'Fortnite' developers to launch Steam competitor 'Epic Games Store'

epic games store.JPG

Developers of battle royale phenomenon Fortnite, Epic Games, are foraging in a new venture: digital games store. Epic Games has announced today that it will be launching its very own online PC and Mac games distribution platform called Epic Games Store. While Valve’s Steam store takes 20 to 30% of game revenue, the Epic Games Store will take only 12% and will grant the remaining 88% of sales revenue to the devs.

Talking to Variety about the news, founder and CEO of Epic Games Tim Sweeney had the following to say: “As a developer ourselves, we’ve always wanted access to a store with fair revenue-sharing that gives us direct access to our customers. Now that we’ve built such a store, and Fortnite has brought in a huge audience of PC gamers, we’re working to open it up to all developers.”


In a similar fashion to Steam, the Epic Games Store will be accessible via a dedicated launcher and a website and will be open to games developed on any game engine. Given that it will be just starting off, the games library will initially be limited to a curated number of titles.

“We’re starting small, with a hand-picked set of games at launch,” Sweeney further added. “We plan to grow throughout early 2019 and open the store up more widely later on. We’ll have an approval process for new developers to go through to release a title. It will mostly focus on the technical side of things and general quality. Except for adult-only content, we don’t plan to curate based on developers’ creative or artistic expression. Epic will manually curate the Epic Games storefront rather than relying on algorithms or paid ads. We believe the ultimate vector for players to discover new games will not be our storefront but creators. Viewership of creator channels has greatly outgrown any storefront.”

Together with the store, the company is also launching the Support-A-Creator program which connects developers with over 10,000 creators from online video producers to streamers. This program further rewards creators for bringing exposure to game developers.

“Epic’s Support-A-Creator program was launched as a one-time event, but it’s now permanent and is available to all creators and all developers on the Epic Games store,” Sweeney said. “Creators will earn a share of revenue from each attributable sale, either by link or by manual creator tag entry, like in Fortnite. Developers will set the rate of the revenue share and Epic will pay the first 5% for the first 24 months. Developers will have immediate access to thousands of creators who can promote their titles in fun and entertaining ways, and they can automatically give creators free access to their game if they choose to.

“We believe this will make a more direct and sustainable connection between game developers and content creators such as streamers and video makers. There are currently more than 10,000 content creators in the program, with tens of millions of supporters, and that number is growing every day.”

There is no concrete release date for the Epic Games Store but it is expected to release "soon" with more details on upcoming game releases to be revealed at The Game Awards this Thursday.

:arrow: SOURCE

Hells Malice

Are you a bully?
GBAtemp Patron
Apr 9, 2009
It won't matter. The reason developers put up with the huge cut going to Steam is because it's an absolutely massive platform that is guaranteed to bolster their sales. Not to mention all the little things steam offers, like a discussion board and other social features. Workshop too.
There are dozens of tiny storefronts everyone hates, or uses once and forgets. Or maybe gets one game on sale once, then forget it because they have too many storefronts downloaded.

This is just yet another annoying waste of time where the occasional game will be Epic Game Store exclusive and everyone will loathe having to download that to run alongside steam just to play a single game for a few days.

Epic Games caught lightning in a bottle, I guess they're seeing if they can do it again.

Deleted User


Another storefront for PC

We really needed that

Steam,Origin,Gog Galaxy,Uplay,Bethesda Launcher,Windows store were not enough
discord. there's probably more i can't think of

this bullshit is getting ridiculous, it's like putting 5 gamestops in a single small strip mall, all using a shared inventory
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Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2016
Seriously? The "fortnite developers"? Unreal, UT, Jazz Jackrabbit and Gears of War are old news by now, but the product really every gamers should know and know since many many years is the Unreal Engine. Alot of games greet you with the logo of that engine within the first couple of seconds after launch.

(I'm very proud of myself for beeing able to not point out that Macs are PCs too "its very own online PC and Mac games distribution platform". Well, I almost managed to avoid that. Maybe next time ;))

Deleted User

To be honest, nothing can beat Steam. Discord tried competing and they're not doing so good.


Crazy Cool Cyclops
Feb 16, 2017
United States

Another storefront for PC

We really needed that

Steam,Origin,Gog Galaxy,Uplay,Bethesda Launcher,Windows store were not enough

I mean, let's think about this for a moment:

*Steam has everything Square Enix, be it Deus Ex, Nier: Automata, Final Fantasy, etc..

*It has everything Platinum Games...I think. I'm assuming they're still porting whatever they can.

*Every major fighting game franchise is still primarily on Steam.

*Every successful indie game is on Steam...though I would personally advise waiting for a Switch release since they're all the usual 16/32-bit nostalgiafests.

*Steam still has a lot of Bandai-Namco games.

*Steam is still where Capcom sells everything, and outside of Monster Hunter World's PC port and their fighting games, they've been on a sort of redemption arc as of late.

*Warner Bros. is still on Steam.

*Steam is pushing for you being able to play games on Linux in a way that Linux has needed for a LONG time.

Now, it's been a while since I used UPlay, as the only games that I have that use it are Far Cry 3 and that 80's nostalgiafest known as Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon and Assassin's Creed 2. Didn't they remove the UPlay requirement for some of, if not all of their games a few years back?

Origin is...Origin with all of the controversies that come with it.

GOG Galaxy really isn't necessary last I checked, and I'd prefer it stay that way given their mission statement (though, seeing as it's a corporation that needs money, I wouldn't put it past them to become all about greed at some point)

Bethesda is a dead horse that should've been beaten up and left for dead even back in the Morrowind days. Even then, those games had gamebreaking glitches and problems that, if people were aware of them, Bethesda would have to change their game-making strategy at some point. Too bad Doom Eternal and anything else id makes could be tied to this service in the future!

Windows Store is the reason for the final bullet point above. Microsoft essentially made a gaming PC with the Xbox One X, and they have said in news stories that, for all intents and purposes, they're wanting to move on from Windows. While I can't say Microsoft has locked everything down to where you can't install shit that's not from the Store, with how they are these days, I can safely say that, if the majority of my Steam library were to be compatible with Ubuntu via Steam Play's Proton once I get my desktop back up and running soon, I would jump over in a heart beat. Any college work or whatever that requires Windows would be what my laptop is for, as outside of 2D games, it's not good for anything requiring dedicated real-time 3D rendering for anything past 2010, most likely, and that's not even taking into account the processor's speed or lack thereof!

What I don't understand is people acting like, "hurr durr, Steam is just a bunch of Pewdiepie/Markiplier shovelware games, there's no AAA games here, what is this Steam Curator shit? I just want to play games on my $3000 Alienware PC with suboptimal performance compared to even some pre-builts because PC gaming is just like console gaming with graphic/framerate sliders, right?"

The thing is, I understand why this is happening, and it's not necessarily just a video game thing, either. Netflix used to be the top dog back in the day, but now, everyone seems to hate it, as Netflix can't seem to take all of their money and invest it into more servers to store the movies digitally that people want to watch. Nowadays, it's either Amazon Prime, Hulu, or some other service that people seem to be moving towards, if not just using Redbox. There's people looking to get their slice of the pizza that is the service market for either streaming movies, TV shows, anime, etc. and for those that want to make more money for the games they port to PC for games that could be cheaper to produce and market if they didn't just throw money at the wall and see what sticks, especially in terms of advertising. This mentality is why, IMO, this generation has been so...been there, done that compared to previous generations, mixed in with the fact that, IMO, the most impressive leap graphically has been from PS2 to PS3. That's not to say that the PS3-PS4 generation hasn't been impressive, and if anything, the PS4-PS5 generation could be looking really good if the rumors about some games (TLOU2, Death Stranding, Mortal Kombat XI, and others) turn out to be true.

But the fact of the matter is, when the only thing that's really getting better is controllers (the only thing I want at this point is essentially a PS controller with six face buttons as opposed to just four that isn't sacrificing anything like third party controllers) and graphics, I really have to ask: outside of some impressive gameplay improvements, why should I go and buy a whole new console to play Batman Arkham Knight when the majority of the games on the PS4 are either crossplatform, lazy 720p/30fps to 1080p/maybe 60fps ports of games, some of which are actually games originally released on PS2 (KH collection, though I guess you can't complain about not being able to keep up with whatever goes on in this series I missed out on growing up since I didn't have a PS2 until the PS3 came out and every handheld under the sun, Devil May Cry HD Collection, another Resident Evil 4 port), for crying out loud! When companies are getting that desperate and don't have that much in terms of games that are actually brand new for an entire console generation, I have to wonder why I should get a PS5 or a WindowsBox?

At the very least with Nintendo and the Switch, I can take it wherever I want and play games from the 7th generation that companies care to port over no problem, and it's much more convenient this way! If Ubisoft wanted to port over the 7th generation Assassin's Creed games, I might actually be more willing to play those since I can be out and about and play them while on the go, and actually stand a chance of beating them without having to sacrifice an entire month due to how big and long they tend to be. The Yakuza (though I'd love to play every game of the franchise, everything from the 7th gen is probably the best we're gonna get) games on the Switch? Sign me up, those would actually be good timesinks while I'm out and about!

Those of us with adult responsibilities and obligations just don't have time to sit in front of a TV, download a game, wait an eternity for it to install, download the GBs worth of updates, and then finally jump into the game, only to discover it's the same or very similar to what's come before it, try to put hours into it, have other things to attend to, ask yourself whether it's worth it to keep the systems that you don't play around, and the cycle continues until you eventually just do away with everything or just be happy and satisfied with what you got. Yes, the Switch is guilty of some of those things, but if it were a seventh generation console, it'd be the best in the interface regard, IMO. Adding having to look up whatever my password is for these gaming services to log-in really makes me not want to bother playing those games when there's plenty of other games to play that I never got the chance to play growing up for whatever reason.


MediCat USB Dev
Jul 23, 2012
WA State
United States
Good luck, you trash-tier company.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

Someone's getting a bit too big for their britches
They always start out with big dreams, and end up like Origin... Empty, abandoned, and full of themselves.
May 22, 2016
Hell, MI
United States
I mean, clearly we needed another storefront. I totally don’t already have 6 on my pc already. no way man, not a chance. the likelihood of my personal computing device possessing 6 different software designed to launch other software known as “games” is very low, and is palin balsphemy. no, go ahead. make another launcher. i r e q u i r e another launcher. did i meantion that the pc market doesn’t have enough game launchers yet? hm, well we want, nay, NEED another one. so please. ebic gamz. make this. i need it.
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  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @Xdqwerty, It only shows that if you do 'View Source', right below that it'll tell you the SQL response query. I feel like a nerd lol.
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    But for everyone, it said unexpected database error.
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Just said database error for me
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, she said it only said "too many connections" when you view the source
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    btw gonna try to actually beat touhou 6
  • SylverReZ @ SylverReZ:
    @Xdqwerty, Have fun.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @SylverReZ, i recall playing some hard undertale fangames way before playing touhou, like the genocide asgore fangame or the mettaton neo 2.0 one
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    so atleast im already kinda used to bullet hell games
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    and yea i played both undertale and deltarune too although those are a piece of cake compared to any touhou game
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    aaaaaaannnnnnd i already lost all my continues
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    I only set three default lives btw
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    cuz of score
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    i think i first should focus more on beating the game rather than obtaining a high score
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    good night
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Stop ctrl cing me
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Sorry, here ctrl-Z
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    Ctrl u 2 u
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    Damn, that turned my tv channel, you got powers
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    The fbi will be knocking on your door soon
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    They all went mad after looking at my browser history
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    Why, cause beastiality is not legal in Florida yet?
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    @Psionic Roshambo, they rewrote the constitution when they saw your browser history
    K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2: @Psionic Roshambo, they rewrote the constitution when they saw your browser history