Why does so much People unhappy and unsatisfied with their Lifes ........

Hello,my fellow GBAtemp Community.:)

When I read through Blogs,Off Topic and Edge of the Forum,I noticed a Topic that keeps coming up.

People who are dissatisfied with their Lives or,at worst,hate their own lives....:(

Sometimes it is not exactly a "life-threatening" Reason why this happens.
But usually there is more behind it.

And that touches me then always a "little", if it turns out that many People just do not have someone to talk.
And at a Time when "Communication" seems to "dictate" our Society....

That always makes me sometimes a "little" sad,to see,there are so many People on this Planet and so many of them are alone.....
Whether wanted or not.......

I wish you a nice and good Day,my Friends.
Thank you for Reading.:)


why im so unhappy with my own life because:
- school takes up so much of my time, even more after school when i have homework, i spend all of my free time doing it that i barely get much sleep (4-8 hours each night)
- i feel inferior to others
- i feel stupid sometimes
- i dont have many friends
- nobody to talk to at school
- grades are what im worried about
- not getting good enough grades (80% or higher)
- not enough time to play games
- under constant pressure
- each day feels like it repeats over and over
- parents don't understand and there's many things i just can't talk to them about
sure i have a roof over my head, a bed to sleep in, internet access, electricity, water
but just because i can survive does not mean im having a good life.
it seems like a lot of people just think as long as you have enough to get by, you have a good life
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Personally, I'm dissatisfied, but It's getting better. I've made new friends, I try to do more stuff, but you know, as all things in life it is rough.
I've learned my first instrument (Ukulele), and I want to learn more, Piano, and (Electric) guitar are on the top of my list. I'm semi self taught with ukulele, and I'm proud of that, even if I'm not that good. My best friend, is pretty much a musician, He's pretty much the cool kid at his school, and if I ever need help he's happy to help.

I'm mostly dis satisfied in myself. I know it's problem a lot of people have, but I have problem focusing on school, I'm fairly behind in fact. I want to do school, but I my mind easily finds something else to do. I'm working to do better, and I have made some what good progress, I'm still behind, but I only have one more Grade(Year) left after this, and I'm excited and scared for what comes after.

Another thing in myself that I'm rather dissapointed in; is my looks, and that I'm rather chubby, and slightly overweight. I don't look too bad, in fact friends of the opposite gender usually say I'm atleast somewhat attractive (their words being "Omg you're so cute" and variations). I've tried losing weight for a lot of my life, atleast since I've become self conscious about it. Nothing seems to work, and I always go back to my original weight, I was desperate at one point that I was just refusing to eat. For my looks I know I can't really change much, I think what I wear Clothes wise compliments me to a degree (Clothes aren't everything obviously). My main distress is acne, when I first got acne I didn't think much of it and just popped pimples and scratched it..... that was a mistake, Now I have acne scars, and still when I see it out of habit and reflex I scratch/pop/whatever them.

I do online/home schooling, though I don't particularly mind, and I don't think I'm missing anything(especially in todays schools). The only thing I dislike is there's no Extra cirrucular activities for me to do, I haven't done sports, or anything like that. I'm in a film makers club that my local library does, and met some new friends some what. I wish I did more social interaction though, I think I rather crave it a large amount because I honestly don't get much of it, and I lack dopamine.

And then there's just my general anxiety that I've asked my parents for help with (getting a therapist pretty much), that hasn't gone any where yet. I'm probably going have to do it by myself when I move out, really sucks cause it's gonna cost money especially with a new insurancee. I've acknowledged it though, and I am reaching out to get help for my problems. It's actually ruined a couple of things I used to enjoy doing, but don't anymore after having a mental breakdown. The people are always nice, but something about talking to people just scares me. this new place I volunteer at, I can feel myself wearing even more thin everytime I volunteer there, so Instead of waiting until the breaking point I requested a break, and now I have about four or five weeks off and then I'm gonna go back : )
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When you have achieved everything you wanted in life , you can also feel unhappy .
The solution ...pills or alcohol :-)
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@ThoD my two cents but if your life sucks, venting helps, even if it's on an anonymous board like gbatemp. Ignore it like you would the EoF.
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A very nice and good Opinion,thank you.
In the Moment of "Agony" most of the People "forget" about such View.:)
It is a good Sign if you have Someone on your Side,who reminds you then....


Very simple,clear and understandable sayed.Also a nice Point of View,thank you.:)
Most people unfortunately can not handle such Opinions in their current unhappy and unsatisfied State...


Thank you for your candidness.:)
A Pet is always a good Option.If you have Time and Love for it,these lovely Creatures can be a very helpful and communicative "Partner".
And.....Animals have a lot of Characteristics,which are far ahead of Man ....(I do not know this is cotrrect translated....)
Leider ist die Google Übersetzung sehr "dumm"...
Tiere haben manche "Eigenschaften",die dem Menschen sehr weit voraus sind....:)


Thank you for Reading from you here again.:)
If it is ok,I will quote it here again:
That is the Kind of Situation(s) that fortunately changes with Time.:)
At the Moment it feels like "Life sucks..."...and no Light on the Horizon.
That will pass....
You will see...:)
Just do not "poke your head in the Sand" please.


Thank you for your frankness Contribution here.:)
Many People are unsatisfied with itself....
Through the Parents / Friends / Peer Pressure / generally the Environment......
If this People then change something from their personal "Enviroment",look and behold,suddenly the same unsatisfied People find itself no longer too fat or to shy or too small or too ugly ....

I've learned my first instrument (Ukulele), and I want to learn more, Piano, and (Electric) guitar are on the top of my list. I'm semi self taught with ukulele, and I'm proud of that....:)


Thank you for this Point of View.:)
As we know, a very simple and fast Solution ...
Simple and very destrucitv .... in most Cases...


Thank you.:)
Many Musicians have a Pet....:D

Thank you,fellow Community,for your great and for your diverse Opinions.:)

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People are unhappy when they don't appreciate what they have and instead focus on what they don't have.
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I can say I'm pretty happy. Even though I'm piss poor because of disability and could have my income, health insurance and home taken away from me at any given point in time and end up homeless. I've found God, I love my country, I love myself, I love my family and I'm not dependent on any drugs (legal or otherwise) to feel happy. Kicking Liberalism, embracing love and rejecting hate society has for me works wonders for the soul. Most religions figured these things out centuries ago. It's pretty clear cut. Participate in behaviors that make you feel bad and you're going to feel bad (even the ones that make you feel good in the short term). What behaviors are these? The sins. You can remove God from the equation, that's fine, but if you sin you're going to feel bad. So the solution is pretty simple. Stop doing things that make you feel bad and you're going to start feeling good. Science doesn't explain everything so it can't be the answer for everything. Religion also can't explain everything, but if you can find a balance between the two you'll do alright. There's plenty of science that will validate my claims that sinning results in negative feelings. Though the OP is right. Hate is everywhere, but evil usually does dominate. That's why it's hard to be a good person. It's really easy to be a bad person. Doing the right thing is much harder than doing the wrong thing. Maybe you can find your way or maybe you'll just hate me for what I have to say, but at the end of the day I'm happy and you're not going to be able to drag me down. God bless!
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Thank you for your Point ovf Views.:)


A very effective Point.:)
Appreciation - that usually comes in many Cases when "Something" is no longer there ......


Thank you for your Story and your Opinions.:)
Good and Bad.....Positive or Negative....right or not right
One can not exist without the other ............ say the "Experts" .....the Esoterik..... and also many other Sources .....
Everyone can have his own Opinion about it .....
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It is because we live in a consumerist society which elevates the acquisition of wealth, status, power and unrealistic portrayals of sexual attractiveness, all at the expense of personal development, intellectual enlightenment and artistic self-expression, and then makes people feel guilty for expressing their natural human urges as per the despicable doctrines of religion.
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Thank you for this very mature and enlightened Opinion.:)

"I want to have that....."
Includes not only "Materials" today.....
And the Term "Property" itself concludes to the Human society: MINE
No matter how....
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@cots I'm an athiest, but I think you're right in a way. What you want to do is make sure that every day you avoid anything that will make you feel ashamed if everyone knew.

I think science will have eventually explain everything, but I hope we move away from over the prescribing of anti-depressants.
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Thank you all for your Copntributions and your open Opinions.
I appreciate that very much and I am very grateful for that.

I wish you all a nice and good Day,my fellow Community Members.:)
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@smf - Atheist or not the results in the behaviors associated with sinning or the outcomes related to such behaviors in the long term will always lead to making you feel bad about yourself and will hurt others as they will feel bad too. This is the main reason why they are sins. The thought process involved in creating the sins were to create a society in where there were less people being hurt by others actions thus resulting in everyone feeling more positive about themselves. There's a lot of other lessons that can be learned from various faiths and not only limited to Christianity. A lot of wellness clinics that use therapy to treat depression or other mental illnesses are rooted in the psychology that created various religious stories and beliefs. A lot of modern psychology which is it's own science is rooted in ancient religions. Science is by nature flawed and what is known now has replaced what has been known before and what is learned in the future will replace what is known know. It's what you do with it that counts. Science has been used to justify all sorts of horrible things in the past ranging from racism, the extermination of Jews and in modern days the murder of innocent babies. I find that having faith in others and loving God with a good mix of science that is used to go about life in a positive manner results in feeling good about myself. I had previously done the sinning and medication path, but after I stopped sinning I started to naturally feel good about myself so I stopped the expensive pills that were literally damaging other parts of my body and now I feel happy most of the time for free. Even if you don't believe in Jesus or God if you stop doing things that result in you feeling bad then you're not going to need substances to make you feel good. The thing too about substances is they are making you feel good because you're under their influence. You're actually not really feeling good you're just drugged. Natural positive emotions are far superior then man made drugs that if you ask your Doctor they'll admit they are really not sure how they work or what they're doing to your brain, but they can for sure tell you what internal organs the medications are damaging. I know that a lot of people think that "whatever feels good" is good and "whatever feels bad is bad", but think about that for a moment. Some people murder and it makes them feel good. Some people cheat on their wives and it makes them feel good. Some people lie, cheat and steal and it makes them feel good. People are different so everyone is going to feel differently about things so does that mean there's truly no right or wrong? That's more of a question one should ask themselves.
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@cots I agree with you in a way, except I think organised religions can be a little strict over what is a sin for their own gain. I certainly don't think being gay is a sin for example. You shouldn't confuse pharmaceutical companies who are trying to make a profit with "science", anyone saying the two have anything to do with each other is probably trying to manipulate you.
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Humans are evolved seriously well to live as small band persistence hunters on the African Savannah of about 10000 years ago, and part of that is a drive towards certain things that may not appear the most energy efficient at first glance and need to be reinforced; while the classic is probably wooing a mate the better one is probably that society is good stuff as it means when things go wrong, and they will (see biology and physics), you don't starve despite it meaning your hard won resources occasionally get shared.

The modern world does not mimic that setup really, this even more so in some parts of the US which presumably form a significant part of your sample size (I honestly don't think I could do better than the design of suburban America if I were to do something to promote long term existential dread among the general populace). Sometimes this is by design, sometimes it is by malice and sometimes it is by incompetence. Part of that is the pushing of the "maximum profits" button (it is literally enshrined in law in some places) and ensuring most people don't have the self control to dodge it (people thinking credit is good and consumerism combining with modern manufacturing techniques... killer, even more so if you look at the results of industrial food production) nor will to sort the issues such things cause as much as take the easier way out -- must have a job, must have an education, must have a house, must have a flawless partner, oh shit we fucked up our economic model and can't be arsed to make a better one so better have those kids to pay for us, what do you mean demand exceeds supply for all of those and thus you can't afford those... are you a loser or something? I mean who can't dedicate 100% of their time to 5 or 6 facets?

Hopefully we all become robots or AI before it really comes to a head. That or the game gets changed, possibly via increasing numbers of people opting not to play. There are a few further aspects to contemplate or expand upon (badly lit office for your malnourished and ill exercised body and scarcely stimulated mind, said mind possibly also have to crunch more numbers than your particular setup might be able to handle, only to go to an empty box and passively engage in entertainment or the still little more than passive entertainment of most internet entertainments, which themselves have their own fun and games)... I would make a prison comparison but while you can ghost a short prison stint then any prisoner will tell you that long term your social interactions game had better be mightily on point so there is at least that in such scenarios. Going further still we are also suffering some lingering effects from philosophies (several of which mutated into religions) that failed to predict the perks of modern science, computation and industry, or lacked sufficient data and computational abilities for their initial conceptual models but forged ahead anyway.
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@smf - Yes, you see my point with how science can be manipulated for evil. Religions are very strict when it comes to some things, but so is belonging to a society that bases it's rules around science. It's a win/lose situation no matter how you look at it. The thing I find though is if I'm happy it's easier to deal with. I am at conflict with the entire homosexuality issue, but at the end of the day no one is perfect and everyone is hypocritical about something. It's like the Christians that tell you that you have to go to Church and donate 10% of your income to them. Heaven doesn't charge an entry fee. If you read the Bible simply accepting that Jesus Christ died for your sins and accepting God into your heart and then trying to live by his word to the best of your abilities is all you have to do. I'm not sure about other religions. I know that mindfulness (used in cognitive-behavioral psychotherapy, which is often a component of counselling) is a practice involved in various religious and secular traditions sourced from Hinduism and Buddhism to yoga and, more recently, non-religious meditation. People have been practicing mindfulness for thousands of years, whether on its own or as part of a larger tradition. Mindfulness is now based around science, but it's origins date back from a long time ago. So there is a lot of truth in various religious texts. I'm not sure how familiar you are with the Bible, but you don't take the thing word for word on a literal basis. So I found a balance between science and religion because both can be used to explain and deal with reality and both can be used for good or evil. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying you have to believe in God, but adopting some viewpoints contained in religious texts can be very beneficial. Especially when it comes to trying to not sin.
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