
Some great members of GBAtemp have left us this year, but it's just a cycle, people will always come and go.

There are some great people who should hopefully be coming back soon (temporary hiatus type things).
Others we may never see again. Bless them for their time here and look forward to the future.

I won't name any names, because it doesn't make a difference
A couple of people alone don't make GBAtemp what it is, it's every single decent member combined who forms the ethos and the spirit of this community.

As long as those decent people can hold the fort and keep it real, then i'll be here.

As long as theres fun here to be had, information to be found, interests to be nutured, then i'll be here.

I'll see you around here tomorrow.
goodnight all :grog:

disclaimer: excluding possibility of short/temporary leave due to study or other commitments. hahaha


You know that's a lot of stuff for JPH to be doing at once? You guys aware he also has a real life job (Yes even though he's 15) and has school on top of it all? And a review he's been working on for awhile on top of it? He's more active in a day of his life then I can probably say a lot of you are in a week.

You all seriously need to cut him a break. When I was 15 all I was doing was sleeping and refusing to do homework, not juggling his life around keeping the latest news updated.
[quote name='dice' post='1476106' date='Oct 19 2008, 04:00 AM'][quote name='psycoblaster' post='1475832' date='Oct 18 2008, 03:54 PM']Well giving suggestions really wouldn't help. Because rules aren't read, and are ignored most of the times.
That means, even if you add more rules, you are only wasting time. Those 1 posting requesters can't be stopped.
There's no way to work around that, unless you listen to urza and agree in this "stop registration for x amount of time"
because after reading that thread one more time, I think his solution will be the last remaining method, and should be used to protect GBAtemp itself, more than it's number of user.[/quote]

From my personal viewpoint without the new members the site would rot at an even quicker rate. One question that comes to mind is how long "x amount of time" would be. I don't see a short term closure having any justified effect on the current situation, having it closed for a long period could lead to the "rot"... it'd become just like your average fansite of which there are many if you know what I mean.
exactly. sacrafice fame, or sacrafice the existing members. having less members that help each other is better than having more members that are only posts spam and request and all that shit.
The large majority of the regular posting members (95% plus hazarding a guess) originally joined gbatemp to gain information and not to make friends or have fun (this applies to all forums like this one). So to deny someone the opportunity to join the site may mean missing out on the next mthrnite, wildwon, shadowXP, urza, psyfira, narin, another world etc. even if it does mean having to deal with the rest of the "n00bs".
yup, and this 95% + members are now "dead members" which gbatemp is prowd of having.
Another factor is that no one from the sites makes any sort of profit by managing the site, in fact at one point for a long time, some of the admins were actually paying alot of money to keep the site running. The only reason why this site is still running at its current capacity is due to our affiliates, so I seriously doubt that Urza's idea would work well with them (having said that I'm not 100% in the know as to how that deal has been made).
Then why not clean up gbatemp, delete some dead members, and actually delete, not close, the posts that requires deletion? Then that will save so much space, and you guys won't need to pay for such a large bandwidth.
I will say that we're always on the lookout for new staff (I'll even go as far as to say that a few members have been approached and seem willing to join - although I ask that such members don't say anything until it's officially been done :P). This I see is the only other way of trying to minimise the number of repeat posts etc going on... as the number of members increase so would the number of staff in order to maintain some sort of order. As mentioned earlier there has also been some discussion on how the current warning system can be improved (as the rules have been done) but again these things take an unimaginable amount of time to sort out (I say this as I've never done so myself :P) so once again the patience thing has to be mentioned.
Don't. More mods won't do any good. Just work harder, and try to improve, and get more serious on serious posts, and don't worry about the small problems like this:
moderating posts that are supposed to help? bullshit. This is the first problem of the mods.
read my full paged rant against lagman. you will soon understand.
What GBAtemp needs is that they should actually listen to user feedbacks, more than doing what "seems" to be right.
What's the point of having more mods? Even costello can't determine what is a joke or what is serious.
So you guys want to have more mods, so you'll have less to do?
It won't work that way. We don't need new mods. The current mods can do better, and that's all that is necessary.
and mods shouldn't break the rules themselves, if they are going to bitch at us.

And again people assume we don't listen to 'em. I don't know why you all think that. Because we might not agree with what someone has to say, that means we pushed them away and ignored them without even considering it? The Staff Forum is full of threads about suggestions/issues brought up, so don't go saying we aren't doing a thing when you're so clueless.
[quote name='Gaisuto' post='1476766' date='Oct 18 2008, 10:02 PM']And again people assume we don't listen to 'em. I don't know why you all think that. Because we might not agree with what someone has to say, that means we pushed them away and ignored them without even considering it? The Staff Forum is full of threads about suggestions/issues brought up, so don't go saying we aren't doing a thing when you're so clueless.[/quote]
He's quite right, and I'll likely comment more in this topic later, but for the moment I'll just reply to what Gai is saying to you:

You folks are aware of the newly upgraded rules, I would hope? Well, almost every one of those was taken from what mass amounts of members were hoping would be added to the rules and commented on in the Suggestions forum. We examined every post and topic carefully and then took the ideas/issues into the staff area and deliberated on them for weeks before moving to a staff meeting and making things official.

I often get a bit upset when I hear people don't like the new rules because we worked on them for weeks and months and specifically tailored them to what the majority seemed to want from the rules and the forum. Even the new EOF tab on the latest discussions box? Part of the reason we added that (even though we'd been planning to do something like that for a while) was because of the extremely positive response from Testing Area patrons such as Orc, who said while they loved the TA it shouldn't be mixed in the main posts.

We listen, and we do everything we can to improve the GBAtemp experience by tailoring it to the needs of our members and the forum in general. :)
[quote name='Raven Darkheart' post='1475958' date='Oct 18 2008, 12:17 PM']it really doesnt help things when some mods are 16 year olds on a power trip. but thats just me[/quote]
[quote name='DrKupo' post='1476792' date='Oct 18 2008, 09:18 PM'][quote name='Raven Darkheart' post='1475958' date='Oct 18 2008, 12:17 PM']it really doesnt help things when some mods are 16 year olds on a power trip. but thats just me[/quote]
Read the new line in my sig. If someone bites me, I shoot back. I'm not gonna put up with it anymore. It's called respect.
[quote name='DrKupo' post='1476792' date='Oct 18 2008, 10:18 PM'][quote name='Raven Darkheart' post='1475958' date='Oct 18 2008, 12:17 PM']it really doesnt help things when some mods are 16 year olds on a power trip. but thats just me[/quote]
It saddens me to see this opinion so prevalent on GBAtemp. Age really is but a number. Most of the current staff members started in their teenaged years. I was 15 or 16, Costello and shaun were about the same, etc. Age doesn't determine one's maturity level. The fact of the matter is that there are 9 year old genius-types that are more mature than I, and 70 year old men who are less.

Feel free to have a negative opinion of a staff member, but please don't base it on age, as that's really not a factor. It's nature versus nurture. It's not an inherent trait of all youngins to be immature. It's directly related to their personality and how they were brought up, as well as several medical factors, I suppose.
[quote name='Gaisuto' post='1476797' date='Oct 18 2008, 09:20 PM'][quote name='DrKupo' post='1476792' date='Oct 18 2008, 09:18 PM'][quote name='Raven Darkheart' post='1475958' date='Oct 18 2008, 12:17 PM']it really doesnt help things when some mods are 16 year olds on a power trip. but thats just me[/quote]
Read the new line in my sig. If someone bites me, I shoot back. I'm not gonna put up with it anymore. It's called respect.

I'll give you respect the same time you stop pming me crazy "i'm a mod, i can insult you and you can't do shit" and generally lacking any redeeming qualities.

ACT LIKE A FUCKING PROFESSIONAL. Stop acting like a child, despite you being one. This means not locking topics you disagree with, fliping out and insulting other members, warning me for insulting you, when you did the same to me minutes earlier. Etc.

EDIT: Ace, we need to talk. PM me whatever IRC network you can meet me on.
[quote name='DrKupo' post='1476803' date='Oct 18 2008, 09:25 PM'][quote name='Gaisuto' post='1476797' date='Oct 18 2008, 09:20 PM'][quote name='DrKupo' post='1476792' date='Oct 18 2008, 09:18 PM'][quote name='Raven Darkheart' post='1475958' date='Oct 18 2008, 12:17 PM']it really doesnt help things when some mods are 16 year olds on a power trip. but thats just me[/quote]
Read the new line in my sig. If someone bites me, I shoot back. I'm not gonna put up with it anymore. It's called respect.

I'll give you respect the same time you stop pming me crazy "i'm a mod, i can insult you and you can't do shit" and generally lacking any redeeming qualities.

ACT LIKE A FUCKING PROFESSIONAL. Stop acting like a child, despite you being one. This means not locking topics you disagree with, fliping out and insulting other members, warning me for insulting you, when you did the same to me minutes earlier. Etc.
Same to you, I'll treat you with respect and politeness when you can actually mutter a word out of your mouth without an insult or swear coming from it. Until then I'm going to continue to treat you like crap.
Section removed

The way you acted in my Linkiboy Orc memorial thread was not the way a mod should conduct themselves! I cant respect how you acted!

And Ace the way you responded to my post was ridiculous, no one was saying you Mods arent hard working, I was praising you guys and defending you, I criticised one thing and you went off on a rant about it and actually proved my point, in my opinion!

That has really soured my view of this place, I dont want to be playful here anymore.

This is my last post until my name gets changed.

edit: I havent seen much of Gaisuto here, but what I have seen in the last two days brings me to the conclusion that hes a terrible moderator, just incredibly unprofessional.

You guys set the standard for us to follow!
[quote name='Gaisuto' post='1476807' date='Oct 18 2008, 09:30 PM'][quote name='DrKupo' post='1476803' date='Oct 18 2008, 09:25 PM'][quote name='Gaisuto' post='1476797' date='Oct 18 2008, 09:20 PM'][quote name='DrKupo' post='1476792' date='Oct 18 2008, 09:18 PM'][quote name='Raven Darkheart' post='1475958' date='Oct 18 2008, 12:17 PM']it really doesnt help things when some mods are 16 year olds on a power trip. but thats just me[/quote]
Read the new line in my sig. If someone bites me, I shoot back. I'm not gonna put up with it anymore. It's called respect.

I'll give you respect the same time you stop pming me crazy "i'm a mod, i can insult you and you can't do shit" and generally lacking any redeeming qualities.

ACT LIKE A FUCKING PROFESSIONAL. Stop acting like a child, despite you being one. This means not locking topics you disagree with, fliping out and insulting other members, warning me for insulting you, when you did the same to me minutes earlier. Etc.
FYI I might as well be the one to make it public - The entire staff is watching you. Even a single flame, as small as it is, will cause your ban instantly. This isn't even about me - you apparently made a promise when you made this second account, and they all agree that you aren't living up to it. That post probably would of done it, but we believe you atleast deserve a warning first.

And on that note - Same to you, I'll treat you with respect and politeness when you can actually mutter a word out of your mouth without an insult or swear coming from it. Until then I'm going to continue to treat you like crap.

Why is it that I hold the staff to a higher standard than the staff holds themselves to? You guys don't get to insult members, it reeks of unprofessionalism.
[quote name='Gaisuto' post='1476766' date='Oct 19 2008, 11:02 AM']And again people assume we don't listen to 'em. I don't know why you all think that. Because we might not agree with what someone has to say, that means we pushed them away and ignored them without even considering it? The Staff Forum is full of threads about suggestions/issues brought up, so don't go saying we aren't doing a thing when you're so clueless.[/quote]
lol you guys are the one coming up with the new ideas. And you guys determine what's necessary and what's not. But that's the problem.

The way you acted in my Linkiboy Orc memorial thread was not the way a mod should conduct themselves! I cant respect how you acted!

And Ace the way you responded to my post was ridiculous, no one was saying you Mods arent hard working, I was praising you guys and defending you, I criticised one thing and you went off on a rant about it and actually proved my point, in my opinion!

That has really soured my view of this place, I dont want to be playful here anymore.

This is my last post until my name gets changed.
yet they are not aware they are flaming themselves.
[quote name='p1ngpong' post='1476808' date='Oct 18 2008, 09:31 PM']The way you acted in my Linkiboy Orc memorial thread was not the way a mod should conduct themselves! I cant respect how you acted!

And Ace the way you responded to my post was ridiculous, no one was saying you Mods arent hard working, I was praising you guys and defending you, I criticised one thing and you went off on a rant about it and actually proved my point, in my opinion!

That has really soured my view of this place, I dont want to be playful here anymore.

This is my last post until my name gets changed.[/quote]
Yeah I went a bit overboard there, even I know that. But my mindset about the "You push me I stab you" thing still stands true. And what do you mean until your name is changed? Huh?

[quote name='DrKupo' post='1476809' date='Oct 18 2008, 09:31 PM']Why is it that I hold the staff to a higher standard than the staff holds themselves to? You guys don't get to insult members, it reeks of unprofessionalism.[/quote]
Then you don't insult us first. Like I said.

[quote name='psycoblaster' post='1476810' date='Oct 18 2008, 09:32 PM']lol you guys are the one coming up with the new ideas. And you guys determine what's necessary and what's not. But that's the problem.[/quote]
So...New ideas and fixing the site's suddenly a bad thing? :unsure:
[quote name='psycoblaster' post='1476810' date='Oct 18 2008, 09:32 PM'][quote name='Gaisuto' post='1476766' date='Oct 19 2008, 11:02 AM']And again people assume we don't listen to 'em. I don't know why you all think that. Because we might not agree with what someone has to say, that means we pushed them away and ignored them without even considering it? The Staff Forum is full of threads about suggestions/issues brought up, so don't go saying we aren't doing a thing when you're so clueless.[/quote]
lol you guys are the one coming up with the new ideas. And you guys determine what's necessary and what's not. But that's the problem.

The way you acted in my Linkiboy Orc memorial thread was not the way a mod should conduct themselves! I cant respect how you acted!

And Ace the way you responded to my post was ridiculous, no one was saying you Mods arent hard working, I was praising you guys and defending you, I criticised one thing and you went off on a rant about it and actually proved my point, in my opinion!

That has really soured my view of this place, I dont want to be playful here anymore.

This is my last post until my name gets changed.
yet they are not aware they are flaming themselves.

and they expect us to follow the rules they don't follow themselves.
Alright I'll go ahead and post a Megaupload link to Fallout 3 - I'm apparently immune to that.
"Then you don't insult us first. Like I said.'

Why do you refuse to act like a professional, and instead chose to act like a child?
[quote name='DrKupo' post='1476821' date='Oct 18 2008, 09:38 PM']"Then you don't insult us first. Like I said.'

Why do you refuse to act like a professional, and instead chose to act like a child?[/quote]
Because acting like a professional isn't working. If it was, I'd be the lovable ol' huggable black shadow Gai I once was. How's that for a response?
[quote name='Gaisuto' post='1476817' date='Oct 18 2008, 09:38 PM']Alright I'll go ahead and post a Megaupload link to Fallout 3 - I'm apparently immune to that.[/quote]

You are immune to pretty much every other rule, so i wouldn't be surprised if nothing happened in response.
[quote name='Gaisuto' post='1476823' date='Oct 19 2008, 11:40 AM'][quote name='DrKupo' post='1476821' date='Oct 18 2008, 09:38 PM']"Then you don't insult us first. Like I said.'

Why do you refuse to act like a professional, and instead chose to act like a child?[/quote]
Because acting like a professional isn't working. If it was, I'd be the lovable ol' huggable black shadow Gai I once was. How's that for a response?
do so. We'll see how it goes and we'll report the results in a month.

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