win. When I got to Fountain Gate (I live in suburban Melbourne) the que had just started and they just opened up. I...
I just hit 1337 posts! I'm finally growing up... *sniff* loljk. :P GoldenEye 1337 Ah... now back to whatever you were doing. :D Best... post-birthday gift... ever... :D :D Wait, this was meant to be post 1337. lolwut... now I feel stupid. And now to be embedded here forever...
So today's my birthday! Today I'm finally 16! All I need to do now is go for my Learners license! I had my party a while back, this was my main gift: Ah... good times...
Taken from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cing NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY NOW! WHY! Last Window hasn't even been translated! WHYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:
It's been, what, 3-4-5 months since MW2 came out? AND EVERYONE KEEPS FUCKING GOING ON ABOUT IT! I got the game for PC, it was nothing special. But people still keep going on about it! In my history class, we were studying WW1 and watching the film All Quiet on the Western Front. At one point...

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  • AncientBoi
  • BakerMan
    I rather enjoy a life of taking it easy. I haven't reached that life yet though.
    AncientBoi @ AncientBoi: [uploads TP] :D +1