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  • Does anyone know what happened to our friendly @Creamu? Until recently you could find him in front of you wherever you went, but then he was suddenly swallowed into thin air. He was last seen near the infamous, cursed @GhostLatte 's van and then nothing. 😱 I fear the worst. Has anyone heard from our friend? @Creamu, if you are there, give us a shout!!!
    Today I have to continue my plaster work, but I have to leave this message here before leaving the house now:
    "You are an Eulenspiegel!"
    My grandfather would have said exactly this to you, and yes, this is meant benevolent -- despite some of the Eulenspiegel stories being anything but harmless.
    • Wow
    Reactions: Nikokaro
    :teach:→ You are not supposed to translate a name.
    Some of your jokes are really "Eulenspiegelei" (an Eulenspiegel's prank). Of course only the harmless kind! Some stories contain severe injuries caused by his pranks. Some are very mean, but the very last one is so ingenious I'll put it here:
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    Lying on his deathbed he is visited by a greedy priest, who believes the dying prankster must have a lot of money. Eulenspiegel promises the priest money, shits into some pot and covers his dirt with gold coins.

    When the priest returns Eulenspiegel says: "Take some gold, but don't be greedy and grab too deep into the pot."
    The priest grabs deep into it and gets what he deserves.
    • Haha
    Reactions: Nikokaro
    Interesting. Did you know in Italy we often associate shit with money? A rich person we call a money shitter [caca-soldi]
    Or if someone squashes a dog shit with his foot we say he will be financially fortunate. Or by eating lentils you will shit money. So, in the end, 💩=💰
    • Wow
    Reactions: KleinesSinchen
    You all may not know (or care), but in the Soccer World Cup, amazing Japan, after sensationally defeating Spain and Germany , finds itself in the round of 16 against Croatia, an all in all mediocre team. Needless to say: Go Japan !!! Nippon, GANBARE !!! :bow:
    :toot: BANZAAAAIIIII !!! :grog:
    Oh please… I knew right away it looks somewhat condescending and know-it-all. I thought the usage of ":teach:" would bring a little irony to this and prevent such negative interpretations. (You used this figure in the past as well, so…)

    It is a weak point of mine: You triggered some of the useless "computer history" memories and I couldn't resist.
    But I can edit the (mostly) off-topic part away if you want.
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    On what computer/OS did you read Narcissu? I never run unknown software on my main Linux machine, only on unimportant or toy computers.
    The Windows 10 tablet goes mad when selecting fullscreen (half picture only) and it doesn't save music volume.
    I'll probably have to read this on my "Optical Drive Beast" computer on the attic.
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    Is there a WinXP compatible mode option in Windows 10?

    I read it about 10 years ago on the old Windows XP PC you already know. It was also converted for VNDS (Visual Novel Reader) for NDS consoles: with a flashcard you can read it on 3ds as well.
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    Those compatibility options do hardly anything. They can be helpful if an application does an explicit version check.
    The half (or 2/3 picture) is more a high DPI problem, but the compatibility options for turning this off… don't do anything as well.
    I will use the XP computer on the attic -- and surely not a DS. That would be an even harder punishment for the ears.
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    A fellow citizen offered 50,000€ to who finds who threw a poisoned morsel into his garden and killed his sweet and harmless beagle.Screw money,but if I found him I would throw him on the ground and beat the damn,cowardly bastard's face to a pulp until he is unrecognizable, then pay the legal and karmic consequences(the only ones I care about).Woe to those abuse defenseless beings!

    @JuanBaNaNa , no cameras. In Italy you can suffer up to 2 years in prison for this. But if I find him first, he won't get there....😡

    Well, to find it, you must know who was it... right?
    I mean, you know?

    Either way, I've always believed in Karma, so, time will return that piece of shit (whoever that was) what it deserves.
    to find it, you must know who was it
    Sure. I was just saying. Hard to scout it out. You are right to use "it" for that abject and mean worm.

    I've always believed in Karma, so, time will return that piece of shit (whoever that was) what it deserves
    You are right. I think so, too. But I would love to give karma a helping hand.
    Unprocessed picture. I hope you like this one more than the terminal output.
    The camera was the bottleneck here. Although very much sunlight, the resolution wasn't enough to capture the beauty.
    Now you finally understand what I value most of all. 😉
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    I never understood this "following" stuff and up to now, you didn't follow anybody.
    Why me? Do you have an idea how that looks?

    You have to follow somebody else as well! How about @M4x1mumReZ?
    @KleinesSinchen well i scrolled down i after reading the answer. What happened to your hdds though?
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    Thankfully nothing happened to the HDDs as I avoided falling from the chair.
    Our very old house does NOT have ceilings/floors made of reinforced concrete (like it should be). The main load bearings inside the floors are made of oak timber/tree trunks (missing correct vocabulary: big, strong wood stuff)
    The floors are a bit elastic and transfer shocks. If I fell down next to the PC, it could be too much for 3.5" HDDs
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    Time to think a bit outside your main territory… :creep:

    Don't you love working with the professionals? Professional reseller sent me Sims 3 (PC) two years ago (don't ask why I ordered this useless :shit: I despise)
    One look on the DVD showed ↑↑this↑↑ was going to happen.

    What did I see?
    I would place a black sheet of paper on top of the CD so that it doesn't reflect back.
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    I can't repeat the scan or try a camera as I resurfaced (polished) the Winx DVD (the PS2 will still not play it :nayps3:).
    Just an example for a disc that looks hopeless and the PC drive will not even complain.
    • Sad
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    Answer: Sims 3 had a deep circular scratch. That destroys some sectors fully, opposed to arbitrary scratches damaging many sectors a bit (so that error correction still has good chance).

    A professional reseller must know that… apparently they didn't (and asked me to send the disc back to show it to all employees for the future).
    Are you mad at me or something?
    • Wow
    Reactions: Nikokaro
    Your words aren't hard to understand; probably work in any language

    I just want to add:
    Lieschen is also a victim of the past society, with strict religious rules. The people brutally excluded such “sinners”. Gretchen, already "guilty" of the same deed… internally panics and gets aware of the unfairness and stupidity:

    A boy may literally(!) fuck around as he wishes, but a girl becomes a sinner and whore (“pariah”).
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    A boy may literally(!) fuck around as he wishes, but a girl becomes a sinner and whore (“pariah”)
    Wow, what a delicacy of language! 🤣
    It was true until a few years ago. Today, in Italy, there is absolute sexual and costume freedom, even for women. Young girls on onlyfans offer nude and masturbation photos in exchange for money, as normal work, with the consent of their families. 😲
    • Wow
    Reactions: KleinesSinchen
    "Wow, what a delicacy of language! 🤣"
    File it under German bluntness. Euphemistic descriptions aren't going to change the underlying facts.

    "Young girls on onlyfans offer nude and masturbation photos in exchange for money"
    Market for this, considering the abundance of free pornographic content on the web?
    In any case it is a activity area, in which only certain people can successfully earn money.
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    What you are saying is, that you avoid "Schadenfreude" yourself, which is certainly a noble trait!

    Do you really believe my ugliness and mentioning it makes me suffer after all the things I wrote?? 🤦‍♀️ Good lord, NO! It is a blessing!
    Prettiness is a curse for somebody who just wants to be left alone.
    If this hurt me, I should have been offended right after the caricature assigned to me.
    :creep: (not serious):
    Associating me with Cinderella is more of an insult than: "You are d*mn ugly!"
    It is saying: "You are d*mn stupid and would marry Mr. Lamebrain 'cause he is rich, powerful and looks good."

    Still thinking about the word "tantalizes" above. That is harsh.
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    Hi. Unfortunately I am very busy today: we are finally redoing the whole sewer, digging some with the excavator, some by hand: long, hard, dirty and exhausting work. I've been reading in passing, but don't read anything new. Come on, let's put this issue behind us, do you agree?😉
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    Not that there was any issue in the first place (in my opinion at least – was pretty funny).

    I've closed my profile for now (unrelated to our discussion).
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    Indeed, a very

    Just look at his nose.
    Do I need to explain further? I thought you were referring to yourself, and that it wasn't taken from a book! You got it!
    But you don't read carefully what I say!?! 😤
    • Wow
    Reactions: KleinesSinchen
    "[…]referring to yourself, and that it wasn't taken from a book!"
    Both: Applying a joke from some old book on myself.

    Many women feel defeated and crushed when somebody seriously questions their visual appearance. When somebody tells me that I'm ugly… well… I got some comparisons (hard to translate) to exaggerate+make fun of myself, outplaying the other person's words.
    They stop instantly noticing they can't hit me.
    So why would I laugh at something that makes a person suffer (although you may deny it)? That would be a horrible thing to do! Do you think me capable of that? Then you understood little about me. What a disappointment! :sad:
    Question from the void and without any context:
    Have you heard of the term "RTFM"?
    • Sad
    Reactions: Nikokaro
    I have to leave the house for now, but this one
    "Well, but this is very fair.[…]"
    Deserves an answer this afternoon (in PM).

    What a day. Came back way later than expected. And still no answer to the question if you are trying to pick on me?!
    Hunger… it will take some time until I can make my fried chip potatoes (wood fire oven).

    Please wait a bit longer until I can type a PM.
    • Like
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    Pick on you? And why should I? And what sentence makes you think that? Besides, I've already told you it is not so! My intentions are always constructive. Why this apparently hostile attitude?
    • Sad
    Reactions: KleinesSinchen
    I think permanent animations are distracting and annoying... and even a thousand ":(" aren't gonna change this.
    20 years ago I finished Lunar on my PSX:mediocre 8bit graphics (like MEGA-CD ver but more colorful) catchy bgms and engaging story.A few years ago I almost finished gba ver on my AGS001.Today I will start on my psp3004 the more recent ver,surely the most graphically beautiful,this time with a little help (max money cheat) that I hope will not ruin gameplay.

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    PlayStation 1 and 8-bit graphics? That sounds like an anachronism.
    • Sad
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    The PSX version is identical to the Megadrive-CD version, but with more colors, and brighter: the graphics were actually 16bit, but apparently so crude, poor, and approximate as to look like a Master System game.
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    PS1 has very few 2D games due to Sony's policy of pushing 3D.
    Nevertheless 2D games can look very good on the system.
    There are some severe hardware limitations, especially due the inability to access the huge amount of ROM data in a fast way. The PS1 CD-ROM drive is really...
    • Wow
    Reactions: Nikokaro
    Love that the flea markets are back. As pleasant and positive it is… Where light is, there is also shadow:
    People have become decadent!
    Sadly I'm missing a screwdriver to open it.
    Has anyone here ever read the classic manga Hadashi no Gen (Barefoot Gen, Gen of Hiroshima)? What did you think of it? Is it really as deep, heartbreaking and unforgettable as they say? Do you know where I can read all ten volumes online (or in pdf format)?


    Which reaction to choose?
    :( because of no help for you?
    😲 because of the oxymoron logic←→sentiment?
    or should it be my favorite, which is not part of the official reactions:
    🤦‍♀️ because you expect(?) a productive answer on a niche, obscure and off-topic (for GBAtemp) question in a profile message (which most members don't even read) while contemplating nobody wants to help you.
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    I know nothing about mangas… was it wrong to reply because of the picture? It is kind of provocative to put it there and say: "Warning! Cruel image! Those sensitive dont look!“

    The bed is calling for me. Friend Mirta will knock me out soon.
    Until tomorrow.
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    Good night. 😴 😉
    • Haha
    Reactions: KleinesSinchen
    🐟 🐠 🐡
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    "You always have the answer ready, and you always want to have the last word."
    You don't want any objections?

    I will not reach a high age. The drugs lower expectation of life(time) -- but they aren't the deciding factor in my case.
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    "I will not reach a high age"
    Where does this statement come out of nowhere? In any case, this also applies to me, but for other reasons....It is not necessary to become elderly and allow oneself to languish, but rather to live the present to the fullest, without regret and expectation. But you already know this...😉
    • Like
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    Out of nowhere?? I just said that alcohol and prescription drugs aren't the limiting factor for my expected lifetime.
    I enjoy a bit of booze every now and then... and this won't change. :creep:
    • Wow
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    Can anyone explain to me the meaning of this emoticon (emoji or whatever it's called)?
    :hrth: I thought it meant something like"hearth"(fireplace). But I read somewhere that that acronym means"everything and nothing": so when to use it? And why does the emoji below seem to celebrate something? Regarding so many necessary emoji that are missing, this one is really useless. 😒
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    "They aren’t the Catboy :/ needs a catboy"
    He/she/It is not part of my style and taste. She is:

    "It's simple: hrth is mirth."
    If the "h" were an "m", you would have found the solution to this intriguing riddle. 😉
    I honestly regret looking into that thread to figure it
    • Wow
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    Would you be so kind to show a picture of your old PC? And maybe post what is inside (hardware specs)?
    Yes, I'm overly curious.
    You seem to really enjoy these kinds of things. These particular interests make you unique. I, on the other hand, have not the slightest interest in them. We say "the world is beautiful because it is varied." 😉
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    "it only works in Safe (temporary) Mode, otherwise it crashes during loading"
    This is itching in my fingers. How I would love to have a look at this. Maybe upgrading HDD and RAM, reinstalling XP on empty HDD. Searching for the old drivers.
    As a teenager I spent many nights with tinkering. Rarely nowadays. The main machine should "just work" (and it does).
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