God I really need a life

Ok it is Friday (according the the calendar, not like I have a need or reason to keep track or care).

I wake up, sort of like 6, but I don't do much of anything till 9ish.

I wake the wife and call her into the living room where she kneels in front of me and makes herself useful. 20 minutes of playing on the sofa and big finale back in the bedroom. Bath and it's the same as always, ok, what else is there to do really?


I look at some forums, that clearly have not got much new since I looked last.

Watch some anime (watching Kanon currently). In between eps I confirm wow, nothing new was posted on any place I go to in 30 minutes, what a shock.

Watch some more anime.

Watch some more anime.

Read forums that refuse to change/

Watch some more anime (same series by the way I have the dvds).

Phone rings, the book I wanted has arrived at the local library so I go and get it.

Upon returning home, I have now no reason to remain dressed, as it's not like I need to go back out after all.

Watch a great bunch more anime, by days end 3 dvds are done.

Wouldn't be so bad if this was just a slow day, but fuck, I have been doing this since before most of you were born.


I have not worked since 1994.

Oh I am sooooo not going to be shocked by needing to adjust to a retirement home lifestyle one day.


Well if your disabled as long as your arms still work you can always get a hobby. Try making a remote control car or some shit. Just don't be like this guy my dad was telling me about who every day gets on the bus goes to the shopping center and just goes 5 meters to get the bus back home without even looking at the shops. But anyway might be an idea to stay off forums and facebook for most of the day, they never seem to do me much good for more than the first 5-10 minutes.
[quote name='Panzer Tacticer' post='3001028' date='Jul 23 2010, 05:55 PM']I've been disabled since 94. As for work, I'm a businessman actually. Not all of us work FOR people. I'd rather be covered in sawdust all day long making furniture at my shop, but life doesn't always give a fuck what we want. Hardest lesson any of you kids will ever encounter.[/quote]Any reason why you didn't include this in the first place? Three pages of bullshit could have been avoided if you would have included ONE more sentence.

Not to mention being a businessman is considered "work," which is misleading since you stated you haven't "worked" since '94.

Anyways, the responses were actually amusing :)
Glad you thought so. >_>

I should post more often, it seems like I am not being remembered much.
Someone (I believe SoulSnatcher) remembers you.
[quote name='Uncle FEFL' post='3001002' date='Jul 23 2010, 08:37 PM']So, if someone accuses me of being something that I am not (just a lousy, lazy, incompetent sixteen year-old), and I give them evidence otherwise, that makes me self-righteous? Should I have just humbled myself instead and let him spout bullshit?
He said he hasn't worked since 1994, then gave no information on not being able to work. That implies he is able to work. All you have to do is use logic.[/quote]
No it doesn't make you self-righteous but the way you put it it does. Your logic is awful and is not logical. He didn't mention something therefore I must assume the worst.

At sixteen you yourself could not have possibly been contributing much if anything to society for very long at all. Why don't you wait until you cross that bridge to comment on the scenery.
Where is the accusation that you are lousy, lazy, and incompetent? Oh wait it's not there. So basically you are defending your self-righteousness by trying to be a victim when you are not.

I actually have a job currently and I am contributing to society. I take AP classes. I get good cumulative GPA's on my semesters in high school. I don't do any drugs. I have ambitions and goals in life. I'm doing PLENTY for society. Don't try to tell me I'm not just because of my AGE.
The part in is really the only part necessary. But by saying I actually it makes it sound like you think having a job contributes to society. You gave no info on how you contribute. You didn't say how you were paid so I'm going to assume it is under the table and that you are also on welfare. (That's your logic)
The bold is completely pointless information. It doesn't mean you contribute to society and the fact you bring it up is self-righteous.
The underlined part is opinionated.

Four pages of bullshit could have been avoided if you would have included ONE more sentence.
Or if you hadn't decided that he was completely worthless and ran your mouth about something you didn't know.
I'm glad you found this amusing, and its a good idea to post more, but the rest of us should really PM are arguments to each other instead of taking it out on somebody elses thread.
[quote name='purplesludge' post='3001042' date='Jul 23 2010, 06:04 PM']No it doesn't make you self-righteous but the way you put it it does. Your logic is awful and is not logical. He didn't mention something therefore I must assume the worst.[/quote]Haha I don't really know what to say. My "logic" is awful and is not "logical." Okay, whatever floats your boat, buddy. :)

I did not assume "the worst." The fact that you think so is amusing.

At sixteen you yourself could not have possibly been contributing much if anything to society for very long at all. Why don't you wait until you cross that bridge to comment on the scenery.
Where is the accusation that you are lousy, lazy, and incompetent? Oh wait it's not there. So basically you are defending your self-righteousness by trying to be a victim when you are not.
Hm, stating that because I am sixteen I am not a contributing member of society usually means that he thinks I'm just an incompetent twat. It also implies that I'm just as lazy as any other sixteen year-old.

Also, when he called me a self-righteous prick, I read that as being a "lousy" teen.
I actually have a job currently and I am contributing to society. I take AP classes. I get good cumulative GPA's on my semesters in high school. I don't do any drugs. I have ambitions and goals in life. I'm doing PLENTY for society. Don't try to tell me I'm not just because of my AGE.
The part in is really the only part necessary. But by saying I actually it makes it sound like you think having a job contributes to society. You gave no info on how you contribute. You didn't say how you were paid so I'm going to assume it is under the table and that you are also on welfare.
The bold is completely pointless information. It doesn't mean you contribute to society and the fact you bring it up is self-righteous.
The underlined part is opinionated.
Hm, sounds just like religion doesn't it? You want me to prove it in a religious manner? Just say that I am something then provide no evidence to support it? Fine.

I'm an awesome human being with absolutely no flaws or shortcomings at all. I'm always on time. I'm always fair. I created you. Because I said this that makes it a fact.
[quote name='Uncle FEFL' post='3001041' date='Jul 24 2010, 11:04 AM']Any reason why you didn't include this in the first place? Three pages of bullshit could have been avoided if you would have included ONE more sentence.[/quote]

So it is his fault you are a troll. OK.
[quote name='Schizoanalysis' post='3001055' date='Jul 23 2010, 06:14 PM'][quote name='Uncle FEFL' post='3001041' date='Jul 24 2010, 11:04 AM']Any reason why you didn't include this in the first place? Three pages of bullshit could have been avoided if you would have included ONE more sentence.[/quote]

So it is his fault you are a troll. OK.
[/quote]Just because someone disagrees with something and they argue about it, that doesn't make them a troll.

Just saying.
[quote name='Uncle FEFL' post='3001054' date='Jul 23 2010, 09:14 PM'][quote name='purplesludge' post='3001042' date='Jul 23 2010, 06:04 PM']No it doesn't make you self-righteous but the way you put it it does. Your logic is awful and is not logical. He didn't mention something therefore I must assume the worst.[/quote]Haha I don't really know what to say. My "logic" is awful and is not "logical." Okay, whatever floats your boat, buddy. :)

I did not assume "the worst." The fact that you think so is amusing.

At sixteen you yourself could not have possibly been contributing much if anything to society for very long at all. Why don't you wait until you cross that bridge to comment on the scenery.
Where is the accusation that you are lousy, lazy, and incompetent? Oh wait it's not there. So basically you are defending your self-righteousness by trying to be a victim when you are not.
Hm, stating that because I am sixteen I am not a contributing member of society usually means that he thinks I'm just an incompetent twat. It also implies that I'm just as lazy as any other sixteen year-old.

Also, when he called me a self-righteous prick, I read that as being a "lousy" teen.

Let's see he didn't mention having a job so you assume that he is mooching off of society. Seems like the worst of all reasonable situation.

He didn't call you a self-righteous prick until after you posted that information.
He had a point. At 16 there't not much you can contribute to society. But you took that as he called me a lazy incompetent twat. This goes right back to you assuming the worst out of what people say or don't say.

Stop being an asshole and contribute to your fucking society.
At what point is calling a disabled businessman an asshole not trolling?
I like how we zoom in on the fact that his loving wife of god-knows-how-many years gave his pogostick a mouth ride instead of the whole point of the post. It was meant as sort of a humorous summary of his self-admitted "nerdiness" I guess. Or something like that. It's like seeing an entire patch of flowers and only picking out the thorny rose and bitching about it. OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN.

I don't watch as much anime as you I must say, hell I hardly watch it. Most of my days are video games. Sometimes I barely eat just because I get absorbed into a video game. But hey, you got a wife and family so I would say you've got something of a life. You spent at least some time not playing video games, unless that's what they call it nowadays ;)

[quote name='purplesludge' post='3001070' date='Jul 23 2010, 06:26 PM']Let's see he didn't mention having a job so you assume that he is mooching off of society. Seems like the worst of all reasonable situation.

He didn't call you a self-righteous prick until after you posted that information.
He had a point. At 16 there't not much you can contribute to society. But you took that as he called me a lazy incompetent twat. This goes right back to you assuming the worst out of what people say or don't say.

Stop being an asshole and contribute to your fucking society.
At what point is calling a disabled businessman an asshole not trolling?
Nah it could be worse.

So? What difference does it make?

A sixteen-year old can contribute a lot to society. He/she may not be able to vote, but they can still do almost anything helpful that an adult (18+) can. I've asked this before, but I got no answer: what can an adult do to contribute that is so much more worthy or helpful that a minor can't do?

Yeah, because quoting me, a post made before he explains himself, makes you right. Nice try.

Obviously I was harsh, but that still doesn't change a thing. Other than the fact that I ended up being wrong (which, I am actually glad about, ironically), anyway.

EDIT: Also, I'd like to add that "assuming the worst" is just a lack of self-esteem on my part. Sorry I have a low self-esteem, bro. Won't happen again I promise.
Sure is a lot of anger in here.

Anyway, the original point, which I suppose hasn't been well established, is THIS is all I have for choices. None of which I really like.

Some days it isn't anime, I also watch a lot of documentaries.

Some days when I am able, it's models.

None of the above I manage to do easily either by the way.

Heck even playing with the wife sends me to a hot soak to fix the repercussions, but a man likes to feel useful even if it costs later in the day.

The 'plan' was to be celebrating 15 years in business about now. If the plan had worked, I'd likely have never bought the first computer and probably would thing the internet a big waste of time. Hindsight is what it is though.

As I said, happiness is a day in the shop making things.

But, you don't always get what you want.

The last 15 years though, oh well, raising one of you lot is rewarding (sort of hehe insert parent sarcasm now).

All I can say guys, is be careful about what you think sounds 'neat'. It sometimes ain't so thrilling.

I go out for walks some days just to be around people. You miss that when you no longer work or run a business. Humans are social creatures.
[quote name='Panzer Tacticer' post='3001108' date='Jul 23 2010, 07:07 PM']Sure is a lot of anger in here.

Anyway, the original point, which I suppose hasn't been well established, is THIS is all I have for choices. None of which I really like.

Some days it isn't anime, I also watch a lot of documentaries.

Some days when I am able, it's models.

None of the above I manage to do easily either by the way.

Heck even playing with the wife sends me to a hot soak to fix the repercussions, but a man likes to feel useful even if it costs later in the day.

The 'plan' was to be celebrating 15 years in business about now. If the plan had worked, I'd likely have never bought the first computer and probably would thing the internet a big waste of time. Hindsight is what it is though.

As I said, happiness is a day in the shop making things.

But, you don't always get what you want.

The last 15 years though, oh well, raising one of you lot is rewarding (sort of hehe insert parent sarcasm now).

All I can say guys, is be careful about what you think sounds 'neat'. It sometimes ain't so thrilling.

I go out for walks some days just to be around people. You miss that when you no longer work or run a business. Humans are social creatures.[/quote]
You don't know how happy I am to know how wrong I was about you. :D I apologize for the insults.
A sixteen-year old can contribute a lot to society. He/she may not be able to vote, but they can still do almost anything helpful that an adult (18+) can. I've asked this before, but I got no answer: what can an adult do to contribute that is so much more worthy or helpful that a minor can't do?
A sixteen year old can't contribute much to society due to lack of education.
Adults can have an education that allows them to contribute to society through research and improving technology.

However teenagers and adults can contribute about the same to a community. Except monetarily.
[quote name='Uncle FEFL' post='3001041' date='Jul 24 2010, 03:04 AM'][quote name='Panzer Tacticer' post='3001028' date='Jul 23 2010, 05:55 PM']I've been disabled since 94. As for work, I'm a businessman actually. Not all of us work FOR people. I'd rather be covered in sawdust all day long making furniture at my shop, but life doesn't always give a fuck what we want. Hardest lesson any of you kids will ever encounter.[/quote]Any reason why you didn't include this in the first place? Three pages of bullshit could have been avoided if you would have included ONE more sentence. [/quote]

..No Uncle.. Three pages of bullf*ck could have been avoided if YOU would have shut up :sleep:

Told you, the man was just telling one simple story of his life and you started ranting and stuff like that... besides.. >_> weren't you the one saying ''stop trolling.'' ?

Just relax and calm down. :rolleyes:
[quote name='purplesludge' post='3001132' date='Jul 23 2010, 07:25 PM']
A sixteen-year old can contribute a lot to society. He/she may not be able to vote, but they can still do almost anything helpful that an adult (18+) can. I've asked this before, but I got no answer: what can an adult do to contribute that is so much more worthy or helpful that a minor can't do?
A sixteen year old can't contribute much to society due to lack of education.
Adults can have an education that allows them to contribute to society through research and improving technology.

However teenagers and adults can contribute about the same to a community. Except monetarily.
[/quote]I disagree, for some teens, that is.

Due to lack of formal education (school), yes, but self-education I think not (which, admittedly, is irrelevant). Though, the majority of the populace in the States do not even attend college. Not to mention that many science-based jobs are scarcely majored in the US.

.No Uncle.. Three pages of bullf*ck could have been avoided if YOU would have shut up
Only my first post was directed at him. All the other ones were replies from other people. If you wanna blame someone you blame the people that have argued with me as well.
Try to teach yourself something, like programming (if you're into that sort of thing)
I took a Computer Science class in high school (I realize you're past that) and I really probably could have taught myself that stuff. Though, admittedly it would have taken longer.
Iunno, get a new hobby.
Pirate some autodesk software and mess around.
I guess that's what you're looking for, right?
A new hobby?
You know what this person needs to be homeless, literally! For the times I hear people are BORED because they did the same ol' shit like clockwork, something diasterious needs to happen to them so they start thinking. You choose your life to be an asset or a liability. I am not shitting you, I used to be bored around age 18-21 till my mother tried to kick me out twice! That's when I started think and look for an answer that will prevent me from being homeless! That's when I started helping my father out renovate his rooms while trying to join the Navy! I stop playing and change me routine around from sitting on my ass watching cartoons, playing mabinogi/DS, sleeping. I MADE THAT CHANGED!! You is talking to a person who has been stuck on the internet since the age of 14! Sooner or later his wife will leave him and he will make another topic 'I'm emo and going to blog about MY suicidal attempt' and all I got type is 'So when did your world started collapsing?'
For those pricks who are hatin' on me because I got in and they didn't 'hate the military not the sailor!'

So you TC who feel like you need a life, make a challenge for yourself! So watching anime, go outside and try to get a job! You will at least be doing something productive and I don't want to hear I can't do it BS. YOU CHOOSE NOT because you're slothful!
I have somewhat of the same problem and it really weighs on the mind every so often, but I go to college next month and have something to look forward to.

Seeing as how you're older, maybe you could get out and do something. Perhaps give your life to me. I know many people who would KILL to have your kind of life.
[quote name='monkat' post='3000918' date='Jul 23 2010, 11:51 PM']I'd laugh if OP is really just a giant troll...he would probably be the least obvious one I've ever seen

[quote name='Uncle FEFL' post='3000902' date='Jul 23 2010, 05:41 PM']@Logan: I actually have a job currently and I am contributing to society. I go to school and arrive every day I'm able to. I take AP classes. I get good cumulative GPA's on my semesters in high school. I don't do any drugs. I have ambitions and goals in life. I'm doing PLENTY for society. Don't try to tell me I'm not just because of my AGE.[/quote]

Yeah, mate...you don't have too much room to talk there. In fact, going to school is you consuming from society, seeing as it's funded by taxes. We let you sit out until 18, but you're not really contributing anything.
Considering that even if we don't go to school it won't change school being there, it's better for him and society to go to school than not to.

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