Hacking [RELEASE] WiiVC Injector Script (GC/Wii/Homebrew Support)


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2019
Newcastle Upon Tyne
United Kingdom
This program is really excellent, just I may suggest to update version to 1.0.0 or so since it's really stable and not considered beta anymore in my opinion. Thank you kind developer!

Hi, I’m on version 3.0.1 but looking at your message it has made me question if I’m on the correct updated version? I’ve seen 4.0.1 so should I be on this or is there a more updated one ie am I going in the wrong direction & should I be on 1.0.0 instead? Thank you
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Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2008
37°16'55.2"N 115°47'58.6"W
v3.0.1 is the last version, the developer abandoned this project ages ago and said why do people still use this horrible tool, yes he said that, click HERE for his post. A few people asked for the source code so they can improve but nothing.

So don't keep your hopes up for a new version, like many others this version is enough as it works for most, for those that doesn't work, comes down to local PC having issues.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2008
37°16'55.2"N 115°47'58.6"W
View attachment 181397
Hiya & good evening & ok I’m back onto this injector now to try & sort out & sorry it’s took so long to get back to you & onto continuing with this as I’ve had a nightmare time with my vwii side of my wiiu & it’s still not rectified but hopefully will be soon, those instructions are so straight forward what you left for me & it’s exactly what I wanted so thanks for that but I’m injecting GC games not Wii ones At the moment & the question I have next (which I think I already asked way back at the start lol) is on the empty space where it says pre generated title ID then what do I do with this ie

1, leave it blank?
do I put in the title ID in From One of my cleanrip files that came with the iOS when it was dumped?
If Yes Then Which One?
2, game.ios
3, game.bca
4, game.dumpinfo.txt
5, could it also be just the 4 letter ID that each gamecube game uses ie G8MP for Paper Mario-TTYD (PAL) & this changes to a J for Japan or an E for North America & also nearly always-include include a 01 at the very end?

This is the bit I have been getting stuck on as I didn’t know what to do at this point & everytime I just guessed it didn’t work or stopped on the nfs section? & the video I saw in regards to this already had it in & didn’t explain what to do if it’s not already in or if it’s even needed if it’s not in & maybe now you can see why I was so confused because everything I tried to do wouldn’t make it show up automatically hence why I’m thinking I need to enter one manually?

*I’ve tried leaving it blank but it won’t let me continue as it just says Meta Options Are Valid But In Red Not Green???*

(I’ve just included 2 photos thank you :-) thank you)

First off, your on a MAC and using WINE to run this app, that is a recipe for trouble, good to see the app running through WINE but the question remains will it create a successful inject.

Now, when you added your GC ISO in the "Required Source Files" tab => "Game" field, the Internal Game Name: and Internal Game Title ID fields should be populated with the GC game you added.

So when you go over to the "GamePad/Meta Options" tab, the "Pre-generated Title ID (Changing this is not recommended)" field should be auto filled with a generated Title ID.

If the app is missing both these info, then it looks like WINE is causing issues with this app.

What you can do is enter your own Title ID, the prefix is: 0005000xxxxxxxxx

Where "X" can anything from 0123456789 and ABCDEF

You can mix and match any number and letters to create a Title ID, for example: 00050002474C4D45
Last edited by xs4all,
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New Member
Oct 5, 2019
United States
I cannot for the life of me get GCN injected games working. I have gone from my Wii U turning off after about a minute to near 5 now but I still have it shut down whenever I launch a gamecube game. They run fine until the whole system shuts down. I have tried without virtual memory cards and with, all different sizes, I have reinstalled nintendont and the config numerous times, and I've disabled auto shut off for the system and HDD to no avail. If anyone knows how to help I'd greatly appreciate it. I'm running off an externally powered HDD. Wii U backups work fine.


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2008
37°16'55.2"N 115°47'58.6"W
I cannot for the life of me get GCN injected games working. I have gone from my Wii U turning off after about a minute to near 5 now but I still have it shut down whenever I launch a gamecube game. They run fine until the whole system shuts down. I have tried without virtual memory cards and with, all different sizes, I have reinstalled nintendont and the config numerous times, and I've disabled auto shut off for the system and HDD to no avail. If anyone knows how to help I'd greatly appreciate it. I'm running off an externally powered HDD. Wii U backups work fine.

Disconnect HDD, install to system nand and test, if works, then it could be a HDD related issue.
In vWii mode, it can be picky as to what the HDD is used, mainly the usb controller used in the HDD, if the handshake between the HDD when it boots into vWii mode doesnt happen in a timely matter, it causes to boot into black screen and system freezes, restarts or shutdowns.

Forgot to add, even if you dont have any issues with WiiU games installed on the HDD, this issue is only related to when the WiiU boots into vWii mode that it causing the issue.
Last edited by xs4all,


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2019
Newcastle Upon Tyne
United Kingdom
First off, your on a MAC and using WINE to run this app, that is a recipe for trouble, good to see the app running through WINE but the question remains will it create a successful inject.

Now, when you added your GC ISO in the "Required Source Files" tab => "Game" field, the Internal Game Name: and Internal Game Title ID fields should be populated with the GC game you added.

So when you go over to the "GamePad/Meta Options" tab, the "Pre-generated Title ID (Changing this is not recommended)" field should be auto filled with a generated Title ID.

If the app is missing both these info, then it looks like WINE is causing issues with this app.

What you can do is enter your own Title ID, the prefix is: 0005000xxxxxxxxx

Where "X" can anything from 0123456789 and ABCDEF

You can mix and match any number and letters to create a Title ID, for example: 00050002474C4D45

This is exactly what I wanted to know & have been waiting for someone to tell me all along as the pre generated titles never show up for me & I couldn't find a guide on how to use this so it's been a nightmare tbh as all I’ve been asking for all along was how to place those title ids otherwise & ive literally been round the moon & back trying to work this out lol so thank you so much for your advice mate, it's very much appreciated :-)
Last edited by whorewolf,


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2019
Newcastle Upon Tyne
United Kingdom
First off, your on a MAC and using WINE to run this app, that is a recipe for trouble, good to see the app running through WINE but the question remains will it create a successful inject.

Now, when you added your GC ISO in the "Required Source Files" tab => "Game" field, the Internal Game Name: and Internal Game Title ID fields should be populated with the GC game you added.

So when you go over to the "GamePad/Meta Options" tab, the "Pre-generated Title ID (Changing this is not recommended)" field should be auto filled with a generated Title ID.

If the app is missing both these info, then it looks like WINE is causing issues with this app.

What you can do is enter your own Title ID, the prefix is: 0005000xxxxxxxxx

Where "X" can anything from 0123456789 and ABCDEF

You can mix and match any number and letters to create a Title ID, for example: 00050002474C4D45

Hi mate, I Just wanted to give a quick update but it’s not very quick at all sorry lol but it is all good yay as your advice on what to do with that title I’d has really paid off as I’ve gotten so much further now & it is all starting to make a lot more sense hence the original files I downloaded for this only had the exe & changelog In hence how I didn’t have a clue on what to do as no other folders were in there at all but I mentioned all this when I put my original post up by asking simply how do you get the title I’d to show up as I was doing everything the hard way ie trying to work it all out manually because I couldn’t find a simple a-b guide & im presuming the ID just didn’t come up because it was a simple 1-1 clean rip iso & hadn’t been used in anything else but the name was coming up no problem from the dumpinfo.txt I had for the iOS & I had all the other info just I had nothing in regards to a title ID written anywhere & it’s like that I’m sure for all my cleanrip iOS so when i got a reply basically saying it was because of the Mac & no one would prob help even though at that point I knew it wasn’t & tried to explain as I hadn’t even gotten anywhere as I didn’t know what to do lol & states I just needed a simple a-b guide like you give me in regards to just putting in a random ID so I don’t know why anyone else hasn’t just told me the same tbh as I knew it was something really simple just I didn’t know what and when it said not to change that title I’d I didn’t want to mess with it as my vwii got messed up a couple of weeks ago by following wrong advice & now I’m trying to reinstall the mii channel, hbc & wiimc as I lost access to them all as unknowingly I downloaded some wad managers & these turned all my iOS into wads up to no 80 but deleted the other 4 ie iOS 236, 249, 250 &251 so I don’t know if it’s best to just do a backup from the nand as I don’t know if this is fixable somehow as I’m just keeping put back on the Wii menu whenever I click on any of those 3 channels & the wiiu menu aswell & it locks me in there. I’ve tried wuphax & it tells me it’s gone through ok but then when I go into it it’s just the samec& all the icons are still on the menu just it won’t let me into anything lol but it’s nade me a lot more cautious now on what I’m actually doing as I had a year with no issues until about 1 month ago with the injector & then that. I’m still fairly new to all this home brewing & it’s a lot more complex than I first thought it would be tbh but I did watch video guides also which never again shall we say as now I know there a definite no no lol all I want to do is basically get games up on my wiiu menu for other formats as I have installed successfully 52 wiiu games that I did via disc2app then wup installer gx2 with no issue at all hence I initially thought also this injector would be just the same as from what I had read I had no indication to think otherwise hence how I didn’t realise how much more difficult all this was & ended up as confused as I was as It was basically like I was blind & had nothing I could follow to guide me along the way. Hopefully once I can get at least done then it will all become a lot easier & last thing il say is that last night I cane across a similar version to this except it was for Mac lol so how bloody typical is that for me to get your information & find a more easier route for this injector on my own own system rather than using wine as I know it can be unstable as I’ve had issues with a couple of other programs but nothing major at all lol. I realise now also that everytime the script was asking if I was certain I wanted to close it that these were just pointers in order to get the temp files whereas again that was never explained to me either & it was basically put an iOS in & a banner & an icon & thats it which I originally thought everything else was done for you automatically hence I had no one telling me otherwise or any other files or folders to even give the slightest hint what I had to do lol. Anyhow I just wanted to get that out my system as I was nearly going mad & pulling my hair out wondering how on Earth can I get that title I’d to show up & I did everything possible on the titles/keys master file but obviously couldn’t work out what I had to do there either but anyhow rant over & im just so happy that you explained that so easy of a simple process to me mate so many many thanks once again I think I have all the files I need now & the title iD so in regards to the yellow box in the photo, at this point do I run the injector 1 more time & then it should complete the build of all the files or do I have to covert them some way else please? I also found & followed the info on this photo that I only come across yesterday also which really really helped guide me also as otherwise I’d have never worked it all out in a million years which I can see now why a lot of people have issues with this as for a lot of people who aren’t savvy it’s all just guess work lol.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

Sorry, can I just add what does it mean by an installable archive? Ie is certain type of folder or something? & also if the injector doesn't convert them To nfs & you gave to it yourself manually then how do you also do that please? Thanks again
Last edited by whorewolf,


New Member
Oct 8, 2019
hello there.

i tried 3 games, Wii Sports Resort, works fine, but Skylnaders Spyro Adventures and Giants those two also "work" but the moment they are launched the Portal will turn off and give me error to connect the Portal, but soon I leave back to Wii U Menu, the Portal goes back on by itself, If i try using the retail Spyro Adventure Wii CD, the Portal works, so have I done something wrong using your software to convert the ISOs to wii u format and somehow disable its USB function so USB devices dont work, or any other idea ?

thank you,


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2008
37°16'55.2"N 115°47'58.6"W
View attachment 181727

Hi mate, I Just wanted to give a quick update but it’s not very quick at all sorry lol but it is all good yay as your advice on what to do with that title I’d has really paid off as I’ve gotten so much further now & it is all starting to make a lot more sense hence the original files I downloaded for this only had the exe & changelog In hence how I didn’t have a clue on what to do as no other folders were in there at all but I mentioned all this when I put my original post up by asking simply how do you get the title I’d to show up as I was doing everything the hard way ie trying to work it all out manually because I couldn’t find a simple a-b guide & im presuming the ID just didn’t come up because it was a simple 1-1 clean rip iso & hadn’t been used in anything else but the name was coming up no problem from the dumpinfo.txt I had for the iOS & I had all the other info just I had nothing in regards to a title ID written anywhere & it’s like that I’m sure for all my cleanrip iOS so when i got a reply basically saying it was because of the Mac & no one would prob help even though at that point I knew it wasn’t & tried to explain as I hadn’t even gotten anywhere as I didn’t know what to do lol & states I just needed a simple a-b guide like you give me in regards to just putting in a random ID so I don’t know why anyone else hasn’t just told me the same tbh as I knew it was something really simple just I didn’t know what and when it said not to change that title I’d I didn’t want to mess with it as my vwii got messed up a couple of weeks ago by following wrong advice & now I’m trying to reinstall the mii channel, hbc & wiimc as I lost access to them all as unknowingly I downloaded some wad managers & these turned all my iOS into wads up to no 80 but deleted the other 4 ie iOS 236, 249, 250 &251 so I don’t know if it’s best to just do a backup from the nand as I don’t know if this is fixable somehow as I’m just keeping put back on the Wii menu whenever I click on any of those 3 channels & the wiiu menu aswell & it locks me in there. I’ve tried wuphax & it tells me it’s gone through ok but then when I go into it it’s just the samec& all the icons are still on the menu just it won’t let me into anything lol but it’s nade me a lot more cautious now on what I’m actually doing as I had a year with no issues until about 1 month ago with the injector & then that. I’m still fairly new to all this home brewing & it’s a lot more complex than I first thought it would be tbh but I did watch video guides also which never again shall we say as now I know there a definite no no lol all I want to do is basically get games up on my wiiu menu for other formats as I have installed successfully 52 wiiu games that I did via disc2app then wup installer gx2 with no issue at all hence I initially thought also this injector would be just the same as from what I had read I had no indication to think otherwise hence how I didn’t realise how much more difficult all this was & ended up as confused as I was as It was basically like I was blind & had nothing I could follow to guide me along the way. Hopefully once I can get at least done then it will all become a lot easier & last thing il say is that last night I cane across a similar version to this except it was for Mac lol so how bloody typical is that for me to get your information & find a more easier route for this injector on my own own system rather than using wine as I know it can be unstable as I’ve had issues with a couple of other programs but nothing major at all lol. I realise now also that everytime the script was asking if I was certain I wanted to close it that these were just pointers in order to get the temp files whereas again that was never explained to me either & it was basically put an iOS in & a banner & an icon & thats it which I originally thought everything else was done for you automatically hence I had no one telling me otherwise or any other files or folders to even give the slightest hint what I had to do lol. Anyhow I just wanted to get that out my system as I was nearly going mad & pulling my hair out wondering how on Earth can I get that title I’d to show up & I did everything possible on the titles/keys master file but obviously couldn’t work out what I had to do there either but anyhow rant over & im just so happy that you explained that so easy of a simple process to me mate so many many thanks once again I think I have all the files I need now & the title iD so in regards to the yellow box in the photo, at this point do I run the injector 1 more time & then it should complete the build of all the files or do I have to covert them some way else please? I also found & followed the info on this photo that I only come across yesterday also which really really helped guide me also as otherwise I’d have never worked it all out in a million years which I can see now why a lot of people have issues with this as for a lot of people who aren’t savvy it’s all just guess work lol.

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

Sorry, can I just add what does it mean by an installable archive? Ie is certain type of folder or something? & also if the injector doesn't convert them To nfs & you gave to it yourself manually then how do you also do that please? Thanks again

That was a long reply, not sure how to make of it.

The reason why your not getting help is because as you stated, your on a MAC using WINE to run the app, 99% of the members here are using Windows, since this is an injector script, everything is done automatically in the background, this inject only required a few input from the user. So for an average user, they most likely do not know how this injector script works so they can't answer you questions.
Only the few who use this program a lot and knows the in's and out's on how this injector works will be able to help you and if they can bee stuffed to take time to answer you questions.

I don't know much about WINE or how it manages Windows apps to make them work, this injector script is an .EXE file when launched it extracts all the requires apps/files to a temp folder to do inject. So now, if WINE doesn't know what to do with these extracted apps, then you will run into issues with this app.

The picture that you posted, is just a summary of how this app works and what it does to get a completed inject, it's not meant to be followed.

Unless someone has successfully completed an inject using WINE, I'm afraid with the issues your having at the moment, your most likely not going to get an inject.

Alternative is create a Windows virtual machine or boot camp to get this app working.

Basically on a Windows machine, you load the app, insert your ISO (Wii or GC), provide your own pictures or use the cucholix's rep to automatically download the game icon and banner. Give it a game name and hit the build button, there is no restarting the app or anything.
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New Member
Oct 14, 2019
United States
On the last line in the build tab "Required keys are properly specified" it's marked red. What am I doing wrong?

Thx in advance!

--------------------- MERGED ---------------------------

On the last line in the build tab "Required keys are properly specified," it's marked red. What am I doing wrong?

Thx in advance!


Jun 22, 2012
Is there any way to tweak the aspect ratio settings on GameCube games that have already been injected and installed with this program, save for reinstalling?

I just left all the display setting on their default, so naturally they're all stretched to fit the Wii U's 16:9. I can set my TV to 4:3 and they all look fine, but obviously that's not an option when playing on the Gamepad. Can I tweak the Nintendont options when booting an injected game, or maybe change a config file somewhere on the SD? Or am I just going to have to sacrifice my saves and reinstall?


Well-Known Member
Jun 9, 2008
37°16'55.2"N 115°47'58.6"W
Is there any way to tweak the aspect ratio settings on GameCube games that have already been injected and installed with this program, save for reinstalling?

I just left all the display setting on their default, so naturally they're all stretched to fit the Wii U's 16:9. I can set my TV to 4:3 and they all look fine, but obviously that's not an option when playing on the Gamepad. Can I tweak the Nintendont options when booting an injected game, or maybe change a config file somewhere on the SD? Or am I just going to have to sacrifice my saves and reinstall?

Just use the Nintendont SD Card Menu option within this app to create/edit a new nincfg.bin file on the root of your SD CARD, no need to re inject as the Nintendont settings are in the nincfg.bin file.

Can't remember on the top of my head but there are a few other apps you can download that will edit the nincfg.bin file.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2013
hi i need help, i installed mario sunshine and striker to nand and why i try to launch them i get the splash screen and the my wiiu hard locks and i have to take the power cord out to turn it off.


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2016
United States
hi i need help, i installed mario sunshine and striker to nand and why i try to launch them i get the splash screen and the my wiiu hard locks and i have to take the power cord out to turn it off.

Did you install Nintendont to your sd card? They won't work without it.


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2016
United States
If you've installed it correctly you could be someone with a Wii U that just won't play Gamecube injects. The creator of this program acknowledged that some people get black screen on Gamecube games and never fixed it and abandoned the project.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2013
If you've installed it correctly you could be someone with a Wii U that just won't play Gamecube injects. The creator of this program acknowledged that some people get black screen on Gamecube games and never fixed it and abandoned the project.
it worked once and now it wont. so it should be able to no?


Well-Known Member
May 30, 2016
United States
The only other thing I could advise you to do is start over redo the injects and retry there's not much else to do if you installed them through Wup Installer and have Nintendont in /apps on your sd card they should work.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2013
The only other thing I could advise you to do is start over redo the injects and retry there's not much else to do if you installed them through Wup Installer and have Nintendont in /apps on your sd card they should work.
i went to delete them and noticed the install size for both is 1447 mb but neither game is that size is that normal?

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