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  • Do you think peer review for publishing stuff in academic journals works? Especially on non natural science subjects like sociology, philosophy, politics.
    How likely would you think would it be to successfully get total nonsense and/or extremist ideas published in reputable journals?
    As you might have a premonition of… We will need this one again: :creep:
    To be more explicit, I meant that if your avatar is so "disturbed, swaying", it is likely to reflect your mood, your current condition, or is it not?
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    There you go: Back to the base picture (since dislike the distorted image so much).

    If I was to reflect my mood with the avatar, my standard should look differently
    • Haha
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    Right now it is a little better, since the wires finally chose to obey my orders. &§%§ Movement disorders! §&"*)& aging eyes!
    I will try to capture the thing on video tomorrow. Not that expect that you would even care about the result…

    Expect a short PM later today about the initial question above.
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    I tried some years ago, but stopped due to being way too disgusted.
    No way around it: I will read the misfortunes of virtue (as well as the prosperity of vice).

    *runs away before getting scolded*
    • Wow
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    Okay, let's admit that she reads out of pure curiosity, to inform herself about the subject, to understand it: it is still a misleading reading (and author), representing sex as violence, overpowering, humiliation, and abuse of power while completely neglecting the positive characteristics: consent, physical union, trusting surrender, mutual satisfaction, respect for partner, and symbiosis through pleasure.
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    "[…] (which I don't believe)" → Fine.

    "chock-full of sex, sadism and perversion" → Nope. It is an unmatched exaggeration of the slogan "No good deed goes unpunished". A huge part being sexual violence isn't surprising.
    Even bad books are usable as bad example. Such a horrible creation is a starting point for critique. You'll have an easy time ripping above slogan apart by just pointing on the absurdness of the book.
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    Defending the "No good deep goes unpunished" (which is an exaggeration itself and in literal – or mathematical – meaning simply not true) requires something way more differentiated and more eloquent than a brutal fiction bringing one extreme example after another…

    :shit: → Bus will arrive soon. Have to go.
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    Have you ever read about Project Orion and Project Daedalus?
    Hello. Unfortunately, I have little free time lately to "wander" around here. Nah, never heard of these projects; you know, science is not my strong suit. ;)
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    "I have little free time"
    I'm a bit allergic concerning this expression in general and I don't quite get the connection to my simple question. Nobody, especially not me, expects you to answer, let alone answer fast and detailed.
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    "science is not my strong suit."
    a) Time to change it! → :creep:
    b) It was more intended as a philosophical starting point: Should we do/pursue everything we theoretically could?
    c) Part of recent history: The naive believe that science/technology will eventually achieve everything.
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    Has anyone noticed that the classic emoticons proper to Android devices have been defective for a few weeks here on the site? Even those posted years ago have graphic glitches. Does it only result to me, by any chance?
    For example:

    The Marquise swears that she has behaved virtuously, and yet, deceived by an incomprehensible sensation, she considers it necessary for an expert woman to examine her condition. The midwife, while being informed of the same, spoke of young blood and the deceitfulness of the world;[…]
    At these words, the Marquise fainted. The mistress, who could not overcome her motherly feeling, brought her back to life with…
    So what? What do you intend to express with this text? It has been a tiring and nerve-wracking week; these days I am in the mood only for levity and lightheartedness. Sorry. ;)
    • Sad
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    "So what? What do you intend to express with this text?"
    It is just another quote. Sensational way of writing. I thought you might enjoy thinking of something else than what kept you busy.

    "these days I am in the mood only for levity and lightheartedness."
    I will stop posting literature quotes on your profile.

    "It has been a tiring and nerve-wracking week;"
    Welcome to my world! That is how life always is for me.
    • Wow
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    You can post quotes whenever you want, no problem. It's just a particular moment of (hopefully transient) fatigue. However, if you quoted some great german philosopher instead of novelists, I would immediately come to my senses! ;)
    Franz von Moor: […] Man is made of filth, and for a time wades in filth, and produces filth, and sinks back into filth, till at last he fouls the boots of his own posterity.

    (Friedrich Schiller, Die Räuber)
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    aw dammit now I'm going to get notification spammed.......
    @Nikokaro No comment from you? Not even a reaction for me?
    It is not nice of you ignoring me like this!
    No, I'm not serious.
    Yes, I remember the reason from PM.

    @x65943 Maybe I'm able to concentrate for writing stuff down this weekend. Sorry for giving you the notification bomb as well. XenForo really should fix this.
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    I will only reply once, otherwise someone will complain about that infamous bomb. Just returned from a funeral in Switzerland: crucial moment of pause and introspection. 😑

    @BlazeMasterBM we say "chi va al mulino si infarina" (he who goes to the mill gets smeared with flour): if you visit a philosopher's profile, you will get smeared with philosophy: and it certainly won't hurt! 😉
    Why is it that Italians are selling Plextor Premium drives on eBay for at least somewhat plausible prices?
    He clearly intends to offer this thing internationally, it is on as well. But the shipping costs as well as the HORRIBLE machine translation ruin the offering!

    My Premium is a little damaged; it is nearly impossible to get another one for a sane price
    Well, I had to try it, since you stepped right into the obvious trap. :rofl2:
    I know that you do not even have a desktop PC. If you had a compatible, old PC (and some other stuff), I'd probably really ask you to do that (Of course I would send you the money somehow).
    • Haha
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    Wow, you are in a good mood today, or am I wrong? So many laughs in one day! That makes me happy. 😁
    So you can be a trickster, too, when you want to (or can). 😉
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    I admit this was NOT fair: Mixing the (partial) nonsense with the serious discussion.

    It is not full nonsense, since my goal is systematic research – but the financial effort and risks must be strictly limited. International shipping of expensive stuff with all the risks is just too much. Sadly the house renovation is consuming my very limited work performance, so the CD experiments are suspended right now anyway.
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    Between smiles and tears, I have reached level 15: I will finally be able to use mythril weapons and armors.

    No answer to my question, but yet another ":(". Hmmhm.
    So if you do not want to talk to me anymore… fine. Keep throwing sad reactions while staying quiet!
    • Sad
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    I only respond ☹️ when you contradict me or spite me (like blocking my gifs, which are a necessary part of the meaning of my message). 😠 is too strong a reaction. Of course I want to communicate, that's why I'm here. 😉You are the only one pleasantly talkative, the others respond in monosyllables.
    • Sad
    Reactions: KleinesSinchen
    Argh. Please. This conference of huge animated figures was over the top.
    Overly colorful and/or fidgety pictures are hurting my already damaged brain.

    You throw a bunch of pictures… and I call a brave knight uBlock to the rescue.

    "[…]the only one pleasantly talkative, the others respond in monosyllables."
    Maybe because I have a 20 year old Cherry PS/2 keyboard and not a touchscreen for writing text. :creep:
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    Going to your profile to prevent Jayro's status from being taken off-topic

    No, Niko, no. The horses are running away with you! ←Pretty sure this doesn't make sense in English. It means you are going too far and it seems to be impossible to stop you… like a runaway horse

    The importance of relationship to parents is undeniable. There is really nothing childish here. Defying conventions isn't always possible/desired.
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    "Well, well, I've shaken someone and awakened some sleeping consciences, that's good: to elicit strong reactions! 😏" → ?
    I don't get it. It is your goal to elicit strong reactions? That sounds… how should I put it? Arrogant. You are not entitled to just purposefully provoke strong reactions from whoever.
    • Sad
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    Are you just poking around for the sake of poking around? If so, please think about what you are doing here! You might do this one day to a person, who isn't able to distance themselves from online messages. You might make somebody suffer for your… entertainment(?)

    That is straying far away from your usual "Good intentions"
    • Sad
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    To provoke does not mean to offend or harm: but it does mean to open a debate, hear opposing views, reply and bring forth new positions (so-called socratic dialogue). I am offended by your malicious interpretation: I know very well how far to go, I don't need moral lessons! 🧐
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    Reactions: KleinesSinchen
    Read through the majority of messages on your profile again while occasionally dipping my fingers into the molten wax of a burning candle standing left of my keyboard.
    Sometimes it is fun doing this.
    "my fingers into the molten wax of a burning candle"😲
    What is it, a guilty pleasure of yours?😏
    Evidently you have nothing better to do: so, even if you don't share most of my ideas, maybe you are fascinated by them. Or maybe, tell me, are you falling in love with me, by any chance? 😣😂🤣
    Just kidding, don't get mad.😉
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    "What is it, a guilty pleasure of yours?😏"
    Opportunistic (and with reason): My bedroom is cold and I've got cold fingers. As long as you avoid touching the flame for too long, it doesn't do any harm.

    "[…] even if you don't share most of my ideas, maybe you are fascinated by them."
    I am fascinated by some of your ideas. Always trying to widen my horizon, broaden interests. You did pretty well in this regard.
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    "Or maybe, tell me, are you falling in love with me, by any chance"
    ↑↑ Such things ↑↑ are not the posts and ideas that fascinate me.

    Did I mention we need a "🤦‍♀️" reaction just for you and your adventurous interpretations?
    • Haha
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    Whenever I listen to this song in its original version, a tear escapes my eye, goosebumps rise, and a prickly shiver runs down my spine, mindful of bittersweet, lost childhood memories, now buried by the dust of time, which slowly but mercilessly flows...😔
    This slang expression is new to me, but it seems positive from what I have read online...🤔
    Maybe "goes ham", or am I wrong? Anyway, happy Christmas, doctor. 😉
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    It's dialectical, this particular dialect lacks distinction between singular and plural in most instances
    • Wow
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    (Chinese is like that too btw)
    You're nearly up to Level 15.
    Yeah, for what it's worth (hmm... I would say.... nothing 😅 ).
    Best wishes for a merry Christmas, dear miss, to you and your family.😘
    And you too, Nico. 😘
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    "Yeah, for what it's worth (hmm... I would say.... nothing 😅 )."
    You sure? :creep: You can use XP as currency for account upgrades. 1000XP are worth a full dollar! Well. You are right. Pretty useless. One needed to be insanely active to gain enough points.
    Full of scrapes on my hands today – don't take anything I write today too serious (also drinking a little wine🍷), but please don't disdain science: The life before modern comforts sure was hard!

    I don't celebrate any "official" holidays, especially not the current ones.

    Still want to wish you an enjoyable time regardless of any general holidays!
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    I gave you a "👍 ", but I must tell you, that you deserve at least 200 "😡" for giving me the Merry Christmas besides knowing what I think of this phrase (and the explanation lumped together with it makes it worth an additional 100 " 😡").
    • Haha
    Reactions: Nikokaro
    "...for giving me the Merry Christmas besides knowing what I think of this phrase."
    You should evaluate the underlying good intention, not the apparent expression. 😉
    Anyway always better a wish than a curse (like that infamous witch's stroke), or am I wrong?🤣
    Just for you, Niko, we need the reaction "🤦‍♀️" more than anything. Hardly any discussion with you when I do not bemoan the missing option to react with facepalm.
    Eulenspiegel. I should be really mad at you (but somehow I'm not)

    Besides: The back pain is slowly fading away; ground a good part of my skin on the hands away… while removing bad parts of old plaster today. Good replacement for the back pain, huh?
    • Wow
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    Quick question: How would you interpret "Canali"? Would you associate it with artificial constructions (mostly or even only) –– or with natural structures?
    • Wow
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    "Canali" is plural of "canale" (canal, duct, waterway) and refers to both a natural and an artificial creation.
    Spelled with a capital initial, it is an Italian surname. 😉 Why do you ask?
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    The astronomer "Giovanni Schiaparelli" and his observations of "Canali di Marte" ( has it capitalized as headline)
    The English "canal" refers more to artificial structures as I understand it. I suspect this translation problem being a reason for misinterpretation of his observations as mega-structures by an advanced civilization.
    • Wow
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    How can I be so impolite?
    Thanks for the answer! Not knowing the correct meaning of canali has been bothering me quite some time now. Sometimes dictionaries or internet just won't give a definitive answer.
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    Lisa was on duty in this school break; but instead of watching the pupils, she typed into her phone. That is not Lisa’s style. She hasn’t appeared that neglectful at school before. Silently we watched her – I want to emphasize: In not very subtle manner. There still wasn’t the slightest chance to get caught observing her, as she was somewhere else with her thoughts.
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    Knowing her friend is in the wrong, while still trying to be a loyal friend, puts Lisa in to moral conflict.

    "Writing about yourself is also a form of emotional outlet and self-therapy"
    Writing stories about myself would be the most punishing task imaginable.

    "I sense that you are in a good mood today, or am I wrong?"
    It was a terrible day.
    Sadly, I don't seem to get one right about you. 😅
    "Hmm... I wouldn't know how to comment, since it is far from my interests and tastes. 🤔"
    This reply was real fun. Somehow I knew you would dislike what I wrote.
    A wide range of interests never harms.
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    When running up (hate elevators!) to the highest floor of the hospital to the palliative ward every two days or so, I had to stop for a minute until breathing normally before entering the corridor. One time I went on the giant roof deck and looked around, imagining it was myself awaiting the inevitable. What would I do?

    Another (translated) quote from Faust:
    What do you mean? I didn't get it from anywhere, it just came out like that, spontaneously. I did forgive you for deliberately misinterpreted my words on the body as ownership.
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    Found it almost word for word in "Edmondo De Amicis - Cuore" today.
    Reading it when having a break in my hard work. What an emotive and solemn text. Hailing military, military heroism and nationalism with the originally intended audience being middle school boys… oh, boy!

    I do have to say I like condemning violence against children, bringing forward other methods of education. He was ahead of his time with that!
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    "Found it almost word for word in "Edmondo De Amicis - Cuore"

    😲 It is absolutely a coincidence: it is a phrase we italians use often, to communicate our emotional proximity to those who reject us. 😉

    Side note: Are you back to your old, minimalist 8bit avatar? Too bad! I thought the caterpillar had definitely become a butterfly. 😋
    • Sad
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    Finished chapter 2 of Narcissu
    The topic palliative care (on the highest floor of a hospital) is sadly something I had to watch in reality, rather than in a visual novel only.

    I do have to say that the people in this ward (in reality) are the most sensitive nurses and doctors I've ever encountered, quite different from that book. Being in charge of palliative ward must be hard… you can't save anybody.
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    "Did you think maybe I didn't know him?" Eh… no? I mean you are a man of vast reading and probably know more literature than me.
    Still recommend Marquise von O.... – it is a wonderful addition to our discussion about gender equity:
    Getting raped (and impregnanted) while unconscious makes her a sinner, thrown out by her father, who also tries to take away her children from her first marriage (she's a very young widow)
    • Wow
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    She searches the rapist in order to marry him… the only way to get socially accepted again.

    "favorite tale of Sigmund Freud!" Old Siggi was a little mad as well. This guy really had a problem with the word "penis". It is omnipresent in his writings →
    • Haha
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    I forgot: I also read the beautiful and unforgettable "The Beggar of Locarno". 😉
    Freud mad? Certainly, another genius, not of science (as he would have liked) but of fiction: His Clinical Cases: The Man of Wolves, The Man of mice, The Case of Dora, Little Hans are unparalleled human documents. And The Interpretation of Dreams is in richness and content a magnificent masterpiece. 🧐
    • Haha
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    Congratulations to the winner. 😉 After Japan's first penalty shot, I was sure they would lose: they can't shoot penalties! They have learned everything from European soccer except how to kick penalties.🤦
    I don't really follow football so I can't comment, I just checked the result after the game.
    • Haha
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    :creep: :creep: Time to think outside the box… again.:creep: :creep:
    Let A be the set of all possible DVD images and B:={"[0-9a-f]\{32\}"}

    Show that the function md5 checksum function
    cannot be injective.
    (Within the {} is a regex, meaning: exactly 32 characters, each one taken out of 0123456789ABCDEF)
    Since DVDs are a lot bigger than 16 bytes (128 bit), which is the size of an md5sum, it is pretty obvious there are more possible DVD images than possible checksums. There must be hash collisions.

    The answer is |A| > |B| (cardinality of A is bigger than cardinality of B). Both are finite and there can't be any injective function f:A→B
    • Wow
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    It is a question I would really like to ask at school (of course the symbols and terms must have been part of the lectures before). The point is, there is no calculation and no strict mathematical proof needed here!
    It is an exercise for making the pupils think in various directions instead of following a scheme they learn in class. Think outside the box!
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    "Think outside the box!"
    Fully agree. It applies in all areas of life. That would be to say: not to use habits, set patterns but to be always with a fresh, new mind, ready for the novelties, and oddities of reality. 🧐
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