Dsi hate over a GBA slot?

Okay, well as most of you know, the DSi is coming out, it has two (Horrible-ish) cameras, it has DSi-ware, which might be a HUGE plus. It has bigger screens, which i like. And it even has more RAM and CPU apparently (Have no clue what CPU really does but i know what RAM does!) and then, everyone seems to say, WAIT A MINUTE. . . WHERES MAH GBA SLOT?!

This is where i get completely confused. Why are you people obsessing over a simple GBA slot? the DS is a new system, and I'm not sure if you understand me when i say this, but the DS is a DS, not a GBA DS hybrid creature that was made in a laboratory. the DS was made to play DS games, not GBA games. it only includes backwards-compatibility because well, thats nintendos handhelds for you (since GBA stopped playing game boy games after i think SP?) i guess my opinion is different mainly because i never played the GBA that much, i was still playing (And losing the cartridge) Pokemon Blue/Silver.

And then, a lil off topic, people are complaining about stretched pixels because the screens bigger? Correct me if I'm wrong(really, I'm just blogging, not researching), but weren't the DS lites screens bigger than the DS Phat? i don't remember people complaining about those stretched pixels. Also, those who emulate old games on the computer, do you change the window size? Because that stretches the pixels out (At least on most emulators)

Thats all i have to say, i never said my opinion whether the DSi was better or not, I am simply wondering, why the hell are people complaining about it? And like most people say

-End Rant.


GBA slot aside, i'm against the DSi for the simple fact that it HAS 2 cameras. The microphone on the DS was bad enough, now my paranoid ass will believe that i'm not only being listened to but watched!
I don't really give a crap about the GBA slot being removed. I just don't want and can't afford to spend 180 bucks on a minimal upgrade.
well the DSi is only worthwhile if it is a person who doesnt already have a DS (might be a nice upgrade from the DSP though)
though DSL uses (like me) see is as a pointless waste of money
I still have my 2 psp phats also
I will wait until nintendo releases a new system, I will not be buying any more DS revisions though (I will admit I did buy a GBA:SP even though I had a regular GBA, but it was pretty much broken)
[quote name='Luigi Mario' post='1878261' date='Apr 5 2009, 08:53 AM']GBA slot aside, i'm against the DSi for the simple fact that it HAS 2 cameras. The microphone on the DS was bad enough, now my paranoid ass will believe that i'm not only being listened to but watched![/quote]

no "-Luigi Mario" this time?
I agree with what Joe said.

If you don't have a DS or you have a DSP, the DSi is worthwhile.
If you already have a DSL, it's definitely not worthwhile.
The DSi does not replace older DS systems for it can not use Slot-2 accessories or DS-GBA-Link, and the mere feature of a DSiWare shop with a few games, which so far is the only sensible use for the new hardware (as there are no DSi-extended games yet) does not justify a $/€170 + game price expense.
You have to remember that the DSi was designed in Japan.

GBA game releases ended two years before its Japanese launch, with Final Fantasy VI Advance as Japan's last retail GBA title.
[quote name='PuyoDead' post='1878219' date='Apr 5 2009, 06:33 AM']This is ridiculous. Listen to yourselves! "OMG! There's no more compatability for an 8 year old system!" "It's just a DSL with cameras!" "It's stupid!"

Pathetic. All of you.

Has everyone here only been playing video games for the past 2 years? Do you really expect Nintendo to support a system that doesn't even have games released for it anymore? Anyone who has played Nintendo products KNOW there's a cycle where they phase out older system as they go. If you don't see this, you're blind. EVERY system does this. In fact, backwards compatibility is fairly new. You're lucky to even have that in the first place.

Almost every physical feature on the DSi is new. From the stylus to the screens to the battery meter to the CPU. It's practically a whole new system, with backwards compatibility for the DSP/L. And if you think it's too expensive, well, it's a WHOLE 20 DOLLARS MORE THAN THE DS WHEN IT CAME OUT. Quit bitching.

And if you're still a stuck up old man when it comes to your personal tastes, realize this. You will ONLY be able to get the DSi eventually. That's how it goes, just look at the DSP. New products come in with better features to replace the old. Welcome to electronic gadgets 101. If you want to stick to your DSL, then fine. Don't complain about how your DSL isn't getting as much attention when things start to come out "DSi only". It's a new system.

If you can't afford it, fine. But don't act like something new coming along is bad simply because it's new. Nobody has made an argument about why the DSi is inferior. In fact, people are citing new features as being the reasons why it's less of a system. And don't give me that "No GBA slot, WAH!" crap. Honestly, who out there used that slot that much? And I'm not talking about a slot 2 flashcart.

You people make me sad.[/quote]
although in a very angry tone, he brings up many good points. I agree with him.
For new DS owners it's less of an issue, but the point is the price. The DSi is £50 more than a DSL in the UK (that's $74 in silly money). Even if you never use the GBA slot, the DSL might still be a better deal depending on your circumstances; £50 is a hefty price tag to pay for a low-res camera you'll never use (most people already have higher-quality cameras in their mobile phones and after the initial novelty period the photo editing software is only going to appeal to kids), and if you don't have Wifi at home the extra download features are pointless.

Current DSL owners are comparing their systems to the DSi, and if they tick those two boxes then what they see is losing the GBA slot for a camera, some extra download functionality and 50 quid. That's a pretty raw deal. If you're not someone who uses the GBA slot then of course you're not going to care, but that price difference definitely puts me off and would make me seriously consider recommending the DSL over the DSi to new users if I don't think they'll use its features.
My reasons for not wanting a DSi are pretty simple. I already have a DSL. The DSL doesn't get firmware updates, which means it will NEVER be made to block flashcarts. Anyone who thinks they are safe with flashcarts on the DSi just because the couple of FW updates it has gotten hasn't blocked flashcarts yet is fooling themselves. They're playing nice right now, but once the DSi starts selling and reaches numbers near what the regular DS has, and they completely phase out the DSL's, and a few more DSi compatible flashcarts come out, then they'll start working on blocking flashcarts. Think of all the flashcarts that were for the DSL right now that are junk in the DSi....

DSiWare......sorry, I ain't paying for downloads. DSiWare is nothing more than a way for them to sell you something without having to provide any physical material (case/cart/manual) and to make it more difficult to pirate. From a business standpoint, that's all well-and-fine, but from OUR standpoint it just means we'll be forced to actually buy the games instead of just sucking them up for free on the net. (@anti-pirates, take your morality and shove it) Then there's the possibility of them providing GBA games through DSiWare. YAY! Just want I want to do, buy games that have been around for years, many of which I already own, just so I can play them on the shiny new DSi. But wait, the game I already own is useless with the DSi. Can I send them my cart of the game and get a free download of that same game for the DSi? Nope.

Removal of the GBA slot - I can understand this from Ninty's point of view. Why bother continuing support for something they make no money on. Still, it's a deal-breaker for me because I only got into handheld gaming about a year before the DS came out, so there is still a lot of GBA games I haven't played and I still want to play. I'm sure there are a lot of GBA games that I'd like that I'm not even aware of, but if I dumped off my DSL and bought a DSi, I wouldn't even have the chance to play them. I don't want to have multiple systems for this-and-that game when the DSL I already have does it all already in one handy unit. Besides, there are games and various homebrew which makes use of slot2. I'm not ready to give up over half the library of games the DSL has to offer just to have the latest handheld.

Those two 0.3MP cameras in the DSi? :hateit: Pfft.

The ONLY benefits of the DSi I can see are the larger screens and better sound and that's not enough for me to consider buying one. I can see the regular DS's screens fine and I usually have the sound turned down below maximum anyway.

I could go on with my suspicions on what the DSi is really all about, but most people have already made up their minds one way or another about the DSi, so I'll let them argue amongst themselves while they weigh the pro and cons. I'll let Ninty show everyone why I won't bother with a DSi. Don't think for a second that there isn't a very carefully thought out plan behind the DSi. Conspiracy much? Well, maybe so, but that doesn't change my opinion.

I don't really hate the DSi, I just couldn't care less about it. It just doesn't seem practical in any way, shape or form, especially during this recession. I can't afford to waste money on superfluous unnecessary's. A good working flashcart is infinitely more valuable to me than a DSi.
Rayder pretty much has summed up my feelings regarding the DSi.

Yeah I was tempted to get one, lack of GBA isnt a massive issue for me, I would have kept my DSL anyway. I dont really need a big reason to buy some new tech, I bought a PS3 just for a punt to see what its like in December, an ipod touch 2g too. But then I read about the upgradeable firmware and it clicked in my head "ahhh thats your game." People are going literally insane, buying the DSi on release day, when they already have a DSL, but wait, just wait and see. A year or so down the line, when your flashcarts get blocked by a new firmware, you will regret your purchase guys.
Seriously people, the hatred towards the loss of the GBA slot is really ticking me off. Nintendo made the GBA so it could play GBA games, and made the DS so it could play DS games. The GBA slot on the DS/L was a bonus. If Nintendo would have never added it, people wouldn't have cared as much as they would now with the DSi.

And I can't stand how everyone keeps saying it's a DSL with 2 cameras. That's bullshit...It's WAY more than that.

EDIT: Holy crap! Flashcards might not work?! Oh no, it's the end of the world! Come on people, if you have enough money to buy iPod Touches, Xbox 360s, new laptops, etc., but not enough to buy a $30 game? That's pretty pathetic. I know some people may not have money for any of those things, so I'm sorry if that offended you, and I know what it's like to have to download games because you can't afford them. Stop complaining, and look at the good, not the bad.
[quote name='AnimalCrossingX' post='1879367' date='Apr 5 2009, 05:06 PM']And I can't stand how everyone keeps saying it's a DSL with 2 cameras. That's bullshit...It's WAY more than that.[/quote]Explain this a bit more. I see improved speakers, slightly larger screens, an audio player that can't play MP3's, reduced battery life and region locking. Software on internal storage is a good idea, but there's no way to use it if you don't have Wifi. Switching game carts while the console's still turned on is pretty nice. As is WPA support, but the fact that you have to stay on WEP to get any of the current DS online games working kinda kills that point.

I want to like the DSi, I really do. But I just don't see anything there that'll win me over.
my simple explanation why i dont want to buy a dsi :
2 holes are better than one :tpi:
Well DSi is worth if it only if it was cheaper like 20$-30$ more than DSL but this is too much for new users or even old
[quote name='DarkRey' post='1879453' date='Apr 5 2009, 07:52 PM']my simple explanation why i dont want to buy a dsi :
2 holes are better than one :tpi:[/quote]

what are you talking about? the DSi has two holes!!



now GTFO :tpi:
eh, everyone has listed plenty of good [reasons as to why the DSi isn't a Great choice for DSL owners, though, I think the best thing to do is to wait for the DSiSPMicroDX version that'll come out next March or something.
[quote name='Psyfira' post='1879445' date='Apr 5 2009, 04:40 PM']As is WPA support, but the fact that you have to stay on WEP to get any of the current DS online games working kinda kills that point.[/quote]

Wtf are you being serious? You still have to use WEP for old games???!!!!!

Get fucked Nintendo!



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