Tattoo/Pierce topic


QWEEN of the RadioActive Force!!!
Apr 10, 2008
1st dimension, Earth
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United States
Szyslak said:
gizmo_gal said:
I find you comical, witty, intelligent and a victim of sub-par grammar abilities just like everyone else here on the forums.
You should try writing a few pages in Toni's native language before you criticize him for the way he types in yours.
No man, you misunderstand. This is a joke between me and Toni, he should'nt be offended at all because he knows how much I approve of, respect and actually envy his command of a secondary language.

But I used to bust his chops about his lack of grammar--it used to be really bad actually--but it was really only in the "Ban" topic and for fun, but we spoke not that long ago about his rapid improvement and all that sort of stuff. Now, he's writing English so well that unless you know he's Croatian you couldn't tell his writing from the crowd of any competent writers work. He's just an average English speaker now, thats why I said as victim to bad grammar as everyone else on this forum.

He's shown me his language before and we've talked about it, I'm the first to admit that I couldn't learn his language as easily as he's learning mine.

Toni Plutonij

*has TrolleyDave & tiny p1ngy on moderating shelf!
Former Staff
Dec 22, 2007
Depths of Nuclear powerplant
I must say, I love the way you think FAST6191 and see stuff..Your way of thinking about tattoos and personal choice on how will someone choose to look i the right way to think of! I agree with every word you wrote in response to gizmo_gal..

QUOTE said:
Says the 14-year-old who smokes weed and drinks beer.

Oh, and as for the argument of "you should like your body the way it is, no need to change it." Ever shaved? Ever cut your hair? Ever had your nails done? Yeah, I thought so. Believe it or not, that is changing your body physically too! Amazing how things work like that!
Again, right thing to say..Everything that someone decides to do with the body is modification and altering in a way that would make you feel better about yourself!
Shaving, cutting hair, nails, perfume, make-up etc....
But the main point of everything would be, how society accepts and determines what is OK and what's not..
I just can't understand why and how is smoking better accepted than tattoos?! Wearing tattoo doesn't hurt anybody, while smoking damages your lungs, people around you and Earth
!! It is sad that I can come to my parents and say that I started to smoke, and they wouldn't be too happy about it, but they would get over it, and that's it, but if I show with the new tattoo, they make such a big fuss about it, like it's for the end of your life, and that's a bad thing...(yeah, cancer and black lungs, isn't for the end of the life....). Their main point is that they can stop smoking when ever they want to (although thats not true, 98% of smokers are strong addicts), my tattoo will never be as black as their lungs after 20 years of smoking!
And society approves that..
QUOTE said:
It's a free world, have fun and do what you like as long as it doesn't affect others.
pewpz, if everybody would think that way, the World would be a better place....

QUOTE said:
The majority of society that I have experienced actually would class out-of-the-ordinary piercings and tattoos as unprofessional and yobbish. You don't see many people with a lot of power who have visible tattoos or unusual piercings (anything except ear). Unfortunately I am against the whole "but what if society didn't think like that" mentality, because it does, and we can't change it at any pace that would affect my immediate future.

I have no problems with people having a tattoo or unusual piercing, it's their loss, or their gain as the case may be. I just wouldn't get one myself.
Well, I had some trouble finding a job because of my tattoos, the back one is spreading over my neck, and people don't like that..I say, what the heck, you don't have to like it, I've made it for myself, not you?!?! But why are you giving me a hard time with the job? I'm a good worker, I'll work hard, probably better than the most of the people that have applied for job....I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't do drugs....take me, where's the problem....well, problem is that I have a picture drawn on my skin...and yes, we live in a year 2008.!!
QUOTEAlso, a DS is something that you can choose to put down at any time in order to fit in with the people you are currently in. You wouldn't play DS games in a meeting but you can't exactly cut off your forehead or hands to hide the tattoos, can you?
That's right, why would I have to fit in with the people? Isn't it enough that I'm an intelligent human being that thinks for himself, works really hard and does everything on time?! I'll fit in with my intelligence and possibilities and skills, not with my mohawk!
'Acceptable' things are things that are accepted, through tradition, by the majority. And to be honest, I see no need to change traditions like this. (note: I'm not opposed to change in any way at all, I just prefer the way things are at the moment regarding this issue).
Well, that is the main problem..what is acceptable?! Once it was acceptable that Earth is flat....Once was acceptable that earth was the center of the universe and everything was rotating around us! Once it was acceptable that black man/colored (this was NOT a racist remark, if anyone felt offended by this, feel free to report my comment, and let the mods fix/delet it) was a slave and had no human rights! Once it was acceptable that woman was repressed and had no right to vote in society.....
Acceptable doesn't mean right!! Acceptable is just what you wrote, things accepted by the majority (or not even majority, but people with the higher power)..


yay p1ngpong.
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Nov 22, 2006
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QUOTE said:
QUOTE said:
The majority of society that I have experienced actually would class out-of-the-ordinary piercings and tattoos as unprofessional and yobbish. You don't see many people with a lot of power who have visible tattoos or unusual piercings (anything except ear). Unfortunately I am against the whole "but what if society didn't think like that" mentality, because it does, and we can't change it at any pace that would affect my immediate future.

I have no problems with people having a tattoo or unusual piercing, it's their loss, or their gain as the case may be. I just wouldn't get one myself.
Well, I had some trouble finding a job because of my tattoos, the back one is spreading over my neck, and people don't like that..I say, what the heck, you don't have to like it, I've made it for myself, not you?!?! But why are you giving me a hard time with the job? I'm a good worker, I'll work hard, probably better than the most of the people that have applied for job....I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't do drugs....take me, where's the problem....well, problem is that I have a picture drawn on my skin...and yes, we live in a year 2008.!!
I completely agree with you there, especially what you said about smoking. I was just pointing out that, as you have experienced, it does sometimes have the adverse effect of hindering your progress because of the way other people think.

I, personally, would much rather employ someone with a tasteful tattoo than someone who smokes.

Toni Plutonij

*has TrolleyDave & tiny p1ngy on moderating shelf!
Former Staff
Dec 22, 2007
Depths of Nuclear powerplant
QUOTE said:
You? I think fondly of you. You've never given me any reason* not to.

I find you comical, witty, intelligent and a victim of sub-par grammar abilities just like everyone else here on the forums. smile.gif. If I had to pick two tempers to go into a grave fight with on my team, then I'd pick you to be one of them--if what you say about yourself, is true--and I think it is--Then I see no reason why you should be considered untrustworthy or disloyal, you seem like a mature enough and good hearted person, for what my words on a screen are worth. So, you, I like.

I dont like your peircings--mainly the one in your arms, no offense, but I saw the picture and had to hit the back button, it was a little more than I could handle. But its not a slight against you, or anyone else who has peircings and or tattoos. I just dont like them. But mostly I dont like them for myself.

But I can appreciate that you are a human on the inside and a real person despite what you look like on the outside, and I can accept that. It doesn't ruin my day to see people who partake in the Punk Culture, it just makes my hands go nerveless for a while to think about all those needles...

*Aside from that nasty business about a failed rebellion you led against me while I was QWEEN,
You see, I'm just a normal, everyday guy if you talk with me here on net..If I never posted my pictures, and went into details with my life and my ways, you would probably create a picture of me in your head, and you would probably be SHOCKED when you see me!..
(and thank you very much for that part about grave fight, and your whole opinion about me)
Piercings that are in my heand are the only ones I have (Actually, I don't like piercings, I disliked it in the past, but became pro them, because my girlfriend had a positive affect on me)..but this is irrelevant..
The main point is that, people shouldn't be judged by the way they look, it's true that the look takes a great part when someone is creating an opinion about a person..But I think that's wrong, because (I will take the example of myself) most of the time, people avoid me because they think of of me like something that I'm not..
If a guy with completed tattooed sleeves walks on the street, and approaches someone in a need of light/direction/something else, it's a really low chance that he'll get what he wants from a first person (funny, but same goes with the heavily tattooed girl)..
I always approach a person without any opinion, and trough a conversation I try to figure out if that person is good/bad/intelligent/worthy/funny/scary (you got the picture) whether it's a Punk, Skinhead, Emo, Metalhead, average guy, nerd, ..
But that's the way I do it because I think it's the right way and I learned to act like that trough life-experience, I can say that I totally understand why people make stereotypes about everything, as I encountered much more "bad" punks than loyal and nice punks..But that could be applied to whole society, because it's easier to find someone who's an asshole than a nice helpful person! (you'll have to look really hard for someone with that description)..

*And I have accepted you in the Radioactive Forces, haven't I? And gave you the title of the QWEEN there!!;)

QUOTEsquirt1000, that's so awesome! (Are you getting it coloured?)
And Toni, that's like, WOW. I love how it interacts w/ your body part too.

I've always wanted to get a tatto, but my strict traditional asian parents threatened that they'd disown me if I ever did. I'll get it done when Im older though, perhaps. glare.gif

I've also wanted to get more piercings rather then the usual lobe piercing on both ears that everyone has... Most of my friends have 4-5 piercings, and my teacher has even more. The kind of piercing i want is near the helix/rim part of the ear, and it's a thin metal THING that's rectangular in shape and folds around your ear, making an edge of your ear metal. I have no idea what it's called in english though =P
Yeah, I think squirts tattoo is also awesome, and would like to know if he got it colored..

And for mine tattoo, it's a well designed and thought "project" and it was planned to fit in and "blend" with my body, so when I move something, it actually looks like my inner parts are working with my body!

Thats a really crappy way of thinking your parents have, but I also think that someone should be mature enough, and have enough "lifetime" experience to decide if he/she wants a tattoo and which motif..(getting a tattoo before 18th would be partially very bad move, because body grows until 18th-20th birthday, and tattoo you got in 16th-or earlier, could turn out like crap because your skin stretched..)..
Your whole point of "most of my friends have 4-5 piercings, and my teacher has even more" would be wrong given in different context, I understand that you used it here as an example that people in you environment are little friendlier toward piercings, than some other places..But don't get tattoos or piercings because it's a trend, or most of your friends have one(or few)..Getting your body modded is a bit heavier than buying a shirt that's trendy, or buying some modern shoes.....Trends change, but tattoos aren't going nowhere..

Just be smart about every choice you make, and be sure that you understand what are you doing!:)

Toni Plutonij

*has TrolleyDave & tiny p1ngy on moderating shelf!
Former Staff
Dec 22, 2007
Depths of Nuclear powerplant
QUOTE said:
Toni, I keep looking at more and more detail in the tattoo on your back, and I must say, that is some truly incredible ink. Some of the best I have ever seen.

I also think you should be commended for how well you accept and discuss views of your "look" that happen to be different than your own. You seem to be incredibly open minded, reasonable, and personable, and someone I'd love to have a beer with one day.

As for my own views, I've never been a big fan of piercings, but some of them look really cool. As long as it's done as a form of personal expression, and not an act of rebellion, I'm all for it. Jab away.

I have a tattoo on my back (left shoulder blade) that I got in college. It's a fairly faded tattoo of a lion with weak coloring that meant something to me at the time, but holds very little meaning now. And no, pictures of my pasty white back are not forthcoming. tongue.gif Looking back, I really wish I had put more thought and effort into it. Hopefully one day I'll get a good tattoo artist to surround it with or incorporate it into something cool. I'd also like to get something tribal on my upper arm one day, but I really need to find a good design this time.

As a side note, I have to chuckle a little about the comments of "my parents would disown me if I got a tattoo" (not directed at NightKry, just in general). Only because my parents said exactly the same thing when I was growing up, and now both my brothers, my sister, and I all have tattoos. No disowning has occurred to date. happy.gif

QUOTE(gizmo_gal @ Jul 2 2008, 10:40 PM) *
I find you comical, witty, intelligent and a victim of sub-par grammar abilities just like everyone else here on the forums. smile.gif.
You should try writing a few pages in Toni's native language before you criticize him for the way he types in yours. wink.gif
:shy:Szyslak, this is the kind of comment that makes me blush, and even more considered that there are still truly well-intentioned people in the world (and I met quite few of them here in the GBAtemp)..
My tattoo was done by the guy who is one of the best tattoo artists in Europe, and his studio is well know globally, so people from the whole world come to him just to get tattoos..
If you look even more at my tattoo, you'll see some little details that make this tattoo very personal (ignoring the part that it's on my back and won't come down) like 2nd and sixth part of the spine are a bit different from all else, 2 is my lucky number and 6 is my girlfriends..
The part with the radioactive symbol (again, something that defines me) has a serial number PLU1501988 (plutonium 01-15-1988)...there are some little things implemented into tattoo, that made it very personal and custom!!

I am everything you said, and it was actually life/other people who learned me to act that way! I really don't want to be like 70% of the human kind that thinks that looks defines the person! (it is funny or even sad how people with smaller tattoos of some animals, or little tribals think bad of people with big tattoos and judge by looks....that is the kind of people that make tattoos purely because of the trend and to be "cute")..
Everything about me is a personal statement and/or expression..
Getting a tattoo is a much better experience if you get it at some good place from an artist you know/heard is good!! My whole back was idea that I presented to artist, and drew me a sketch, we worked a bit on that, and that was it!!

Great you haven't got disowned!! You were lucky..

I think it's the worst move you can make if you're a parent and your kid got tattooed, talking is the key to everything (at most times)..

*It is indeed a personal joke from gizmo_gal, I showed her my native language, and she knows why I have grammar mistakes so often in my writing!

QUOTENo man, you misunderstand. This is a joke between me and Toni, he should'nt be offended at all because he knows how much I approve of, respect and actually envy his command of a secondary language.

But I used to bust his chops about his lack of grammar--it used to be really bad actually--but it was really only in the "Ban" topic and for fun, but we spoke not that long ago about his rapid improvement and all that sort of stuff. Now, he's writing English so well that unless you know he's Croatian you couldn't tell his writing from the crowd of any competent writers work. He's just an average English speaker now, thats why I said as victim to bad grammar as everyone else on this forum.

He's shown me his language before and we've talked about it, I'm the first to admit that I couldn't learn his language as easily as he's learning mine.
I'm not offended at all, I mean, it's not about how bad I write, I'm only concerned if you understand what I'm trying to say, way of saying isn't that imported, although I try to improve my English really hard (but sometimes I'm to tired to think or write, so I become sloppy)..
Croatian language is waaay harder than English, but mainly, I think that you guys couldn't learn it (or would have really hard time learning it) because the whole concept of language is drastically different.....
But, that's just too offtopic, so....

Cheers for now, and sorry for triple post, I wanted to cover all posts, and state my opinion, but it would be too much if written in one post!

Toni Plutonij

*has TrolleyDave & tiny p1ngy on moderating shelf!
Former Staff
Dec 22, 2007
Depths of Nuclear powerplant
Sinkhead said:
I completely agree with you there, especially what you said about smoking. I was just pointing out that, as you have experienced, it does sometimes have the adverse effect of hindering your progress because of the way other people think.

I, personally, would much rather employ someone with a tasteful tattoo than someone who smokes.
I haven't seen your reply, sorry..
Totally true Sinkhead..But that's all about the people who have power, and dictate what society should look, so it would fit them....
My choice would always be a tattooed person over smoker (if their qualifications are the same)..


Nudibranch Lover
Oct 31, 2006
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United States
gizmo_gal said:
Szyslak said:
gizmo_gal said:
I find you comical, witty, intelligent and a victim of sub-par grammar abilities just like everyone else here on the forums.
.You should try writing a few pages in Toni's native language before you criticize him for the way he types in yours.

No man, you misunderstand. This is a joke between me and Toni, he should'nt be offended at all because he knows how much I approve of, respect and actually envy his command of a secondary language.

But I used to bust his chops about his lack of grammar--it used to be really bad actually--but it was really only in the "Ban" topic and for fun, but we spoke not that long ago about his rapid improvement and all that sort of stuff. Now, he's writing English so well that unless you know he's Croatian you couldn't tell his writing from the crowd of any competent writers work. He's just an average English speaker now, thats why I said as victim to bad grammar as everyone else on this forum.

He's shown me his language before and we've talked about it, I'm the first to admit that I couldn't learn his language as easily as he's learning mine.
Sorry for bumping a slightly old topic, but I haven't been able to check in for a few days. Just wanted to say sorry gizmo_gal. It appears I really did misunderstand that part of your post. Mea culpa.

QUOTE(Toni Plutonij @ Jul 6 2008, 05:11 AM)
Szyslak, this is the kind of comment that makes me blush, and even more considered that there are still truly well-intentioned people in the world (and I met quite few of them here in the GBAtemp)..
My tattoo was done by the guy who is one of the best tattoo artists in Europe, and his studio is well know globally, so people from the whole world come to him just to get tattoos..
If you look even more at my tattoo, you'll see some little details that make this tattoo very personal (ignoring the part that it's on my back and won't come down) like 2nd and sixth part of the spine are a bit different from all else, 2 is my lucky number and 6 is my girlfriends..
The part with the radioactive symbol (again, something that defines me) has a serial number PLU1501988 (plutonium 01-15-1988)...there are some little things implemented into tattoo, that made it very personal and custom!!

I am everything you said, and it was actually life/other people who learned me to act that way! I really don't want to be like 70% of the human kind that thinks that looks defines the person! (it is funny or even sad how people with smaller tattoos of some animals, or little tribals think bad of people with big tattoos and judge by looks....that is the kind of people that make tattoos purely because of the trend and to be "cute")..
Everything about me is a personal statement and/or expression..
Getting a tattoo is a much better experience if you get it at some good place from an artist you know/heard is good!! My whole back was idea that I presented to artist, and drew me a sketch, we worked a bit on that, and that was it!!

Great you haven't got disowned!! You were lucky..

I think it's the worst move you can make if you're a parent and your kid got tattooed, talking is the key to everything (at most times)..

*It is indeed a personal joke from gizmo_gal, I showed her my native language, and she knows why I have grammar mistakes so often in my writing!
You seem like one hell of a human Toni. The best way to change a stereotype is to shatter it entirely. You've probably made a few people around here think twice about prematurely judging the guy with different clothes and a mohawk. I think that's a good thing.

I hope this thread doesn't die out. I bet there's more 'tempers with cool tattoos and piercings. C'mon lagman, give us the goods.

Toni Plutonij

*has TrolleyDave & tiny p1ngy on moderating shelf!
Former Staff
Dec 22, 2007
Depths of Nuclear powerplant
Nicely said again......I really don't want this threat to die either, and I'd really want to see some pictures, but people are probably too lazy to post pictures up....

And I do hope I've changed some tempers opinions about people that are alike me..
I'd even like to discuss this matter further if anybody has any opinions or bad/good experiences with the tattoos/tattooed people....


so tasty!
Nov 6, 2002
GBAtemp Art Studio
United States
tattoos and piercings aren't as big of a deal these days as they once were.
The bottom line is, talent is talent, smoker, tattooed, pierced, or not. If they are talented at what they do, to the company's eyes, then you bet your ass that company will hire said person.

Tattooing and body modification is an ancient art. it's been around for a very very long time, and I doubt it's ever going to completely die out, especially not now when we are in the middle of the tattoo renaissance.

More and more trained artists are getting into tattooing these days. With that comes a vast array of wild, eye popping, and totally unique styles and scenes. Tattooing isn't only eagles, bikes, horrible pinups, skulls, hate tattoos,and any more. There's a lot of very interesting looking stuff out there. Look up Brandon Bond, Guy Aitchinson, Paul Booth, Brian Everett (just his portraits). All amazing artists in their own genre, also very different artists. More and more people are getting tattooed, because they are noticing this boom of quality tattoos.
Everything is growing in the tattoo industry. More artists and more styles means more choice for the client, thus increasing demand.

Sure sure there are still stupid people who get stupid tattoos, that won't ever change. I believe it's the artist's job to either not tattoo ideas that because of their professional experience, they deem stupid, or try to work with the client and come up with a better idea. After all that guy is going to tell people who did the tattoo. If you tattooed him would you want to be known as the artist who tattooed "white pride" on Steve's arm?

Anyway bottom line tattoo censorship is getting a little less tight. Bottom line that makes me kinda happy, it shows that people in and out of the work world are starting to take notice of who we are and not what we look like as people.

k I'm done, that's my two cents. sorry.

Toni Plutonij

*has TrolleyDave & tiny p1ngy on moderating shelf!
Former Staff
Dec 22, 2007
Depths of Nuclear powerplant
Well yeah, I've heard that tattoos and body modification in general, became very popular in the US..I hate when people make trends, it ruins everything..

Myke, I see you know stuff about this..I'm fallowing the European tattoo scene, and every year or so, few artists come out with such astonishing work, it's really unbelievable what can be done with a little ink!
Sadly, there are lots of people who still look at tattoos as something bad and unacceptable..
On the other side, what you said, about the stupid tattoos, well, I really think it's matter of perspective what's stupid and what's not, it's all about quality of tattoo..But I do agree with you that there are some tattoos that should never be done..swastikas, racism, nacional based hate, discrimination of any kind (but I'm actually against people like that in my everyday life, so it's just natural that I would hate anything related to it)..
You summed it all up nicely....But from personal experience, I have to disagree on finding the job matter..I'm really talented in what I do, I'm a hard worker, and I'm in a search for a job like a graphic designer for over two years now!!
Most of the time, people aren't even interested to see how I work and an I good at all..Croatia is still a small place whit closed mind about such stuff..Once I get to the point of showing some of my works, people really like it, and think I'm really good at it..But first of all, they notice my neck, and they don't like the fact that I'm a tattooed in a way that shows!

xblackoutx, actually, this was supposed to be like a picture thread, with a less talk, but I'm really happy how it turned out..There are lots of people thinking differently about this stuff, and I enjoy discussing the matter..Go get some sleep, and when you get the chance, try to read some of stuff written here!!


Well-Known Member
Aug 26, 2007
West ByGod , USA
United States
Do you like tattoos/piercings? love em, 26 piercings, none in my ears and lots of tats
Why? wel I used to pierce professionally and everyone of my tats have meaning
What style you find most interesting (biomechanical, tribal, animals, cartoons etc.)?maori
Do you have any?hehe
Show off... tats yes, piercings i still have, NSFW

the same pics from my KYT, so if you have seen them this may be boring
I have seveal tats lol. I am working on a black and grey american tribal sleeve on my right arm, am no black or grey full color maori sleeve on the left. I also have a horror movie 1/2 leg sleeve, several on my chest, full ribs and a back piece,most arent done though, lots of works in progress













well that all but my back, chesst, other side of ribs and inside my lip


so tasty!
Nov 6, 2002
GBAtemp Art Studio
United States
yeah sorry Toni, I was really generalizing when In fact I meant job placement in the US, didn't notice till now that you are in croatia. Good luck with that pardner! I'm sure it will loosen up over there in europe too. I am from italy but I live in California. I'm a tattoo artist and piercer in sacramento. From my experience here in the US I can vouch that things are opening up here in the states. I always get information about the scene in italy, and when only two years ago the style was to get one or two tiny tattoos, now people are starting to cover themselves up. I know the UK france germany and the netherlands are booming as well. only time will tell but I'm sure Croatia will get into it more as well.

Good luck with the job searching. Your english is great maybe you should look overseas?


Jun 30, 2008
I Thought i would Post my new Tat had it done last month, It took about two hours to get done and it was very comfortable compared to my back . The Words Live Love Burn Die are from a song.But also has personal meanings to.

Toni Plutonij

*has TrolleyDave & tiny p1ngy on moderating shelf!
Former Staff
Dec 22, 2007
Depths of Nuclear powerplant
I'm sorry for this bump, but it didn't feel right to create another topic about tattoos, just to show of my new project..

Yesterday, I had 5 hours long session of tattooing, and before that 2 hours of drawing the sketch directly on my leg..
I started with my mechanic leg piece, and we did the hardest (and most painful) part, upper part of the foot..
The whole tattoo is going to be covering everything up to my knee..I'm guessing two more sessions till we're done......
It hurts like hell...I can't walk very well at the moment, my leg is so swollen......but you know what....It's WORTH it....
I hope that some of you, who like stuff like this, will appreciate it.....

And I'm pretty sure that most of you guessed that I'm a freak for radiation and robots,'ll understand motif!!



Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2008
Unna, ~Dortmund :3
Holy.... f'ing... shit! That looks so awesome o_o

I would go for something similiar if I wasnt so much of a whiny wiener. :/

But! I do have a piercing at the right-hand side of my lower lip, and I'm going for a second one at the left-hand side next week. I'll post pics, when I have it

Toni Plutonij

*has TrolleyDave & tiny p1ngy on moderating shelf!
Former Staff
Dec 22, 2007
Depths of Nuclear powerplant
darkangel5000 said:
Holy.... f'ing... shit! That looks so awesome o_o

I would go for something similiar if I wasnt so much of a whiny wiener. :/

But! I do have a piercing at the right-hand side of my lower lip, and I'm going for a second one at the left-hand side next week. I'll post pics, when I have it

Do that, I'd like to see it.....when you get the chance, post a picture..

And, if you're a whiny wiener......DO NOT tattoo fingers.....I mean, I've done lots of painful shit in my life, I have various tattoos..I had part of my shin and flesh removed in order to get a piercing, and nothing wasn't even close, to the pain I felt yesterday!!
5 hours of pain!!!!! It's really, really extreme (at least it was for me)..

QUOTE(laminaatplaat @ Oct 15 2008, 01:23 AM) @ Toni Plutonij

Wow, that is sick in a good way
Thanks......Wait till it's done

It'll be yet another masterpiece..

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