Hacking [SPECULATION] Current State of Affairs for 3DS Flash Cards.

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No. Nyet. 不. Non. Nein.
Aug 14, 2011
Updated on 26/03/2014

What the hell is currently going on with the 3DS Flash Cards Scene?? (Note: Not all information are verified, they just simply exist)
In this thread I will be trying to provide you guys with information that I have come across over something called the internet. What you guys make of it is up to you.

Now, I've seen countless thread being infected by the morality of piracy. Well, stop right there. Piracy is moral. Piracy is immoral. Piracy is amoral. There. A one size fits all solution.

Now first bit is the leak by some chinese guy. I've translated his post painstakingly as google translate is rubbish. I even had to google up some chinese slangs in there. Any how lets go...

如题,上年8月份的时候我已经爆料过会出现加芯片带卡带按键的一卡多游烧录卡,当时还有一群人要我吃翔,但是最后为什么会延迟呢?其实内幕是mt是gw和 sc合作的产物。因为我的无意发帖,导致gw清货不力,所以要等到gw清得差不多,才好推新卡。所以mt的出现就延迟了。
好了,言归正传,这次要爆的是6.1系统的破解,其实gw是已经能破解到6.1还有一些还不能玩的游戏了,但是必须要有芯片协助模拟真卡功能,但是旧卡是 没有芯片的,这些功能会清完最后两批gw卡后就会在带芯片的卡上实现(这里不单单只是mt,gw也会出),时间应该在5月底左右,请6.1机器想玩烧录的 朋友忍耐一下。爆料完毕,希望这次也会有人要我吃翔!!我是没关系的,反正我是把我看到得告诉大家,老实说我上次也告诉过在哪里可以看到测试卡,但是偏偏 没人信我也没办法,希望这次6.1又想玩破解的玩家不要无聊去升级吧。仅此如此。
Translated by lambstone
(To prevent people from saying they can't find my original post in the above link, I have changed the contents of the post due to circumstancces. But you will find that my replies on the thread have described the design of the card and where I first saw the card)

Even though previously the card was delayed, I do not want to listen to the regrets of people whom were persuaded by me to get a <4.5 3DS.

Back to the topic, last year during August, I have already leaked that there will be a multirom flash kart with a cpu. During that time, people have told me to go and eat a steaming pile of shit.

However why were there delays? This is because MT-card is the brain child resulting from the cooperation between Gateway and SuperCard. Due to my unexpected leak of MT-card, this resulted in GW being unable to clear their inventory. This is why we had to wait till GW cleared most of their stock before the new card could be introduced. That's why MT-card was delayed.

Ok. Enough of that now. This time I am here to leak that 6.1 is exploitable now. GW actually was able to exploit 6.1 and run some game roms that were previously unplayable but however this required tge aid of an onboard CPU. However, the 1st generation GW card does not have a CPU, hence GW are trying to get rid of their 2 batchs of stock before these new features will land on flash cards with CPU (this not only applies to MT-Card but also the future GW card).

The current time frame is roughly around the end of May this year. Hence, I urge all you peeps out there with a 6.1 system to be patient. Alright, I've finished leaking. I hope that this time there will also be people to ask me to eat some poop!! I am insignificant since my purpose is to inform everyone what I saw. Honestly, I told you guys last time where you could see a beta card being tested in the wild and nobody believed me. This time round I hope that you fellows that are on 6.1 do not anyhow update to latest firmware

Twitter Status Update by Smealum
out of curiosity, how many of you still have 6.3 3DSs ?
Now this kinda gives some credibility to the information that a 6.x exploit might be in the vicinity.

if you are a homebrew dev, do not update past 6.3


Also, at the same time it has been ages since GW showed any signs of life.

Just last night, I discovered this on duowan bbs.



Apparently there is now a new player with Nand Saving proof as well.

[Read Update1 for more information]


So based on the timeline on post 2, its pretty much a certainty that 3DSLink=R4iGoldDeluxe

MT-card released with multirom on 3/1/2014. GW demoed their multirom on 21/1/2014
GW demoed nand-save on 4/01/2014. Evo3ds demoed nand save before 22/03/2014

When you add up the facts from the timeline I made, the curious statement by smealum AND the information that the chinese dude leaked.

It seems to reinforce the idea that GW card has been abandoned, MT-card might still have a future. A new 3DS card is on the horizon. MT-card and the new 3DS-card will support 6.x consoles.

Can anyone form a counter argument based on the facts and information available so far? And please do not let blind faith cloud your interpretation and let none of the "this is a clone, ripping off GW" crap seep into your counter argument.

UPDATE1 (24/03/2014 0830)

some of you may have been convinced that its utter bull due to the lack of the mythical CPU. It could simply be a translation error. I chose the word CPU because it was on the MT-card website. More accurately, the original untranslated version means something like chip or chipset. I just chose the word CPU for context to the website. The website also probably chose CPU due to translation issues as well. CPU sounds more impressive than chip. Heck, I've even seen chinese portable battery chargers to be advertised with having a quad core CPU inside to prevent over charging.

There are currently 3 evo3ds videos available.
--> Demos Nand Save and first glimpse on the evo3ds menu
--> Demos Multirom working with both Nand Games and eshop (multirom missing GUI, toggle via up button)
--> Demos eshop titles working though its one game per sd card

Now, something funny seems to be going on here.

UPDATE2 (24/03/2014 1230)

The below link is a whois lookup on the evo3ds domain.
Creation Date: 2014-1-7 11:45:32
Registrar Registration Expiration Date: 2015-1-7 11:45:32
Registrant Name: zhang xiansheng zhang xiansheng (aka Mr Zhang Mr Zhang
Registrant Organization: niu derun
Registrant Street: shenzhen Chegongmiao 210 dong xizuo 2e2f
Registrant City: shen zhen
Registrant State/Province: Guangdong
Registrant Postal Code: 518000
Tech Email: [email protected]

I did a quick google search and came up with the following bits. "JIANGSU BANGNING SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD" apparently has a huge list of registered domains. There are also multiple reports that is fraudulent or a scam. However, when digging closer into chinese websites using the chinese name. I have uncovered this.


"JIANGSU BANGNING SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD" is a chinese tech set up. It's a website provider and hoster. They design websites catered to clients. It now makes sense as to why they have a huge list of registered domains. Thing about the scam is, this company isn't responsible for scams. Their clients just contracted the website creation services to run a scam. Boom. Debunked.
I'll be skipping some very few minor irrelevant details.

UPDATE3 (26/03/2014 1040)
Possible Explanations as to why CFW hasn't completely screwed over the 3ds flash cart industry

Original Version
***************** separate point ****************

If only the relevant people didn't have the stick of morality up their butts. It's hindering progress. It's not like you can stop piracy from growing. It's the frigging dark ages again. CFW will render flash cart businesses to become nonexistent. So in fact, you're sort of doing something good. Let's go with the assumption that there is no 6.x exploits, new owners 4.5 units are becoming increasingly rare. Those that already do either already are involved in pirating games or well.. why bother with 4.5 units. So why do the relevant people insist that they do not want to contribute to the state of piracy? Perhaps a sense of self entitlement? Perhaps while they are successful are homebrew and related hacks they actually haven't touched on rom playbacks yet? Well, the latter doesn't seem likely, they could easily release what they have and let someone else carry on the torch. But wait! Releasing what they have? Oh no, everyone else would have what they exclusive used to have. The sense of being special disappears. Another possibility is that refusal to release their current work is because 6.x exploits actually do exist. By releasing their custom work, it will actually open the doors to really rampant piracy, now that will be understandable as to why they chose to keep their work private. Another possibility is that they are somehow in bed with the flash cart business. Now this is an interesting point to discuss, money. Everybody wants money. Releasing a CFW that will put the flash carts out of business? That's counter intuitive. Now, all the above is simply just conjecture and pointing out all the possible reasons as to why there isn't a public CFW at this point.

I'll like people to read through and comment, logically and calmly in something that makes sense instead of simply "WTF, fuck off". Be logical like my comments on CFW, explore every possible option instead of fixating on one. Did I miss out any reasonable possibility?

Updated Version (some minor edits and updates)

If only the relevant people didn't have the stick of morality up their butts. It's hindering progress. It's not like you can stop piracy from growing. It's the frigging dark ages again. CFW will render flash cart businesses to become nonexistent. So in fact, you're sort of doing something good. Let's go with the assumption that there is no 6.x exploits, new owners 4.5 units are becoming increasingly rare. Those that already do either already are involved in pirating games or well.. why bother with 4.5 units.

Take a look at this quote
I don't provide our code for others to make profit of it.
Now this rather contradictory. By open sourcing their work, it will allow everyone to have access to it. This will render the flash carts obsolete, causing most of them to go out of business. Sure there might result in a onslaught of cheap carts using the source code available but its unlikely when people can do what they are offering for free. Flash carts businesses are all about profitability. Its not profitable when there are free alternatives easily accessible.

So without any further delay. Here are some possible reasons as to why Flashcart Businesses have our balls (or lady-balls) in a vice grip.
  1. So why do the relevant people insist that they do not want to contribute to the state of piracy? Perhaps a sense of self entitlement?
  2. Perhaps while they are successful are homebrew and related hacks they actually haven't touched on rom playbacks yet? Well, the latter doesn't seem likely, they could easily release what they have and let someone else carry on the torch. But wait! Releasing what they have? Oh no, everyone else would have what they exclusive used to have. The sense of being special disappears.
  3. Another possibility is that refusal to release their current work is because 6.x exploits actually do exist. By releasing their custom work, it will actually open the doors to really rampant piracy, now that will be understandable as to why they chose to keep their work private.
  4. Another possibility is that they are somehow in bed with the flash cart business. Now this is an interesting point to discuss, money. Everybody wants money. Releasing a CFW that will put the flash carts out of business? That's counter intuitive.
    That's the worst scenario i can think of, if everyone is just able to install every shit he wants 4free
    I don't provide our code for others to make profit of it.
  5. Perhaps all the current developments are spearheaded by one individual hence the group as an entirely can't really release anything as its not their work to release? This makes sense in a way. Assuming, and now this is entirely making an assumption that *HACKER-A* is the genius behind the 3ds dev scene, a pioneer whom crafted everything he has from scratch, he shared the tools and knowledge with a selected few, it makes sense that the one's making progress recently can't share it because technically everything wouldn't be possible without *HACKER-A*
    because these are not mine. I would not even do it, if i made them myself.
    because i don't have the right's to do so and i will not do it.
  6. Now, all the above is simply just conjecture and pointing out all the possible reasons as to why there isn't a public CFW at this point.
I'll like people to read through and comment, logically and calmlyin something that makes sense instead of simply "WTF, fuck off". Be logical like my comments on CFW, explore every possible option instead of fixating on one. Did I miss out any reasonable possibility? If you feel like refuting any of the possibilities or augmenting it, feel free to do so. Do it with some logical explanations instead of "Why would I do that?" "I hate blah blah".


What. It looks like by some mysterious force my two first posts have been merged. Guess I'll have to hide the timeline in a spoiler to save space. Here goes!

Timeline of events (hidden in the spoiler below)
Information taken from
  1. http://www.gateway-3ds.com/
  2. http://www.3dslink.com/
  3. http://www.r4ids.cn/r4ids-e.htm
  4. http://www.mt-card.com/
  • 21/08/2013
    - PUBLIC RELEASE OF Gateway 3DS V1.1a Region-free and Firm-Spoof
  • 09/09/2013
    - Release 1.2: iQue and HK support
  • 02/10/2013
    - Gateway 3DS 2.0 Sneak Peak 1 of 2 (nand backup)
  • 15/10/2013
    - Gateway 3DS 2.0 Sneak Peak 2 of 2 (emuNand)
  • 20/10/2013
    - F.A.Q. (what they are doing, some promises etc etc)
  • 31.10.2013
    - 3DSLINK Demo Video
    - R4i Gold 3DS Deluxe Edtion for Playing 3DS Games is Officially Released!
  • 01/11/2013
    - 2.0 release and clones (more promises and clones announcement)
  • 02.11.2013
    - 3DSLINK Region Free Demo
  • 04.11.2013
    - 3DSLinkV2.0 Change Log
    - R4i Firmware 2.0 and Manuals Released
  • 05.11.2013
    - 3DSLink V2.01 Change Log
  • 22.11.2013
    - 3DSLink Demo of EmuNand
    - R4i Demo of EmuNand
  • 01/12/2013
    - Public Beta release of GW 2.0b1
  • 12-08-2013
    - MT-Card Announced
  • 10.12.2013
    - 3DSLink firmware 3.0 is released
    - R4i firmware 3.0 is released
  • 23/12/2013
    - 2.02b now available (brick code introduced)
  • 1/01/2014
    - Happy new year (says 2.0f coming early days of 2014 AKA more lies)
  • 01-02-2014
    - MT card will be released in January 3, 2014
  • 4/01/2014
    - Nand-based saves demo
  • 09.01.2014
    - 3DSLink firmware V3.3B is released (GW2.0b2 equivalent with brick code active)
  • 2014-01-10
    - R4i firmware V3.3B is released (GW2.0b2 equivalent with brick code active)
  • 13/01/2014
    - Clones Blue Screen (brickway-gate)
  • 01-14-2014
    - MT-card announcement of new features
  • 21/01/2014
    - Gateway 3DS 2.0 multiROM teaser
  • 25/02/2014
    - Switching to Gateway (more promises and seems like they are pushing for you to buy them, also last bit of news from them till date)
  • 02-28-2014
    - MT card Hardware Ver1.1 & Software V1.1 released (multirom+emunand)
  • 22/03/2014
    - Demos Nand Save and first glimpse on the evo3ds menu
  • 24/03/2014
    - Demos Multirom working with both Nand Games and eshop (multirom missing GUI, toggle via up button) EVO3ds
    - Demos eshop titles working though its one game per sd card EVO3ds


Well-Known Member
Aug 20, 2008
United States
Say, wasn't the 2DS sold with the 6.3 firmware? Sounds interesting if the leaks are true about this whole thing...


No. Nyet. 不. Non. Nein.
Aug 14, 2011
Say, wasn't the 2DS sold with the 6.3 firmware? Sounds interesting if the leaks are true about this whole thing...

Yeah it is. A 6.x exploit will make the 3DS flash cart business more profitable due to the sheer number of consoles that are on 6.x. Also, the point to note is, he was supposedly accurate about the MT-card's appearance so he has a track record of exactly one count of being accurate. He could possibly be some insider, he did say that he's a small time shop owner so chances are perhaps the manufacturers leaked something. It's not unheard of for factories to leak information. We often see phone cases design leaked before the actual phone is revealed.

I'd love to see how the homebrew hackers respond to that. The "I do not which to make piracy more rampant argument would be moot"

Gateway introduces brick code
Users too afraid to buy Evo3Ds because it might be a clone that Gateway warned against.
LOL if Gateway is behind the Evo3Ds.

Yeah. I'm kinda hoping that MT card would be the way to go right now. I'm just going to ride it out for the time being.

I've got my raspberry pi so bricking isn't that huge of a concern. I can always solder my 3ds and unbrick it. But I would actually have to solder it first which is a hassle.


Former Staff
Sep 23, 2013
only point is that if there was an exploit in 6.x, why would they need a extra cpu, maybe smealum has a real exploit, whilst flashcard manufacturers have just figured out how to emulate the retail card properly......but then that would mean it would work on 7.x i assume

i think some/all of that "leak" is guess work, plus it says 6.1 is exploitable, whilst smealum goes as far a 6.3, if there is a 6.x exploit it would be likely it was the same exploit, in which case why would the flash card manufacturers one be more limited.

not saying evo3ds isnt gateway , kinda have a gut feeling gateway-MT-Evo could all be a clever marketing ploy to keep people buying card after card after card with no real reason for them to stop developing except to force people to buy the next one


No. Nyet. 不. Non. Nein.
Aug 14, 2011
only point is that if there was an exploit in 6.x, why would they need a extra cpu, maybe smealum has a real exploit, whilst flashcard manufacturers have just figured out how to emulate the retail card properly......but then that would mean it would work on 7.x i assume

Not really sure why the exploit would require a CPU though. Maybe the chinese guy was referring to updating to add for nand based support?

Emulating a retail card would not result in multirom, not in a way that I can comprehend anyway.

i think some/all of that "leak" is guess work, plus it says 6.1 is exploitable, whilst smealum goes as far a 6.3, if there is a 6.x exploit it would be likely it was the same exploit, in which case why would the flash card manufacturers one be more limited.

Yeah possibly. The mention of 6.1 might be in err. He might mean 6.x but there is no way to know for sure. I suppose a 6.1 exploit might be the same as 6.3. Its like the current exploit is 4.1-4.5

not saying evo3ds isnt gateway , kinda have a gut feeling gateway-MT-Evo could all be a clever marketing ploy to keep people buying card after card after card with no real reason for them to stop developing except to force people to buy the next one

This makes sense. It's more profitable. Chances are their work on coding the thing is no walk in the park. If it was me, I'll try to maximise my profits. Also, I think the guy in the Evo3ds is blonde. He has blonde arm hairs.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2013
Brazil, Sao Paulo
So... Gateway is obsolete?

Based on the information at hand. Most likely. At least the current GW card is obsolete.

You know what, that sucks real bad... I just bought my GW (like 2 month ago) and I barely used it... I was waiting for final 2.0 and NAND based save and I've just totally lost interest in GW now...


Former Staff
Sep 23, 2013
You know what, that sucks real bad... I just bought my GW (like 2 month ago) and I barely used it... I was waiting for final 2.0 and NAND based save and I've just totally lost interest in GW now...
Well it's not 100% but from current events it looks likely that they plan to try "pop up" as a new team, I wouldn't recommend anyone to buy the evo3ds the whole thing stinks imho just dropping out and leaving customers with a dodgy b1 or bricky b2 not the sort of company I would recommend anyone get involved with, hopefully it's not as it seems though
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No. Nyet. 不. Non. Nein.
Aug 14, 2011
Well it's not 100% but from current events it looks likely that they plan to try "pop up" as a new team, I wouldn't recommend anyone to buy the evo3ds the whole thing stinks imho just dropping out and leaving customers with a dodgy b1 or bricky b2 not the sort of company I would recommend anyone get involved with, hopefully it's not as it seems though

I agree with this. We should not all abandon ship and head for evo3ds. At this point, its really just something interesting when you take it in the context of recent happenings.

If 2.0 never come out just wait for a custom firmware. Don't give more money to these fags that they deserve.

In an ideal world yes. But at this point of time CFW is unlikely because the hackers all have the stick of morality so far up that they won't be the ones to release CFW. I was hoping that perhaps some chinese hackers would create a CFW but at this time, I haven't even caught a whiff of anything like this happening.

As things would go, we are not a patient race. We'll probably fork out for the next cart that has either 6.x support or multi-rom and nand saves support. I know I would be.


MediCat USB Dev
Jul 23, 2012
WA State
United States
I guess getting a 3DS with 6.1 or below firmware would be a good idea now, before the prices go sky high on them... Like with the 4.5 or below ones have.


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2009
Well, the argument about waiting for stocks depleting does make sense with the constant, massive GW delays

By the way, if I read this correctly, GW would be hardly "obsolete" to those who already bought it for their 4.5 systems. I mean, even if GW (or anyone else under whatever name) release a second model that supports 6.x, does that really make a difference to those already on 4.5? We have footage of 6.x nand save games working on the 4.5 exploit (and all the other 6.x games are already working), and the 6.x exploit won't automatically fix any future possible issues for 7.x or 8.x, since the original firmware has already progressed past 6.x anwyay.

Unless the nand saving footage shown is actually fake hype and is really a 6.x-only exploit, merely used to buy them time?

My point is, GW could still keep their old cartridge updated, while having their v2 cart on the side for those that are on higher OFW, assuming all the fixes that work on the 6.x exploit will also work on 4.5.

If, however, GW is working with pretty much every manufacturer out there, they will have no reason to update their old cart as they will want people to buy the new carts, since they do not profit directly from giving updates to existing customers.


Well-Known Member
Jun 8, 2011
My point is, GW could still keep their old cartridge updated, while having their v2 cart on the side for those that are on higher OFW, assuming all the fixes that work on the 6.x exploit will also work on 4.5.

Lol, honestly that's an optimistic hope.

I'm still happy with buying it, as I can now play Pokemon X without updating my 3DS, and other games.


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2009
Thanks for the news lambstone. Nothing to do but to patiently wait it out and see where all this is going.


No. Nyet. 不. Non. Nein.
Aug 14, 2011
I guess getting a 3DS with 6.1 or below firmware would be a good idea now, before the prices go sky high on them... Like with the 4.5 or below ones have.
The prices on 4.5 or below 3DS's haven't gone sky high... They cost exactly the same as they always have.

It depends on where you purchase the 4.5 from. From mainstream stores they can't do anything. But from privately owned games shops yeah they will. The issue is that the places that sell 4.5 for retail price might soon run out, the less official sources will then mark up the price. Also 6.x units are extremely common, its... rampant.

By the way, if I read this correctly, GW would be hardly "obsolete" to those who already bought it for their 4.5 systems.

It's obsolete in the sense it has become abandonware. It's outdated.

I mean, even if GW (or anyone else under whatever name) release a second model that supports 6.x, does that really make a difference to those already on 4.5?

Yes. KeyY encryption. Look it up for the specifics. But simply put it'll sort out the PokemonX/Y save corrupted issue once and for all.

My point is, GW could still keep their old cartridge updated, while having their v2 cart on the side for those that are on higher OFW, assuming all the fixes that work on the 6.x exploit will also work on 4.5.

No. It makes no sense for them to do so. It's not going to happen. Financially, it's the dumbest thing to do.

Thanks for the news lambstone. Nothing to do but to patiently wait it out and see where all this is going.

Sure thing. I've meant for this to be a repository for information and for healthy discussion about the current status and events in the flash card scene. I'm just waiting for some bullheaded people to come in to say "blatant rip off" etc etc. I've seen one particular user repeatedly doing so. That was utterly nonconstructive and useless. It doesn't matter if they copied or not. It simply doesn't matter if they are making contributions. That's right, you heard me Mr. R.


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2009
Sure thing. I've meant for this to be a repository for information and for healthy discussion about the current status and events in the flash card scene. I'm just waiting for some bullheaded people to come in to say "blatant rip off" etc etc. I've seen one particular user repeatedly doing so. That was utterly nonconstructive and useless. It doesn't matter if they copied or not. It simply doesn't matter if they are making contributions. That's right, you heard me Mr. R.

You don't mean me I hope!!
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