ACLU wants porn to be allowed for South Carolina inmates


Apr 13, 2008
You have irritated me, Living Shadow. You quote huge blocks of meaningful text, and then dismiss it with a paltry sentence or two. That, or talk about religion, preachers and Michael Savage. Want to hold your own when you disagree with someone? Learn to debate.


No rice, No life! ~唯
Aug 16, 2010
United States
Midna said:
You have irritated me, Living Shadow. You quote huge blocks of meaningful text, and then dismiss it with a paltry sentence or two. That, or talk about religion, preachers and Michael Savage. Want to hold your own when you disagree with someone? Learn to debate.

I'd love to, but no one will listen, so I just post my mind. I've sourced my opinion a million times over prio to this post, and it's just just blown off as wrong, so why should I keep doing it?


No rice, No life! ~唯
Aug 16, 2010
United States
Midna said:
You are frustrated at your opinion being simply dismissed, and yet you do the same to your opponent.

what's there to discuss, I put My opinion out there, a one line sentence and kenpachi turns it into a huge wall of pure attack, instead of blaming everything on people who think the way that I do, like kenpachi has so obliviously done, why can't he just admit that there is something that EVERYONE needs to do and not just blame random people based on there politic.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2008
United States
Foxi4 said:
ShadowSoldier said:
Hell, they [the prisoners] already get tv, and they get amazing dinners, and they get access to a gym....
They are also forced to drink water with high levels of arsenic in California. What a great life they have there!

Like everybody else in California. Cry me a rivier.

You people are so ignorant about the realities of our prison system it blows me away... I think mental retardation is rampant in todays youth... either that or they just don't give a shit about looking around, doing some research and finding out what's really going on in their country.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2008
United States
The Living Shadow said:
kenpachi said:
Moron... I'm sorry but ignorant sheep like you are the reason this country has gone from the most upwardly mobile country on the planet to the least. We live in a police state, our government has suspended the constitution via the "patriot" act, we have 300 million people, a small percentage of the world population, yet somehow, we have 1/4 the ENTIRE WORLDS prison population in our jails! The richest 1% earn 40 percent of the wealth with the rich getting richer and the poor getting poorer every day, the economic inequality in larger than it's been in a century, here in WA they "fixed" the 6 billion dollar budget gap by slashing aid to local low income/no income health clinics for the extremely poor, cutting the state health plan off to anyone new, cutting the paultry $369 we give to temporarily disabled people who were not injured at work to a UNREAL $150! Ya that's gonna get you by! when a studio appartment costs $700 here! So after doing their civic duty and once again crapping on the people who can LEAST afford to be crapped on they go to the next most OBVIOUS place to cut money to... our kids... slashing the SCHOOLS BUDGET by 3 billion, and many many more horrible horrible things (seriously you should see it...).

Hey, it is the liberal west after all, not my fault that the failed political ideals are just now rearing it's ugly head.

kenpachi said:
I'm sorry but you are truly stupid... when you think that throwing more of our people into prison (which by the way idiot TURNS people into criminals! I gaurantee you if you're not a criminal before going to prison you will learn to become one in there!) is a good thing it makes me think of how ignorant our society is at large. Our justice system is a factory, it produces jobs for cops (hence the police state where we have NO rights left) and generates money for the states ("we have lots of prisoners to keep YOU safe so we're gonna charge you more taxes"), prosecutors care NOTHING if someone is innocent or gulty unless it's in the media, the only way you get justice is if you can BUY it. I used to consider myself a democrat because I favor government help for the poor, but they are beyond corrupt now as well... this country has SOOO much money, but the rich, who pay off the politicians so they wont tax them or they spend it on this unjust war on drugs, just keep getting richer while I can't even get a fricking checkup without going into banckruptcy!

So ya... I'm real proud to be a fricken citizen of the united states of shat! Where people like you rule... *spit*

yes, go back to smoking your pot, laced with mercury from the volcanic ash it's grown it.

kenpachi said:
we're so overdue for a revolution... our country is so unbelievably broken, it makes me so angry when i see how blind people are to it... sorry for the rant i just get so mad when people can live in the same society as mee and not see this stuff too! It's right in fornt of our faces! I play a LOT of video games, i mean a LOT... but i still take the time to look around every now and then. I fear for the future... my generating and younger are so apathetic and neutered. Our parents and grandparents fought to keep our country great and in the span of 30 years we've managed to destroy evrything! my grandparents would be turning int heir graves knowing this country is what they fought for... my generation is going to be the FIRST generation of americans to not do better than their parents. ever. however i believe that to be mostly due to the greed of our parents generation.

yes, it is time for a revolution... If I had any power, it would be people such as yourself who would be licking paint for what has been done to this country. 40+ years of sex and drugs, perversion of our religion, perversion of our duties, your a fool like so many on this forum. there is a reason that we have been going down hill, people went left, and then they went farther left and then even farther. I am sick and tired of people, bitching and complaining and not looking at what truly caused this. It's people like reverend manning of atlah, who know what's going on, and speak out. "side note, reverend manning is a BLACK BIRTHER"! Michael Savage, Donald Trump and others. The system is so fixed, it is going to implode upon itself. people will only blame the same people they have blamed for so long, when if fact they can only blame themselves.

QUOTE(kenpachi @ May 31 2011, 08:08 PM)
In the 50's, if you made more than 2 million in todays money they taxed you 91%! Can you tell me we were not doing well in the 50's!!?!?! yet now we have these mega rich hoarding all the wealth and it's WRONG! But they are BUYING our politicians off! anything over a few million should be taxed to the hilt! no one needs so much money when there's people homeless in our streets and so many of us (EVEN WITH JOBS!) can't get halthcare! omg i'm ranting so hard lol. i'll stop. I'm sounding nutty... god i hate it here... why couldn't i have been born in france or the netherlands or something. crap... this is a gaming website isn't it lol, wow... kinda flew off the handle there, ohh well I stand by it! hehehe

happen to notice who has held a majority power for 50+ years? thought so.
a religious cowboy hat wearing mouth breathing redneck... did you read I'm not a democrat. They are just as corrupt! We need redistribution of the wealth! These individuals simply have TOO much wealth. You should have to PROVE that your individual income over a certain large amount, say 10 million a year, is being put back into the economy to create jobs or given to charity. If you CANNOT, you should be charged 90% taxes on anything over that amount because no one single person need more that 10 million a year in personal income! The playing feild needs to be leveled. The income disparity between the rich and the poor is more than 25% greater than during the guilded age of the rockfellers and it's continuing to grow! It's all political, they are lobbying and paying off these politicians to not tax them and with all that welath hearded there's nothing for the little guy! We need a union movement in the US again, a massive one, we need a revolution to ensure these politicians cannot be swayed by these hoards of lobbyists and these massive plitical donations by corporations and individuals with all this money. "I'll give you 20 million to your campaign but make sure I keep getting my billions, I have a few private lslands to buy, I really don't care if there's people starving in the street who need help with shelter, drug addictions, and healthcare. I don't care that a massive amount of the people in the richest country in the world leave millions of it's people with not choice but to go to and emergency room for any problems at all. I'm rich who cares! hahaha!" YOU are what's wrong with thie country. If it doesn't have anything to do with YOU then F them right? You are a heartless, misled sheep. God is a way to keep you stupid people who can't think for themselves to be swindled out of your money by these churches of greed, smart people who realized how easily morons like you can be scared into giving them all your money for "god". Why don't you wake up and realize what's happening to this once great country. The greatest period of this country was the 40's through the 70's, the middle class was creeated, unions represented 30% of the workforce ( which by the way canada still has, we've fallen to less than 10%!) These corporations and blind sheep who vote for these politicians in their pockets are driving this country into the GROUND.

My generating is the FIRST generation EVER in a merica who will do worse than their parents and no one cares.

Watch this, this is THE reason this country will a second class country within a few decades. warning, you need a brain to watch this so put down your AR-15 and spit cup, get off the goat, and try to see if you can understand.


GBAtemp's Official Mook™
Sep 12, 2009
United States
Don't give them porn. In fact, take away stuff.
Take away their beds. Take away their work-out equipment. Take away the safety of not searching for their next meal.

These prisoners live better lives than a lot of people in the world (I didn't say 'most', I said 'a lot'), why add to that luxury?

Acetic Orcein

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2008
Why do they need porn? Can't they just express their sexual urges by making out with a fellow inmate? Then, if you install a camera, they could market the sessions as gay porn. That way, the prison could be used to generate money, and hopefully pay for the costs of maintenance- depending on how many people buy said porn.

I think it'll do wonders if prisoners are encouraged to make out with their fellow man/woman.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2008
United States
_Chaz_ said:
Don't give them porn. In fact, take away stuff.
Take away their beds. Take away their work-out equipment. Take away the safety of not searching for their next meal.

These prisoners live better lives than a lot of people in the world (I didn't say 'most', I said 'a lot'), why add to that luxury?

You are a fool, have you seen a prison before? They live in a hell hole where they must learn to be criminal or be someone's bitch. Being around other criminals turns you into one. When you're forced to act like a criminal just to survived there you have to choice. a normal, responsible person makes one mistake, get's sent to prison and comes out a hardcore criminal, it's system designed that way so they reoffend and get back in the machine, it's a way to make money. open up your eyes and see the truth!


Well-Known Member
Nov 6, 2002
United States
Sure.. allowed for South Carolina inmates then they would [censored] other men/women unsafe and hiv/aids (I dont mean gay and lesbian but straight inmates as well).. I mean share too many partners can bring diseases such as SIDS, VD, HIV, HPV, and many more to straight people as well and would spread much quicker. ACLU will be responsible for death sentence of those prisoners. PORN COMPANIES must be DESTROY and one day it will!


A miserable little pile of secrets
Jun 18, 2010
Visit site
United States
RockmanForte said:
Sure.. allowed for South Carolina inmates then they would [censored] other men/women unsafe and hiv/aids (I dont mean gay and lesbian but straight inmates as well).. I mean share too many partners can bring diseases such as SIDS, VD, HIV, HPV, and many more to straight people as well and would spread much quicker. ACLU will be responsible for death sentence of those prisoners. PORN COMPANIES must be DESTROY and one day it will!
I think even if they did somehow catch Sudden Infant Death Syndrome through sex, it probably wouldn't cause too many problems.


GBAtemp's Official Mook™
Sep 12, 2009
United States
kenpachi said:
_Chaz_ said:
Don't give them porn. In fact, take away stuff.
Take away their beds. Take away their work-out equipment. Take away the safety of not searching for their next meal.

These prisoners live better lives than a lot of people in the world (I didn't say 'most', I said 'a lot'), why add to that luxury?

You are a fool, have you seen a prison before? They live in a hell hole where they must learn to be criminal or be someone's bitch. Being around other criminals turns you into one. When you're forced to act like a criminal just to survived there you have to choice. a normal, responsible person makes one mistake, get's sent to prison and comes out a hardcore criminal, it's system designed that way so they reoffend and get back in the machine, it's a way to make money. open up your eyes and see the truth!
Blah blah blah.

I can already tell that you've never seen the lower-class of a third world country before.
Believe it or not, everyone on the planet is not guaranteed a bed, ways to stay healthy, 3 meals a day, not even the freedom to live.

How about you crawl out from under your little rock and look at the people in your own fucking town who don't have a home to stay in. Do you know how many homeless in the US alone die because of simple things like weather conditions, lack of food, disease, and other stuff that you've never had to worry about? I'll tell you that it's a whole hell of a lot more than the prisoners we pay to keep alive.

Innocent people in this world struggle to survive, and these prisoners are worried about porn. Think about it.

Vulpes Abnocto

Not Dead Yet
Former Staff
Jun 24, 2008
United States
This discussion needs to continue,
but people insulting one another does not.

Say what you want about the situation,
but try not to label the people you're responding to.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2008
United States
_Chaz_ said:
kenpachi said:
_Chaz_ said:
Don't give them porn. In fact, take away stuff.
Take away their beds. Take away their work-out equipment. Take away the safety of not searching for their next meal.

These prisoners live better lives than a lot of people in the world (I didn't say 'most', I said 'a lot'), why add to that luxury?

You are a fool, have you seen a prison before? They live in a hell hole where they must learn to be criminal or be someone's bitch. Being around other criminals turns you into one. When you're forced to act like a criminal just to survived there you have to choice. a normal, responsible person makes one mistake, get's sent to prison and comes out a hardcore criminal, it's system designed that way so they reoffend and get back in the machine, it's a way to make money. open up your eyes and see the truth!
Blah blah blah.

I can already tell that you've never seen the lower-class of a third world country before.
Believe it or not, everyone on the planet is not guaranteed a bed, ways to stay healthy, 3 meals a day, not even the freedom to live.

How about you crawl out from under your little rock and look at the people in your own fucking town who don't have a home to stay in. Do you know how many homeless in the US alone die because of simple things like weather conditions, lack of food, disease, and other stuff that you've never had to worry about? I'll tell you that it's a whole hell of a lot more than the prisoners we pay to keep alive.

Innocent people in this world struggle to survive, and these prisoners are worried about porn. Think about it.

You have NO idea who you're talking to, I had a drug problem for years, lived on the steets, have personally been a victim of police brutality and the corrupt money generating "justice" system. My posts had nothing to do with people getting porn, it's about mindless people thinking throwing more people into our already extremely bloated prison system is a good thing. at LEAST half the people in prison sholdn't be there in the first place, most on bs drug charges, ya real good idea to take a guy who likes to grow a little weed and put him in jail where he MUST develop a criminal mind to survive, which the system wants! They WANT him to go back out and offend again, more money for them! more ammo to say they need more prisons so a few people can have jobs at the cost of utterly devastating the lives of the prisoners and their families. it's a system designed to make money, and keep people in the machine of the system to destroy lives and make the prosecutors, judges, and politicians look good. and I don't give a rats ass about people in other countries. I don't live there. fix out own MASSIVE problems, then if there's any time or money left, fix the rest of the worlds. Since when did this country become oblidged to help other countries huu? We are a sovergn nation with MANY of our own problems. If we had our act together sure, I'd love to help these other countries. but we don't I can't even go to the doctor! now they just shut down all my areas low income clinics! heck even these little african villages get clinics from time to time from agencies! I live in Seattle, a beyond rich citty, work and pay my taxes but I can't afford to get even the slightest health care. You tell me why I shouldn't be pissed?

I stand by it, this country disgusts me. and so does anyone who can't open their eyes and look around not to see it falling apart around them.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2008
United States
Acetic Orcein said:
Why do they need porn? Can't they just express their sexual urges by making out with a fellow inmate? Then, if you install a camera, they could market the sessions as gay porn. That way, the prison could be used to generate money, and hopefully pay for the costs of maintenance- depending on how many people buy said porn.

I think it'll do wonders if prisoners are encouraged to make out with their fellow man/woman.

Don't you realize what the prison system is? It's no longer a place to incorcerate to punush and rehabilitate people, it's now a 50 billion dollar revenue generating industry! READ PEOPLE! You're online right now! Do some searches!


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2008
United States
Foxi4 said:
The Living Shadow said:
Devin said:
What else are they supposed to do? Work? XD

they should all be working to build a fence on the border and several Alcatraz type prisons, thats what they should be doing.

YES! For god's sake, YES! There is a massive labor force that can manufacture goods and build infrastructure that is not currently utilized at all!

My idea is - make them work for their own upbringing. As of now, we pay for their food, we pay for the roof over their heads, we pay for their entertainment. ENTERTAINMENT. In a DETENTION CENTER. Are you people INSANE?

It's not just the U.S, it's happening all around the world. Crime rates are high because prisons become less and less of a punishment and more and more a bore between different crimes. The inmates are supposed to be resocialized - understand the value of a given currency and understand how society works. What you're doing is giving them bloody pass time, this is completely unacceptable.

A prisoner who does not agree to work should be given the absolute minimum of privilages. Everything else should be available to them via "credits" - a virtual currency that is usable only within the prison to prevent embezzlement while their actual "income" would go 50% to the prison and 50% for the inmate's "outside" account. If the inmate has a family, it should be 50%/25%/25%.

It's not a matter of being a humane person or not - it's a matter of supporting the "allow them to do whatever" politics or not. EVERY privilage, every meal that is over the standard, disgusting minimum, every video/dvd/other types of fun should NOT be free. If they want free entertainment, they can go for a bloody walk.

I've personally heard stories of people commiting crimes JUST TO GET CAUGHT so that they can head back to prison and live a carefree life. HOW is this possible in a modern society? And WHY is this even an option?

ohh man i want to insult you so bad but i'll get in trouble.... pretend i just called you a bunch of names.

I can't believe there are people with minds like this. I hope so bad you end up there one day on some bs charge and find out what it's really like. ohh please god give me that if I ever asked for anything, put this person in prison so he can see how COMPLETELY wrong he is.

I have no idea what world you have been living in but prisons now are HORRID. In the 70's it was a different story. many prisons now are 23 and 1 facilities where you get 1 hour outside your cell a day! What expereice or movie are you getting your info from? prison is hell, and those there for measly crimes are put in witht he worst of the worst FORCING them to become ruthless criminals just to survive, then they get out and WE all pay for it by having to hire more mouth breathing abusive goons for out corrupt police forces, having to have much higher crime rates because more people are criminally minded after being in prison, having to build more prisons that WE have to pay for.


Endless Trash
Global Moderator
Sep 13, 2009
Gaming Grotto
kenpachi said:
ohh man i want to insult you so bad but i'll get in trouble.... pretend i just called you a bunch of names.
If you have to resort to calling people names in arguments, it clearly shows the level of dialogue you're representing.

QUOTE said:
I can't believe there are people with minds like this. I hope so bad you end up there one day on some bs charge and find out what it's really like. ohh please god give me that if I ever asked for anything, put this person in prison so he can see how COMPLETELY wrong he is.
I can't believe that we still have hippies around in the 21st century. You've seen too many gangster movies - the prisons nowadays are top-notch condition and their state is luxurious to any randomly-met homeless person. That should not be the case - prison time is supposed to be a scary concept for a potential criminal.

QUOTE said:
We need redistribution of the wealth! These individuals simply have TOO much wealth.
Hippie AND a commie. That's an interesting mash right there. Quite unexpected too.

QUOTEI have no idea what world you have been living in but prisons now are HORRID. In the 70's it was a different story. many prisons now are 23 and 1 facilities where you get 1 hour outside your cell a day! What expereice or movie are you getting your info from? prison is hell, and those there for measly crimes are put in witht he worst of the worst FORCING them to become ruthless criminals just to survive, then they get out and WE all pay for it by having to hire more mouth breathing abusive goons for out corrupt police forces, having to have much higher crime rates because more people are criminally minded after being in prison, having to build more prisons that WE have to pay for.
..and you're telling me that I watched too many movies. Get a grip on life, your mindset hasn't evolved since early '90.

You have NO idea who you're talking to, I had a drug problem for years (...)
From what I understand, you still do.

Okay, silliness aside, have you ever wondered why the prisons are full of violence and why prison rapes are so common? Why one prisoner hates the other?

BECAUSE THEY HAVE NOTHING BETTER TO DO. Nowadays, you can "earn" respect and valuables in a prison only via means of violence. The prisoners have too much spare time on their hands that is not utilized well. Not only that, to make their life standards "better", they have to resolve to being violent. Introducing work into the schedule, several hours daily, lowers the ammount of spare time the prisoners get, makes obtaining "valuables" they want easier and narrows the window of oportunity to do downright stupid, violent stuff to their co-inmates.

You have to strike right into the caste structure that's created among prisoners - the prisoners should be equal and the prisoner's director is supposed to be boss over all this. No work - no pay - shitty life.

Is that understandable? I tried to wrap this up in the simpliest manner possible.

A crediting system similar to the one I mentioned, used to pay for every single amenity that is not essential teaches respecting hard-earned money. Not only that! When the inmates are past their "time", they have a kick-start in life - the money they earned on their very own account to start anew. That's stupid? Resocializing is stupid?


GBAtemp's Official Mook™
Sep 12, 2009
United States
kenpachi said:
_Chaz_ said:
kenpachi said:
_Chaz_ said:
Don't give them porn. In fact, take away stuff.
Take away their beds. Take away their work-out equipment. Take away the safety of not searching for their next meal.

These prisoners live better lives than a lot of people in the world (I didn't say 'most', I said 'a lot'), why add to that luxury?

You are a fool, have you seen a prison before? They live in a hell hole where they must learn to be criminal or be someone's bitch. Being around other criminals turns you into one. When you're forced to act like a criminal just to survived there you have to choice. a normal, responsible person makes one mistake, get's sent to prison and comes out a hardcore criminal, it's system designed that way so they reoffend and get back in the machine, it's a way to make money. open up your eyes and see the truth!
Blah blah blah.

I can already tell that you've never seen the lower-class of a third world country before.
Believe it or not, everyone on the planet is not guaranteed a bed, ways to stay healthy, 3 meals a day, not even the freedom to live.

How about you crawl out from under your little rock and look at the people in your own fucking town who don't have a home to stay in. Do you know how many homeless in the US alone die because of simple things like weather conditions, lack of food, disease, and other stuff that you've never had to worry about? I'll tell you that it's a whole hell of a lot more than the prisoners we pay to keep alive.

Innocent people in this world struggle to survive, and these prisoners are worried about porn. Think about it.

You have NO idea who you're talking to, I had a drug problem for years, lived on the steets, have personally been a victim of police brutality and the corrupt money generating "justice" system. My posts had nothing to do with people getting porn, it's about mindless people thinking throwing more people into our already extremely bloated prison system is a good thing. at LEAST half the people in prison sholdn't be there in the first place, most on bs drug charges, ya real good idea to take a guy who likes to grow a little weed and put him in jail where he MUST develop a criminal mind to survive, which the system wants! They WANT him to go back out and offend again, more money for them! more ammo to say they need more prisons so a few people can have jobs at the cost of utterly devastating the lives of the prisoners and their families. it's a system designed to make money, and keep people in the machine of the system to destroy lives and make the prosecutors, judges, and politicians look good. and I don't give a rats ass about people in other countries. I don't live there. fix out own MASSIVE problems, then if there's any time or money left, fix the rest of the worlds. Since when did this country become oblidged to help other countries huu? We are a sovergn nation with MANY of our own problems. If we had our act together sure, I'd love to help these other countries. but we don't I can't even go to the doctor! now they just shut down all my areas low income clinics! heck even these little african villages get clinics from time to time from agencies! I live in Seattle, a beyond rich citty, work and pay my taxes but I can't afford to get even the slightest health care. You tell me why I shouldn't be pissed?

I stand by it, this country disgusts me. and so does anyone who can't open their eyes and look around not to see it falling apart around them.
If you could point out any part in my posts where I said that prisons were a good thing, I'd greatly appreciate it.
Everything I've said so far leaned toward the opinion that the prison system is wrong.

I'm also EXTREMELY skeptical to your claim, one rarely goes from hardcore drug abuser to kid arguing on the internet.

Also, why post if you have no opinion on the actual topic? Seems kinda stupid to me.


No rice, No life! ~唯
Aug 16, 2010
United States
kenpachi said:
a religious cowboy hat wearing mouth breathing redneck... did you read I'm not a democrat. They are just as corrupt! We need redistribution of the wealth! These individuals simply have TOO much wealth. You should have to PROVE that your individual income over a certain large amount, say 10 million a year, is being put back into the economy to create jobs or given to charity. If you CANNOT, you should be charged 90% taxes on anything over that amount because no one single person need more that 10 million a year in personal income! The playing feild needs to be leveled. The income disparity between the rich and the poor is more than 25% greater than during the guilded age of the rockfellers and it's continuing to grow! It's all political, they are lobbying and paying off these politicians to not tax them and with all that welath hearded there's nothing for the little guy! We need a union movement in the US again, a massive one, we need a revolution to ensure these politicians cannot be swayed by these hoards of lobbyists and these massive plitical donations by corporations and individuals with all this money. "I'll give you 20 million to your campaign but make sure I keep getting my billions, I have a few private lslands to buy, I really don't care if there's people starving in the street who need help with shelter, drug addictions, and healthcare. I don't care that a massive amount of the people in the richest country in the world leave millions of it's people with not choice but to go to and emergency room for any problems at all. I'm rich who cares! hahaha!" YOU are what's wrong with thie country. If it doesn't have anything to do with YOU then F them right? You are a heartless, misled sheep. God is a way to keep you stupid people who can't think for themselves to be swindled out of your money by these churches of greed, smart people who realized how easily morons like you can be scared into giving them all your money for "god". Why don't you wake up and realize what's happening to this once great country. The greatest period of this country was the 40's through the 70's, the middle class was creeated, unions represented 30% of the workforce ( which by the way canada still has, we've fallen to less than 10%!) These corporations and blind sheep who vote for these politicians in their pockets are driving this country into the GROUND.

My generating is the FIRST generation EVER in a merica who will do worse than their parents and no one cares.

Watch this, this is THE reason this country will a second class country within a few decades. warning, you need a brain to watch this so put down your AR-15 and spit cup, get off the goat, and try to see if you can understand.

Hey, buddy lets get a few things straight here, alright?
#1 I am religious, but the last time I went to a church with limited exception was when I was 4.
#2 I'm not a "cowboy" I've just moved here because of situations beyond my control.
#3 I do not own, nor have I ever owned a new or "used" cowboy hat.
#4 I am not a redneck, I've lived it all from living in a hotel room to a 250,000 home with 17 acres of land, from Indiana to Florida to "Wyoming" to Georgia, Kentucky, Tennessee and South Carolina.
#5 so what, your a drug addicted back seat san fransicko reject from Washington. yes they are corrupt, but it's scumbag liberals like you who made it worse and "redistribution" doesn't work, never has and never will.
#6 of course not, your a communist late sipping liberal.
#7 Work Harder, more drug addicts depend on your hard work ethic!
#8 Che would be proud to hear you preach his gospel.
#9 What, it isn't level enough? I thought Affirmative action took care of that?
#10 are you done yet?
#11 Guess not...
#12 a persons finances is just that, a persons finances. Last time I checked, if you break into your neighbors house to look at there bank statements that's illegal, no one should have to "prove" anything.
#13 the more you tax, the less you have to buy, and the less the "private" industry can make, causing a loss in the job market, and higher unemployment and less revenue. should I go on?
#14 so what if someone makes 10 mil a year, god bless em for doing it. OMG I said god, witch hunt!
#15 again, it isn't level enough? I thought Affirmative action took care of that!
#16 you know, they say, you can't buy anything "made" in America anymore, but you know what? "They" where wrong, You can buy a politician for the right price. thank heavens the taxed enough already, "T.E.A." party came to town and it's being "fixed".
#17 Oh, Like General electric? the left wing mouth piece for "global" warming who pays 0% in taxes? companies like that?
#18 Boo hoo, I don't get my pork and beans, what ever will I do?
#19 Unions caused the trouble where in right now, you want to give them MORE power? Man, you are a genius there, aren't you?
#20 Are you done YET!?
#21 nope, not yet Grrr...
#22 Yea, it's called the tea party, look it up and you might learn something.
#23 you mean like the ones who supply all the money to obama so he can fight for George Soros's "master plan"?
#24 like I stated above.
#25 you mean people like this? Just because you don't hear about it, doesn't mean it doesn't happen my friend.
#26 I've went over this already gone over this.
#27 Yes, I am the problem, do go one, please.
#28 Hey the guy provides a service, and runs a business he can't put bread on the table as well?
#29 let me quote a movie here, "God, sent him, to me" you know what, My great grandparents at one time raised a family of 9 in a 3 bedroom home. You know what kept them together? GOD, can you imagine what it's like to live like that? I doub't it and I doubt you ever will.
#30 I'm the stupid one, yea right. Listen buddy I could care less about your beliefs, all I know is this. People like you should be locked up in mental hospitals.
#31 I guess your still not done..
#32 god, this is turning into a know your tempers post or what?
#33 your probably like those pot heads who decided to take a hike in the mountain ranges or iraq and iran.
#34 I thought the 40's-50's where conservative, and the 60's-70 where liberal? you can't have it both ways my friend, which one is it?
#35 probably another personal attack.
#36 Hurp Durp "My Generation" let me quote red green for this one. "remember, where all in this together."
#37 Hey, you love canada so much, and you live so close why don't you just move on over the border, hell you could even immigrate there illegally through the woods, go ahead I won't tell.
#38 you mean this kind of inequality? or are you still stuck on woman don't earn enough.
#39 I don't own any type of firearm, I've never spoken a cigaret or had "wild nites" with my "pet goat".

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