My Free MMORPG List

This is a repost of a response to a thread I made a couple days ago, but for my blog, since that post is probably gonna get buried and I dont want to have to ever fish it up. It took me a long time to write it all and later on I will re-format the list and include additional details that I didnt really have the time to embellish on.

Free (North American Released) MMORPGs that I've Played
Categorized by Distributor

1. Nexon - One of the biggest distributors of free to play MMO style games internationally. Their game currency cards are available in every convenience store north of antarctica.. mostly due to the popularity of MapleStory as one of the earliest free-to-play MMO's. In my opinion, their games are the most playable without any cash investment.
- a. Mabinogi and its unusual rebirth system and persistent world environment is worth having a look at if you like to have many different options about what you can do to progress your character. Unfortunately now that it has several expansion content patches out, it's very hard to decide on a single character type progression as a new player with having different racial options. This wasn't a problem when the game originally went live for NA.
- b. Dungeon Fighter Online is a really fun 2d-ish hack and slash with some progression but I couldn't convince any of my friends to play it with me so I didn't get very far.
- c. Vindictus is more demanding on the PC than the other two popular Nexon games. It has a pretty nice 3d graphics engine for combat, cities, dungeons, etc, but it is all instanced gameplay in the vain of Guild Wars, although there's even less overworld environment.
- d. MapleStory is a 2d platformer that is pretty fun and characters are surprisingly customizable. The only thing I couldn't stand about this game was its fixed resolution and I think I wasn't able to play it in windowed mode was too stupid to figure out how to use windowed mode so I never really got further than around level 20.
- e. Dragon Nest is something that just recently went into open beta for all players with a Nexon account. I haven't started playing my character yet because I've spent too much time formatting this post!

2. gPotato - Another distributor that's been around for quite a while, their first offering for NA players that I tried was Rappelz back in late '06. Since then they've released a few more of varying styles.
- a. Rappelz has a great 3d graphics engine, beautiful character equipment designs, early use of mounts, customizable skill/point distribution, pets, and a fairly decent interface for a game that seemed like it could've done so much better if not for two things. It needed to offer WASD/strafing movement as a PVP optional game, (it is click-to-move navigation) and it needed to have an engine that supported Widescreen full-screen resolutions. It did not do this the last time I tried to play it, sometime in (I think?) 2009, so I gave up on it permanently.
- b. Allods was their other major "realistic-style" 3D offering. It is plagued by a very high experience curve (it's too grindy, or quests reward too little so the progression is too slow) and certain necessities are enhanceable only by cash items. On the other hand, it's got a fantastic 3d engine, a level of quality that would surprise you from a WoW clone.
- c. Iris Online is a somewhat recent 3d-anime stylized standard "Kill X amount of Y, talk to person at Z" MMORPG that I enjoyed but my ex bf didn't so I didnt play it much. I'm too old to make friends in a new game just because I like it and my existing friends don't get into it.
- d. Aika Online, I installed, thought was graphically a great WoW clone, and I'm not certain but it seemed to make it apparent very early how very Cash-shop supported this pretty game was and I was deterred by that. It reminded me of a game called Zu Online that was very currency-trade dependent, which is all I recall for sure.

3. IGG (Internet Gaming Gate) - This company has distributed a few well known ports of popular Chinese MMORPG's and one of their bigger successes is Tales of Pirates.
- a. Zu Online is a REALLY pretty cel-shaded style, but employs so many development shortcuts that it plays like a halfassed wow clone that's absolutely designed to encourage you to part with real money because it destroys the depth. When I played it, i was genuinely enchanted by character designs and armor designs and felt the quests were decent, but modes of transportation were weakly explained/graphically achieved.. and some of the gameplay sound effects were directly taken from World of Warcraft such as the looting sound. What i mean about the transportation being stupid is that your character was flown on an invisible path to other places and it just seemed so plain and halfassed. It's a shame that such a potentially immersive game was flawed in some of the aspects that wind up being a significant part of an MMORPG experience.
- b. Angels Online is adorable but not my style and it didn't seem to work out well for a high resolution display if I remember correctly.

4. Perfect World - All around great distributor of Chinese MMORPG's, also very easy to find game currency cards for them at convenience stores, drug stores, and such. Several of them have very similar interfaces and features but strongly different themes.
- a. ESO (Ether Saga Odyssey) may be too "cute" for most but I found it pretty fun, it was so colorful and the starting music didn't suck, so I kept at it and snared my friend into levelling a dragoon up to play with my caster. It's got a really intricate character stat system right from the very creation when you choose its birthday and stuff, a lot of which isn't well-explained by the Wiki due to lack of willing and helpful translators. Or so it was a year ago ish? It has a strong PVP element, and though the level cap is a very high number (over 100) people of fairly broad level ranges PVP effectively. Guild systems in this game have limited membership, but they can band together to form permanent alliances which are fairly interesting. Their handling of Real Money Trade (i.e. RMT, Gold selling) is a very clever in-game system through which you can sell a secondary currency used for the purchase of Cash Shop items (mostly costumes, mounts, etc) back to other players for in-game currency. So higher level players who can farm the in-game currency easily can earn cash shop items by selling to lowbs that just want the money for player shops/trades/etc. --silly note-- Also, near the first main city, there are these strange monsters that look like cheerios with tongues. I actually figured out that they are chinese coins with tongues. But before I figured that out my friend started calling them Soviet Cheerios (In soviet russia, cheerios eat YOU!)
- b. Jade Dynasty has all of the things I loved about ESO gameplay such as auto-walk-to-quest-objective and good music to go with the lovely environment. Sadly my friend was so frustrated with the wall he hit as a Dragoon in ESO he refused to try it with me and so I gave up. This game's art style is completely different from the "Cutesy" of ESO, and if I was starting fresh in both I'd go with Jade Dynasty over ESO.

5. Ragnarok Online by Gravity Interactive - Highly recommended, there's also a Ragnarok-themed DS game (single player) and I'm looking up RO 2 myself now.

6. Luminary (Rise of the Goonzu) by nDOORS - I played this a bit when it was originally launched as Goonzu, very interesting style but I got sucked into Mabinogi very soon after I started. They had a pretty cool crafting system and the isometric 2d graphics. You can literally gain political influence and have leadership over part, or much of the populace in this game.

7. Lord of the Rings Online by Turbine - Great game, I had purchased it when it was a Pay-to-play release in 2007. My head hurts too much to go into great detail, it's a mostly PVE game though, obviously has a strong storyline with its theme. It has a great 3d engine that scales beautifully with good hardware. It's definitely possible to get plenty out of the game while spending very little, but I would just recommend looking up a guide on earning Turbine Points through gameplay. Features the standard "wow-clone" interface and class options but only one player faction. My favorite part of this game is player housing but because I stopped actively playing I went bankrupt on the upkeep of my home :(

8. Cloud Nine by Netgame is a really nice anime-styled wow clone with decent classes, PVP, and mounted combat.. zero complaints about it, it's everything I could ask for in a "Cute" MMO. I just play pay-to-plays or non MMORPG games more often nowadays.

9. GhostX by GameKiss is a strangely styled game, very fun, game. Your weapon is your pet, if I remember correctly, in this futuristic (post-apocalyptic?) game.. it also has rather low system requirements as far as free MMO's go, this is a game I've seen as "Playable" on most netbooks.

Last but not least, I must list this, of all the games I've listed this is the only one that isn't around for making profit. It's a fan supported private server.
Schthack Server Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst (originally developed by Sega, of course). If you're as good at reading through a forum system as I'd hope you are, being here, it's easy to get the proper game package downloaded for any windows since XP, and get it working. They also permit players with older versions of Phantasy Star Online to use their server to play online mode (Dreamcast, Gamecube, XBOX original, PC PSO v1/v2) but it isn't possible to interact cross-platform. Cheating is allowed on all platforms except for Blue Burst itself since they can't really monitor older versions.


"Imagine: Shin Megami Tensei Online" is also worth checking out. I don't think I need to explain what SMT is, just play it and you'll see for yourself how awesome this game really is.
lol nice little list have you tried Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine from aeriagames they have a few decent mmorpgs
[quote name='Foxi4' post='3810967' date='Aug 2 2011, 03:21 PM']"Imagine: Shin Megami Tensei Online" is also worth checking out. I don't think I need to explain what SMT is, just play it and you'll see for yourself how awesome this game really is.[/quote]

I got stuck in a tutorial when it was a very new release due to a poor explanation of something. I never reinstalled it, and I'm not a big enough SMT fan to try it again.
I don't intend to add it to this list cause I dont think the tutorial is enough of an experience of the game to call it something I've played.
Thanks for the suggestion though.

for future reference to anyone:
The list is not a catch-all and it's not my intention to try other/new games to add to it, I have games that I play now that I'm happy with and little time for anything else. I shouldn't even playing the games I do play nearly as much. However feel free to mention other games with your own experience detailing why you recommend it to others. Just not directed to me.
Nice list although some things I disagree with but still, great list. And by the way, Maplestory does have windowed mode unless they took it out.
[quote name='gifi4' post='3810979' date='Aug 2 2011, 03:34 PM']Nice list although some things I disagree with but still, great list. And by the way, Maplestory does have windowed mode unless they took it out.[/quote]
they still have i wqith the same key combo alt+enter
So I read the list, and it was very informative but I have to ask... what was your overall favorite?
[quote name='digipokemaster' post='3811002' date='Aug 2 2011, 03:54 PM']would this computer work well with Imagine: Shin Megami Tensei Online?

good laptop for Imagine: Shin Megami Tensei Online?[/quote]

I certainly don't know but that's a question you should ask on the Computer Systems forum not my blog. Especially since I said that I don't play that game ><

[quote name='Linkiboy' post='3811003' date='Aug 2 2011, 03:55 PM']So I read the list, and it was very informative but I have to ask... what was your overall favorite?[/quote]

Hmm. Of the free MMORPGs I have two or three favorites. Two of them I still have installed: Phantasy Star Online BB (which is really not a Massively multiplayer game to be honest) and Lord of the Rings Online but I went broke and don't have many friends on the Brandywine server anymore. My other favorite is probably Ether Saga, but I have an extremely tough time playing more than one MMO at a time. PSO BB is a hack and slash that I can enjoy playing by myself, and I could definitely focus all my MMO time into LotRO without spending money on it if I couldn't afford my Aion subscription fees.
[quote name='digipokemaster' post='3811002' date='Aug 3 2011, 12:54 AM']would this computer work well with Imagine: Shin Megami Tensei Online?

good laptop for Imagine: Shin Megami Tensei Online?[/quote]

The specs required for it are pretty low. It's not a groundbreakingly gorgeous game. Though, it does look nice.
It's a pretty fantastic MMO in concept as well, but I found it way too grindy.
It also doesn't hold your hand very much, lol. So people have a hard time with it.
Should be fine on that notebook.
Amazing bunch of games and accurate review of most, thanks for your time i will keep an eye on it and try some
also check out Adventure Quest Worlds :P New releases every week although some are very bad but others are brilliant like last weeks
[quote name='TheDreamLord' post='3811589' date='Aug 3 2011, 01:28 AM']also check out Adventure Quest Worlds :P New releases every week although some are very bad but others are brilliant like last weeks[/quote]

Adventure Quest is a very kid oriented game. It's not surprising you would like it. I enjoyed it myself when I was 10 or 11. Now though, it is just another boring online game.
Add in Rusty Hearts :O. PWE just launched a Closed Beta (Easy as hell to get into).. It's pretty amazing, highly repetitive though.
Everquest 2 Extended is free as well, but you are giving some limitations, but you can easily proceed all the way to max level given the limitations and the game is not as kiddy as some of the free mmorpg games that I have seen. its a fun game has questing, raiding, dungeons, tradeskills, housing, seasonal events, etc but like most MMO's it does and can get boring after a while. my only major gripe with the game is its runs more clunky compared to other games on my computer, for example i get about 50-60 fps on brand new games but like 20-30ish on everquest 2, its an older game from 2004, but is updated quite frequently, sometimes too frequently
[quote name='Lubbo' post='3811602' date='Aug 3 2011, 10:40 AM']dude what about league of legends....??[/quote]
This is a topic about MMORPG's. I think you are lost.
I love the game though, just got into it a few days ago!
I'm not adding games to my list that I haven't played.

I'm not looking for more games to play or add to it either. I have a hefty backlog as things are.

Just saying, to those of you, who may think I've left out something important.

Of course you're welcome to suggest games directed at others but this list is a blog post about games I've actually played and have had any kind of experience in, or complaint, worth mentioning.

If I meant for this list to be comprehensive, objective, or particularly useful and helpful to everyone, I'd have created it in a different fashion and in the Computer Systems forum; not a blog.
I wouldn't mind actually doing it, except that I don't have the time or want the responsibility to create such a thread. If someone is willing to help me with an updated Free MMORPG list as a collaborative effort so people can give input and rate such games, PM me.
Phantasy Star Online ;O; I will suggest this MMO game for as long as SCHTHACK stays up and running.
I'm going to be so broke when PSO2 comes out over here, I want at least a 2 year subscription.
I've never played this but Champions Online is free.... I love superheroes gotta try it out one day.

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  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    hunter x hunter
  • S @ salazarcosplay:
    he has not allowed anyone to continue it for him for example
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @salazarcosplay, theres a dragon ball af mod for budokai 3
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    updated ship of harkinian, gonna install some hd texture pack
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  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
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    @K3Nv2, MAGA supporters be wearing tin foil hats lol.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @SylverReZ, whats maga?
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    It stands for Maniacs Against General Acceptance
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    @BigOnYa, people rejecting general consensus about stuff?
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Yup, nuh its really just Trump followers
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, im not american so i dont care about trump
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    or us elections
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Me niether, us north Koreans don't care
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    good night
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    i don't care either, even if i'm american
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    truth be told, i agree with psi, i dislike both candidates, but i'd probably vote trump simply because the economy was better during his presidency
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    Just be careful, if trump ends up winning and using project 2025 America might really change...for the worse.
  • AngryCinnabon @ AngryCinnabon:
    I'm not american and even that sends shivers down my spine.
  • AngryCinnabon @ AngryCinnabon:
    anything that offers trump an opportunity to become an actual dictator
    is bad in my book, i could care less if it wasn't for that...
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Canada: America's Russia
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    people are so dramatic that I can't even tell if they are being serious
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