Review cover ROCKMAN CX (ROM HACK REVIEW) (Retro)
User Review

Product Information:

  • Release Date (NA): August 30, 2016
  • Release Date (EU): August 30, 2016
  • Release Date (JP): August 30, 2016
  • Publisher: Himajin Jichiku
  • Developer: Himajin Jichiku
  • Genres: Platform/Shooter

Game Features:

Single player
Local Multiplayer
Online Multiplayer

Review Approach:

Guess who's back again, if you guess Sonic Angel Knight, you are correct! I brought a gift this time... and no is not sonic related, just like the last review, is mega man related. This new Hack I found recently, Rock Man CX. Not sure what it means but is a Mega man rom hack. Let me explain.
This is a Rockman (Megaman) 2 hack which changes everything you know from your normal Rockman (Megaman) 2 experience! This may be one of the largest overall hacks of Rockman 2 that has ever been done! Also the ROM has been extended to use the MMC3 mapper so it can utilize all these new features. Below are some of the new additions of this patch.
How that for short and simple? Well if you don't like that then how bout some more details, let's take a look at what is brought to the table.
  • Items 1, 2, 3 revamped and available from the start.
  • Some additions from the Mega Man X series, such as Heart Tanks and the ability to dash.
  • Play as Quick Man, who has unique abilities.
  • Change your weapon in real-time.
  • Weapon energy acts as life energy while the Rock Buster or Item 3 is equipped.
Well just some few changed to the original game. The other good news is that it has been upgraded from is original form. From a simple 256KB (I believe the original rom file size is) to a 1MB whopper (for a nes rom) It also has a MMC3 mapper upgrade for better performance and gameplay. While the game is title Rockman CX, again not sure what it means besides it's a Megaman game, is in Japanese, and being that I dunno how to read it, i can't tell you anything about the story, so don't expect spoilers.... but i beat the game, so i can spoil the gameplay for you, don't worry, is just enough to get you to wanna play it. :P

Just looking at the title screen, the option for new game and load game is there, instead of Normal or Difficult difficulty (If you aren't playing the japanese game) Good news, this game uses a save feature, like moderen Megaman games, or the other game I Reviewed, Rockman IV Minus Infinity. Based only on observation (once again, can't read Japanese) The game involves Megaman, Quick man who somehow helping Megaman in this game, Guts man who is not helping... i think, and Taking down "DR.RIGHT" (You know, cause Dr.Light is the name outside of Japan) Cause i guess fighting wily would be too predictable or boring. That is all i know.

So, you start off the game by first witnessing the Pokemon theme song on the title screen, then selecting new game, Megaman jumps down the building on to the ground, you are now playing the intro stage from the title screen, all which has the sweet tunes of Snes Megaman X3. You then find Gutsman who says... something and well you fight him. Or you lose to him without ever getting a chance to defend yourself. Yes, the game features in game cut scenes. Again don't know what is happening cause well... can't read it. Oh well moving on.
Rockman CX.001.png

After Megaman gets Kidnapped... no, Mega Man-napped... Is quick man to the rescue, and then you play with him. He has his trademark quick boomerang and he can, wall jump? Okay, cool. Anyway, after discovering your new found character, you find Gutsman, and defeat him, and rescue Megaman. Good job player two, you are fianlly useful! (Talking about Quick man here)
Rockman CX.002.png Rockman CX.003.png Rockman CX.004.png

Now that is over and done with, just like any Megaman game, you get to choose the next stage... or course, level? You can choose which boss to challenge. Now take a look at this! Umm... what the heck is this? This is way too funny. So the 8 Bosses of this game. There is umm... Whispy Woods, and umm Fire Mario, Then umm... Is that Kamen Rider? Ummm okay. THE MASKED RIDER IS IN THE GAME. Great.:ninja: Oh who else we got, Umm Bomberman, (not BOMB MAN "BOMBERMAN" From the Hudson soft game) Ummm Air man? What happened to you, looking different, not so good. Wait, Rockman? But I'M SUPPOSED TO BE ROCKMAN. Okay this game just making stuff up now, who the heck is YOSHINO MAN? What game is he from? What, there is two rockman? No, is CHEAT MAN! No way, Cheat man? Okay, why didn't wily ever come up with this team? This sounds EPIC! B-)

Rockman CX.005.png

Still i must express how did such a original character like YOSHINO MAN or CHEAT MAN get into a game like this, wonder what their powers are?:wtf:

Well if you thought that was epic enough, you sadly mistaken, is not. NOT until you seen this! That's right.... I mean Is Dr.Right. Maybe he killed wily.... awesome! After the 8 bosses, you go and fight HIM of all people. At his house in the woods. Or... some abandoned valley where you fight him Yoshi's Island style. Just like the final boss, you look into the distant background, as you attack him and he attacks you, with the same tune from the final battle. Impressed yet? You should be. :ph34r:
Rockman CX.001.png Rockman CX.002.png Rockman CX.003.png Rockman CX.004.png

Last but not least you may be familiar with the characters, so is only appropriate to note the stages and music may be as well familiar including undertale music and such. So you will have enough variety. One major problem with rom hacks like these is the change in difficulty. While i did struggle at times, i did manage to beat this game, I did play on emulator since is a rom hack but i didn't cheat at all... even against CHEAT MAM. But i won't hold it against anyone who does. I do suggest if you have problems, use savestates or some emulators have rewind like nestopia, but is worth trying. If you know japanese, you may be able to follow the story because i don't, all i know is quickman is your friend and ally, and you are trying to stop DR.RIGHT (Light) for whatever reason who thing he some undertale boss. Anyway i recommend this to anyone who just want a new mega man game to play, don't be discouraged by difficult cause is really fun and rewarding challenge which is okay in my opinion not like Super mario maker expert levels.

Rockman CX.005.png Rockman CX.006.png Rockman CX.007.png Rockman CX.008.png Rockman CX.009.png Rockman CX.010.png Rockman CX.011.png Rockman CX.012.png


What I Liked ...
  • Popular music and reference including characters and stages
  • New power ups and upgrades
  • New story and plot than the traditional wily related ones
  • Adds save feature and another playable character
  • Dash and dash jump feature for rockman and wall climb for quick man
  • Shows off impressive quality and presentation for a mega man game on nes
What I Didn't Like ...
  • May be a bit of a struggle with increase difficulty
  • Only playable in Japanese (may have english translation in future, not sure)
Just like many Rockman games, the goal is to get to the end and defeat the boss, while it still as simple the stages offer challenges and increased difficulty as well as the enemies you face. You will have to add more effort into this one than both Mega man 2 and 9 to beat this one. There is lots of fun stages and well worth playing through multiple times just for fun trying to discover things that wasn't found.
While the game is a rom hack of Rock man 2, it still has improved presentation. Not only does the game include the famous opening title screen as the intro level but in game text cutscenes and more picture quality to backgrounds and stage design as well as adding popular music from various games, redesigned stage select and characters portrait and more adds lots of effort to it. Is very appealing and memorable at first sight.
Lasting Appeal
This game offers 3 Save slots, not passwords. While you may finish the game and find the ending is just that, no sweet unlockable like some other games (Like rockman 4 minus infinity mini games) The amount of effort taken is rewarding enough to enjoy. For one who wish to master the game and be good enough to show off to others, i would say this is probably a game worth trying to appeal to other people who like mega man who want more while capcom is still deciding what the heck to do with the character.
out of 10


This is a good game but is not perfect either. If you wanted a new megaman game to play, you may like this one. But is just that, a different kind of megaman game, you may be able to enjoy the first look reactions of the game and after awhile be bored with it but is worth playing at least once even if you don't like it after. Don't worry about difficulty and don't be ashamed if you need save states or something similar. Is a rom hack and most of them that has increased diffiuclty are meant to be played with save states even suggested by some developers who make them hard.
Would you say that this game is any better than the Rockman Minus Infinity rom-hack for Megaman 4?
"This game offers 3 Save slots, not passwords. While you may finish the game and find the ending is just that, no sweet unlockable like some other games (Like rockman 4 minus infinity mini games) The amount of effort taken is rewarding enough to enjoy. For one who wish to master the game and be good enough to show off to others, i would say this is probably a game worth trying to appeal to other people who like mega man who want more while capcom is still deciding what the heck to do with the character."

I gave that game a 8.5, this got a 7.5 :P
I take it that you're a huge Megaman fan.
I have a bit of constructive criticism for your future reviews; could you:
  • Center images
  • Space out images (Between the large walls of text. It makes it easier to read.)
  • Do a bit of a grammar run-through before publishing (run-on sentences and the like)
  • Use headers to distinguish the parts of the game you're talking about in that section
  • Go a bit more into the gameplay (not much was really explained. It was mostly "it's a Megaman game, so you should know everything about it")
  • Make the intro short and sweet (You can put the excess, elaborated information in a preface)
I like your review, but I feel like the above suggestions would help them shine a bit more.

EDIT: I'm not trying to be self-advertising, but what I said can be seen in an example here.
I take it that you're a huge Megaman fan.
I have a bit of constructive criticism for your future reviews; could you:
  • Center images
  • Space out images (Between the large walls of text. It makes it easier to read.)
  • Do a bit of a grammar run-through before publishing (run-on sentences and the like)
  • Use headers to distinguish the parts of the game you're talking about in that section
  • Go a bit more into the gameplay (not much was really explained. It was mostly "it's a Megaman game, so you should know everything about it")
  • Make the intro short and sweet (You can put the excess, elaborated information in a preface)
I like your review, but I feel like the above suggestions would help them shine a bit more.
Thank you for the ideas, i will take them into consideration. :)

As for fan, i suppose if that what people wish to refer to me as. I just like playing the game, not every game is good or i enjoy (Including rom hacks or mods) But if is enough to entertain me then yes i do play them. Rockman 4 minus infinity is one of those games, is well balanced rom hack while maybe difficult doesn't have too much of a fustrating factor to it. As for this one, is the same situation, the difficulty doesn't make it as fustrating. Unlike some rom hacks *COUGH* PARALLEL WORLDS *COUGH* Is complete different where
  • Very difficult.
  • Save states recommended by the developer
  • Probably gonna need a guide as well
  • May not be for everyone wanting a challenge to the game
Is just a very complex topic to discuss difficult being fun and not stress or fustrating. I still think both is a good hack, but rockman 4 minus infinity is better in terms of what it offers.
Thank you for the ideas, i will take them into consideration. :)

As for fan, i suppose if that what people wish to refer to me as. I just like playing the game, not every game is good or i enjoy (Including rom hacks or mods) But if is enough to entertain me then yes i do play them. Rockman 4 minus infinity is one of those games, is well balanced rom hack while maybe difficult doesn't have too much of a fustrating factor to it. As for this one, is the same situation, the difficulty doesn't make it as fustrating. Unlike some rom hacks *COUGH* PARALLEL WORLDS *COUGH* Is complete different where
  • Very difficult.
  • Save states recommended by the developer
  • Probably gonna need a guide as well
  • May not be for everyone wanting a challenge to the game
Is just a very complex topic to discuss difficult being fun and not stress or fustrating. I still think both is a good hack, but rockman 4 minus infinity is better in terms of what it offers.

What makes a game difficult but not infuriating? Before I go into detail, I'm going to give my (unpopular) opinion on games that people seem to enjoy the difficulty of. Dark Souls is considered to be a hard game. I won't doubt that it is hard, for I have beaten it.

However, Dark Souls is not a good game because of its difficulty. Dark Souls's difficulty is artificial and frustrating.

What I mean by this is that, yes, while the enemies are kinda difficult, the only challenge is your (the player's) patience to take down the same enemies over and over after a death. The game would be just a normal game if it wasn't so infuriating to make an (almost) restart after every death.

How this ties into this (these) games is my question. Are these games difficult because of the smart AI, enemy placement, and level design, or is it because of an infuriating restart after death?
How this ties into this (these) games is my question. Are these games difficult because of the smart AI, enemy placement, and level design, or is it because of an infuriating restart after death?

To be more specific, the enemies are what make the game difficult, if i had to choose... It be the enemies and stage design that makes the two problems. The enemies themsel aren't a problem as they are just common mega man enemies, so if you played mega man games before, you know how to deal with them. The placement is a bit unfair but the stages are the problem, in some stages, there is fake blocks (Ones you can't stand on and fall through) as well as some hidden elements. Another stage has hidden blocks (Just like in a mario game.) So if you play like super mario maker, and realize the game has hidden blocks, is obvious there is troll elements as well. Last is the mario stage that if someone actually remember playing through most of the game, there is a stage in bowser castle that requires you to follow a specific pattern to progress or the stage repeats.

The other issue is the bosses, for some is probably unfair. CHEAT MAN is the perfect example as he can literally do things you don't expect.
  • One hit K.O
  • Swap your life bar with his own (When is life is low and you have more life than he does.
  • Teleport
  • Fly
  • Manipulate your movements and actions.
I would say is the most unfair boss.
Rock man can use energy tanks to refil his health bar as well as use many special weapons. Air man remains out of reach for very long so having the right weapon to attack from anywhere is recommded, kamen rider doesn't stay still for too long and his attacks send mega man flying across the screen, yoshino man attacks everywhere and too much.

Just some ideas of why is deem difficult. But compared to playing this game with Rockman 4 minus infinity, it least has options for easy mode or hard mode, if playing on hard the bosse are just as unfair with faster movement when low on hp and desperation attacks on kill (Or just figh the secret boss in true arena mode)
Review cover
Product Information:
  • Release Date (NA): August 30, 2016
  • Release Date (EU): August 30, 2016
  • Release Date (JP): August 30, 2016
  • Publisher: Himajin Jichiku
  • Developer: Himajin Jichiku
  • Genres: Platform/Shooter
Game Features:
Single player
Local Multiplayer
Online Multiplayer


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