Wii U and 3DS online services shutting down today, but Pretendo is here to save the day


Today, April 8th, 2024, at 4PM PT, marks the day in which Nintendo permanently ends support for both the 3DS and the Wii U online services, which include co-op play, internet rankings and data distribution, according to Nintendo's own news post.

This means that games that heavily rely on online services, like the original Super Mario Maker for Wii U (and 3DS), Mario Kart 8 and Splatoon's online multiplayer, and several other games will effectively stop working, more so for Super Mario Maker since that game is entirely relying on online user-created levels for the gaming experience.

However, all is not lost, as the fan and homebrew community is here to save the day (as is always the case), even in the most dire of events like the closure of all online service for said consoles, with the great community network known as Pretendo.

Pretendo is basically an entirely open source project that aims to replace Nintendo's network for both the 3DS and the Wii U, and even their respective emulators like Citra (or its forks given its recent demise) and Cemu, which will allow all users to interconnect with each other even after the demise of Nintendo's own servers later today, and while their compatibility isn't entirely 100%, they developers behind the Pretendo network are still hard at work developing the service so that more and more games get proper compatibility.

Those interested in trying out the Pretendo network can follow their own installation instructions found at their site, which includes installation guides for both Citra (or its forks) and Cemu, and in the case of the original hardware, the user will require a hacked console, be it a hacked 3DS and/or a hacked Wii U, depending on which console the user has. Just be aware that your current Nintendo ID (and everything that it entices, like friends list and other things) will not be carried over to the Pretendo servers, as Nintendo's servers hold that data, and repurposing the original ID for Pretendo could pose a severe privacy violation, so a new ID will need to be created for usage with Pretendo's servers.

A recommendation for a more detailed look into the Pretendo network is a recently released video by renowned game developer and homebrew enthusiast, Modern Vintage Gamer (MVG), gives takes a deeper dive into it, as well as its current status, usage, game tests and installation of the fanmade network into your own consoles.

:arrow: Source
:arrow: Pretendo Network


Literally the wurst.
Jul 1, 2018
I love how many people complain about their freedoms being restricted on a private service, which has no obligations to serve people that can't adhere to simple conduct guidelines, and how none of them ever want to actually put in the work themselves to offer a similar service.

It's open source, just make your own with blackjack and hookers and now you can ban the people you deem to be annoying, like it will inevitably happen. Hell, you could be like Elon Musk, the free speech absolutist, and declare "Cis" a slur and automatically restrict visibility for any people that use the word.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2016
Some people here are so desperate to be victims that a single claim of "I heard somewhere that someone got banned for some reason" is considered proper evidence of censorship (even if the story was true as presented, that's not what that word means). So brave, so much critical thinking going on here.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2016
United States
Eh... don't be a dick and you won't get banned. Kinda hard for zoomers these days, but thats how you typically dodge a logical ban hammer. Some ppl have different views on slurs so they become strict against them. It is what it is guys this is the only thing keeping the 3ds/wii u alive service-wise.


Dec 26, 2019
United States
Reverse broke after Nintendo network went down, but looks like there's plans to integrate Pretendo accounts to use it? (Ngl prefer rverse over just for aesthetic preference)

But seriously, seeing how many people just look at the crap said at face value (that we can't even say is or isn't true) and just use it as an opening to be assholes is ridiculous (and if you want, you can argue it's both "political" bs on both sides)

These services are like a house, you follow the house rules, you don't go in the house or host your own house party.

Nobody cares if your gonna join or not, just move on with your day and enjoy your games.


Well-Known Member
May 28, 2015
United States
Now gamers should SUE nintendo for selling a game that is now not fit for purpose just so they can save money.

Its not like they won't be porting or recycling Mario Maker on its shit tablet clone thus keep its servers active for their loyal fans that keeps this company making millions by recycling old shit over and over.

I cant wait to see their next console announcement and you can already guarantee what shit to expect from nintendo.

I'd also highly expect they'll re release its shit Zelda games bragging how they paid off its reviews sending it out to their devoted brain dead fanboys that will never see nor say anything bad of nintendo and zelda.

And nintendo will brag claiming these so called improvements made to the game, because they couldn't be arsed first time round, just wanted to make money off its joy con motion control mini game demo's. That its now possible and lie claiming to be the power of its next shit console.

As they make up utter bullshit excuses to get Switch emulation shut down, I mean come on who the fuck is to really blame when nintendo cant keep its own titles from being leaked early.

For one thing it was never YuZu's fault the PHYSICAL HARD RETAIL VERSION of the game was leaked early.

Its not exactly like YuZu have anything to do with the manufacturing and shipping of nintendos shit over priced game cartridges.

Theirs neither any proof that the RETAIL PARTNER who actually is the one LEGALLY LIABLE for the game's premature release and the one who dumped the game then ILLEGALLY SHARED IT.

Yup Nintendo paid its corrupt legal dogs to FABRICATE any bullshit they can so they can get YuZu shut down and then find a corrupt judge to allow nintendo to FABRICATE more bullshit to claim damages and sue millions..... LIKE ALWAYS.

Yet they remain to completely DO NOTHING to track down which of its RETAIL PARTNERS are the ones that are ILLEGALLY creating copies of nintendo games and also ILLEGALLY LEAKING THEM BEFORE RELEASE DATE.

But NO, nintendo knows it can pay off judges to earn millions more by allowing their RETAIL PARTNERS to continue and then target what they know will NEVER DIE and no MATTER how hard nintendo try, EMULATORS will never be made to be ILLEGAL.

As they ALWAYS try to get EMULATORS banned and changed to be ILLEGAL and its clear as day as to why.

Not only does it EXPOSE nintendo for how CHEAP and NASTY they are, how its HARDWARE and GIMMICKS are ALWAYS INFERIOR, OLD HARDWARE, TECHNOLOGY, while at the same time they boast to be something they're not, how they're apparently INNOVATIVE.

What EMULATION PROVES is how pretty much ANY DEVICE can EMULATE nintendo consoles and games WITHOUT having to PAY LOADS unlike paying for nintendos OVER PRICED HARDWARE.


So when they come to announce its next SHITGEN console and yup this PATHETIC EXCUSE to yet again RECYCLE the same shit Zelda games, that these so called IMPROVEMENTS now thanks to its NEW SHITGEN CONSOLE, is UTTER BULLSHIT.

YuZu for one, and other EMULATORS, thanks to the community's TIME and EFFORTS, actually ALREADY did this and DID SO for the EXISTING zelda games.

UNLIKE nintendo, who couldn't even be arsed in the first place to actually give us a new Zelda game to play, as mentioned earlier, all that this game is, is an over sized map, with FUCK ALL but REPETITIVE SHRINES OVER AND OVER AND OVER.

And what EXACTLY are these SHRINES...... HMMMM, little mini games showcasing how its SHIT joy cons and its motion controls can be implemented into Switch games.

Like a running TECH DEMO to showcase to potential "THIRD PARTIES" to encourage them to jump on board and support the console in which how many times have nintendo PROMISED better "THIRD PARTY SUPPORT".

But hold on a second, nintendo been nintendo wants to profit off all of these little mini game demos, how can we make sure it prints money....

Slap ZELDA on it, our highly devoted and brain dead loyal fanboys will buy our new attempt to try take a slice from the tablet market after our first attempt FAILED - we will make up some BULLSHIT excuse to say its FAILURE wasnt anything to do with the FACT we were again RELEASING OLD SHIT INFERIOR HARDWARE and say its because GAMERS thought it was just a WII ADDON and adds INSULT to say GAMERS didn't know it was a NEW CONSOLE.

We will ship copies out to our bribed loyal fanboys for review, they'll blindly rate anything we do as PERFECT, so this will give the game so much HYPE that its bound to get everyone to buy our console and shit game.

When people realise and see the game for what it actually is, after its sales start to slow down, we will give it more HYPE by actually adding content that we should have done from the get go, and we will again PROFIT off them by CHARGING them as DLC CONTENT.

But we have SO MUCH CONTENT thats to be added, ohh whats that!! STOP.

WE can make more if we release it as a NEW Zelda game then only put a few content so we can charge for the rest again as DLC CONTENT.

So nintendo obviously don't want to be seen over HYPING its same old RECYCLED SHIT for its new SHITGEN console, when these so called IMPROVEMENT had already been done years ago, we INFACT have superior quality compared to the shit nintendo are trying to boost about.

That is EXACTLY why nintendo have targeted YuZu, they've FABRICATED some BULLSHIT excuse to get rid of the EMULATOR and its a question of time before they try get the others shut down.

Simply because they DO NOT want the PUBLIC to see that EVERYONE else is making nintendos very own games BETTER than Nintendo can be bothered to, all of this too is for FREE yet YOU are paying nintendo who are doing NOTHING, just milking the CASH COW recycling the same old shit and nothing else or more.

And this so called NEXT GEN console as always will be OLD SHIT INFERIOR HARDWARE on subpar to the LAST GEN consoles and lets remember this FACT, that these LAST GEN consoles were from that console generation where it was the nintendo WII U.

So nintendo are already a CONSOLE GEN AHEAD of Sony and Microsoft when they released the Switch, so when we see nintendo, again releases its next SHITGEN console, it be another +1 GENERATION more than Sony and Microsoft.

And what will nintendo give you, another BULLSHIT OLD INFERIOR OVER PRICED HARDWARE CONSOLE with a new BULLSHIT GIMMICK as usual to make the console seem better that it actually is.

This will be subpar to Sony and Microsoft -1 GEN CONSOLES and again will hear the same promise of better THIRD PARTY SUPPORT, which obviously as always, be in terms of all of their OLD TITLES that now can be ported over to nintendo as they've FINALLY CAUGHT UP in terms of HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS to play the games which we've seen EVOLVE and CHANGE over the years.

Nintendo do this intentionally so that these THIRD PARTIES will NEVER be able to support its console with their NEW TITLES, only their OLD TITLES, so that when it comes to nintendo releasing its same old RECYCLED SHIT, even infact when they're PORTING OVER the SAME OLD SHIT.

nintendo are in full control over its completion, ensuring that its games have NOTHING NEW from third parties that will risk nintendo games from selling more copies.

And what will be the odds of nintendo ever catching up with whats been the basic features that they still lack to this day or have services like we have today, available from day one. Because as always nintendo are way behind the rest.

Chances are that they also do this so that its always one of the weakest consoles in terms of preventing exploits, hacks and piracy, because its been PROVEN nintendo love to earn millions extra from increased sales off the back of this and also millions more by taking legal action against those that release information of these insecurities and exploits/hacks...... BUT REMEMBER that these RETAIL PARTNERS releasing these EARLY LEAKED GAMES ALWAYS REMAIN UNTOUCHED.

And as for EMULATION, again, due to being OLD INFERIOR HARDWARE, its always the first to get an EMULATOR which never takes long to have them that are almost PERFECT with a VERY HIGH % of compatible games that are PLAYABLE.

THEN follows FREE community MODS/FIXES that make improvements to these games that nintendo still will not do.


Simply puts it that we shouldn't need to buy a console to be dictated to and controlled and told what we are able to play when it boils down to mainly the same old nintendo recycled games.

Nintendo should be like SEGA and be third party, this way if you want to play the same old recycled shit nintendo crap out, you can do so and at the same time HAVE THAT CHOICE/OPTION to ALSO be able to play these BRAND NEW THIRD PARTY GAMES.


Its purely IGNORANCE and GREED thats nintendo, they know too good and too well that its icons such as MARIO, POKEMON, ZELDA has millions of fans worldwide and that all of their fans are pretty much brainwashed fanboys that not only will blindly defend nintendo like cannon fodder.

Theyll also buy and praise what ever nintendo release and will loyal defend it to the end of time such as every time they come out with absolute bullshit excuses to not see or admit the truth and many times its hilarious when they backtrack even contradict themselves and even jump off one bandwagon to the next as it suites them in their mission to defend nintendo.

Anyway, lets sit and wait for when nintendo announce and do exactly the above, get the popcorn ready PMSL.


Well-Known Member
Dec 23, 2016
United States
Now gamers should SUE nintendo for selling a game that is now not fit for purpose just so they can save money.

Its not like they won't be porting or recycling Mario Maker on its shit tablet clone thus keep its servers active for their loyal fans that keeps this company making millions by recycling old shit over and over.

I cant wait to see their next console announcement and you can already guarantee what shit to expect from nintendo.

I'd also highly expect they'll re release its shit Zelda games bragging how they paid off its reviews sending it out to their devoted brain dead fanboys that will never see nor say anything bad of nintendo and zelda.

And nintendo will brag claiming these so called improvements made to the game, because they couldn't be arsed first time round, just wanted to make money off its joy con motion control mini game demo's. That its now possible and lie claiming to be the power of its next shit console.

As they make up utter bullshit excuses to get Switch emulation shut down, I mean come on who the fuck is to really blame when nintendo cant keep its own titles from being leaked early.

For one thing it was never YuZu's fault the PHYSICAL HARD RETAIL VERSION of the game was leaked early.

Its not exactly like YuZu have anything to do with the manufacturing and shipping of nintendos shit over priced game cartridges.

Theirs neither any proof that the RETAIL PARTNER who actually is the one LEGALLY LIABLE for the game's premature release and the one who dumped the game then ILLEGALLY SHARED IT.

Yup Nintendo paid its corrupt legal dogs to FABRICATE any bullshit they can so they can get YuZu shut down and then find a corrupt judge to allow nintendo to FABRICATE more bullshit to claim damages and sue millions..... LIKE ALWAYS.

Yet they remain to completely DO NOTHING to track down which of its RETAIL PARTNERS are the ones that are ILLEGALLY creating copies of nintendo games and also ILLEGALLY LEAKING THEM BEFORE RELEASE DATE.

But NO, nintendo knows it can pay off judges to earn millions more by allowing their RETAIL PARTNERS to continue and then target what they know will NEVER DIE and no MATTER how hard nintendo try, EMULATORS will never be made to be ILLEGAL.

As they ALWAYS try to get EMULATORS banned and changed to be ILLEGAL and its clear as day as to why.

Not only does it EXPOSE nintendo for how CHEAP and NASTY they are, how its HARDWARE and GIMMICKS are ALWAYS INFERIOR, OLD HARDWARE, TECHNOLOGY, while at the same time they boast to be something they're not, how they're apparently INNOVATIVE.

What EMULATION PROVES is how pretty much ANY DEVICE can EMULATE nintendo consoles and games WITHOUT having to PAY LOADS unlike paying for nintendos OVER PRICED HARDWARE.


So when they come to announce its next SHITGEN console and yup this PATHETIC EXCUSE to yet again RECYCLE the same shit Zelda games, that these so called IMPROVEMENTS now thanks to its NEW SHITGEN CONSOLE, is UTTER BULLSHIT.

YuZu for one, and other EMULATORS, thanks to the community's TIME and EFFORTS, actually ALREADY did this and DID SO for the EXISTING zelda games.

UNLIKE nintendo, who couldn't even be arsed in the first place to actually give us a new Zelda game to play, as mentioned earlier, all that this game is, is an over sized map, with FUCK ALL but REPETITIVE SHRINES OVER AND OVER AND OVER.

And what EXACTLY are these SHRINES...... HMMMM, little mini games showcasing how its SHIT joy cons and its motion controls can be implemented into Switch games.

Like a running TECH DEMO to showcase to potential "THIRD PARTIES" to encourage them to jump on board and support the console in which how many times have nintendo PROMISED better "THIRD PARTY SUPPORT".

But hold on a second, nintendo been nintendo wants to profit off all of these little mini game demos, how can we make sure it prints money....

Slap ZELDA on it, our highly devoted and brain dead loyal fanboys will buy our new attempt to try take a slice from the tablet market after our first attempt FAILED - we will make up some BULLSHIT excuse to say its FAILURE wasnt anything to do with the FACT we were again RELEASING OLD SHIT INFERIOR HARDWARE and say its because GAMERS thought it was just a WII ADDON and adds INSULT to say GAMERS didn't know it was a NEW CONSOLE.

We will ship copies out to our bribed loyal fanboys for review, they'll blindly rate anything we do as PERFECT, so this will give the game so much HYPE that its bound to get everyone to buy our console and shit game.

When people realise and see the game for what it actually is, after its sales start to slow down, we will give it more HYPE by actually adding content that we should have done from the get go, and we will again PROFIT off them by CHARGING them as DLC CONTENT.

But we have SO MUCH CONTENT thats to be added, ohh whats that!! STOP.

WE can make more if we release it as a NEW Zelda game then only put a few content so we can charge for the rest again as DLC CONTENT.

So nintendo obviously don't want to be seen over HYPING its same old RECYCLED SHIT for its new SHITGEN console, when these so called IMPROVEMENT had already been done years ago, we INFACT have superior quality compared to the shit nintendo are trying to boost about.

That is EXACTLY why nintendo have targeted YuZu, they've FABRICATED some BULLSHIT excuse to get rid of the EMULATOR and its a question of time before they try get the others shut down.

Simply because they DO NOT want the PUBLIC to see that EVERYONE else is making nintendos very own games BETTER than Nintendo can be bothered to, all of this too is for FREE yet YOU are paying nintendo who are doing NOTHING, just milking the CASH COW recycling the same old shit and nothing else or more.

And this so called NEXT GEN console as always will be OLD SHIT INFERIOR HARDWARE on subpar to the LAST GEN consoles and lets remember this FACT, that these LAST GEN consoles were from that console generation where it was the nintendo WII U.

So nintendo are already a CONSOLE GEN AHEAD of Sony and Microsoft when they released the Switch, so when we see nintendo, again releases its next SHITGEN console, it be another +1 GENERATION more than Sony and Microsoft.

And what will nintendo give you, another BULLSHIT OLD INFERIOR OVER PRICED HARDWARE CONSOLE with a new BULLSHIT GIMMICK as usual to make the console seem better that it actually is.

This will be subpar to Sony and Microsoft -1 GEN CONSOLES and again will hear the same promise of better THIRD PARTY SUPPORT, which obviously as always, be in terms of all of their OLD TITLES that now can be ported over to nintendo as they've FINALLY CAUGHT UP in terms of HARDWARE REQUIREMENTS to play the games which we've seen EVOLVE and CHANGE over the years.

Nintendo do this intentionally so that these THIRD PARTIES will NEVER be able to support its console with their NEW TITLES, only their OLD TITLES, so that when it comes to nintendo releasing its same old RECYCLED SHIT, even infact when they're PORTING OVER the SAME OLD SHIT.

nintendo are in full control over its completion, ensuring that its games have NOTHING NEW from third parties that will risk nintendo games from selling more copies.

And what will be the odds of nintendo ever catching up with whats been the basic features that they still lack to this day or have services like we have today, available from day one. Because as always nintendo are way behind the rest.

Chances are that they also do this so that its always one of the weakest consoles in terms of preventing exploits, hacks and piracy, because its been PROVEN nintendo love to earn millions extra from increased sales off the back of this and also millions more by taking legal action against those that release information of these insecurities and exploits/hacks...... BUT REMEMBER that these RETAIL PARTNERS releasing these EARLY LEAKED GAMES ALWAYS REMAIN UNTOUCHED.

And as for EMULATION, again, due to being OLD INFERIOR HARDWARE, its always the first to get an EMULATOR which never takes long to have them that are almost PERFECT with a VERY HIGH % of compatible games that are PLAYABLE.

THEN follows FREE community MODS/FIXES that make improvements to these games that nintendo still will not do.


Simply puts it that we shouldn't need to buy a console to be dictated to and controlled and told what we are able to play when it boils down to mainly the same old nintendo recycled games.

Nintendo should be like SEGA and be third party, this way if you want to play the same old recycled shit nintendo crap out, you can do so and at the same time HAVE THAT CHOICE/OPTION to ALSO be able to play these BRAND NEW THIRD PARTY GAMES.


Its purely IGNORANCE and GREED thats nintendo, they know too good and too well that its icons such as MARIO, POKEMON, ZELDA has millions of fans worldwide and that all of their fans are pretty much brainwashed fanboys that not only will blindly defend nintendo like cannon fodder.

Theyll also buy and praise what ever nintendo release and will loyal defend it to the end of time such as every time they come out with absolute bullshit excuses to not see or admit the truth and many times its hilarious when they backtrack even contradict themselves and even jump off one bandwagon to the next as it suites them in their mission to defend nintendo.

Anyway, lets sit and wait for when nintendo announce and do exactly the above, get the popcorn ready PMSL.
Blog it, whiner.


Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2007
United States
I love how many people complain about their freedoms being restricted on a private service, which has no obligations to serve people that can't adhere to simple conduct guidelines, and how none of them ever want to actually put in the work themselves to offer a similar service.
You love that? What's wrong with you?
  • Haha
Reactions: marchrius


6th-7th Gen Retro Gaming Entusiast
Sep 23, 2022
United States
I hear a lot of mumbling about Pretendo and how things are handled. I'm not sure what to believe considering the internet is not as dependable for honesty sake, however, if everything I've read or heard about Pretendo is absolutely true, I'm rather disappointed to the extreme with them.

If you plan to be a revival service, or THE revival service, you shouldn't be shoehorning your beliefs, ideologies, etc. into the mix to the extreme and running your services like so. It's one thing to have objective viewpoints with maybe some personal morals, and running with logical reasoning, but to go off the spectrum and get way too hard pressed based on political stances and such, now that's just straight up petty and stupid. We all have agreements, disagreements, things we stand by, things we refuse to stand by, etc. that's just how opinions work, whether one likes it or not, you can't expect freedom for yours yet take that away from others, and take it to the extent of restricting services just because you don't like them, how they talk, etc.. A service like this should only prioritize what is important for the basic functions of said services, server uptime management, maintaining balance in the online environment so cheaters don't start running rampant fucking things up for everyone else, and overall giving extended longevity to beloved platforms that we enjoy and love. Fuck the politics and the unnecessary details in between on who is what, none of that matters in the grand scheme of things, it's a service for online capabilities for dedicated platforms.

Damn why can't some people just get over themselves already and just stop this petty bullshit with all this nonsense. You are literally inserting absurdities into aspects or services that have no business having anything related to such things to begin with. Stop being an incurable form of cancer, and start handling stuff the right way. If one can't even do the basic right things, then one has much bigger fish to fry, and should probably stay away from anything with meaning, because all one will simply do is contaminate and ruin an aspect of enjoyment and history in general with rather primitive logic.

When you think about it, this is supposed to be about preservation, and if anything, this comes off more like mass destruction, and a major downfall with the scene itself, because we can't seem to get our minds and our hearts in the right freaking places, too butt hurt and worried about what someone says on the damn internet. Every time I think about it, I swear the internet is a resourceful curse, debatable on whether or not it was a mistake invention, one of man's potentially best inventions, yet so poorly utilized, I'm not sure we will ever see its real potential for the good things in life. It's heartbreaking honestly, knowing what could be, but taking on the reality that it won't ever reach such conclusions with the way things are currently handled, this project being no different to that.

Again, if it's all really true, then this service isn't worth any more of my acknowledgement nor time in general. I'll just wait for a better service to exist, who knows, maybe if I build enough knowledge, maybe I could make a service of my own and do it justice for the right causes and reasons, I can at least say without tooting my own horn, I have the mentality for doing things the right way, so I already have half the venture made.

This. If I personally didn't have a thing to say my own thoughts out loud, I would said the same thing as this. While I was in the Pretendo Discord, I've decided to take a little gander at the type of people who are developers, moderators, and any other important people on the team, and I could say definitely from experience that they're almost the ones that would do something like that. Wiimfi is much more trusted with its own rules to follow and I barely hear anything about that. Same thing with Wii Link and RiiConnect24 (except for Larsen if what people are saying bad about him is true). Pretendo iirc is the only project that's mainly for the 3ds and the WiiU and having a bad service behind the scenes is going to actually deteer people from using your service.
Post automatically merged:

All I just hope is that I can be a hacker on the New Leaf island again because I missed seeing those. BUT they should implement a system to prevent leaving the game through unintended means crashing the island every single time.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2017
United States
I hear a lot of mumbling about Pretendo and how things are handled. I'm not sure what to believe considering the internet is not as dependable for honesty sake, however, if everything I've read or heard about Pretendo is absolutely true, I'm rather disappointed to the extreme with them.

If you plan to be a revival service, or THE revival service, you shouldn't be shoehorning your beliefs, ideologies, etc. into the mix to the extreme and running your services like so. It's one thing to have objective viewpoints with maybe some personal morals, and running with logical reasoning, but to go off the spectrum and get way too hard pressed based on political stances and such, now that's just straight up petty and stupid. We all have agreements, disagreements, things we stand by, things we refuse to stand by, etc. that's just how opinions work, whether one likes it or not, you can't expect freedom for yours yet take that away from others, and take it to the extent of restricting services just because you don't like them, how they talk, etc.. A service like this should only prioritize what is important for the basic functions of said services, server uptime management, maintaining balance in the online environment so cheaters don't start running rampant fucking things up for everyone else, and overall giving extended longevity to beloved platforms that we enjoy and love. Fuck the politics and the unnecessary details in between on who is what, none of that matters in the grand scheme of things, it's a service for online capabilities for dedicated platforms.

Damn why can't some people just get over themselves already and just stop this petty bullshit with all this nonsense. You are literally inserting absurdities into aspects or services that have no business having anything related to such things to begin with. Stop being an incurable form of cancer, and start handling stuff the right way. If one can't even do the basic right things, then one has much bigger fish to fry, and should probably stay away from anything with meaning, because all one will simply do is contaminate and ruin an aspect of enjoyment and history in general with rather primitive logic.

When you think about it, this is supposed to be about preservation, and if anything, this comes off more like mass destruction, and a major downfall with the scene itself, because we can't seem to get our minds and our hearts in the right freaking places, too butt hurt and worried about what someone says on the damn internet. Every time I think about it, I swear the internet is a resourceful curse, debatable on whether or not it was a mistake invention, one of man's potentially best inventions, yet so poorly utilized, I'm not sure we will ever see its real potential for the good things in life. It's heartbreaking honestly, knowing what could be, but taking on the reality that it won't ever reach such conclusions with the way things are currently handled, this project being no different to that.

Again, if it's all really true, then this service isn't worth any more of my acknowledgement nor time in general. I'll just wait for a better service to exist, who knows, maybe if I build enough knowledge, maybe I could make a service of my own and do it justice for the right causes and reasons, I can at least say without tooting my own horn, I have the mentality for doing things the right way, so I already have half the venture made.

This. If I personally didn't have a thing to say my own thoughts out loud, I would said the same thing as this. While I was in the Pretendo Discord, I've decided to take a little gander at the type of people who are developers, moderators, and any other important people on the team, and I could say definitely from experience that they're almost the ones that would do something like that. Wiimfi is much more trusted with its own rules to follow and I barely hear anything about that. Same thing with Wii Link and RiiConnect24 (except for Larsen if what people are saying bad about him is true). Pretendo iirc is the only project that's mainly for the 3ds and the WiiU and having a bad service behind the scenes is going to actually deteer people from using your service.
Post automatically merged:

All I just hope is that I can be a hacker on the New Leaf island again because I missed seeing those. BUT they should implement a system to prevent leaving the game through unintended means crashing the island every single time.

I've said it once and I'll say it again. You people are confusing Discord server bans with service bans. They are 2 different things, and don't inherently overlap. Service bans happen with active cheating in public lobbies in ways that effect other players experiences. Discord server bans happen when you break the Discord community rules.

And if you want to compare the team and management of Pretendo to other projects in the scene, we literally have the exact same Discord rules as the WiiLink Discord, and several people on the team are either current or past members of other projects like Wiimmfi, Insignia, Kaeru, etc. The Discord server even shares some moderators with these other projects own Discord servers. So we share team members with projects you say are fine, we share Discord community rules with projects you say are fine, yet somehow it's different? I find it interesting that you say we're "the ones that would do something like that", and not other projects, yet we have member overlap.

Just because you can't go on the Discord server and post slurs and be a dick doesn't mean anything is being "shoehorned". I'd love to know what "ideologies" you think are being "shoehorned" in, by the way.


6th-7th Gen Retro Gaming Entusiast
Sep 23, 2022
United States
You people are confusing Discord server bans with service bans. They are 2 different things, and don't inherently overlap.

So if we don't count the bans that's been happening across Discord, then Pretendo is actually just a normal service? I'd rally want to know how this is going to work with the Animal Crossing Lobbies. I don't interact with the Discord much, so now that I think about it, I should be theoretically good. I don't cheat in New Leaf for malicious purposes but just for messing around, entertaining those who just want to see stuff happen on the island.

Speaking of that game, I remember someone making a rom hack called Welcome Luxury. I might try that one it I don't know if there's a bunch of people who know about that one and play it to this day. I remember someone even making a revamped version of City Folk but idk the progress on that. I kinda even forgotten the name of. It.


Editorial Team
Jan 17, 2013
I think Pritendo should rename to avoid giving Nintendo copyright excuses

Remember how Microsoft sued Mike Rowe Soft?

Maybe Priitendy

Pretendo sounds nothing like Nintendo, it has more in common with the word "Pretending"
And btw, "Pretendo" is an actual word in Spanish, so Nintendo now has legal rights over normal words just because it rhymes with their brand name?


Well-Known Member
Mar 31, 2023
United States
I feel like Pretendo is signaling the death of the Wii U. Look at the most popular Wii U game, Splatoon. How many people were playing that before the shutdown (ignoring the week leading up to it)? Hardly enough for a full game. It was only Turf War, there was never enough players for Ranked.

Enter the Nintendo Server shutdown. Now, the only way to play online is to setup Pretendo. How many people have modded consoles and can setup up a connection to the Pretendo servers? And we don't have a DNS for Pretendo so that's off the table, at least for now. There won't ever be enough players to play Splatoon outside of events. It simply won't happen.

Even the 3DS was losing steam. MK7 is still going strong (and has CTGP-7 servers), but what about lesser multiplayer games, like Triforce Heroes? The 3DS will be fine, but the Wii U simply doesn't have the playerbase to go on.


Dr. Wii, Ph.D
Sep 28, 2013
United States
except for Larsen if what people are saying bad about him is true
Part of the reason why I'm glad I left the project is because how crappy the community is. I've done bad things, but I feel like I was overhated. I have my own quirks and things that I had done that deterred people but I deserve as much respect as others
Post automatically merged:

I only found your post when I was gonna reply to this thread to mention that Pretendo seems to ban people on Juxtaposition for things that happen outside of there

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    The doc said why's your lungs so green your reply was snoop dogg
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    I think you overestimate the amount of weed I consume :P
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    man now I want some weed
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    Thanks ken
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    Great game. But I'd buy it straight up before paying for prime. Unless you order something everyday from amazon, not worth it imo
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    I'm one of those people that Amazon loses money on the Prime subscription with
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    Where do you see how much you've saved?
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    Under orders
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    See maybe good for you guys, but I don't hardly ever order from amazon, maybe only couple times a month
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    Primes great because I stopped getting into arguments with the door greeter at Walmart
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  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    They see me so much in there they don't even ask for me receipt anymore tbh
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    Pain in the ass, don't see it anywhere on the desktop site, had to pull it up on my phone
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Think they gave up on the website and mainly focus on the app
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    Desktop site > mobile site > mobile app
  • Sicklyboy @ Sicklyboy:
    Mobile app is such absolute dogshit, I haven't used it in SO long
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Yeah mobile versions better people don't think about how apps are just shrunken down websites
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Could be the phone connection etc I've mostly been fine with the app
  • K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2:
    Regardless fuck bezos
    K3Nv2 @ K3Nv2: