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  • Am I the only one that prefers the structured education system of school over the "independent study" of uni and later?
    I find it much easier to learn when I've got a guide, a teacher, instructing me than trying it myself.
    @impeeza I suppose, yeah - a guide with the freedom to experiment. That does sound like the best overall fit.
    @x65943 I never knew about my uni offering such things, not in any great amount, and either way it doesn't really make up for the lack of multiple classes per week - in my eyes, anyway.
    I think all uni professors have office hours, and you can ask a lot of questions for a long time - sometimes you can get even more attention than you could from a teacher

    Personally I really preferred the uni system
    I think that college felt like school still. I used to hear that you can do whatever you want at college, have your own education at your own will. But that's not the case, unfortunately. You still need to work on various tasks and do GCSEs amongst others.
    When it comes to Sonic the Hedgehog, does ANYONE even like Amy? She's an obsessive, love-crazed bitch who *refuses* to accept any of Sonic's countless rejections of her advances, and has a short fuse on top.
    How is any of this likeable? Or even acceptable behaviour?
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    ofc it's only for girls, who wants an obnoxious guy
    @KleinesSinchen I fully agree with your posts; it's far too easy to dismiss complaints from males with a single insult, and there's nothing disrespectful about housewifery; on the contrary, my mother's not weak for being one - she needed a hell of a lot of inner strength to deal with us, during our childhood. Same goes for any stay-at-home mum, I'd imagine.
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    I wonder if Amy is manipulative or an insane psycho bitch. :unsure:
    Well fuck - apparently turning VSync off on Ryujinx whilst a game's loaded, on macOS, causes the entire laptop display to freeze (though not sound) until it forcibly logs you out to refresh.
    So much for my private browser windows...
    It's getting so HOT here in Sydney...I swear, the idea of buying a chest freezer and climbing inside it becomes increasingly enticing with each and every work day.
    Heck, I might even just take the chest freezer to work and plug it in; it's not like anyone else uses this bloody poorly-air-con'ed office.
    If being rich demands long hours at work, sacrificing valuable time to myself in the evenings...then I'd rather just be 'decently well-off'. Get enough money to get by comfortably, while still maintaining nighttime relaxation and de-stressing.
    answer my question brodie
    I responded - why ask me that? What's the context behind it?
    I just want to know why you'd ask me that, of all questions.
    Also, why not PM/DM me, instead of writing it on my public wall?
    Don't you just *hate* it when you wake up at 2am due to being thirsty, then after having a drink you find yourself unable to fall asleep again, leading to you still being awake two hours later and knowing you'll be suffering later on in the day?
    In the past. Know it only from the past.
    Also, somewhere in there, you'll have to get up from the chair again to go to the restroom, for all the water you drank. Samething if you did finally go to sleep. Losing battle I'd say
    Was pokemon ever alive?
    It was, on the DS and earlier.
    It started dying on the 3DS, before being put out of its misery on the Switch - in other terms, the quality was lowered noticeably on the 3DS, before falling off a cliff on the Switch.
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    Skyward Sword HD, huh...while I'm glad motion controls are now optional, and redundant text boxes are no longer present or easily skipped past, I do wish they had removed the damn stamina wheel and given us FAR more Pouch space - eight slot's nowhere near enough.
    Why not give us 10 or 12 slots, since so many things were moved from the Gear or Items screens to the Pouch? Shields, Bottles, Medals (including two Heart Containers), ammo bag upgrades - all now Pouch items, despite how puny that is.
    They could've improved the game so much more, but didn't; what a letdown.
    It's a shame most people these days wouldn't understand the context of this music, but at my funeral I want this to play.

    It's a very emotional song for me; even all these years later, I can't help but tear up whilst listening to it.
    These days? Implying many people did PMD back when.
    Beautiful song, had never heard it before

    I too have a song I want played at my funeral but am 99% sure my family won't respect my wishes :(
    I'm almost done with Tales of Arise now, and it's a great game. It's a shame that the English subtitles aren't always accurate, though, with a handful of typos and not always matching the VA.
    Also, I'm getting real tired of 'hot spring' tropes, and there's two quests that involve hot springs...sigh. Why is this so pervasive through Japanese media?
    • Wow
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    And of course there's how Law is treated by the rest of the cast, especially Rinwell - constantly mocked, demeaned, belittled, seen as unintelligent and frequently assaulted by Rinwell's magic or Hootle. All when Law is a very sympathetic character.
    I also want this 'butt-monkey' trope to die, just like the hot springs tropes; why is it okay for a girl to beat up a boy with no consequence, like this?
    As for me, I love hot springs. I wonder why 😋 ...

    Tales of Arise is surprisingly good. It's my first "Tales of" game, and I was looking for something to play after finishing Spider-Man, SM Miles Morales, and Ghost Trick - and Tales of Arise turned out to be that 'something new'.
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    I like Arise's combat, and while I still only have the main two characters (Iron Mask and Shionne), I find their characterisation and situations interesting and intriguing.
    ...I also like Shionne's beginning white dress over the more elaborate one she soon gets; simple dresses are best, IMO.
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    NEWS: Skullgirls 2nd Encore has pushed an "update" to their 10+ year old game, that replaces costumes, voice lines, and combo announcements deemed 'too sexualised' or 'racist' with sanitised, censored ones.
    Personal opinion:

    In the 1990s and early 2000s we reached a maximum in tolerance. Racists, sexists, intolerant people of any kind existed in every time frame – but generally people just did not care about gender/sex, religion,…
    It was possible to make some jokes without getting tared and feathered or getting some kind of *phob stamp on the forehead.

    Nowadays we have a lot of people actively searching a reason…
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    …to feel offended and discriminated. Under the banner of tolerance and diversity we are now (often successfully) pushed to behave uniform. Anybody opposing gets pushed into corner. Arguments aren't considered or listened to. Once a negative buzzword is attributed to a person, said person is socially finished.

    This has a big impact on society – as can be seen with such censorship: Do not discuss!
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    As so often: The profile comments are unsuitable for discussing this.
    For quite some time I've been considering writing a blog entry about the topic. What is going on regarding eradicating any kind of pluralism of opinions is scary. Yes, your example is just a video game. It is also a symptom of some larger problem.
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    How can people *still* believe Elon Musk is in any way "smart" after failing at rocket design (something we had more-or-less figured out in the 60s), failing at 'revolutionising' city travel (Hyperloop - century-old idea he stole), and now failing at Twitter with post-read limits?
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    Reactions: impeeza and rvtr
    I thought elon MUSK was a fragrance of some kind :unsure:
    But you're forgetting that he's a billionaire so he must be smart! And what about his earth to earth rockets? He's such a brilliant guy, reinventing things like planes but making them flashy and cool (and impractical but shhhh).
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    Reactions: AkiraKurusu
    The reading limit is a sales strategy like the blue check, if you have a big base of sheeps customers, you give them the order to buy something they will buy without think, you will see lots and lots of sheeps buying acces in the next days. Something like what Netflix did, and instead loosing subscriptors they sell more than ever...
    Playing through Black 2 (alright, fine, the original BlazeBlack 2) again, and man do I appreciate the PWT; it's a solid recognition of all previous games and regions prior to Unova, as all previous Gym Leaders and Champions return for it.
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    The only flaw is that it doesn't include Elite 4 members, and thus no Koga (who was a Gym Leader, but moved up to an E4 member, and thus doesn't appear), and for the Type Expert tournaments there weren't enough Gym Leaders for every type, resulting in throwaway NPCs filling the gaps.
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    If only Game Freak could be arsed to bring back a bigger and better PWT in their newer games...with much more powerful hardware, more storage space, and four more regions having been added, a PWT revival could include all Gym Leaders/Elite 4/Champions, and thus more than enough Type Expert challengers.
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    I really hope they don't butcher the gen 5 remakes.
    • Love
    Reactions: AkiraKurusu
    Is there anything worth buying a PS5 for? Quite a few games are being ported to Steam, or I've played them on PS4 Pro before, so is there any reason to spend $649 on the console?
    Spider-Man 2 for sure, but apart from that...?
    Ghost of Tsushima PS5 does have more content, I hear, but that's not a must-buy when I've got it on PS4.
    If you like Final Fantasy, I think FF16 will be at least a timed exclusive? But like... Yeah.
    Ever since PvE was removed from Overwatch 2, there's been a ton of videos discussing it and calling the game 'dead' and (rightfully) getting upset over this rug-pull, this multi-year deception.

    I've never been as interested in this crappy FPS as I am now. Fuck Blizzard.
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