Myers–Briggs types

What's your result?

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Aurora Wright

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2006
For once I'm going to open an off-topic thread :)
Not sure how many of you heard about this test, it's one of the countless personality type tests around (maybe the most known).
Not to take really seriously of course, but in my experience it's good at giving a very general idea about how someone gathers and processes information. For some reason, the very few people I got close to IRL were INTx (myself being an INTP and really close to the various INTP portraits you can find around).
Would be cool to have a thread with our results.

A couple online versions:


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
Can't say I place too much stock in these concepts, though they make for fascinating reading

Anyway I can usually bias it to more or less whatever I want (keeping track of the scoring in real time can be annoying if the test giver is good at what they do meaning I have to imagine being a given type which is not as accurate) and I can never take such things seriously*. Never had an employer or anything like that try it on but anybody that did and took it seriously and not just to appease some consultant would probably not be somewhere I care to work.

*"Is messing with the test going to see me locked up/sectioned? No, time to mess with it then." would be the logic my brain runs with when it comes to anything like this.


New Member
Feb 10, 2016
-> ENTJ :)

Logical, farsighted, and resolute, you have a tendency to seize upon every problem presented to you and map out an efficient, logical, and objective solution to that problem. You also find it natural that you should lead the effort to solve that problem. In fact, you just tend to find it natural that you should be the leader, period. You are not one to sit back and cry about a setback and you tend to let few things stand between you and the successful attainment of your goals. Once you have thought through a plan and settled on its superiority, you tend to work towards its completion in a structured, systematic, and, if need be, aggressive manner. While others might perceive you as an unfeeling juggernaut from time to time, the irony is that you actually do respect the people who know how to stand up to you and fight you on the logical rationales that you present as the justifications for your plans.


Persona Secretiva Felineus
Global Moderator
Jan 7, 2014
Another World
Apparently, I am "ENFP" :P

Versatile, dynamic, and quirky, you are tireless in your pursuit of the untested, the untried, and the fight against the status quo. You love to interact with all kinds of people and you carry yourself in an expressive and warm manner that ideally sees lots of affirmation flowing both ways. Charismatic and imaginative, you tend to have a well-honed ability to see the world through the eyes of those who do not normally have an advocate to speak for them. You are interested in the potential of others and you often long to help them develop their own aspirations more fully. Ever-inquisitive and appreciative, you have a love of fantasy and adventure and are easily bored by the business-as-usual routines of the corporate and business world. Your own enthusiasm and energy for finding a new and better way arises spontaneously and can often be quite contagious. However, you tend to have little love for resolving the factual specifics of a case, preferring to work by pure inspiration and bursts of energy instead.


Messenger from Zero
May 5, 2012
Best state in Brazil
ISTJ... It's a bit different from IRL, I guess? Still, most of it is right IMO.

Responsible, punctual, and thorough, you are temperamentally well-suited for long-term planning and execution. You like to familiarize yourself with the facts and think things through, and you tend to shake your head at people who neglect the importance of committing properly to a goal. Once committed, you tend to find it easy to muster the discipline and patience required to stay the course, even in the face of distractions that would make others change directions or abandon the endeavor. You tend to come across as serious and you are generally not one to wear your heart on your sleeve. But as those closest to you have probably seen, you also have a sentimental streak and a wry sense of humor underneath the stern facade. Because you are so diligent in approaching your projects, you may at times be caught off guard by sudden changes which arise in a flash and which are hard to guard against. Steady and purposeful, and endowed with a good deal of common sense, you exhibit an enviable thoroughness and attention to detail that makes you well-suited to taking on long-term commitments and leading them to triumph by way of the sure and steady approach.


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2013
I got ESTP
ESTPs are big-thinking, action-oriented entrepreneurs - bold go-getters who go for what they want with great confidence in themselves. They have an uncanny ability to size up a situation and either leave it or get what they want from it. Flexible and pragmatic, ESTPs typically see little need to do things "by the book" - especially not if doing things "outside of the book" will get greater results. Unconventional, alert, and extremely adaptable, ESTPs are good at thinking on their feet and even better at convincing others to get behind their solution to a problem. In situations where others have to sit down and think to come up with a solution, the ESTP can often shake out an answer by simply looking at the problem.

Of all the 16 types, ESTPs are perhaps the most observant and discerning realists. As first movers with an eye for innovation, they are frequently attuned to what the "next big thing" will be before others have even noticed it. For this reason, ESTPs may sometimes seem as if they have an eerie ability to always be in the right place at the right time. When a golden opportunity arises, the ESTPs of this world are usually among the first to notice it, seize it, and to make use of it for their own ends.

ESTPs are at their best when they have the freedom to call their own shots. Their creativity and ability to make the most of a new situation is wasted in menial and routine jobs, where they are stifled by bureaucratic procedures that only serve to curb their boldness and hamper their ingenuity. ESTPs want bold new things to happen in the world, while bureaucratic managers are often more concerned with consolidating what they already have.

ESTPs tend to have a relaxed and open attitude and they often have a strong charisma. They tend to have a way with people where they are extremely shrewd at connecting with them and convincing them of their plans. One can often find an ESTP at the center of a large network of friends and business connections, which the ESTP can draw on for making his latest plan come true. And like the ESTJ, the ESTP is often acutely realistic with regards to sizing up the capabilities and possible contributions of the people around them - knowing in advance what they can and cannot do.

When propositioning others to get in on their ideas, ESTPs are naturally gifted with the ability to think in win-win scenarios. They promptly see where both parties stand to gain and they naturally emphasize that. Their directness and ease of expression makes them appear self-confident and convincing in the eyes of others. Colorful and compelling, ESTPs are in many ways equipped with that extra savvy which allows them to do well in business as well as in life. They are ambitious adventurers who are resilient and unlikely to be knocked out by a setback - if one avenue of success doesn't work out, another one will.

Underneath their charming exterior, ESTPs are usually tough-minded and coolly pragmatic. When making a decision about whether to include someone in a given opportunity or scheme they will lucidly weigh the pros and cons of that person's abilities with respect to their own objectives. Ever the pragmatists, ESTPs will typically not see the need to inform people of their slights and most of the people around them are therefore bound to be unaware that they are being weighed and measured in this manner. Telling people about their faults rarely accomplishes anything anyway, and what most ESTPs care about is bringing people together to innovate and create real-world results on a grand scale - not to play therapist and counselor to one another.

ESTPs usually don't have a lot of time for moralizing and they tend to turn a deaf ear to people who lecture them on their "responsibilities." For this reason, ESTPs are sometimes seen as opportunistic and cynical by others. In reality, though, most ESTPs are both principled and loyal, but they tend to approach their responsibilities differently than other types: If a commitment is to be genuine on their part, they must be free to assume it entirely of their own accord and not be pressured or persuaded into doing it. If an ESTP is going to assume such responsibilities, it is going to be because he wants to, not because he has to. If others try to pressure them into commitment, ESTPs will often feel justified in taking whatever countermeasures that they deem appropriate to escape these attempts at constricting them and reigning them in.

With their undaunted attitude, supreme realism, and eye for the bottom line, ESTPs are in many ways natural leaders of men. They have an effortless understanding of what others want and they have a tendency to work with people rather than against them, as the INTJand ENTJ types are sometimes wont to do. Unlike the NTJ types, ESTPs have a nimble and flexible attitude that keeps things moving and they don't get locked down in confrontation. ESTPs think in win-win scenarios where they do not have to have everything their own way - if major results can be achieved by glossing over a few disagreements and making a compromise here and there then so be it - what matters are the results.

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