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  1. Panzer Tacticer

    Awesome Game Alert

    Ok if you want MY opinion, you want to check out Knights of Pen and Paper +1 Horrible ugly dated graphics, because, they intentionally made them that way. I love this game, been playing it and it is so full of OMG this is what I remember from my youth when gaming and the gaming industry was...
  2. Panzer Tacticer

    Just some kudos from an old person

    Hey take a bow, I have been on the internet since it existed in a fashion worth mention, I have seen a lot of types of site, a lot of forums, a lot of gaming spots, all the usual social gathering spots. I have seen user created private haunts, big commercial operations and locations so...
  3. Panzer Tacticer

    Gaming regrets, if you could go back in time...

    The PS4 is next up and yippee, or wait, did you actually mean hooofrigginrah with disgust... I don't have a stack of PS1 games, my son does. He's a PC gamer though and likely couldn't care less if they play in the new PS4 as he has no interest in using my PS3. He gave my buddy extended loan of...
  4. Panzer Tacticer

    I think hell might have froze over ... :)

    Hello gang. Yes I think hell froze over. Ok it might just me relevant to me, who knows eh. I recently made the switch to Windows 8. They offered it for 16 bucks as an upgrade from 7. Granted, they stupidly did nothing to verify anything. They sure fixed that gaffe quick though. But as my...
  5. Panzer Tacticer

    Gaming aaaaaany gaming (any device too)

    Hello gang, been a while hasn't it. Ok the blogs are currently absent (hear it was a hacker, oh I sure love hackers insert sarcasm now). But I figured well I am just wandering the net, and this is about the only good gaming spot I like going where people actually both know their games, and...
  6. Panzer Tacticer

    You can fooooorget inovation from old people

    I was just reading a thread on a site I know to be almost ground zero for wargaming grognards. My feelings after reading the thread, fuck em, fuck em and fuck the hobby if all it can ever expect to get from them is the lack of interest in ever budging. Clearly, they think only a desk top will...
  7. Panzer Tacticer


    It sucks, sucks a LOT I say, but the truth is, well I am NOT playing them, I just have them on the computer. Oh but I miiiiight play them so I should leave them installed I tell myself. I finally got tired of listening to my own bullshit. They're good games, in some cases great games, often...
  8. Panzer Tacticer

    What single aspect of gaming bothers you the most

    I am a complete gamer, by that I mean, I own an Nintendo DSiXL, I have a PS3 (even if I only own one game for it), I play PC games, and I own role gaming books, as well as board games like the board game version of Civilization. I also own numerous wargames, but I think everyone already is...
  9. Panzer Tacticer

    Not easy to talk about games

    Ok this is GBA Temp, and it's not odd to think most would be talking about predominantly Nintendo based games. Sorry can't help ya there, as so often the games released mean diddly to me. But I still like games, I just like games that are often very niche very isolated in market. Just the...
  10. Panzer Tacticer

    You get what you pay for

    Had to post this, and it is sort of a bellow, because it always irks me to listen to you kids complaining about needing it to be the cheapest possible option (when discussing carts), and really, if you are actually making decisions based on a difference of a couple of bucks, my advice, get a...
  11. Panzer Tacticer

    My kingdom for a tablet

    In as much as this is GBATemp, and thus a Nintendo stronghold, it might seem like a silly place to rave about non Nintendo tech. Oh well, we CAN and DO like other things eh I have been waiting and biding my time on the ole tablet purchase (largely because I let my spending get insane (for my...
  12. Panzer Tacticer

    Capcom Copyprotection that will make you laugh

    Saw this article today and it is so utterly fucking brain dead it is hard to read without breaking down laughing at the total folly involved. Never EVER seen a greater reason for outright piracy of a game more so than this. I predict...
  13. Panzer Tacticer

    New game enroute

    Well it is not a console game nor something from Nintendo but hey, that's just the way it is eh. Slitherine/Matrix Games is releasing Panzer Korps on monday. Why is this great news? Well almost everyone knows Panzer General eh, and this is basically the rebirth of...
  14. Panzer Tacticer

    I quit damn it!

    I am fed up beyond capacity to say while remaining civil. You already know me as old, but I am officially quitting being an adult as of today here (and it is happening on the locations I have not quit as a result of hating adults). I plan to be '19' till hell freezes over. I will be 19...
  15. Panzer Tacticer

    Burning to disk

    Soooo my computer downloading days essentially begin about 2000 and they reached their peak like 2006. By 2004-5 I was grabbing stuff to burn to disk at a pace where a 100 disk spindle was almost a monthly need. Today, I am at a point where having blank disks handy is almost not required. In...
  16. Panzer Tacticer

    Understanding Canadian Politics (as of today)

    Ok there can be many things said of the current election results, but really I suspect you as do I only really care where the internet is concerned eh. The Conservatives today have a majority, that is not wholely great. But Jack Layton is our man when it comes to internet issues, and his party...
  17. Panzer Tacticer

    They don't make just games (Sony)

    I was tempted to chime in on a different thread, but, I really don't want to get involved in a discussion too games specific. The point is, when some of us see the name Sony, some of us don't leap to the mindset 'game maker'. Sony is to me, a Television maker that branched out into games. And...
  18. Panzer Tacticer

    Gamer rant (directed at the world of paper n pencil RPG world)

    Sooooooo I was over at Wizard's forums today (likely a mistake, the place only seems to annoy me). How on earth do some people manage to ask some questions? Are they really that spineless, or stupid, or both? So many threads seem to scream out 'grow a spine you damned wimp'. So many threads...
  19. Panzer Tacticer

    After the 3DS launch

    Sooooo I have seen it held it played it. Yawn. Glad it was my friends and not mine. Not sure what the hype is for. Yes it is a lot lighter, omg was it really that important? Yes it is back to being too damned small, ok not a problem I suppose if you are a little kid. Guess Nintendo really...
  20. Panzer Tacticer


    Didn't think I would have a new post so quickly. So I re installed the OS the other day, not routinely a problem for me (I do it a lot). This means re installing programs too of course (not routinely a problem either). Well until recently. I don't liiiiike Steam, but until today I didn't hate...
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