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Trump-Appointed Judge Blocks Biden's Student Debt Relief Plan

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Well-Known Member
Jan 29, 2016
Cote d'Ivoire
I can't believe the shit I've read on this thread. Dude it's a prehistoric society to live in if you NEED to pay to FUCKING study man. Like what the fuck it's a human right why is people still arguing about something so basic in developed countries
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Well-Known Member
Nov 21, 2005
United States
Is this a Generation Z thing where in Gen Z wants a free ride where those before them did not? And who floats that bill? Why is college still important anyhow? Unless you want to be a doctor or something, I fail to see the point of attending one in the first place. Surely there are better alternatives to acquire skills.

My daughter just started college, and she does intend to go to medical school so pretty much only one road.

And along with some grants and scholarships, and financial support from us her parents, she did have to borrow via Federal student loans.

Question is ... if the Federal government is forgiving student loan debt for those who've already gone to school, why does she need to incur new debt now? Why isn't the Federal government swooping in to cover the college expense of current students, instead of just making them take more loans???

I suspect the answer is, they never intended this to really happen anyway.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2016
I can't believe the shit I've read on this thread. Dude it's a prehistoric society to live in if you NEED to pay to FUCKING study man. Like what the fuck it's a human right why is people still arguing about something so basic in developed countries
I could study the history of Street Fighter. Why should society pay for that? Child education is a human right, not adult education.
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Hail Mary
Feb 17, 2017
Congo, Republic of the
I could study the history of Street Fighter. Why should society pay for that? Child education is a human right, not adult education.
But why not be consistent and make both a human right?

Society is already paying for one why not pay for both?

Seems strange to cut it off right when they needs to learn specific skills for their career choice, which you don't learn in HS but learn in College. HS is more of generic education. College is specified.


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
Another day, another notimp Nothereed thread wherein apparently more than half the population could conceivably support unmitigated evil (this despite all politicians proving themselves incompetent and corrupt on the regular) but might as well play.

The better solution is to reduce the amounts guaranteed by the loans.

That way only the capable, those likely to pay back or already rich get in rather than the free for all party (and pork barrel/gravy train for terminal academics) that most things seem to end up being.
But why not be consistent and make both a human right?

Society is already paying for one why not pay for both?

Seems strange to cut it off right when they needs to learn specific skills for their career choice, which you don't learn in HS but learn in College. HS is more of generic education. College is specified.

Cost is usually the answer, especially if you are going to be paying the ridiculously inflated prices that the US seems to go in for. Does it provide a suitable return on investment and could the limited funds (we will pretend for a moment it is not money printer go brr and actually trying to use funds from taxes, incomes and investments such that they don't spend more than they make or debt is not rolled over endlessly as a tax on the lazy investor*).

The cost of it (in addition to not having your youth in the workforce/generating income for 4 years if you fall for the con like the US does and 3 years in the rest of the world, 4 if you do a masters) vs what they might achieve by other means (on the job training, apprenticeships, military, whatever they come out of I would agree not very useful at present compared to past high school with, self teaching, entrepreneurship). Already it is quite a questionable thing for most, and would be even if it was significantly cheaper -- many would say if you are not going for STEM (science, technology, engineering, maths, and even those have their don't touch this area aspects** or medicine) then don't bother, be rich already or be exceptional in your field -- the world does need more historians but performance requirements are high, and while law is often in that list it has changed to being only if it is a top tier school for it. Even then the tech side of things is questionable for a lot of people -- plenty of computing firms take people in with nothing (or harder to obtain skills -- trying to get the average nerd to contemplate physical security is difficult, training some former military/police/security services how to use a port scanner or prebaked tools is rather easier) and train them up, and even in more traditional engineering plenty of non degree avenues into that even if we don't consider the self educated and many of those I would pick for my team over a freshly graduated degree holder.
This is also before whether we consider if people are capable of it -- I have my misgivings with a lot of IQ based efforts*** but I would put it forward as a jumping off point (IQ also being a heritable trait for the most part). That is also saying nothing about interest in the subject; I pull things apart because it is fun and will do it 14 hours a day, someone else can learn but if they have to force themselves to do that then they are a massive disadvantage. This can also vary between the sexes if we want to bring that into it as some do, and the damage it does to "affirmative action" hires is also on the cards (take some of the poor purple eyed people into your school because it makes your sorting historical oppression feelings tingle but run out of the smart ones, relax some requirements and let the lesser ones in and the lesser ones that might have done really well at the lesser roles in society... well the wash out rates speak for themselves).

*your pension fund and such like is probably required to have government debts as a significant fraction of their portfolio, one reason why they rarely beat inflation or sticking it in the market index and walking away.

**employment rates of those that go in for biology and biochemistry is perhaps not as high as some other areas, and computing varies dramatically as well between squeaked through java coding for idiots and could code a new fully featured OS tomorrow computer science type, or barely able to work helldesk vs able to deploy a whole new infrastructure if going that way.

***videos because why not

I know some are not as great a fan of the guy but this is less how to live your life and more observable reality.

Did have one for levels of reading but going with a link https://fs.blog/levels-of-reading/
Short version of that is there are various levels of reading, not everybody is capable of them all and that limits peak performance (if you can't take 5 multiple ambiguous sources, tease out useful info to come to a larger conclusion and go from there then you are never going to make a good lawyer, an I am sure we both know enough people that can barely follow simple instructions).
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Hail Mary
Feb 17, 2017
Congo, Republic of the
Another day, another notimp Nothereed thread wherein apparently more than half the population could conceivably support unmitigated evil (this despite all politicians proving themselves incompetent and corrupt on the regular) but might as well play.

The better solution is to reduce the amounts guaranteed by the loans.

That way only the capable, those likely to pay back or already rich get in rather than the free for all party (and pork barrel/gravy train for terminal academics) that most things seem to end up being.

Cost is usually the answer, especially if you are going to be paying the ridiculously inflated prices that the US seems to go in for. Does it provide a suitable return on investment and could the limited funds (we will pretend for a moment it is not money printer go brr and actually trying to use funds from taxes, incomes and investments such that they don't spend more than they make or debt is not rolled over endlessly as a tax on the lazy investor*).

The cost of it (in addition to not having your youth in the workforce/generating income for 4 years if you fall for the con like the US does and 3 years in the rest of the world, 4 if you do a masters) vs what they might achieve by other means (on the job training, apprenticeships, military, whatever they come out of I would agree not very useful at present compared to past high school with, self teaching, entrepreneurship). Already it is quite a questionable thing for most, and would be even if it was significantly cheaper -- many would say if you are not going for STEM (science, technology, engineering, maths, and even those have their don't touch this area aspects** or medicine) then don't bother, be rich already or be exceptional in your field -- the world does need more historians but performance requirements are high, and while law is often in that list it has changed to being only if it is a top tier school for it. Even then the tech side of things is questionable for a lot of people -- plenty of computing firms take people in with nothing (or harder to obtain skills -- trying to get the average nerd to contemplate physical security is difficult, training some former military/police/security services how to use a port scanner or prebaked tools is rather easier) and train them up, and even in more traditional engineering plenty of non degree avenues into that even if we don't consider the self educated and many of those I would pick for my team over a freshly graduated degree holder.
This is also before whether we consider if people are capable of it -- I have my misgivings with a lot of IQ based efforts*** but I would put it forward as a jumping off point (IQ also being a heritable trait for the most part). That is also saying nothing about interest in the subject; I pull things apart because it is fun and will do it 14 hours a day, someone else can learn but if they have to force themselves to do that then they are a massive disadvantage. This can also vary between the sexes if we want to bring that into it as some do, and the damage it does to "affirmative action" hires is also on the cards (take some of the poor purple eyed people into your school because it makes your sorting historical oppression feelings tingle but run out of the smart ones, relax some requirements and let the lesser ones in and the lesser ones that might have done really well at the lesser roles in society... well the wash out rates speak for themselves).

*your pension fund and such like is probably required to have government debts as a significant fraction of their portfolio, one reason why they rarely beat inflation or sticking it in the market index and walking away.

**employment rates of those that go in for biology and biochemistry is perhaps not as high as some other areas, and computing varies dramatically as well between squeaked through java coding for idiots and could code a new fully featured OS tomorrow computer science type, or barely able to work helldesk vs able to deploy a whole new infrastructure if going that way.

***videos because why not

I know some are not as great a fan of the guy but this is less how to live your life and more observable reality.

Did have one for levels of reading but going with a link https://fs.blog/levels-of-reading/
Short version of that is there are various levels of reading, not everybody is capable of them all and that limits peak performance (if you can't take 5 multiple ambiguous sources, tease out useful info to come to a larger conclusion and go from there then you are never going to make a good lawyer, an I am sure we both know enough people that can barely follow simple instructions).

Doesn't the cost argument also considers HS? Yet we still pay for HS through taxes. If cost was an issue then why don't we stop funding Middle School and High School through our taxes? Why stop at college?


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2021
United States

They agreed to that debt, so they pay it. If I made a debt, would I expect someone else to pay? No.


Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2022
United States
I wonder why it is that colleges are not more competitive with one another in regards to pricing? Also, while there are grants galore to be used as an alternative to a government loans, I wonder why it is that you can't take your courses at University then pay the University back after you have graduated and began making your new life...
...unless they are not confident that what they are selling will actually benefit you in the long run and not just leave you stuck with a bill. I know the trade school I attended at the end of high school helped to find us jobs when we graduated, do colleges do that? Also, since college books are so disposable, why not print the text books as paper bound leaflets and books instead, since there is no logical reason to preserve an ever updated text in hard back. On that note I noticed a lot of college libraries suck as they tend to stick with what's popular at the time, rather than seasoned literature, such as James Billington's, Fire in the Minds of Men: The Origins of Revolutionary Faith. He was once the lead librarian of the Library of Congress, and by far laid down history better for me than so many of the school text books I was forced to read growing up, be that High School, Trade School, or my short time in College. Lastly, who decides what is to be honored as a Degree and what is not? What committee decides this, who appointed them, and at what point in history did a degree become more important than something like demonstrable skills?


Hail Mary
Feb 17, 2017
Congo, Republic of the

They agreed to that debt, so they pay it. If I made a debt, would I expect someone else to pay? No.
With that logic we should make parents pay for Elementary School, Middle School, High School. Incur debt for trying to get an education for their children then force parents to pay for enormous amount of debt. So we can stay consistent with how we handle college.


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2021
United States
With that logic we should make parents pay for Elementary School, Middle School, High School. Incur debt for trying to get an education for their children then force parents to pay for enormous amount of debt. So we can stay consistent with how we handle college.
Your comparison is illogical.

They do that because they are their parents, their carers, their guardians, so they care about their future and they want them to succeed for a prosper future.

You know, much as I like my nephew and niece, I'm not paying anything for them since I'm not their parent -- That's their parents job. I could, if I wanted to, but I don't.


Hail Mary
Feb 17, 2017
Congo, Republic of the
Your comparison is illogical.

They do that because they are their parents, their carers, their guardians, so they care about their future and they want them to succeed for a prosper future.

You know, much as I like my nephew and niece, I'm not paying anything for them since I'm not their parent -- That's their parents job. I could, if I wanted to, but I don't.
You are paying for your nephews elementary school education and high school education through your taxes.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2021
United States
Forgiving debt is unfair towards those whose debt is not forgiven.
Lemme just make a million dollar debt and ask for someone else to pay... Nah, that ain't right.

You are paying for your nephews elementary school education and high school education through your taxes.
Yes, thru tax, but not giving them directly. Odd comparison again.


Hail Mary
Feb 17, 2017
Congo, Republic of the
Lemme just make a million dollar debt and ask for someone else to pay... Nah, that ain't right.

Yes, thru tax, but not giving them directly. Odd comparison again.
And you can pay for college debt relief through your taxes. It's not giving them directly. Like you said. :ha:


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2021
United States
What a pro family move.
You think being "pro-family" means paying a family member's debt? If it's a parent then it's entirely possible they agree to that debt, but a brother, daughter, uncle, aunt, grandpa, grandma, etc? No.

They could do it out of generosity, though that's different. We're not talking about being generous.


Editorial Team
Nov 21, 2005
United Kingdom
Doesn't the cost argument also considers HS? Yet we still pay for HS through Government Programs. If cost was an issue then why don't we stop finding Middle School and High School through our taxes? Why stop at college?
Point of diminishing returns is the question.
If contemplating thinking as a government then does forcing a larger and larger chunk of the population through university (assuming they even can, see previous post for more there as it might not be the case that they can even hack it) make for more tax revenues, more entrepreneurship (my UK student loans are as nothing compared to the US so I was free to go self employed where and when I like, rather bigger ask if you have loans that gots to be paid else they make life really hard the moment you get out), less citizens blowing their brains out (at least before they start to draw a pension), more citizens having children (fertility rate of university educated women being among the lowest anywhere), less need to import skilled foreign workers, less need to offshore valuable businesses, more able to defend the country (if some other power has the keys to your superweapons as they make the vital aspects...) or various other concerns there a country might have that are usually variations on that.

No high school usually means you are a useless burden on society, however it seems there are plenty of alternatives to universities (whose general goal by the looks of things is to make more academics, training people for the real world is almost a happy accident).

We do also have numbers from this experiment as well. Home ownership, savings rates, retirement affordability projections, mental illness rates (including deaths of despair), fertility rates and more. Now you would have to back off various other factors in that as a bunch of other things have changed during that but still enough there to ponder.

This is also somewhat immaterial to the matter at hand of should loan relief be given and thus paid for by those that never went, the rich that don't dodge taxes where they can, or went and actually were productive enough with the results that they do not qualify for this. If it was sold under a false premise (hard to get to illegal actions there, slimy as all fuck don't get me wrong getting the moronic 18 year olds to sign up with the tactics used. Hardly OMG you were Japanese 4 generations go into the internment camp that we normally look to such things to handouts for), is likely to make enough difference in the metrics noted above that things are worth doing (the money required to make those that went in for the bad degrees or were just unlucky or suitably lazy are not suddenly going to buy houses, make new businesses, shoot out a bunch of kids, decide not shoot at a bunch of kids in the mall, take the needle out of their arm or such would probably be considerable)

I wonder why it is that colleges are not more competitive with one another in regards to pricing? Also, while there are grants galore to be used as an alternative to a government loans, I wonder why it is that you can't take your courses at University then pay the University back after you have graduated and began making your new life...
...unless they are not confident that what they are selling will actually benefit you in the long run and not just leave you stuck with a bill. I know the trade school I attended at the end of high school helped to find us jobs when we graduated, do colleges do that? Also, since college books are so disposable, why not print the text books as paper bound leaflets and books instead, since there is no logical reason to preserve an ever updated text in hard back. On that note I noticed a lot of college libraries suck as they tend to stick with what's popular at the time, rather than seasoned literature, such as James Billington's, Fire in the Minds of Men: The Origins of Revolutionary Faith. He was once the lead librarian of the Library of Congress, and by far laid down history better for me than so many of the school text books I was forced to read growing up, be that High School, Trade School, or my short time in College. Lastly, who decides what is to be honored as a Degree and what is not? What committee decides this, who appointed them, and at what point in history did a degree become more important than something like demonstrable skills?
Universities do have career days, assistance in finding things and the like. They are usually about as useless as your high school career guidance.

As far as paid back afterwards then there are also those that pay a percentage of their salary for life instead.

On demonstrable skills vs piece of paper then historically it was a thing (see guilds, indeed those setting the standards for degrees in STEM often are the same as award), and still is -- doctors/medics have to show skills in practical world, a law degree is worth nothing compared to passing the bar, chartered engineer/steel ring vs not is a bit more debatable depending upon where you are in the world but could still be a thing of note in this, computing is likely as not to care more about your github/stack exchange account, and the perennial "needs experience" thing is also one to ponder.

Textbooks seems to be a unique thing to the US as well, though I know you were just being coy there. All the books I got in university I still reference.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2016
Are you really comparing a random info about something that's not needed to survive in this society? Your logic makes no sense
But gender studies are needed? Fictional literature is not needed either (e.g. Shakespeare). If society needs sth, there are scholarships. Those who studied sth useful, do not need debt forgiveness. Why reward bad decisions like studying the history of Street Fighter? It encourages more bad decisions.
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Hail Mary
Feb 17, 2017
Congo, Republic of the
But gender studies are needed? Fictional literature is not needed either (e.g. Shakespeare). If society needs sth, there are scholarships. Those who studied sth useful, do not need debt forgiveness. Why reward bad decisions like studying the history of Street Fighter? It encourages more bad decisions.
Yes because every single class taught in college is a gender studies class 🙃.

Kinda weird how the person mentioned that college should be a human right, basically them meaning something funded by our tax dollars, and for your counter argument you went straight to focus on gender studies/fictional literature as your main rebbuttle, thinking it's a good argument, without representing all of the classes colleges teaches, like STEM, in your argument.

Well I don't like them gender study classes so fuck them stem learners. Basically is what your argument boils down to.
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  • Larsenv @ Larsenv:
    @Xdqwerty I'm not sure if there was a 13 or over rule back in 2013
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    @ATEMVEGETA here's a few comments, but know ive seen more in the threads. Post in thread 'Pokemon Scarlet save file' https://gbatemp.net/threads/pokemon-scarlet-save-file.646217/post-10403348
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @SylverReZ, im still afraid of coming out irl tho
    Well, I had read that thread already, it does not mention moving saves from Emulator to OFW. Also I am not planning to edit/modify a save file. Just play a save file on an emulator, and then move it to OFW and play it on my switch.
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    I wouldn't risk it, but do what you want. A console ban is loss of all online play, of any games.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Not my online Mario kart races!
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, I try to do a gdevelop event to make an enemy fire bullets if it is on screen and its in colision with a platform, but it doesnt work (and yes i downloaded the "is on screen" condition extension)
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    and the enemy has the fire bullet behavior
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    You can try in code, if player distance <1000
    then enemy fire bullets at player.
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, lemme try
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Or use the ray casting behavior for the enemies
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, i cant find that behavior
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, and nope the player distance condition didnt work
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Bigonya uses couch casting abilities to scare people away lol
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Sorry that behaviour is just called raycast
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, i still cant find it even by searching it
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    oh wait
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Watch that video, it explains it, maybe its an extension, can't remember tbh
  • Xdqwerty @ Xdqwerty:
    @BigOnYa, its a condition
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I got a condition I need my prescriptions this will cause some friction
  • BigOnYa @ BigOnYa:
    Ain't no prescription gonna help you. You need a 3 hour counseling session with Leo.
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Did someone get his nips rubbed the wrong way
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    I know we can hug :blush:
    K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2: I know we can hug :blush: