Creative writing thread

Gundam Eclipse

True Demon Route
Sep 23, 2008
Vortex World
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Just post anything you have written, whether its a novel. song lyrics or a poem.

The Story:

A different world, different time, different people.
Magic rules this world, as technology does ours, and yet the world works, looks, and is mostly similar to ours, such as in names of all locations.
There are cars, buses and other vehicles and contraptions similar to the ones we use, except they are run through magic.
At one time, the world was at peace, until one day a league of darkness emerged, known as "Oblivion".
The man behind it was a crazed genius, apparently hellbent on destroying the world, calling himself "The Lord of Doom."
Even before their emergence, it was apparent that dark times were approaching, as the animals disappeared to be replaced by various beasts born out of the darkness, and mass murders and suicides were committed across the world.
A league known as Alpha cropped up to to oppose them, but Oblivion proved far to powerful, as members of Alpha were wiped of the face of Earth, day by day. Soon, the planet was completely surrounded by darkness, with only one safe capital remaining.
Then, a man emerged, a man without a name, a man with a thirst for revenge, a man who seemed capable of standing toe to toe with the Lord of Doom himself. Even then the Lord of Doom went undefeated and the man was slain.
Then, by chance, or perhaps, by fate, an ancient book was found, a book containing directions to the greatest magic, magic long forgotten, magic, to which if the current spells were compared, they would seem puny and insignificant. The Four Elders of Alpha found a sealing spell in this book and prepared for the ritual required to use it. Now it was Oblivion suffering huge blows everyday, its members getting sealed now and again. However, it would not last, as news of the seals reached the Lord of Doom, and that day, all the sealed ones broke free in a burst of power. The Elders concluded that if the darkness that was Oblivion were to be forever sealed away, they would need the Dimensional Blade(Name subject to change), a blade spoken of in legends and myths, said to have been crafted by an ancient race which was said to have existed in the beginning of time itself, a blade so powerful it could create huge rifts in dimensions. The Elders also knew that if it did exist, it would probably reside with the Lord of Doom, who was much more intelligent than the Elders, and had the ability to find it. The Elders enlisted the help of the broken down Combatant Squads, who in their glory days, upheld the law, to distract Oblivion and its leader.
In the ensuing chaos Alpha seized the blade, at which time the Lord of Doom revealed his ability, a power which enabled him to apparently absorb the souls of humans and beasts alike, hence inheriting their strengths and powers. Therefore, the Elders created a huge rift in dimensions, and sacrificed their bodies to create a land where the whole of Oblivion was contained which came to be known as the Forbidden Realm, and a gate was placed over it, completely sealing it, known as the Hell's Gate. However the Lord of Doom was not one to give up at any cost, and went as far as separating his soul from himself through an ages old ritual, allowing it to escape the Forbidden Realm. At the time, the Lord of Doom has also dispatched a group which was unknown to all but himself, a group of daunting power, a group tasked with destroying Hell's Gate and reviving the Lord of Doom.
It has been fourteen years since then, the soul of the evil leader gone to who knows where, as the group finally begins to move and a fourteen year old boy is caught up in the events following...

Chapter 1

My face feels warm...
why? Can't be morning already, can it...
I open my eyes apprehensively, and blink a bit as the light hits my eyes.
"...morning, huh. And i still haven't thought how i should introduce myself at school."
Your probably confused as to who I am, so let me introduce myself.
My name is Max Grant, currently aged 14. I was born on May 7 1996.
I like to think of myself as a 'variable person', actually, its more like I can't describe myself at all.
Anyways, today, 05 April 2010, is the day I start going to my new school, Vishwabharti.
huh? What do you mean where the hell is that? Well, its a school in the village of Thaltej which is situated near the city of Ahmedabad(By the way, thats where I live!) which is located within the state of Gujarat which is a part of India.
Where do I live in Ahmedabad? I live in a place within the Sunrise Society, within a collection of apartments called the Shakti Buildings.
I hear my mom calling from upstairs(Its a two story building), seems like I woke up right on time.
Why did I change schools? No special reason, just that my dad had some work here that he was called for.
And then I go through my extremely normal routine for the day, that being:
1. Brushing my teeth
2. Having a quick bath
3. Eating a small breakfast
4. Tripping over my school bag while going to put on my shoes
5. Wearing the left shoe on my right leg, and the right shoe on the left leg.
6. Very nearly managing to not miss the school bus.

Everyone's staring at me, whats the reason?
Probably because I am wait, there must be something else, I must have forgotten something, I just KNOW it.
What did I forget? The tie? Nope. Belt? Nope. School uniform? Nope. School bag? Nope.
Seems like they really are staring at me because I am new, seriously, why I am getting so worried over absolutely nothing at all? I must have some sort of social disorder or something.
Taking a seat at the front besides a teacher who seems to have fallen asleep, I just close my eyes and wait for when we arrive, ignoring everything beside me.


" Thats...just..."
Alright, lets check my surroundings.
A village road? Check. Cows being herded in a primitive fashion by a villager? Check.
Several cow droppings all over the road and in front of the school entrance? Check.
Alright, I am going overboard. Calm down, its alright, its a undeveloped village, it was bound to be like this, the inside of the school will be better, yeah.
Stepping over the huge droppings, I head inside the school, taken by surprise at the state of the road in front of it.
The inside was better, if only for the fact there weren't any cow droppings, wait, why would I expect there to be cow droppings in here? WHATS WRONG WITH ME? Shaking my head, I head for the class i am supposed to be in, class X-A.
It seems no one's here yet, well, that's good for me, allows me to claim a seat of my own(Its still the first day of school and all).
Claiming a seat by the corner next to a window, i sit down and wonder what awaits me this year.
So far I have completed two 'levels' for the position I am aiming to claim.
What am I talking about? Well, guess I will try to explain.
Basically, I am aiming to become a Paladin, one of the highest ranks of the Combatant Squads.
Each country has its own Combatant Squad(From what i hear, they were once universal, but now each country has its own squad, with there being another universal squad now, called the Quantum Force, which you can progress into if you have a good record as a person in a Combatant Squad), and it offers the best jobs in my humble opinion.
For example, Paladins along with the other two classes of its rank get to have free medical treatment at all times, a gigantic paycheck every year, and various other awesome benefits. Not to mention you are also popular in the social circles if you are a Paladin, or one of the other two level 3 classes..
Lets see, to become a Paladin, you have to first pass the Squire, the base level, and then Knight, the mid level, after which you can spend your final three years in class preparing for the final level, which is typically called, guess what? Paladin. Innovative, eh?(Also, it isn't necessary to become a Paladin, you can quit at being a Knight or Squire as well, or at the other two levels for the other two classes.
The exams are held in form of tourneys which are held in a stadium within a city for the final level(Which are also good forms of entertainment for the masses and a good source of revenue for illegal betting), and within the school for the first two levels.
Oh yes, I haven't talked about classes yet, have i?
The ones I described above, Squire, Knight and Paladin, those come within the Frontline Classes, and are the main offensive units of the combatant squads, specializing in few forms of offensive magic and various melee weaponry.
The other two are Rear Ground Classes, and Specialist Classes respectively.
Rear Ground consists of Apprentice, the first level, Mage, the second level, and Sorcerer the final level.
Rear Ground can be considered the artillery, specializing in either powerful offensive magic or healing magic and ranged weaponry such as handguns, though its not uncommon to see a bow and arrow user either.
Specialist consists of Genius, the first level, Scholar, the second level, and Alchemist, the final level(Who the hell thought up these names again? I would love to have a talk with them.)
The Specialist Class...specializes, in various fields. For example, they are able to create medicine and potions from herbs and other plants, they can also create weaponry and armor, alongside various other items needed for daily living. Some of them are offensive as well, creating golems out of the earth or machine automations who can do their bidding, or they can create bombs and other things.. Well, you never really know what they can do, which sometimes leads to some really awesome matches within a tourney for the Quantum Force, as you never know what a Alchemist would pull out next.
Oh, I still haven't talked about that, have I.
Well, to get into the Quantum Force, you need to be any of the three level 3 classes, and you need to participate in the tourney they hold every year for these classes, and the top 10 of the tourney get into the Force.
Well, I am done talking for now, seeing as how the class seems to be filling up. Gah, i may have a goal, but that sure doesn't mean I like studying, in fact I hate it. But, oh well...
...wait a minute, its introduction time. Well, crap, I'm doomed.


"My name is Ken Hamilton, nice to meet you all."
...why didn't he say "I would have preferred not to meet foolish people such as you." or something like "Nice to meet you all, from now on i am your leader, BOW DOWN TO ME WAHAHAHAAHAHA"
Perhaps I am exaggerating, but his voice is perfectly suited for either of those two lines.
Its way to lofty, sounds to high for a guy, and is overall just weird for the way he looks(He looks, well, quite cool actually, with his brown hair covering one of his blue eyes, and still managing not to look emo at all, and having a pretty athletic build)..why is the teacher pointing his finger at me?
Right its my time to introduce myself, great, I have no idea what to say.
Saying all this in a hurry I promptly sit down, and lay my head down on my desk to pretend to sleep while bearing the various giggles emanating from the I a girl at heart?...that sounded wrong somehow.
"The name is Tess Shrine, and i am not really going to bother to socialize with all of you, since i am going to be to busy in beating all of you at studies. I hope we can be good rivals."
...what. Why the hell is such a sweet voice saying all that? No wait, how come such a sweet voice belongs to...that...girl?
I am pretty taken aback by her appearance, no its not that it looks bad, she actually has a pretty face, but, uh.
I mean, she has rolled up her sleeves like a guy, and her tousled hair gives the impression of a undisciplined kid, and well, she's acting like a guy. Is this what they call a tomboy? First time seeing one.
'Hmph'ing' at the entire class, she sits down appearing annoyed.
I am staying away from these two people, at all costs. I already am not a social person, but these two people would just ruin my life. Totally, yeah.
At that point the teacher decides to hold a test to evaluate how much each of us has learned from the previous year.
...should be easy enough i guess.
You know, I am rather proud of one thing about myself, I am pretty intelligent, and manage to learn everything quickly etc. etc.
Needless to say, the test was easy, the questions being all about the Age of Doom which ended 14 years ago, coincidentally at the time of my birth.
And goddamnit, why did I have to get full marks alongside the two weirdos? Now i have to stand beside them as everyone praises us, and boy I do NOT like the eye the girl is giving me and the other guy who is apparently just standing there standing like a model, seems like he will be pretty popular, though it doesn't look like the girl will be without admirers either.
I am definitely not going to consider myself the odd one out, I mean, I have been praised by a few people for my looks too, y'know?!...why am I so concerned about that anyway when I should be getting away from these two?


The rest of the day was, in a word, boring, and ended without any notable incident.
All the teachers did nothing but tell us how important the final level was and how it would shape our life etc. etc.
(Oh yeah, just thought i would throw this in, seeing as how each student will be aiming for something different, we are sent to different classes each period to study for that particular subject.)
well, anyways, its time to head home at last! AH, I CAN SMELL THE FREEDOM!
Walking down the hallway, I feel someone poking me hard in the back.
Turning around, who do I see, but Ms. Tomboy? Joy.
Unable to say anything, I just stay quiet and wait for her to say something.
What she says, no yells...
just makes me stare at her as if she were crazy(alongside other people in the hallway).
"You tied with me alongside that other brat, you are a threat to be eliminated."
Miss, this is reality, not the worlds you see in imagination.
"The other guy already escaped, but you aren't escaping."
That's it, i have had it.
I am using magic to get out of here. I don't care whether I have to be disciplined afterwards.
But it seems I will be saved, the class teacher calls Tess to have a talk with her regarding her behavior.
"You are first on my list of targets, socially disabled sucker!"
...she's dead.


Well, that was a pretty weird day.
Dunno what sort of impression I made, but I honestly don't care, y'know?
Sighing, I turn in for the day. Today was actually pretty exhaustive.

Chapter 2

I a street.
Its the street in front of the school.
There's blood all around me.
...I am drinking blood.
There's pieces of flesh around me, pieces that used to belong to various humans.
...I am eating those pieces.
...where am I?
What am I?
What am I doing?
Why are Ken and Tess standing in front of me as if they are about to fight me?
Haa. Haa. Calm down.
Calm down you idiot, it was just a dream! Just a dream, nothing else.
You aren't that sort of sick freak, so calm down!
Besides, its morning already, I should be getting ready for school.
Just forget that dream, and get ready for school, don't you hear your mom calling?


Pinching my nose, I try to ignore the overbearing smell and head to class.
Seems like I am the first one again today.
...? There seems to be a magical sign in front of the teacher's desk(Its two wings of a bird enclosed in a circle, which is surrounded by various words in what seem like Hindi, yeah, my Hindi knowledge is extremely poor, so I am not sure, could be Gujarati, I dunno.), looking at what its composed of, its probably a teleporatation device to somewhere, doesn't seem like its activated yet.
Ah, that's it, i nearly forgot!
You see, they are holding a practice tourney for all students in their final 3 years in preparation for the exam. Each class will have its own tourney among all the sections for the class. There's also talk that this tourney won't be a normal one, but it will be in the style of a Quantum Force tourney, either that, or after the main tourney, they will probably hold a Quantum Force styled tourney for those aiming to get into it.
"What about weapons though? Will we be using military grade weapons or...?"


Didn't take long for the class to fill up. Ken for whatever reason kept looking at both me and Tess, while Tess stared at the board as if pondering how to best pick it apart(At least, I think so, I can't really see her face so I can't tell.) while I am trying to figure out how to avoid a fight against them in a tourney, though there's probably no way to do so.
And the teacher comes in, except that he isn't our class teacher, and isn't one of the teachers who we saw yesterday either. Who the heck is he?
"Hello everyone, my name is Nova Fortuna."
For whatever reason, everyone around me starts whispering frantically to each other.
"Nova Fortuna?! As in, THE Fortuna?!.."
"The guy who established the Kaiser Foundation which donates weapons and money to the Quantum Force, but also takes care of anyone who needs any kind of help around the world?!.."
"The guy who is on the level of Raphael of the Quantum Force?!.."
And so on. Seems like a pretty awesome guy, I guess?
"I am going to be acting temporarily as your class teacher."
...? What happened to the other guy?
Also, people are practically yelling now.
And why is everyone rushing Nova? And why does it seem like not one person seems to be able to touch him?
...why is everyone being blown back?
I duck, barely dodging a flying male student who hits the wall and lands on me.
"Get off me!"
The student hastily gets off with a muttered sorry.
"Now now...there will be time for autographs later after we are done with the tourney."
Looked more like all of them wanted to give you a bonecrushing hug. Besides, whats he doing in a poor school like this? Doesn't make sense why a famous guy like him would come here.
It seems Tess has the same question I do(She is also one of the only three people who didn't rush Nova, the other two being me and Ken), as she asks
"Why exactly did such a well-known person as yourself come here, sire? This school surely isn't worth your time..?"
"Ah, i am glad you asked. Me and my foundation have planned to give this village and school an entire makeover today. And that is one of the reasons I came here, another being that I heard this year we have an excellent batch of students for all three final years, therefore I am going test each and every year in a tourney styled after the Quantum Force tourney after the main practice tourney is over. Of course, its up to you if you want to participate or not."
Nova directs each student over to the circle one by one as they are transported to who knows where.
Finally, its my turn.
A ticklish feeling surrounds my body, which then turns into a compressing feel of two giant hands, a overall unpleasant feeling as I am transported.


"...a warehouse?"
It seems I am in a dimly lit warehouse of sorts.
Someone dressed in a black dress comes up to me, looks like a Japanese lady.
"Welcome to Kaiser Foundation Quantum Warehouse #1. Please come this way."
Are you serious?! A warehouse for Quantum Force weapons?! WE ARE GOING TO USE QUANTUM FORCE WEAPONS?!
And it seems we are here, there's a stock of various melee weaponry stacked on the walls.
"Please choose your weapon and give it to me, i will surround it with a sharpness negating aura."
I pick a sword and hand it to her. After she is done surrounding the sword with the aura, I am pointed to a another magic circle which transports me yet again.

Chapter 3

...and we are back in school.
I was expecting some sort of epic stadium, y'know? Not these pathetic school grounds which is nothing but a small desert in the middle of campus. Guess the other years must have gotten better places.
Taking my place nearby a few other students, I wait until the rest of the students arrive, keeping my eyes open for Tess and Ken.
Tess arrives right after me, with a pistol in hand, she's a Rear Ground Class, huh.
Ken arrives a bit later, wearing silver gloves, meaning he is either a Frontline Class or a Specialist, they seem like those special gloves Specialist's have on at all times when doing anything.
After the last student arrives, the whole class is divided into three groups. One for each different Class.
Allocating different parts of the ground for each group, the tourney begins.


Several metallic sounds fill the air around me, along with several cries of pain and other sounds you would hear during a battle.
The sounds of other weapons are blocked out, as a barrier has been placed around the area where my group is having the tourney.
This barrier does not allow us to see either the outside area, nor allow us to hear any sounds from outside.
A knife suddenly whizzes over my head as i finally take a look at the battle which has just been decided.
The one who is coordinating the battles and simultaneously holding up the barrier sends the two students to the nurse's office to heal up the few injuries they have.
"Max Grant and Bison Noble, come over here please."
Bison Noble? Who the hell has that kind of name?! And since when were Bison's noble?! Wait, who was it that was called again?
"Max Grant, are you coming or would you like a 'D' Grade in your report?"
Geh, I am doomed.
I walk up nervously in front of Bison Noble.
The guy looks pretty tall, and has dyed red hair which is uncombed and looks spiky, which is in contrast to his otherwise completely neat appearance. He's gonna use a longsword huh, makes it kinda tough for me since i am using a short one.
Taking my usual battle stance where I hold my short sword in a backhand fashion in my right hand, I merely wait with my other hand in my pocket.
And there goes the blast signaling the beginning of the battle, and he's coming at me, swiftly!
Quickly sidestepping sideways, I went into a defensive stance. I began chanting a spell which pulled in the air around me over to the edge of my sword, which resulted in it attaining the range of a longsword.
Sidestepping another bestial charge, I took my chance to slash his right arm, unfortunately missing.
This time not waiting for him to attack, i charged him and was surprised as Bison slid beneath me and made me trip by slashing his sword at my legs(All the weapons have a barrier around them, 'slashing' is more like whacking with a wooden sword.)
Utilizing a wind spell, I managed to make up for the slip-up by blasting myself straight into the air.
Suspending myself in midair with another incantation, I begin formulating a plan.
Lets see what I know of his abilities so far:
He's like a beast when he charges, he doesn't change direction even after I dodged.
hey, what the hell? That's practically all i know! He hasn't used any magic or anything like that at all! The hell is that about?
Wait, what is he doing now? His sword is glowing orange...wait, shit!
Using a variation of the spell i used to blast myself upwards, i managed to avoid the blazing flames which came towards me by blasting myself right towards the ground.
Geh, I might have broken a bone landing with so much force.
The next second I see something orange heading for me.
I am lifted of my feet as the elongated and heated blade hits me square in the chest and sends me flying into the air.
"That's freaking it, damn it!"
There's no way i am just going to get pushed around like this y'know?
I need to show off my abilities as well, damn it!
Using a quick incantation which allows me to hold the blade with my bare hand, i then add another incantation on top of it which temporarily gives my increased strength through which i lift Bison who is still holding his blade like an idiot, swerve him right over me and then smash him on the ground.
Without waiting for him to stand up, I use a wind incantation to propel myself towards Bison at blinding speed.
"That's quite enough."
...? I am suspended in midair, and my sword...its been stopped by a single finger by none other than Nova Fortuna.
"I...i am sorry."
"Its quite alright, you did very well. You have quite the bright future ahead of you."
...i wasn't...i was...praised? But i...
Landing lightly on the ground, i am teleported by the coordinator back to the classroom.
That was...odd.
I hope Bison is alright...
what came over me anyway? I really am a anti social and/or sadistic maniac, aren't I...

The Exodus and the Gods:
At first there was nothing.
IN that nothingness, a being who seemed to have the shape of a human but a blank golden face appeared.
This being shone several colors, and just like that, the first universe came into being.
Following this first God, several others appeared creating more and more universes (The universe this story is set in is the 14th Universe, and is the one with the concept of 'God' in their world, hence why they are called 'Gods' here.).
All these universes are connected by Exodus'.
An Exodus is the point of origin of a universe (It looks like a golden castle hallway with the pillars but without the walls. It has gravity and air of its own, allowing beings to walk on it) and connects the universes.
The first Exodus that came into being is called the Origin Exodus, and is able to connect to every universe that is created after it.
However all the other Exodus that come after it can only connect to the universe before and the one after it.
The Exodus also contains data and mechanisms which allow the user to wipe out the universe its connected too and create another universe in its place(The Origin Exodus can wipe out the entire chain, and allows you to create a entirely new chain.)
The Gods are not immortal and live for only a few trillion years within the Exodus after creating the universe.

The First Universe and the Second God:
The First Universe contained a race which was similar to our own and had a language structure similar to ours as well.
Over the course of its history, it uncovered the secret of the Exodus and attempted to use it for its own greed.
However, before they could do anything, the Origin God wiped them out completely for attempting to use the Exodus for themselves, and then went away to who knows where.
The Second God then created a special race which had souls similar to their own, to watch over the Exodus' and protect its secrets.

The Dimensional Wanderers:
The Dimensional Wanderers are a race created by the Second God with special souls.
The Wanderer are born as the dominant race in each race (Born as humans in the 14th Universe), however they have different souls.
Each Wanderer's soul has its own special abilities inscribed within it.
Each Wanderer becomes self aware of his ability and status as a Wanderer at the age of 14.
Now, i am not sure how these abilities should work, i have got two ideas so far.
1. These abilities are decided from the start, and can be controlled depending on your personality.
2. The abilities change according to your personality.

The Dimensional Blade:
An artifact created by the Wanderer's to allow them to travel to the Exodus of the universe they are present in in an instant.
Each universe has its own blade.
It can also be used to create a rift to a place where there is nothingness, and this element is used by the Elders of Alpha to create the Forbidden Realm with their lives.

The Maximillion Clan/Family:
A group of Wanderers with highly valued abilities.
If you have a highly valued ability which you can control, you are invited into the clan, though if your abilities fall, you will be kicked out.
Oblivion was basically a collection of several Maximillions'.

Gracia Maximillion and his son, Clyde Maximillion:
Gracia Maximillion was the Lord of Doom and the creator of Oblivion, his age is 40 in the least.
Gracia was lured by his son Clyde to take over the world
Gracia's ability allowed him to take in the data of any soul within himself, allowing him to use other Souls' ability temporarily.
His son however, had an even higher ability.
First, i should mention that the Souls' of Wanderers are somewhat like how genes are to us.
If a Wanderer mates and produces a offspring, there's a high chance that the offspring will have a higher form of the ability that the parent had.
Clyde Maximillion, Gracia's son, had the ability to consume every Soul around him, allowing him to use that Soul's ability anytime. He could also negate any sealing power completely.
It also killed the person whose soul was taken.
However, there's a small defect to this, such as how Gracia could not use those abilities permanently, there was a problem for Clyde as well.
Whenever he took in a soul, he temporarily assumed the person's appearance and weakness.
When the Elder's were coming to seal the LoD, at that time Clyde killed his father and assumed his appearance and weakness, which was that he could not negate seals.
Therefore he was mistaken by the Elders' as the LoD and sealed(while he used the ritual to send his soul out), however, using his appearance, he had sent Gracia's special squad to find a way to release him and get his soul back to him.
This led to confusion when he was finally released, as he had returned to his original form.

Max Grant and the Over/Dark Soul:
Max Grant is a really anti social person, not at all good with people.
He is also a Dimensional Wanderer and the person in whom Clyde's soul lives.
Due to Clyde's soul trying to merge and take over his soul, he has several moments where he goes mad and tries to destroy everything around him.
The only thing stopping his soul from being taken over is his ability, which in a word, is denial.
He hasn't awakened his ability completely yet, but due to the nature of the ability, its impossible to consume it.
However, since Clyde's soul continuously tries to consume it, it can't awaken.
During the final battle at the Origin Exodus, when the Dark/Over Soul becomes a separate being by itself due to consuming to many souls and rips out of Clyde's body(It takes on the appearance, more like silhouette of Max's shadow since that's the first things it see's and it doesn't have a appearance other than a black shadowy ball with golden eyes yet), Max is forced to fight it.

Synopsis(Note that the story is INCOMPLETE. I don't know how i should make it go in some places.)
The story begins by Max Grant coming to his new school.
He meets Nova Fortuna there, who is one of the antagonists of the story.
There he undergoes a practice tourney where he has one of his mad fits.
Even after the school and village are remodeled, Nova Fortuna keeps coming to teach his class in place of the original teacher.

And now this is one of the places where i don't know how to progress.

He finds out Nova Fortuna is one of the 4 people from LoD's squad, alongside his two bodyguards Mercurian Sane And Regrenian Sane and Orien Memorian of the Quantum Force as well.
Nova Fortuna manages to catch Max Grant, and extracts Clyde's soul while using the Dimensional Blade to open Hell's Gate, and sends the soul inside.
Once Clyde emerges, the group is taken by shock as he proceeds to annihilate LoD's group and then escape.

Again, how i should progress here.
Clyde gathers several people to his side with false promises of wealth etc. etc. as heads for the Origin Exodus with Dimensional Blade in hand.
His purpose is to create a chain where everyone is similar to himself, since he finds 'everyone around him boring, and only himself the most interesting.'
Max Grant confronts Clyde at the Origin Exodus and proceeds to fight him, after a bit, the Dark/Over Soul emerges taking on the appearance of Max.
While fighting a hopeless battle, Max begins hating the world and people around him more and more, as his ability finally awakens.
Now the story can take two different paths, haven't decided which one to take yet:
1. Max's ability of denial reduces everything besides the Exodus to nothingness(he can't control it due to his feelings), and he proceeds to destroy the chain and live out the rest of his life alone on the Origin Exodus.
2(contains more branching paths). Max's ability begins reducing everything to nothingness, but the Dark Soul uses one of the rifts caused by the Dimensional Blade to create a parody of the 14th Universe and sends Max into it before
a. dying
b. continuing to destroy universe after universe using the void mechanism.

Instance A. Max is still full of hate in the parody world(the parody world contains the same characters, but with different personalities) but does not want to reduce everything to nothingness therefore he puts himself to sleep while using another spell to observe the world(No one comes to save him due to his ability, unless he has control over it, he cannot return).
He see's another version of himself with several other people, looking happy.
He see's several instances where the other version helps people and makes more friends, and is helped several times as well, and begins thinking that perhaps the world wasn't that cruel, and it was himself who was the problem.
Instance A Branch 1 - He gains control over his ability, and his Dimensional Wanderer partners come to rescue him, and he finally becomes friendly in his world, gaining friends such as Ken and Tess.
Instance Branch 2 - (If ability idea 2 is used) Max's ability changes to being able to accept absolutely anything within himself and cherishing it, no matter what. He could eat the deadliest poison and nothing would happen, he would be able to accept the cruelest person of all and become his friends changing him to a better person. He then returns to the world, and his actions change his world drastically for the better.

Instance B. The same thing happens.
Branch 1 - Max gains control over his ability, and he returns to the Origin Exodus to defeat the Dark/Over Soul. He defeats him and returns to his universe a changed man.
Branch 2 - Max gains the same accepting ability, and returns to the Origin Exodus. The Dark/Over Soul keeps hurting him as he walks over to it calmly with a smile on his face. He does not retaliate, and when he reaches it, he hugs it. His ability transforms the Soul's data to a harmless one as it merges with his own giving him access to each and every ability it had. He becomes a being on the level of the Gods themselves, and lives on the Origin Exodus protecting it while visiting his friends on his universe now and then.

Feel free to C+C. Please don't do it in harsh manner though <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/ohnoes.png" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid="D:" border="0" alt="ohnoes.png" />


Active Member
May 11, 2010
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United States
Wow, nobody has put out there writing. Well I'll put mine here but I hope it's not horrible as it's my first true story that I wrote. Well at least part of a story. Let me know if I have any "English" problems. Oh and....No One Steal My Story! or at least this part of my story. Here it is...

A cold breeze blew upon his rigged face. He couldn't last long enough for this, no, not this. He thought about his children and wife. He suddenly got the bravery to stand and run....but wait....a shadow? He squinted to see if any one was there but he couldn't because of the large flakes of snow falling and blowing in every direction. He then noticed the shadow disappear into the fog of snow. "Strange...", he thought. He then remembered what he was supposed to do and he wishes not to remember it...the burden that was put upon him....the same burden he can't control but the collar on his neck can. He starts to get a headache. Tears start to roll down slowly; they feel so warm like a kiss on the cheek but they soon turn to ice from the breezy cold ice air. Then, for a moment, he realizes what that burst of air meant. "Brave it out man! Control yourself! You made it this far and now your gonna stop and cry like a baby?! What happened to the man I once knew............and loved?" All these voices of men and a woman that were in his life started pouring into his head like a digital stream of information. He smirked, "I now know what to do next. Revenge, without it, the good in this world would have never accomplished such achievements in history. Now, I will make my mark in history." And just like that he disappeared into the blizzard. Like a ghost disappearing into the shadows.

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  • MysticStarlight @ MysticStarlight:
    that's weird
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @MysticStarlight, and oh i was talking about ups
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    No not that one
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    Surge protectors are what i was talking about
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    Yea I got confused for a bit
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    @Xdqwerty literally juan:
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    On the series s/x you can use a external HD but any next gen games must be on your internal ssd, or you can buy a ssd expansion card, but pricey. Any xbone, 360, or og Xbox games can be played from external tho.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Series §€×
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Insert **** here
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    What a tiny memory card
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Rumble packs are important
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Make sure it's fully charged
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    I remember someone made a vibrating Wiimote homebrew lol
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Well you and bigonya love to sword fight your wiimotes
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    classic controller funky kong flame runner is overrated, i prefer wii wheel wario flame runner
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    i returned
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I'm happy its first person.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    All big titles should offer first and 3rd person it's been a thing since like gtaV
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I've been playing Killer Clowns from Outer Space all day, is pretty fun. Basically Friday 13th but with clowns. One of my favorite b rated movies from way back.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, is it a game or a movie? get decided!
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Its a game based off the old movie
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    It's a down scene with slow drums
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Oh cool that Bodycam games out
    K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2: Oh cool that Bodycam games out