My medical condition finally got the best of me.

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Fear Zoa

Still Alive
Jun 18, 2009
United States
I don't really know you all that well, or at all really, but I see your posts quite often around here and I know that this community won't be the same without you.
Makes me wish I wasn't such a lurker.

May the rest of your days be long and peaceful.

Also I'd like to echo what P1ng said, the fact that you would want to spend even a fraction of the time you have left here says a lot about this community, and I'm damn proud to be a part of it.
Aug 3, 2009
United Kingdom
Xuphor I don't really know what to say, or how to put feelings to words. I may not have known you personally, but as a member of gbatemp I see you as part of the little eco-system that made me join this site a few years back.

It's always tragic to hear of an illness that is threatening the life of any human, but when it happens to someone you have links with it kind of brings this whole world into a new context. Life is precious and every minute should be enjoyed, we are given an unknown amount of time, sometimes much shorter than we deserve , like yourself, with this in mind we should make everything count.

As other's have said I would kindly donate if it were to help a fellow temper with something like this, but I can understand why you do not want any this, I know how you feel and your life is chosen only by you, as is how everyones life should be led.

Whether religious or not , I hope whatever path you take beyond life is good to you, we will all miss you greatly here at Gbatemp, the community will be losing a great women.

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groovy dude lmao
Nov 14, 2010
:( I feel so bad for Xuphor, even if I didn't know her this thread still has a great impact on me.

To know that you're going to die, and there's nothing you can do about it...
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Well-Known Member
Sep 1, 2010
I didn't really know you that much, although I often did see you post around the forum, and it's sad to see that someone with a spirit like yours is going away. I couldn't possibly begin to imagine how hard life would be if someone numbered your days and you had no say in it at all. And when you do get that kind of news, it really hits home when people say "YOLO" and all that kind of similar stuff. Because it's true, and when you do pass on, it's not just a saying anymore. It's the hard truth. My wish to you is that you remain strong and that you enjoy what you have left to the fullest extent, and that every wish you have from now on is fulfilled to the utmost, and that you remain in comfort for the rest of your days. I send my deepest thoughts to you.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2009
United States
After reading through this thread, I am very sad to hear of your condition. I hope you're able to overcome CF. My wishes are with you

I'm sorry this post probably sounds horrible, but I really couldn't think of anything to say that hasn't been said, and with the thoughts in my head right now... :(

Hells Malice

Are you a bully?
GBAtemp Patron
Apr 9, 2009
I'm extremely saddened that I didn't notice this thread earlier. Truly.

I really don't have much to say, honestly I could write a book on how much this world pisses me off. As a few have said, it's pathetic that some paper and ink governs who lives, and who dies.
Money is a means to an end, and I wish you could look past your pride and at least accept the possibility of being helped. I'm repeating things already said, but this isn't a time for pride. There is nothing wrong with wanting to live, nor anything wrong with trying to find hope. I guess without any kind of figure, I can't even guess if it'd be possible for us as a community to help with a payment plan. I guess it goes beyond pride, as I do understand being in a spotlight is definitely not something everyone wants, i'd hate the idea as well. But overall, this is very obviously your choice, and we have to respect that. I don't think anyone here would mind trying to help you out if at all possible, I sure know I wouldn't mind. I'm surrounded by pointless crap I could easily live without. Money is money, Stuff is stuff, a life is precious and unique. I think it's pretty obvious which of the 3 is worth more.
But I somehow doubt this is a subject you will budge on, so I don't think there's any more point in trying. I respect your decision, and it is incredibly brave

Enough with the business talk. I honestly didn't interact with you much, but generally when I saw you post and such, i'd say I like who you are, and how your personality is. You're certainly a unique individual, and it's always extremely sad to have such a person leave us. You are a part of this community, and you always will be. Like a puzzle piece in this grand puzzle.
I'll try not get too sappy or sentimental, maybe it's just me but I prefer a little more personality.

I do remember the brief time we played Lime Odyssey together. I actually looked back at that sometimes and wish we'd played more. I got pulled away by real life, which is too bad. Even if not LO, it would have been nice to play some other MMO with you or something. Always much funner with a person to talk to, eh.

I guess I don't know you much better than that to say more. I truly hope the best for you, and that by no matter how slight a chance, you do survive. There is never a time to give up hope, nor give up on living.
"Dum spiro spero." as it were.
Very easy for us to say of course, I doubt any of us know how you feel right now. I personally have been met with plenty of dark times, but none anywhere near so dire as yours. Even still I hope you can move forward with optimism.

You'll be in my thoughts, and I hope that one day this thread is updated with happy news, not sadness. But if it really comes to that, I hope you see that this community really does care about you. You have many friends here all wishing you the best. You will be missed, and remembered, but again I really hope it never comes to that point.

May the force be with you.

Vulpes Abnocto

Not Dead Yet
Former Staff
Jun 24, 2008
United States
I'm honored you posted for the first time in........ long damn time here.

The honor is mine, as I'm honored to have met you.
I'll admit that this event is why I returned.
And if I could wish a cure for you,
then you would surely have it now.
There's nothing fun 'bout looking mortality in the eye.
But you've been staring at it quite some time.
And I truly admire the strength that requires.
Could you please show me how?
Guarantees never last, and assurances fade,
But we'll all be recalled by impressions we made.
And you, young lady the mark you have made
will be something something "ow"-sounding adjective.


all jokes aside,
I'm a better person, having met you.
Sep 18, 2011
4:54 PM
The honor is mine, as I'm honored to have met you.
I'll admit that this event is why I returned.
And if I could wish a cure for you,
then you would surely have it now.
There's nothing fun 'bout looking mortality in the eye.
But you've been staring at it quite some time.
And I truly admire the strength that requires.
Could you please show me how?
Guarantees never last, and assurances fade,
But we'll all be recalled by impressions we made.
And you, young lady the mark you have made
will be something something "ow"-sounding adjective.


all jokes aside,
I'm a better person, having met you.

You know what? You're a good, hilarious person, "DAD".


Smart Ass
Dec 22, 2005
United States
I lurk the temp every day and only post when I think I have something useful or funny to say... Today I have neither. I genuinely wish I did; something that could help or at least make you laugh. Nothing to do I guess, but share my feelings on your post.

This situation makes me both sad and angry.

I'm sorry you've had to live w/ what you have, but it seems to have made you into a truly special person.

I'm enraged that our system sucks and the help you need is unavailable to you (and many others) because of it. I'm disgusted that anyone can think our health care system isn't broken.

I'm sorry about what seems likely to come for you and those that care about you, but I'll still hope for a miracle that that event comes many years in the future instead of what's been predicted.

I wish the best for you no matter what happens.

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GBAtemp Time Lord Regenerations: 4
Former Staff
Jan 3, 2009
United Kingdom
Oh my, that is unfortunate. I'm finding out about this a week late, but having known about your condition, a thread like this was somewhat inevitable.

Fortunately, death isn't as permanent as some may think. No, there isn't an afterlife, per se, but people can and will be restored at some point in the future (and those still alive at the time it happens won't even need to be). The way things are looking now, you'll arrive at that time sooner than I will, but take some comfort that when you fall asleep, you'll wake up almost like nothing happened. Best thing is that you'll have a working body.

I hope the time you have left is pleasant, and despite your seeming hesitance, I still remain curious about what you look like. If I knew then it could be easier looking out for you if I'm around then too.


Active Member
Jul 17, 2013
I don't know you at all, being a new member here, but this just filled me with so much sadness. I've got tears in my eyes from reading this, and it's just horrible to know that you're here with us now, and have written this, but soon, as much as I hate to say, probably won't be here with us in the future. :sad: I hope a miracle happens for you mate, I really do. The courage it must have taken you to write all of this so openly is admirable, this has upset me greatly. I feel for you, and your family. Best of wishes. :sad:

Please let us all know how you're doing when you can.


Active Member
Jul 16, 2013
United States
get the surgery man. you will not be thrown into jail for failure to pay. your credit rating will be shot. you should declare bankruptcy after getting the surgery, then talk with an IRS official to see what it takes to get back on your feet....again i am sorry but dont act like you are a goner


Well-Known Member
Jun 16, 2013
get the surgery man. you will not be thrown into jail for failure to pay. your credit rating will be shot. you should declare bankruptcy after getting the surgery, then talk with an IRS official to see what it takes to get back on your feet....again i am sorry but dont act like you are a goner

Not really sure what to answer to if things were that easy. If that were the case, every single person that needs a serious procedure / transplant / etc, would just say "operate me doc!", get the surgery, and everything would be happy and awesome.

Doctor: "Heres your bill"

Xuphor: Nope! I ain't got no money to pay! See ya later doc!

That is a fantasy world.

Now for the topic at hand:

As some people already said on this topic, I too am terribly stupefied that I didn't find this topic before. I am very sorry that you had the bad luck of having this fucking stupid gene disease.

I have to say two things to you Xuphor, and although one of them may sound controversial, I simply wish to help you in your fight against this terrible disease:

1- I have to say that you are very courageous to be the kind of person you are. If I were in your shoes I would freak out, I would kick everyone in the face, and I would overall make an idiot out of myself for the fear of dying. Many people say to often that they could "handle it", or feel confident that they could cast that "passing away" fear aside, and be winners.

The reality here, is that if many people were confronted with this crap, they would loose it, just as much as I would. They wouldn't have your control over the situation, and neither would they accept things like you have.

Also, I'm requesting that you read this following sentence, and take to heart. Why? Because it might not be worth much, but It's damn true:

I admire you very very much, the way you handle things, and try to be less of a "burden" to everybody, even refusing financial help. God only knows how much you struggle to live everyday, and even breathing must be a challenge to you. You are a very strong person indeed. If more people were like you, the world would be an infinite amount of "better place" to live on.

2- Even though I admire you for this, I am one of those "hopeless" hope believing persons. I am a pessimist in other situations, but when it comes to this, I like to believe in hope like everybody else.

As such, I do not wish to offend you with what I am about to say, nor do I wish to cause you any further harm. But I just couldn't be true to myself If I didn't say that I disagree with 1 of your points of view. Which one? The sensitive one:

I wish you would accept help. I wish you could have your hope re-opened and accept the idea of people helping you in order to get that transplant. I believe many people would open their hearts after reading your story, and many people would be willing to help.

Now I know what you are thinking. I read your post. I know you " Really do not wish to be remembered on the news/around town/on GBATemp as the person/member that only lived because of a generous donation, either by a celebrity or a kickstarter thing."

I get that. I respect it.

But why am I still in disagreement with that particular part?

-Because you will NOT be remembered as the person who only lived because of generous donation.

-You will NOT be remembered as the member who survived because of a kickstarter thing.

-You will not become that "poor" person you fear. You will become it if you LET IT.

Would your story be on the news? Probably. Would the title be: "Person "X" lives because of person "Y" donation!"? Even more probable.

Would you be talked about on GBA regarding how you survived because of people helping? Yes, you likely would.

Would you be "somewhat" known in your town as the person who almost died were it not for generous people? That too would be easy to happen.

But here is what you need to remember:

Those people are IDIOTS. Those people NEVER went through your awful situation. Those people have lived EASY lives ALL their lives, and never had to care about anyone else other than themselves.

The only ideas, the only thoughts that really matter, are the ones of your family. The ones of your closest friends. The ones that are by your side, and can see your suffering each day. The ones who can see how STRONG you are, and how what goes on the News, or GBAtemp, or the Newspaper is a LIE and is only there to get ratings and profit.

The ones who truly matter, will never remember you as that "poor" person. They will remember you as that incredibly strong person. They will SEE you as that person who had such overwhelming principles, that he/she was able to discard his/her own life for them.

You say you will be remembered as someone who just survived because of something? I know I'm not either your friend, your family, or anyone close to you, but:

I won't.

Your family won't.

You true friends won't.

Anyone with a little compassion and not just posting here the be well seen by the community, won't.

Every single person who had hardship on their lives won't.

And more importantly, YOU shouldn't think that way of yourself.

So please, I am sorry about the long post, and I am sorry if I am hurting you with my principles and whatnot. But from a person who has never met you, and likely never will:

Please reconsider your thoughts. Please accept financial help. Please, don't let hope die. Let people help you.

Whatever your answer is, I will respect it and keep my thoughts to myself, I promise.

And never forget:



Active Member
Jun 1, 2009
I'm a bit ashamed to say this, but i've been lurking around this topic for about a week.
Didn't post just because I was afraid I wouldnt know what to say... Such a heavy subject...

I just want to wish you well... And more importantly: no more suffering!
It either being finding 'eternal rest', or some miracle where you'll get a quallity life.

Lets just all hope for the last option, where we get to see alot more xuphor here!
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