3DS without the hype

Ok I come to GBATemp, not some other place, because I have found you lot usually know your shit.

But, sometimes a lot of the buzz around here is also coloured by a range of details, not the least of which is whether something will be pirate friendly.

Because let's face it, a lot of you lot, are cheap bastards :) Hey don't let it bug you, I've downloaded more crap than you will ever likely know :)

In addition to all of the input I get around here, I also hear from others that don't measure a gaming device on just how easy it is to get free downloads to work on it.

The other day I was talking to a buddy of mine that routinely buys all of his products (yes I know, the concept of buying everything will horrify some of ya).
His take on the 3DS is totally different than a lot of what I have seen around here.

For one he couldn't care less whether any of the flashcarts will work or not. He buys his games (I can verify this too by the way).
So right there, the 3DS being hackable crackable whateverable, is not something he even plans to spend brain cells on.

And he thinks it will be just a friggin killer cool item.

He was essentially discussing hardware specs with me, not upcoming games specifically.
Now I can't verify his statements to the performance levels he is expecting.
But he says he knows persons he talks to online, that have seen the 3DS. I wouldn't know if anyone has or has not seen any of the things or not.
But the advantage of the internet, is you CAN get access to people from anywhere out there. So maybe he has talked with persons with first hand knowledge.

But he sure sounds like he sure wants to get one (3DS), and the price tag is admittedly high at 300, but it's never stopped him getting what he wants.
He has the advantage though of decent work income and it's just him and his dog spending it :) His rent is not so bad either.

I suspect I will get first hand access to a 3DS fairly soon after it arrives in the area, and then I will not need to wonder if it is any good or not and whether it is good for anything other than games or not.

Myself, I would kinda hope something as powerful as the 3DS is claimed to be by some (including my friend) is not going to be JUST a powerful game player. Because that would be a waste eh.
Nice internal storage, powerful processor, dedicated video card, and just to play games is not enough for me at least.

After all, I bought a PS3 because it is so much more than a PS3 game player.
For the 3DS to get into my wallet, it needs to be able to be all sorts of things.
And if I can't play my flashcart games in it because they have made it unfriendly to flashcarts, that would not keep me from getting one if it had cool alternative uses.
Heck I might get one just to play my stash of anime music videos and anime in general eh.
I'd pay 300 bucks I guess for a handy video player that also played all my Nintendo games I actually paid for.

To listen to my friend, he is telling me he thinks the 3DS will be a very hot selling item based on the power of the hardware alone.
He may be right. He's entitled to his opinion eh, and it's not like he's always wrong or something :)


[quote name='prowler_' post='3184898' date='Oct 8 2010, 05:51 AM'][quote name='Panzer Tacticer' post='3184892' date='Oct 8 2010, 02:47 PM']Because let's face it, a lot of you lot, are cheap bastards :) Hey don't let it bug you, I've downloaded more crap than you will ever likely know :)[/quote]I stopped reading here.
Why do you look down on everyone? Seriously. It's like you're the only one worthy of being on this forum.
[quote name='Rydian' post='3185762' date='Oct 8 2010, 04:54 PM']It's called "the pot calling the kettle black".[/quote]

Being hypocritical (which doesn't even truly fit - that's more about preaching) is different than being egotistical.

I'm sorry, rydi, but you and everyone else are overreacting due either your knowing that pirating is wrong (thus getting defensive about it whenever someone mentions it) or for trolling's sake.
Holy crap, 2 pages of bashing the op! What's wrong with you people?

I, for one, will be purchasing the 3DS on release day, just the thought of gamecube games possibly being ported to the 3DS sold me.
[quote name='Panzer Tacticer' post='3185602' date='Oct 8 2010, 10:10 PM']To all of you, get the fuck over yourselves :)

Look down on you? I don't even know a single one of you. Stop with the self righteous indignation.

I don't give a flying fuck for each and every one of you.

Has something to do with I know none of you.

So why should your feelings be magically important to me.

Please take all your crying whine blubbering off my god damned lawn.

What part of 'grumpy old gamer' is too impossible to comprehend for you brats?

Be worthy of respect, and I might consider it.

And no, I don't NEED any of YOUR respect, so don't be surprised when I don't mind if you don't have any for me.


[quote name='SickPuppy' post='3185819' date='Oct 8 2010, 11:10 PM']Holy crap, 2 pages of bashing the op! What's wrong with you people?

I, for one, will be purchasing the 3DS on release day, just the thought of gamecube games possibly being ported to the 3DS sold me.[/quote]

It's just the whole "holier than thou" attitude that's annoying us. It's been a consistent theme of "You're all dumb, I'm so experienced and smart, so my opinion is the only one". I thought it was cute at first but it's starting to get really irritating. I don't care how old you are or how many games you played, I may just be some 17 year old punk with little else to do but my opinion is just as equal as yours.

The 3DS for me "without the hype" is an expensive device that I still want to know more about. Sure, we know some games that are coming out for it but we hardly know if they're any good. Just because it's Kid Icarus doesn't mean it's good, same goes for any game. I want to know how good it is in the end before I throw $250-$300 on the system alone, plus like $30-$40 a piece for games.
Nice blog post, and glad to see there are still gamers that are able to look behind a hype and just have a clear look on an item.
The 3DS will sell like hotcakes, but I wonder if the 3D effect is really good enough and won't strain your eyes too much. I'm not going to pick it up, for several reasons.
[quote name='Rydian' post='3185740' date='Oct 8 2010, 08:49 PM'][quote name='Panzer Tacticer' post='3185602' date='Oct 8 2010, 04:10 PM']To all of you, get the fuck over yourselves :)
Look down on you? I don't even know a single one of you. Stop with the self righteous indignation.[/quote][quote name='Panzer Tacticer' post='3184892' date='Oct 8 2010, 09:47 AM']Because let's face it, a lot of you lot, are cheap bastards :)[/quote]

So what, do you just forget what you type after a few minutes?
I like how you cut out the bit where he admitted to also being a cheap bastard. You people are overreacting, he didn't really do anything bad.

3DS without the hype sounds like a great console which I currently don't know enough about to make some solid judgments.
[quote name='Guild McCommunist' post='3185852' date='Oct 8 2010, 05:20 PM'][quote name='SickPuppy' post='3185819' date='Oct 8 2010, 11:10 PM']Holy crap, 2 pages of bashing the op! What's wrong with you people?[/quote]It's just the whole "holier than thou" attitude that's annoying us. It's been a consistent theme of "You're all dumb, I'm so experienced and smart, so my opinion is the only one". I thought it was cute at first but it's starting to get really irritating. I don't care how old you are or how many games you played, I may just be some 17 year old punk with little else to do but my opinion is just as equal as yours.[/quote]This.

He's always like this, telling everybody else they're wrong because they don't do what he does.
[quote name='monkat' post='3185951' date='Oct 8 2010, 05:50 PM']"OP is wrong because he's not writing the way I do!"

Facepalm, rydi[/quote]Example?
[quote name='monkat' post='3185951' date='Oct 8 2010, 09:50 PM']"OP is wrong because he's not writing the way I do!"

Facepalm, rydi[/quote]
This. Just because he's being blunt, there's no need to act as though he insulted your mum.
You're saying that he's wrong because he worded things in a way that you wouldn't, and justified your actions by labelling it insulting
[quote name='monkat' post='3185960' date='Oct 8 2010, 05:53 PM']You're saying that he's wrong because he worded things in a way that you wouldn't, and justified your actions by labelling it insulting[/quote]What?

Read what I quoted and my response to him, that's what I'm saying.

I don't know what you're talking about, quote it.
No, I'm not here to flame the OP.
[quote name='Panzer Tacticer' post='3184892' date='Oct 8 2010, 03:47 PM']For one he couldn't care less whether any of the flashcarts will work or not. He buys his games (I can verify this too by the way).
So right there, the 3DS being hackable crackable whateverable, is not something he even plans to spend brain cells on.[/quote]Not that surprising. He doesn't pirate games.
[quote name='Panzer Tacticer' post='3184892' date='Oct 8 2010, 03:47 PM']He was essentially discussing hardware specs with me, not upcoming games specifically.
Now I can't verify his statements to the performance levels he is expecting.
But he says he knows persons he talks to online, that have seen the 3DS. I wouldn't know if anyone has or has not seen any of the things or not.
But the advantage of the internet, is you CAN get access to people from anywhere out there. So maybe he has talked with persons with first hand knowledge.[/quote]
I don't think anybody on GBAtemp has seen the 3DS. The 3DS is quite powerful, though. It has a PICA200 GPU. A video showcasing the GPU is below and that was made several years ago!
IGN has claimed to have information on the specs, though from an anonymous source. The 3DS Specs look good!
According to the fact-spilling source, the 3DS will have a pair of 266MHz ARM11 CPUs (yes, two of them), a 133MHz GPU with 4MB of dedicated VRAM, 64MB of regular RAM and 1.5GB flash storage
[quote name='Panzer Tacticer' post='3184892' date='Oct 8 2010, 03:47 PM']But he sure sounds like he sure wants to get one (3DS), and the price tag is admittedly high at 300, but it's never stopped him getting what he wants.
He has the advantage though of decent work income and it's just him and his dog spending it :) His rent is not so bad either.[/quote]
The 3DS will not probably not be $300 when it comes here to Canada.
Yes, the price of the 3DS in Japan is 25000 yen. Yes, 25000 yen does convert to almost $300 US. However, did you know that the DSiLL retails for 19040 yen in Japan today? 19040 yen is at the time of this writing worth 227.75 USD. “What does the DSi XL retail for in the US?” you ask. $169.99 is the answer. Japan always pays a higher price for its consumer electronics than the US does and Nintendo adjusts the price by territory to make their product appealing in each market. Want another example? The PSP Go (White) retails in Japan for 21,738 yen in Japan which comes out to $260. What does it actually retail for? $195. [Note: the reason I compared the white psps as opposed to the piano black model is that black in the US is only sold in bundles right now.] These prices might be skewed according to the popularity of each system in each region, but it’s also important to remember that both the Go and the XL released in the US later than they did in Japan. They are therefore a newer product and have had less time to sell at their premium prices. So this price difference could just as easily be skewed low as high.

So then what will the price of the 3DS be when it releases in North America? My first response is to say that only Nintendo knows. My second response would be a gut reaction of $250. However, if we were to look at it mathematically, we might get a more accurate answer. If we divide the difference in price between the PSP Go in the US and in Japan we see that there are .009 dollars in the US price for every yen in the Japanese price. If we run the the same comparison with the DSi XL we get .0089. That’s pretty damn close to a constant ratio. Please take note that I picked the DSi XL and the PSP Go not because they best support my argument, but because they are the closest handheld systems to their launch and therefore have had the least amount of time for the ratio to be corrupted by the systems’ sales numers. So, if we apply this ratio to the 3DS price in Japan we get a price of just under $225 in the US.

If we take the next two newest portable systems the DSi and the PSP-3000 we get a USD to yen price ratio of .011 which, if we applied it to the Japanese 3DS price, predicts a US price of $275. However, as I’ve said, these systems are older and have had more time to equalize in price between the two territories. The launch price of the DSi in Japan (according to google) for 18900 yen and in the US (according to Wiki) for $169.99. So if we compare these launch prices we once again obtain the price-difference ratio of .009 between the US and Japan which would predict a $225 machine. I’d like to do a comparison of the PSP 3000′s launch prices but I can’t seem to track it down for the US and Japan. If anyone can find that info for me I’ll update this post with the findings. Still the most important company to look at with regards to pricing is Nintendo as the 3DS is their baby. While we’re throwing around all these numbers we might as well compare the launch prices od the DSi LL and XL too. LL launched in Japan for 20000 yen while the XL launched in North America for 189.99. The difference here is .0095 which, when multiplied with the Japanese 3DS price of 25000 yen, predicts a US price of $237.50. That’s not the best news for those hoping for a $225 3DS launch, especially considering that the DSi XL is Nintendo’s latest hardware and likely best reflects their current mindset. However, it’s far from the feared price of $300.

Sorry for the repetition of both numbers and methodology, but I wanted anyone reading this to see very clearly where I got my numbers from. There’s no guarantee that Nintendo will keep up the trend of launching with an approximate .009 dollar to yen ratio price difference. They might go crazy and charge us $300 or $350 if they think it’ll sell.
[quote name='Panzer Tacticer' post='3184892' date='Oct 8 2010, 03:47 PM']To listen to my friend, he is telling me he thinks the 3DS will be a very hot selling item based on the power of the hardware alone.
He may be right. He's entitled to his opinion eh, and it's not like he's always wrong or something :)[/quote]I disagree with him.
I think the main selling point of the 3DS will be the 3D effect. Normal consumers don't really give a shit about how powerful a device is unless it's a desktop/laptop.
[quote name='TwinRetro' post='3185841' date='Oct 8 2010, 05:16 PM']
I just cried so hard. It's beautiful.

On-topic: The 3DS's selling point is the 3D. Why else would it be including in the name? It's not called CPUDS, now is it?

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    @SylverReZ, whats maga?
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    It stands for Maniacs Against General Acceptance
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    @BigOnYa, people rejecting general consensus about stuff?
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    Yup, nuh its really just Trump followers
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    @BigOnYa, im not american so i dont care about trump
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    Me niether, us north Koreans don't care
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    good night
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    i don't care either, even if i'm american
  • BakerMan @ BakerMan:
    truth be told, i agree with psi, i dislike both candidates, but i'd probably vote trump simply because the economy was better during his presidency
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  • AngryCinnabon @ AngryCinnabon:
    I'm not american and even that sends shivers down my spine.
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    Why so serious!
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
    @BakerMan, yeah that's about the only reason I would vote for Trump over Biden.
  • Psionic Roshambo @ Psionic Roshambo:
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