Gaming Computer Terms and Chat Terms


Sep 27, 2008
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These are computer terms you might need to know.
CPU - Central Processing Unit/Processor. It is how fast your computer is. Usually measured in MHz (Mega Hertz) or GHz (Giga Hertz). CPUs can either be a single core or dual core. AMD and Intel are the popular brands.

HDD - Hard Disk/Drive. It is the device that stores data. You can get portable ones as well. Average hard disks are 100 GB.

RAM - Random Access Memory. Is vital for a computer to run. Most programs now adays rely on at least 64 MB. 512 MB is average. The less RAM you have, the longer it will take for programs to do stuff and the more chance of an error too.

Power Supply - Supplies tower. Large box at the top of computer.

Motherboard - Main part of computer. Holds video card, CPU, sound card and RAM. If screws up you'll be in the verge of death (or in trouble.) <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":P" border="0" alt="tongue.gif" />

CD Rom - Reads CDs and executes them. Speed is often between 40 and 52.

DVD Rom - Reads DVDs, yeah. DVDs.

USB Ports - A small rectangle port that alot of external products run on (Portable harddisk, gamepads, webcams, etc.). Only supported by Windows Me and Above. (Havent tried '98 yet <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":P" border="0" alt="tongue.gif" /> I think it works there.)

PS2 Ports - A circuler that alot mice and keyboards use.

Firewire - A port that most digital cameras use.

Disk Drive - Supports floppy disks.

Computer Files!
EXE - Executable. Nearly all appliations are in a .EXE format.
DLL - Dynamic Linking Library. DLLs are needed for some progams to work.(example: Emulators.)
TXT - It means "Text file" . Notepad uses it. There is no text formatting.
RTF - Rich Text Format. Word processors use text formatting and one of the extensions is RTF.
DOC - Document. Microsoft Word, Word Processor etc. Use it.
BMP - Bitmap. Biggest and main graphic extension. Saves every pixel.
PNG - Portable Network Graphic. Recommended. Compresses graphics but not too bad.
JPG - Jpeg. JPGs are common. They can ruin some colors.

More terms.
OS: Operating System. Usually refers to Windows, Mac OS X, or a Linux variant.

Macintosh - A series of computers made by the makers of the iPod, Apple. They are nicknamed "Macs" . The current "Macs" run using the "Intel" CPU.

File System - The system in which the files are stored. The most used File Systems are FAT32 and NTFS for Windows, HFS+ for Macintosh, and ext2 and ext3 for Linux.

DMG - Used by the Macintosh OS as a program or other such item.

ISO - A Disk Image, usually of a CD or DVD. It can also be used to play pirated PS2, XBOX, Wii etc. Games.

ZIP, RAR, ACE - Compressed archives of one or more files. Usually used for large files or many files. A RAR file need WinRAR to extract files out of a RAR file.

PDF - Portable Document Format. Usually opened with Adobe Acrobat Reader.

MP3 : MPEG Layer 3. The most common music file format.

WMA, WMV : Windows Media Audio\Video. Windows compressed media format. Mostly used on Windows Media Player.

OGG : Ogg Vorbis media file. Requires special players to be opened, such as VideoLAN Client(VLC) or WinAMP.

WAV : Microsoft Wave. Usually used for sound effects on Windows.

MOV : Apple Quicktime Movie. Uses Apple's Quicktime player to play it's contents.

AVI : Audio Video Interleave. Sometimes requires the DivX or XviD codec to be played.

If you noticed, Its long.
PDA - Personal Digital Assistant - Its a handheld computer, Usually with a screen to touch.
<b><!--coloro:green--><span style="color:green"><!--/coloro-->Extensions:<!--colorc--></span><!--/colorc--></b>
HTM/L - Hyper Text Markup/Language. Web page basis.
PHP - More advanced than HTML.
FRM - Form
VBP - Visual Basic Project

More Terms:
AIM - AOL Instant Messenger
MSN - MSN Instant Messenger
YIM - Yahoo! Instant Messenger. Used by SBCYahoo users. Also known as Y!M or YIM.
ICQ - Another IM that isn't used all that often
Skype - A voice chat IM program, which also has normal IM stuff
gTalk - Google Talk, Google's new IM program. Uses Jabber for it's text chat.

Compression Terms
TAR : Tape Archives. Usually used on Linux and BSD. Used to contain two or more files as a single file.
TAR.GZ, TAR.BZ, TAR.BZ2 : Compressed TAR files using BZip or GZip. Normally used to distruibte applications for Linux and BSD.

Common PDA formats:
.PSW: Pocket Word Document, for Windows Mobile users, also, Microsoft Word for PC might open this file type, but commonly with some errors.

.PXL: Pocket Excel, for use with Pocket Excel, or another Mobile Spreadsheet program. It cannot be opened directly with Microsoft Excel (for PC). It Needs to be converted with ActiveSync.

.PWI: A Pocket Word extension, but is opened by default with 'Notes', from Pocket Outlook.

.TSK: A theme file for Pocket PCs

.CAB: This, for PCs, is a cabinet file, but for Pocket PCs (and Smartphones, I guess) it installs a program. More or less like a 'setup.exe' file.

More terms:

MS: Microsoft

DOS: Disk Operating System

Windows XP Style : The Windows XP style taskbar and look. Also called Luna style.

Windows Classic Style : The Windows 95\98\ME style taskbar and look.

Aqua : Mac OS X look. Also has the Graphite style.

Mac Classic : Mac OS 8\9 and Mac System series look.

KDE : K Desktop Enviroment. A Linux desktop enviroment with a single bar style. Usually considered the most customizable and newbie friendly engine, but not very stable. Uses the QT engine.

GNOME : The GNOME Desktop Enviroment. A Linux desktop enviroment usually with a dual bar style. Usually considered more stable, but not very newbie friendly or customizable. Uses the GTK+ engine.

Fluxbox, BlackBox, IceWM, WindowMaker : 4 of many lightweight window managers for Linux. Usually used on old machines.

Synaptic - A Linux Debian program that searches the internet and downloads packages.

Root Admin - Main administrator with all privileges. It isn't what you think otherwise. <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/tongue.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":P" border="0" alt="tongue.gif" />

Windows - The largest OS group in the world. Has many issues but many still use it anyway.

Linux - A freeware OS that has various different types for different purposes. Preferred server OS.

Mac - An Apple OS that comes with any Apple computer. The latest OS is the Mac OS X.

3D Video Card - Allows your computer to show 3D graphics, used to play games. Nvidia (Geforce cards) and ATI (Radeon cards) are the most popular brands that make this cards. They have a small amount of RAM memory that only the card can use. The most RAM a card has, the better.

Windows Live Messenger - The new replacement of MSN messenger. Has new features (Colors etc.) Still has all MSN features. <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smileipb2.png" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":creep:" border="0" alt="smileipb2.png" />

Trillian - A program that allows to chat with people that use MSN, AIM, Yahoo Messenger and ICQ, a 4-in-1 program.Can also connect to IRC chat servers.

MSN Plus - A popular add-on for MSN Messenger, Last version was 3.63.148.

Messenger Live Plus! - The popular add-on now for Wndows Live, current version is 4.7

ICQ - Old IM, it used to be the most popular before MSN. (Note: It's still used by many due to it's webpager/indicator feature for websites, which none of the other clents yet have, IIRC.)

IRC- Internet Relay Chat. All chatrooms are hosted on a server, and require you to connect to the server via an IRC client. Chatrooms are called Channels, and begin with a pound sign (#). GBAtemp has this.

mIRC: Popular program from Windows used to connect to IRC servers. Requires a payment to fully use.

HydraIRC: Free open source IRC client for Windows

Pidgin: Free open source Instant Messenger client for Windows and Linux. Built with the GTK+ engine. Supports AIM, YIM, ICQ, MSNM, Jabber, and IRC.

Kopete: Free open source Instant Messenger client for Linux. Built with KDE's QT engine. Supports AIM, YIM, ICQ, MSNM, Jabber, and IRC.

Big Term:
From Gametalk:
N00b - You've probably heard this one many times before. Someone may have accused you of being one, or you may have called someone one without knowing the meaning. A n00b is, at least here, someone who comes into a forum and gives all kinds of information, even on occasions claims to be a master, but knows nothing about the given subject. Most of the time, they use internet lingo. Ex: 'U R @ QT'. Although many ppl like to type like that just to make things go faster. It's annoying, and on occasion, hard to read. It can cause visual nausea and irritate ppl, so please, spell your words correctly, unless you don't know how to spell them. Now, back to the subject. They tend to either make no sense, spam without realizing it, make applications to become a mod without even posting in the forum once, go completely offtopic or make up or post false codes. They can change, but sometimes they don't want to, because they think they're fine the way they are, and it's the world that's wrong. Not all N00bs are the same though, but the above mentioned is what I've seen to be the most popular behaviour.

+If you're called a n00b, think of how you've been acting lately. Look at your posts, are you trying too hard to fit in? Try to think of ways you can improve.

+If someone calls you a n00b, and you're sure you haven't been acting hatefully in any way, then maybe you should leave the forum, as you'll only get trouble there anyhow.

Newb~ Now this is different, N00b and Newb aren't the same. A Newb is a shortened term for newcomer. Don't be insulted if someone calls you a newb, it just means you're new.

+If you don't want to be considered a newb anymore, just keep posting on topic posts, be nice to the regs, vets and mod if there is one. And in about 2-4 weeks depending on the forum, you'll be considered more of a reg.

Reg~ A forum regular. Just someone who comes to the forum often, talks and answers questions whenever possible.

+If someone calls you a reg... Stop complaining! You should be happy to be a part of the forum's activity.

+If someone makes fun of you because 'You're just a reg and they're a vet', they're weird, don't let them bother you.

Vet~ A forum veteran, someone who's been to the forum for a year or more. If you are one, you should be proud to be a part of the forum's history for so long. If you aren't, who cares?! You should just be happy to have friends and post on the forum.

Mod~ Yes, the all powerful moderator... Or so everyone thinks. Mods aren't that special, sure, apprently we're 'all special in our own way'. But they aren't better than us because of it. If you can't get a mod to talk to you, it's probably because either he or she is tired, not online or doesn't feel like talking. Don't think a mod is stuck up - they DO have lives too you know. Although some are crazy... But don't dwell on that.

+If a mod doesn't want to be your friend, don't get mad, they have to be careful. A lot of ppl just want to use them for their power. And yes, that is true. You may know you're nice, and chances are, (IF you really are <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="biggrin.gif" />) Your friends do too. But a mod can't really trust your word, there are all kinds of weirdos on the internet.

Chatspeak Terms:
G2G/GTG - Both stand for Got to Go. It mean there gonna leave.
PPL - An abbreviation (my fav, I might add), for 'people'.
CYA - 'See ya' - another way to say goodbye.
POS - Parent over Shoulder
W/E - Whatever.
TTYL - Talk to ya later
LOL - Laugh out loud
LMAO - Laughing my ass off
LMFAO - Laughing my f***ing ass off!
ROFL - Rolling on floor laughing!
ROFLMAO - Rolling on floor laughing my ass off!
ROFLMFAO - Roflling on floor laughing my f**** ass off!
ROTFL - Rolling on the floor laughing!
KYL - Kill yourself Laughing!
IP- Either your internet address or 'In person'.
IDRC - I dont really care
DW - Dont worry
BTW - By the Way
FYI - For Your Information
AFK - Away From Keyboard
BRB - Be Right Back
BBL - Be back later
WTF - What the f***
WTH - What the Hell
IMO - In My Opinion
NVM - Nevermind.
B4 - Before

:-)~ A smile/happy.

:-&~ Tongue tied.

:-@~ Yelling.

:-P~ Crazy.

:-D~ Either laughing or big smile.

8-)~ Wide eyed.

:-7~ Smirk.

:-*~ Kiss.

:-O~ Shocked.

:-X~ Barred from speaking or can't talk.

XD~ Super happy face!

XP~ Super crazy face!

X-I~ Dead.

:-(~ Sad.

:-I~ Unsure.

;-)~ Wink and a smile.

They all work without the - .

MP4 - A video format like .AVI but more commanley used for portable devices (PSP, etc) its good as you can get small file sizes compared to .AVI however quality si reduced.

ROM - Read Only Memmory
PSD - Photoshop Document
AVG - Antivirus Program
CD-R - A disk which can burnt onto once.
CD-RW - A disk which can be burnt onto more than once.
DVD - Digital Versatile Disk
DVD-R - DVD which can be burnt onto once.
DVD-RW - DVD which cen be burnt onto multiple times.
VLC - Video Lan Media Player
WMP - Windows Media Player
MPC - Media Player Classic
PS - Photoshop

LOL this is so Long! <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":D" border="0" alt="biggrin.gif" />

Overclock- A process which enables your computer to run at a higher speed. Very Dangerous to mess with if you do not know what you are doing.
.3gp - Widely known as the cellphone video format.
.aac - Also known as .mp4, but used in music e.g. Nintendo DSi etc. Did I just repeat that? <img src="style_emoticons/<#EMO_DIR#>/smileipb2.png" style="vertical-align:middle" emoid=":creep:" border="0" alt="smileipb2.png" />

Thats all I did.


Sep 27, 2008
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Web 2.0 - Common term usually marking a "social web" where people can interact.

CSS - Cascading Style Sheets - Used to style the elements of the page. Standards-compilant CSS files contain all presentation elements that should replace deprecate tags in HTML. Currently the newest CSS version which is not complete and not fully supported yet is CSS3.

Browser war - Flame war between browser supporters. Most significant is Firefox vs. IE.

Browser rendering engine - the core of a browser that displays the page. Browsers have various engines, these vary in speed, standards-compilance and other stuff.

Presto - Rendering engine used by Opera.
Gecko - Rendering engine used in Fx/Mozilla.
Trident - Rendering engine used in IE/Avant Browser/AOL.
WebKit - Rendering engine used in Safari/Chrome - there are speculations about it being used in IE8.


Well-Known Member
Jul 21, 2007
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QUOTE(Wikipedia(Portable Network Graphics)) said:
PNG uses a non-patented lossless data compression method known as DEFLATE, which is the same algorithm used in the zlib compression library. This method is combined with prediction, where for each image line, a filter method is chosen that predicts the color of each pixel based on the colors of previous pixels and subtracts the predicted color of the pixel from the actual color. An image line filtered in this way is often more compressible than the raw image line would be, especially if it is similar to the line above (since deflate has no understanding that an image is a 2D entity, and instead just sees the image data as a stream of bytes). Compression is further improved by choosing filter methods adaptively on a line-by-line basis. This improvement, and a heuristic method of implementing it commonly used by PNG-writing software, were created by Lee Daniel Crocker, who tested the methods on many images during the creation of the format.[7]

PNG is lossless, you might want to add that


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2002
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United States
Looking at this list it seems kind of old.

All current Macs run on Intel and not PowerPC. PowerPC-based apps run through what is known as Rosetta on Intel machines, which is essentially a PowerPC emulator.

Gaim is now known as Pidgin.


Mar 9, 2008
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United States
You should run this through a spell checker for one thing.
Few things wrong:
CPU - Central Processing Unit/Processor. It is how fast your computer is. Usually measured in MHz (Mega Hertz) or GHz (Giga Hertz). CPUs can either be a single core or dual core. AMD and Intel are the popular brands.
How about quads?!
Power Supply - Supplies tower. Large box at the top of computer.
I've seen some cases with it at bottom.

Motherboard - Main part of computer. Holds video card, CPU, sound card and RAM. If screws up you'll be in the verge of death (or in trouble.) :P
If it screws up, same as if anything else screws up no?

Firewire - A port that most digital cameras use.
Last I checked, not anymore, might be wrong though.

ISO - A Disk Image, usually of a CD or DVD. It can also be used to play pirated PS2, XBOX, Wii etc. Games.
Last part seems wrong, anyone else agreeing?

3D Video Card - Allows your computer to show 3D graphics, used to play games. Nvidia (Geforce cards) and ATI (Radeon cards) are the most popular brands that make this cards. They have a small amount of RAM memory that only the card can use. The most RAM a card has, the better.
Don't think the RAM part is correct

That's all I see


Gbatemp's Chocolate Bear
Jun 2, 2007
Sacred Heart
This should be stickied. A lot of noobs can quickly look up definitions here


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2007
United States
EDIT: Did some Googling, looks like you stole most (if not all) from this site: Nice job, stealing that forum's work without even mentioning them, all you did was copy and paste.
QUOTE said:
RAM - Random Access Memory. Is vital for a computer to run. Most programs now adays rely on at least 64 MB. 512 MB is average. The less RAM you have, the longer it will take for programs to do stuff and the more chance of an error too.
Pretty much no computer 512 MB now, average is a least 1GB with all the people with 2, 3, 4, even 6 or 8GB of RAM.

QUOTE said:
USB Ports - A small rectangle port that alot of external products run on (Portable harddisk, gamepads, webcams, etc.). Only supported by Windows Me and Above. (Havent tried '98 yet tongue.gif I think it works there.)
Later releases of Windows 95 had USB support.

QUOTE said:
Computer Files!
EXE - Executable. Nearly all appliations are in a .EXE format.
DLL - Dynamic Linking Library. DLLs are needed for some progams to work.(example: Emulators.)
TXT - It means "Text file" . Notepad uses it. There is no text formatting.
RTF - Rich Text Format. Word processors use text formatting and one of the extensions is RTF.
DOC - Document. Microsoft Word, Word Processor etc. Use it.
BMP - Bitmap. Biggest and main graphic extension. Saves every pixel.
PNG - Portable Network Graphic. Recommended. Compresses graphics but not too bad.
JPG - Jpeg. JPGs are common. They can ruin some colors.
HTM/L - Hyper Text Markup/Language. Web page basis.
PHP - More advanced than HTML.
FRM - Form
VBP - Visual Basic Project
Why are these separate? Most applications are in EXE, some are .bat or .com files. JPGs only ruin the colors when the compression is high. PHP has almost nothing to do with HTML, it is used to program internet programs like forums.

More Terms:
AIM - AOL Instant Messenger
MSN - MSN Instant Messenger
YIM - Yahoo! Instant Messenger. Used by SBCYahoo users. Also known as Y!M or YIM.
ICQ - Another IM that isn't used all that often
Skype - A voice chat IM program, which also has normal IM stuff
gTalk - Google Talk, Google's new IM program. Uses Jabber for it's text chat.
Not only can everyone use YIM, SBCYahoo doesn't exist anymore.

Compression Terms
TAR : Tape Archives. Usually used on Linux and BSD. Used to contain two or more files as a single file.
TAR.GZ, TAR.BZ, TAR.BZ2 : Compressed TAR files using BZip or GZip. Normally used to distruibte applications for Linux and BSD.
Why is this separate from the descriptions of ZIP and RAR files?

These are just some of the many, MANY mistakes, not including all the spelling and grammar mistakes.

(some quotes had to be in spoilers)

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    BigOnYa @ BigOnYa: @Dante88 you do know there's a vita section, tabs on top of front page +2