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  • I'm so tired of public sexual harassment accusations; why not settle it in court instead of on social media?
    First it was ProJared, several years ago, and just last month it was Chuggaaconroy being hit. Jared hasn't been the same since, and who knows when Emile will return to his high-quality LPs? Such an absolute pain for everyone, so just stop posting accusations on social media instead of in the courtroom.
    This didn't used to happen in the early-to-mid 2010s, or earlier; so much better, that was. No pointless distractions hindering creators from releasing high-quality, comedic and entertaining content. Things have gown downhill significantly since then...
    Because in social media you don't need to prove anything and the indignation and Scarlett letter will make you to receive more money and attention
    The new "Madame Web" movie makes no sense - in the comics, she's always been a psychic guide for Peter Parker whenever multiversal events occur, and she's an old woman with muscle weakness.

    She doesn't do anything active, as she physically can't. The movie makes no sense.
    It would've been cool for Madame Web to appear in an actual Spider-Man movie, though; surprised she didn't appear when the older Spideys and their foes were appearing in the new one's world.

    They could've done her a lot more faithfully and respectfully, is all - show that old women with muscle weakness can still be helpful, if they have psychic powers.
    I've only ever heard of one squid game, come to think - that being Splatoon.

    If there's any others, I know nothing about them.
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    Squidlit is some fun
    Did the job interview yesterday afternoon, and I think it went well, hopefully it did.
    I was able to answer every question, though I unfortunately had to make up one answer. I'd very much like that job; it'd be a major bummer if I don't.
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    Got a job interview on Tuesday afternoon...my very first in-person one (all my previous ones were through Teams or Zoom), as well.

    The closer it gets to Tuesday afternoon, the more anxious and sick I feel. The one thing I hate above all else - anxiety. Why does it need to exist?
    Good luck with your interview.
    Y'know, what with the renaming of culturally-insensitive sports teams and food products over the last several years (such as Aussie's "Coon" cheese becoming "Cheer"), I'm surprised "rapeseed" hasn't become an issue yet.
    Does rapeseeds bothers puny muricans or exploits a demographic for money?

    No, thus, rapeseed stays!
    Despite me loving spicy food, I don't like hot sauce - it tends to look weird, smell weird, and taste weird. I've tried numerous sauces, too.
    Nah; I'd prefer to just add chili flakes or spicy peppers whilst cooking, rather than pour hot sauce after it's cooked.
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    Reactions: Seriel
    Yes Abuelita is a pet name for grandmother is a way you start to call her as toddler and it stays for ever, something like Mimma, nonna, granny, etc.

    Exactly when you add cayenne you are intensifying the others flavors on the dish.
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    Anyway, I'd rather add a decent (but not overpowering) amount of cayenne pepper or chili flakes to my eggs/pasta/pizza, instead of pouring hot sauce onto them - and for other foods, I don't add any pungency at all. I don't even know what people typically add hot sauce to - burritos? There's already burrito sauce for that, though.
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    Reactions: impeeza
    Yes, normally the supermarket "sauces" are eyesore to cook, you replace all the dish flavor with a strong different one, instead seasoning with spices are the best result.
    One way macOS is superior to Windows: when you restart, it automatically remembers all the windows (and tabs) you had open, so no productivity is lost.

    Unlike my Windows experience, where everything is closed and you're forced to recall what might've been open and manually launch everything again - UGH.
    @impeeza How do you enable it on Windows?
    Doesn't that reopen "all" windows only apply to explorer? I only know of that one, and I don't even know how it'd work for other programs.
    Pretty sure macOS is capable of exactly restoring others programs' windows though, assuming that program supports it properly.

    If you're fine with only explorer windows, follow this:

    Can't fit an edit: for XP (and possibly up to 7, I don't remember) just search for "Folder Settings" instead of steps 1-4, it used to be separate.
    Hey, anyone remember New World?
    I think about that sort of thing a lot. There was a Need For Speed MMO, "NFS: World" that I played a lot when I was young, I had a ton of fun with it. Racing online and customizing your cars for the world to see blew my mind - I'd still totally play something like that if it existed. It didn't meet EA's microtransaction sales numbers, though, so it got axed :<
    I'm also sad it flopped. Some new friends got me to buy it so we could all play together, and it was fun, but I went in blind and apparently it was intended to be a PVP-centric game, which has never been my bag. They made a last-minute handful of PVE/non-PVP content to attract more players but then the game was also buggy.
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    Reactions: StrayGuitarist
    The thing I ended up uninstalling for was when it turned out my healing staff's LMB attack being able to heal players a tiny bit was a bug and not a feature and got patched out, best as I could tell.
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    Reactions: StrayGuitarist
    Is it just me, or is "groom" just a weird word?
    If you "groom" yourself, you're tidying yourself up. The male version of a 'bride' is the 'groom', too.
    Yet if you "groom" someone else, it's a crime involving training them to see something bad as harmless - how did this massive difference develop?
    • Wow
    Reactions: SylverReZ
    Is it just me, or is "Greek yogurt" just revoltingly sour? It's rancid, compared to the standard vanilla yogurt.
    It's just like sour cream - completely unpalatable.
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    I love Greek yogurt and only eat the stuff. The standard yogurt is way too runny - no bulk to it
    The Real Jdbye
    The Real Jdbye
    I love it with lots of honey, counteracts the sourness.
    Been playing Ace Attorney again, for the first time in...years, honestly.
    And considering what Maggey Byrde is like (extremely unlucky her entire life, yet always remains positive) - I wonder what would happen if she met XC2's Kasandra?
    Would the two extreme negatives cancel each other out, or would they combine and cause all sorts of chaos?
    I'd love to see that, actually.
    Current projects: Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix, Ace Attorney 1, Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart.
    Future projects: KH3, the rest of AA, Persona 5 Tactica, DOOM '16.
    ...This is gonna take a while, considering I just started KH2FM tonight, and the AA games can get quite lengthy (especially TGAAC). For R&C, at least I'm 69% done (lol), so there's not too much left to get through this weekend.
    Been playing Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart, and I am enjoying the gameplay; but...it just feels so WEIRD to not be playing as Ratchet in a Ratchet & Clank game.
    Also, R&C end up separated early on, so the series name really isn't all that accurate here.
    • Sad
    Reactions: AncientBoi
    So apparently, along with "Mr" and "Ms" (and "Mrs", for married women), there's also "Mx".

    How do you pronounce that last one? "Mix"? Or is it just a text word, not a spoken word?
    Its pronouned "max".
    Some pronounce it Mixter
    • Haha
    Reactions: SylverReZ
    before I realized it was supported to be a gender neutral form of Mr/Ms/Mrs, I thought it was a title for Mexicans
    Got a two-year contract at my current workplace two years ago; applied for three different openings here, but got three rejections.

    Sigh...so much for staying here; don't know what'd be next, at this point.
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    Reactions: Nikokaro
    That's life, I suppose, getting multiple rejections; those hurt a bit, sure, but the main thing is that I don't know what to expect now. Don't handle uncertainty or anxiety well, I don't.
    Sorry, lad. Often if you work well they will renew your contract; have you tried asking them? During interviews try to show yourself calm, optimistic, self-confident (although difficult).
    Anyway, try not to get discouraged and don't give up: in my country they say "help yourself that then heaven will help you." :)
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    Reactions: AncientBoi
    Hey Nintendo, #BringBackResetti
    Best Animal Crossing character bar none, he is, and auto-save killing his job removes such a unique and hilarious part of the series' charm.
    Animal Crossing without Resetti is bland, worthless.
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    Nintendo will C&D anything.
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