Update on my GBAtemp usage

Yup, that's what I put on my Twitter dot com.
For a little more context to not spread negativity onto Twitter, it's mainly because the EoF posts haven't gotten really all that interesting lately, and there's only so many times I can hear "get in the van" and "Scott_pilgrim" before my brain starts melting.

Yeah that's it. That's the blog post. Oh yeah I have a Twitter where I may or may not post things you care about.

Edit: If you're here to join the boxing match with Silent Gunner, leave. Talk about this in GBAtemp off-topic.
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Holy fucking Jesus christ shit on a cracker. What the fuck do politics have to do with how terrible the EOF is? Gunner, you're better than that.

OP, K bye.
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@Chary I didn't even expect you to see that. I was using a recent development as an example, and I never said that you specifically were childish. And I quote:

"That is why a lot of the more prominent users on this site at this point are overgrown children"

"A lot more of the prominent users"


Wasn't a specific call out to you when I made that statement specifically. I only used you as an example of a prominent user on this site in regards to a development that I read about while on break at work earlier today/yesterday depending on what time you and others reading this see it as.

As for said argument offsite, I was mainly arguing with your BF who was essentially doing what every Internet Atheist does; make the person that they're going into an argument with look stupid. Malice is gonna seriously compare me being genuinely skeptical about world governments and the organizations they have their fingers in and the things they say to me believing in flat earth? I know, he's kind of a dick anyways (and fwiw, I'm not the only one who thinks that, be it on here or said offsite location), but the fact that I got him to say that he doesn't care at least two times in previous arguments on said offsite location and then he proceeds to plug his ears and act like a clown to make me look dumb? Where's an argument there that leads to an open and fair discussion?

Also, there was more being discussed than fracking.

And the thing is, the discussion before hand was fine until he butted in and started acting all pissed off because my way of thinking is that of a, and I quote, "useless self-centered dickhead."

What a guy. I mean, never mind someone who would rather be friendly and smile and let it be seen and heard while he puts a coat on another's shoulder in cold weather, but because they don't follow lockdown guidelines that, as evidenced by South Dakota and other states that never put in lockdown orders to begin with, were completely overdone and unnecessary, and were only implemented because the Democrats and the RINOs in Washington DC who's loyalty to the Constitution as it was written is as reliable as the biggest bribe someone will offer them didn't like that Trump was basically crashing their party and doing things for the American people first over that of other countries of whom we have no obligation to sit at the table given what our military and economic power was at the time and still is compared to every nation on this planet even during this whole mess of a pandemic. Not to mention China's involvement and COVID possibly being a failed attempt at a bioweapon made in Wuhan that they spread to the US to try and destroy Trump. (and said lab was also being funded by Dr. Fauci, btw) And you want to know something funny? Trump might have "lost," but the videos of his speeches still get more views than that of the Resident in Chief. He raised more money than both the Republican and Democrat party combined.

You can use every argument or pull out every trick in the book to make people who aren't living the way you want them to live look however you want them to, but the truth always comes out, just like Bill Gates and his relationship to Epstein, which, when combined with his divorce, totally isn't being used to draw attention away from the disaster that is his previous vaccinations employed upon Africans that de-populated various parts of the continent and anything going wrong with Moderna right now.

But no, let's just throw away interesting pieces of information, data, research, and history and just compare it to that of people who think chemtrails are a thing on top of a flat earth pizza planet because why do any sort of research based on an understanding of world history and of principles upon which one should use to guide their life when doing so would actually require work and time not spent consuming video games, anime, movies, audiobooks, novels, meaninglessly until one realizes that they have nothing and no one of value for which they are living their life. You haven't contributed anything meaningful, and you have no positive legacy to leave for future generations.

I'm just at a different point in life, I'm starting to realize after typing all of this out. I don't depend upon review codes to get more products than I asked for and of which I would need to find a place to store until I sell it, if one is even allowed to do that. I go to work every day, and it takes up such a large portion of my day that the thought of doing anything more than getting something to eat when I arrive home and maybe watching a couple different episodes of an anime, TV show, or a full length movie has made me realize how Skinner Box-esque life can be for those who don't get the lucky ticket you and other influencers do. I actually thought about becoming a Youtuber after marathoning all of AVGN's episodes back in 2012 when I first discovered him in HS, and after thinking about it for a few years since I didn't have a job for three years after HS, and reading about all of the drama people like Chris Chan, and later hearing about other lolcows, I just realized how big of a bullet I dodged; I don't like being the center of attention, myself, and having to deal with drama and the high stress, "always have to be producing" nature of those guys' and gals' schedules. Sure, you get to play games, discuss them, and not have to go to a building for work for a living, but then, you have to go and sell like a prostitute products that you know these creators don't use. Raycon earbuds, VPNs, website builders that aren't using HTML5, Javascript, or any sort of skill, etc.. Because I make a lot more money every time I'm paid, I get to choose what I want, how I want it, when I want it, and who I can buy it for. That, to me, is why I work and make money for myself; so I can exercise the liberty I have for both myself and those I care about. And those I care about is where I wouldn't mind the money they take from taxes for social security, welfare, Medicaid, and whatever else go to as opposed to whoever or whatever it actually goes to.

As for those asking what EOF has anything to do with politics, I didn't make it that way. A vocal minority on the Internet did, and did it with everything else that you and I loved growing up. Art that used to be made purely for fun is now examined under a political microscope in a way that an authoritarian/totalitarian (and really, there's not much difference between the two) government would love it to, and the government getting involved with lootboxes and MTX is only going to lead to other things.
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Sicklyboy said:
Silent_Gunner ...are you okay?

Well he's anti-vax, anti-environment, pro-trump and thinks the election got stolen by magical fairies and given to Biden
And probably that the dems are lizardmen eating babies

So, no, lmao.
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...you made a comment on a site where I'm on every hour of every day, derailing someone else's blog, bringing me into the picture for no reason and you didn't expect me to see it. OK. Don't kid yourself.

Buddy you're calling me the product prostitute with no job while you just wrote 38 paragraphs of worthless content over me seeing the comment you didn't intend for me to see. I thought your time was more important than that, mister big shot retail.

You look like the real high man on the totem pole with your petty snide comments towards me over nothing lol. You've just proven you're the epitome of childish, especially if you're willing to throw away friendship over some little political discussions. I really don't care. But you need to learn for your sake, so you don't continue to act like a crazy person and drive other people away from you with your crap. Yikes dude, just yikes.
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I went straight to bed after posting this. I wake up, and all I see is the reminents of a nuclear bomb with 13 notifications to a point mods stepped in. It's not even that half of the comments are related to what I posted. Just, what the fuck guys.

Maybe it's better if I keep my own opinions to myself then.
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@Chary Ah, so you can be banned from DiscoDiscord for pissing the moderator off and not just posting porn. Got it. Might want to make that clear to @CallmeBerto and Muffler.

And just like before, people can't read for jack shit. The chief editor of this site...who also ticked a Nintendo rep off at an E3 by asking about the Mariko chip like it was a question to be throwing around lightly, so I'm not surprised. Hell, @PiracyForTheMasses may have been on to something when he said you and a lot of the other guys and gals reviewing stuff on this site don't know what you're talking about with that projector.

I'm just being honest...and it turns out that you and others are just as big of SJWs as Zoe Quinn, Anita Sarkeesian, Brianna Wu, Jack Thompson, and the rest of a vocal minority of the Millennial population if you're that willing to burn bridges off with someone just over a misunderstanding of the intent of what someone is writing. Clearly, some of what I did write struck a nerve, and I guess it's starting to become clear who is and isn't welcome on the "Independent Gaming Community" known as GBATemp...which couldn't pay its mods years ago according to what Maluma and others on this site have told me, so then a Patreon was setup, and that makes me wonder about its "in"dependence. And it's pretty obvious the leadership in this site is biased if @Costello thinks Reddit is a credible source.

This site is bleeding users. Micmash, Lang_Kasempo, LuigiSuperStarSaga, Nobody_Important4u, limiting the privileges of certain users like @WiiMiiSwitch and @Scott_pilgrim, saying that what I'm saying is crazy, yet what @StrayGuitarist posted once was too much, and you guys treated her like a child from what she told me?

You guys are dependent upon the homebrew scene, and with nothing much happening there, what do you think the end result of all of this is gonna be?

Get woke, go broke.
To be fair, there is no part of my thought process that said if I wanted to engage in Political and Controversial Dialogue I'd do that on a Website named GBAtemp.

Granted there is hilarity to be had reading them, I wouldn't think a decrease in Membership here is because of lack of said Dialogues, maybe even the exact opposite.

I'm no stranger to exchange on that Forum, so the Track Record itself should not say I'm against its existence.

As such, I hope those who doubt the Almighty Prophecy of a Revolution can keep steadfast in their faith and wait for its glory to reveal itself ...
Silent Gunderp said:
@Chary Ah, so you can be banned from DiscoDiscord for pissing the moderator off and not just posting porn. Got it. Might want to make that clear to @CallmeBerto and Muffler.

Holy shit you're stupid I even SIGNED MY NAME when I banned your stupid ass so you'd know it was me and not Chary lmfao
I don't know how you type walls of text without suffocating cuz you must be too stupid to type and breathe at the same time. You got banned (by me) for attacking Chary for literally no reason when it was me berating and insulting your stupid ass. You can have stupid opinions without pointlessly flailing at people not even involved.

Man i've dealt with some genuinely stupid people on the internet before but I think you actually take the crown. I'm starting to think you can't read, because you never seem to comprehend information unless it's in a twitter post or a youtube video with bold bright colours.

Anyway as useless as this blog is it's probably best not to spam it anymore haha

I'd like to thank our host Trash_Bandatcoot for spelling bandicoot wrong, and graciously volunteering his blog to allow the (unfortunately not endangered) Screaming Ignoramus a platform in which to nest upon before it takes flight deep into denial for the summer. Truly a majestic creature. Please, no flash photography, it spooks easy. And probably thinks cameras are a government tool to steal our souls and freedoms.
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@Hells Malice I can't really call this entertaining, just bothersome, since more and more people keep looking at this blogpost while moving away further from the main part of this post. If this keeps getting worse, I'm just gonna delete this post entirely.
Yeah, but at least I put my word out there saying "aight ima head out". Starting a whole discussion doesn't make it much better and makes me want to quit faster.
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It is obvious to me that @Silent_Gunner is a van victim who got a thumbs up from Scott while tied up.

I have been hearing people proclaim this site is on the edge of death for fucking years because a few fucktards wanted to leave in a blaze of attention or got banned (This is not aimed at Trash btw). We are still here and have more traffic than ever. Patreons who break the rules will get warned and banned on my watch, I can GUARANTEE this without hesitation. Anyway, stop crying unless you want to go on a holiday, we have put up with more than enough from you in this blog.
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> we have put up with more than enough from you in this blog.

Hey, sorry to break the news, but I didn't invite Silent_Gunner to hold a stupid 46 paragraph statement against Chary. It's kind of unfair to shove the blame onto me for what was meant to be a short update on how and why. All of this went way overboard and I didn't mean or want it to go that way. I can't control an entire blog post and where the discussion related to the topic of a post goes to. Those tasks are up to those who can lock a thread and not tell someone to "stop crying".

My point is that this has gotten way out of hands. If anyone can lock this discussion, that would be the only logical thing that would "solve" this.
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Fwiw I don't think he meant that towards you at all, I think it was meant more for the one who was actually crying. "This is not aimed at Trash btw"
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I had a feeling the last bit was. I might be wrong in the long run, but let p1ingpong correct himself.

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