As it turns's the republicans who are the drones...

It's a tactic that has become so used in the politics sector I'm sort of fed up with it: facts aren't so much disputed as the ones bringing these facts are discredited. "oh, you say X, don't you? Well that's just because you're a libertarian leftist". Things get pitted as republicans versus democrats, totally ignoring the fact that I'm neither(1). I know why they're doing this, and I hate it. I know that by very definition, a party that represents just 1% of the population will never win a fair majority election, even if this 1% happens to be the richest percent. So it fascinates me how a developed country like the USA can have exactly that. The current government has failed spectacularly in so many aspects it can only be drowned by a never ending flood of scandals. Which, well...happens to be the Trump's trademark. Put him in a room with 7 other people, a pie, a knife and the assignment to divide the pie however everyone sees fit, it won't take long until you see Trump walk out with the entire pie, and inside seven people bickering on who should get the bigger part.

...but I digress. My interest in this situation is partially how it's possible to have a party representing a minority of voters to come out on top, and mostly on how it maintains being in control.
The first part is relatively easy: divide and conquer. As far as I know, republicans and democrats are condemned to each other because history has taught that if you don't give people at least the illusion of choice, they'll revolt at some point. Up to (and including) the Clinton area, this divide was mostly superfluous. You could vote democrat or republican but end up with the same government choices (Michael Moore even called Bill Clinton "the best republican president the democrats had" at one point). But the game has changed. Rather than have a president who seeks to align all the people under one nation (that feeds the rich), we have one that purposefully sets up groups against each other. And doesn't even pretend otherwise. "We want a wall and have Mexico pay for it" doesn't require much brainpower to see the logical flaw (Mexicans have neither the motivation nor the resources to participate). The thing is: it was never meant to convince anyone not already convinced. I'll get to that, so bear with me...

First: this second part: "how does the presidency stay in power?". If you skim away all the scandals, stupid mistakes and controversies...what has the Trump administration really done thus far?
* start an economic dispute with China (on which e.g. Noble prize winner Joseph Stiglitz said that the best we could hope for was the starting position)
* tax breaks that mostly, if not exclusively, benefit the rich
* a very protectionist economic approach (read: most countries have to pay income taxes)
* blow up the nuclear agreement with Iran for...erm...why exactly? What does the USA gain with pissing off a potential nuclear threat?

...and you can probably dismiss the last point because it's more controversy than policy. My point is: Trump's only goal is to facilitate the already wealthy.

Yeah: I know: not exactly a new statement either. But this only works if the fan base is loyal and numerous enough to keep following him. And the super rich can only pump so much in propaganda. Someone will expose him, and then it'll be game over.

Except that it already happened long ago, and it wasn't game over. Not for a long shot. Because if it was, then Hillary Clinton would be president now, and US politics would just be the boring 'same old, same old' at this point (okay, not quite, as republicans would be gearing towards election, but you know what I mean). What happened?

Up until now, my answer would be a derogative "USA just houses a lot of morons", by lack of a real answer. Unfortunately...that just happens to be the real answer.


Yes, I know. I just insulted a massive amount of American citizens. Watch my face closely. Do I look like I care? No? Well spotted, then. It's because I no longer care, motherfuckers. A kindergarden can outvote the teacher on what'd be the best served meals, but that doesn't mean the toddlers are right.

Except in this case, you're not toddlers. You're worse: you're drones. Remember that "'re just following corporate media" line? You throw that out at unsuspecting, well-willing conversationalists because it hides the fact that YOU are the one blindly following a cult. A large cult. It's called "fox news". Early on in his nomination, Trump proudly claimed he could shoot someone in the street without losing support for his base. Democrats and the media admittedly wrongfully framed this as a threat. It was satirism. But that's actually much more dangerous, as that implies that he's right about that observation!

Here...check out this source. It explains things like these words simply fail to convey.

America has a lot of news stations. Obviously, as it's a big and developed country. But when asked which news outlets they trust, the US inhabitants couldn't be more diversified. Democrats show a healthy diversification, meaning that they'll get a more open view of the political environment (as this is a poll about political / election news). On the republican side, it's all but nothing. Most believe only fox news, with a minority watching ABC.

I can't say I have much knowledge on ABC (none, really). But fox news has completely lost all credibility since I watched the documentary "Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch's war on journalism"...and that's a documentary from 16 years ago! Basically, fox isn't a news station but a propaganda machine for conservatism. Whether it's in their choice of words, the kinds of messages they bring or the hosts they show, they've continuously worked to defend the "traditional values". It has also attacked and misreported an amazing amount of times, and I haven't even kept track during the Obama years.

...and then Trump came along. When he talked about "fake news", you'd think that this would mean it would give people reasons to doubt their trusted news platform and check alternatives to make sure that they didn't end up biased. But this is a misconception. When looking at this chart, I should obviously have known (it's not really a secret that he retweets Fox all the time, Fox gets all the exclusive perks of the white house and it shows that Donald Trump and Sean Hannity are friends): he means this as a warning about anything NOT on fox.

And that's how he maintains his base. He first repeats so much that the world is filled with fake news that his base believes it. Then he commits acts of crime, and as he is called out upon it, it's seen by his base as a proof about fake news. Why? Because Fox news rarely if ever reports it as such.

As everyone not living under a rock knows, the presidential trial is held these days. He's already impeached by the house, but this senate trial is about whether or not Trump should be removed from office. It's hardly ever happened in the history of the USA...and Fox decides not to air it. It's not a surprise. But to me, it was a surprise just how much influence this one stupid news station really has. To be frank: at this point, they're the only thing that keep the president in power.

I sort of surprised me that the percentage wanting Trump removed from office hardly rose about 55% of the population (meaning: roughly everyone who didn't vote for him), but with his close buddy Hannity spinning lies about the actions ("it's not Trump: it's Schiff who's a bad sport! And Pelosi!") and even facts ("there are no witnesses nor evidence"...while there are plenty of witnesses and the evidence is held illegally by the white house) it sort of makes sense.

I'm still left with the question on how sustainable this really is. I mean...Trump continuously creates scopes for Fox, and Fox supports Trump for that. But that means that even the republican party is expandable. In order to make the trial a sham, McConnell has prevented witnesses and wants to get one of the most important trials in this decade done fast...but when asked, a whopping 79% of Americans actually DO want witnesses on this trial (and why not? Mulvany and Bolton are Trump picked officials, right? If they can clear things up and if Trump is really as innocent as Fox says...why not let them have their say?).
If I didn't hate him so much, I'd feel sorry for McConnell. Trump demands all sorts of loyalty from his servants where he repays it with none, but he's in the position where he has to make these actions to prevent the truth from getting to the drones (yes, that's you, drone. Or "republican" if you still think it's less demeaning). He won't get thanked for it. Indoors, I'm sure that Trump is all too happy that he isn't pushed to let Bolton elaborate on that "hand grenade" remark or release the FULL transcript of his phone call, but in public he acts as if he has nothing to hide.
Which means that he'll blame McConnell for defending him sooner or later. When this happens, drone...remember that I predicted this. When this happens, I want you to think for yourself, and not blindly accept whatever spin some Fox news "opinionist" gives to this. McConnell doesn't do this because he's evil, confused or misguided...he does it because he's loyal to his boss. Because that's what the republican party has become: a bunch of drones parroting whatever Trump wants them to parrot.

You can quote me on this...

(1): not entirely true: I'm a socialist. However, as much as I would hope otherwise, Bernie Sanders is at best a "viable alternative" if mainstream democrats
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My dislexia is kicking in, but we did get a wall. Despite tons of backlash and government shutdowns to do we were able to with military funding because it was and IS a threat for the U.S... It's also reduced Illegal immagrants from crossing by over 75-90% not pulling that out my ass it's a fact.. He's the only president who's really promised to do something and actually was able to accomplish it.

I can't say I'm on eithers political side. It's rather outdated for me. Neither has value to me, I am not following the impeachment trial really at all. I find it a joke and a waste of tax dollars as well as a waste of the presidents time. I agree to the 79% want witnesses. If anything this impeachment trial should show that our country isn't a land of the free. The Country's run by banks and private corporations. The more control they have over the economy the easier they maintain their wealth and power within our country.

Bernie can make promises as much as he wants, but realize that what he preposes can't be obtained. Free Schooling, Taking money from the banks. Money has to come from somewhere, but the banks won't be giving it. They have too much keys of power. Think how long it took Trump just to build a wall. How in the world would he be able to remove the people that not only control, but regulate our money. We as human beings like the simple choices, but in truth the easiest choice doesn't mean the right answer.
Only A Coup d'état would be the viable answer in my mind to the stop of the banks. As barbaric as it sounds we don't have much for choices. Taking away our 2nd ammendments the right to bare arms would only serve to further control over the people. As we are already becoming livestock. Fattened like the turkeys we devour.
@RivenMain "My dislexia is kicking in, but we did get a wall."

We did get a wall, and Taleweaver built it. Right here in this blog.
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CNN was once an innovative and impressive way to broadcast the news. Now they're utter garbage. Fox news was never good and always had a bias to serve. Shocker, I know. These disputes shouldnt be making the rounds anymore. It's not 2016, everyone should have learned that both of these news giants are a big fat joke. And that's not even counting NBC news who might be one of the most vile and actually harmful news channels out there.

America's politics have dissolved into a weird sports mentality. It's team red vs team blue, and the political candidates are nothing more than football teams. You rabidly root for your home team and spout venom at the "enemy". It's no longer about policies or government. And that's a shame.
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There was the time when most of the news outlets had journalistic integrity, they would actually go out and get the story, investigate and report the news without a biased opinion, but that time is far gone.
Its all opinion stuff now, they don't report on the news anymore just tell you their opinion of the news.
"lets go the panel here to discuss this breaking news" which contains 5 people who you will agree with and 1 person you don't to make sure you feel your opinion is the right one, its all propaganda...
You using a cnn opinion article saying "fox news bad!" isn't helping your case, you just fall for the same things.

If a person cannot think for themselves and needs to be told what to think and feel by a news outlet, which ever outlet they are then you a just a mindless puppet to them and which ever politcal party they support.

Generally I kind of wish we had more politcal parties that were actually viable (not the green party) but I don't really see that happening, everything is just right or left now, there is no in between.
@Joe88 Eh, IDK about things always being unbiased. There have been people accusing news outlets, not just cable news, but just the so-called mainstream media in general. As someone who was diagnosed with Asperger's, I hate that the MSM can't ever portray someone who doesn't have something clearly wrong, i.e. the person can't speak, has some strange quirk, etc.. Essentially, it tries to tell NTs that people on the autism spectrum are like Greta Thunberg, The Rain Man, or the embarrassment to mankind that is Chris Chan. That's probably just because I'm on the higher functioning end of the spectrum, but still, it ain't just with autism, as other people have pointed out incidents where interviews end up edited to where it gives one a bad portrayal of someone when the subject being interviewed never meant for one thing to imply what the edits would indicate to the inattentive watcher/listener.
I hardly talk politics anymore in this forum. The reality is that i have come to terms with one thing: The last 3 years have spoken for themselves. On voting night, I will cast my vote and walk away knowing ive done my part. I now avoid the TFG folks (read as too far gone) and really take internet opinions with a grain of salt. If you want to do change, instead of using the internet for politics discussion go out and talk to people in real life. Specially if you live in places where it matters (swing states) you are more likely to drive change (if you happen to seek it) people dont behave like loons in person because the rules of their upbringing usually kick in and avoid acting like neanderthals. I have made a few friends that are on the opposite side of the aisle in this forum, some who i happen to value very much. However, the key has been that they treat me with respect and in return i do the same. One can hope that there is still hope for this place i love to call home.
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It's not even a war between ideals anymore, it's simply corruption vs. reason. And Americans are too uneducated to side with reason.

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  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    Google isn't very helpful anymore, you get recommended loads of crap that doesn't solve the thing that you're looking for.
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    @K3Nv2, afaik yeah but I also don't think that it runs on home grade routers like openwrt/dd-wrt does. OPNsense runs on full-on x86 PC hardware
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Sadly openwrt seems to be dying for support unless it's just. Anew name
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Like made by the same devs different architecture
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    idk, I mean it had a new release back in March
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    Not sure how recent hardware it supports though
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I mean for 1st party routers iirc linksys use to support it
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    ahhhh that I have no idea
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    pretty cool though if so
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Or from what ive heard ways to set custom imgs for 1st party routers so locked down now days
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    OPNsense VM and specs and specs of system it's running on.
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    I've turned more features on in OPNsense lately and it's getting kind of high on RAM usage, I see. Probably bump that up to 4GB soon
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I wanna make a 8core router with support for 20gbps doesn't even sound that silly lol
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    I only have 1 gig internet but internally I have 10 gig connectivity for everything on my lan lol
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    fiber connection from my desktop PC back to my core network switch
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    2 port HPE SFP+ PCIE NIC in my desktop and all of my servers
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    silly shit
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    eventually this desktop is going to act as a server too, just for the hell of it. Because this PC is WAY fucking overkill for how little I use it.
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    And once I do that, my desktop OS that I interact with is just going to be a virtual machine and use GPU passthrough to connect everything
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Send it to me ffs
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    No because it's my desktop lol
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    The most use this PC is getting right now is 979 Chrome tabs open right now
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    This is my desktop there are many like it but it is mine alone
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Enabled PPPoE on router now no wifi connection lul
    Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy: F