Homebrew WiiSX RX - A new fork.

Nintendo Maniac

Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2007
United States
So I'm dumb - I've read every post in this thread page 8 (when v2.5 was released), but I've not read anything on how to actually use the autoboot that was added in v2.5:
The awaited new version is up!

* Version bump, IOS & CPU speed inside Credits.
You'll be able to check if you are harnessing the full CPU speed of the Wii U if you're using FIX94's sign_c2w_patcher.
* Controller settings SD saving bugfix.
* Increased analog value to cover the full range on the Wii Classic Controller. [loquinator3000]
* Autoboot support for Wiiflow. (thanks Wiimpathy!)

I ask because Not64's autoboot function operates via the following being added to the boot.dol's meta.xml which also makes it compatible with not just the homebrew channel but also custom individual-game channel forwarders (the latter be my interest):
<!--	<arg>rompath = "[sd,usb]:/path/to/file"</arg>	-->

There's also an undocumented "<arg>LoadButtonSlot = #</arg>" meta.xml argument that, if you replace # with 0 1 2 or 3, lets you automatically load one of Not64's four saved button configs (or at least it's supposed to, there's a long-standing bug that can cause anything other than button slot 0 to load correctly) - I don't suppose WiiSX RX incorporates a similar function?

Hey this is probably something requested before, but if it hasn't could you possibly make a config or custom build of WiiSXrx that automatically boots into a specific game?

This should be what the aforementioned WiiFlow autoboot functionality should allow, but that requires actually knowing how to use it. XD


Covid has not been kind on the economics here, and my 256GB flash drive for testing games died (someone with a spare?), so i've had 2.6 on the back burner for a long while...

Do you happen to have access to 2.5" SATA laptop hard drives / 2.5" SATA SSDs?

I went like a decade trying and dealing with hit-and-miss compatibility of USB flash drives on the Wii until more recently I ended up with some spare lower-capacity SATA SSDs, so I ended up instead just using a USB-SATA adapter with an older 128GB SATA SSD which has been flawless and only cost ~$10 USD (and has the benefit of being able to connect to a PC at much faster speeds whether via USB 3.0, eSATA, or direct internal SATA).

I similarly recommended the adapter for a friend and gave him one of my random 10+ year-old 320GB laptop hard drives laying around and it too works flawlessly on both his Wii and Wii U* (though, it being a mechanical hard drive, we did need a "Y-cable" with two male USB ends as the Wii U didn't output enough power; my 128GB SSD worked fine via just one USB port on his Wii U however).

(*technically he is having an issue on specifically his Wii U where fix94's Open HBC v1.1.4-1 crashes when only the USB drive is connected, but it was doing that with any USB storage device whether flash drives or the like, so I'm thinking if we re-install the official hackmii HBC v1.1.2 then it'll "just work" again, especially since it's only affecting the HBC and not USB Loader GX, WiiFlow, etc, and it worked flawlessly with HBC v1.1.2 on his Wii)

For reference this is the exact product we used:

I'm a total computer hardware geek so I've got random older SATA hard drives and stuff just laying around gathering dust, so I'm almost willing to send you one of my unused laptop mechanical hard drives laying around if you need it, though the logistic would be a pain to the point that, if I actually did that, I might as well include the USB adapter as well as a Y-cable if you only have a Wii U.

Alternatively I have basically $11.69 worth of gift cards that I could simply use on that USB adapter and then have it shipped to your address if you have a 2.5" SATA drive around but, again, if you only have a Wii U then you'd likely need a Y-cable if it's a mechanical drive and not an SSD.

EDIT: A more nutty option, if you have a large collection of physical PS1 discs and are on a Wii U, is my theory from years ago that the Wii U can actually read CDs (unlike the Wii). IIRC, there's something like the official Nintendo Wii U service disc or something that seems to actually be a CD or similar optical disc with less-than-DVD storage capacity.
Last edited by Nintendo Maniac,


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2017
United States
This should be what the aforementioned WiiFlow autoboot functionality should allow, but that requires actually knowing how to use it. XD

Problem is, last I checked, even if you make a Wiiflow forwarder channel for the Wii U to boot into Wiiflow from the Wii U menu while still retaining Game Pad functionality, that while you can navigate Wiiflow with the Game Pad, as soon as you start any game from Wiiflow, the Game Pad will cease to funtion. And that is what I desire here, as someone who is using a Wii U and trying to make the most of it's functions. Hence why for now, WiiSX rx as a standalone emulator is still preferred to my needs. Now, I'd love to get a few PlayStation favorites forwarded to directly from the Wii U menu like Symphony of the Night, while still retaining the ability to play with my Game Pad if I desire. Wiiflow sadly wont cut this, at least last I checked on the matter, but it didn't sound like it was something that realistically was ever going to be addressed either. So I think that option is out for my needs.

Nintendo Maniac

Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2007
United States
Wiiflow forwarder channel for the Wii U
I'm not on a Wii U so I've little experience, but what I was trying to say was a forwarder channel on the Wii that points to WiiSX RX directly.

Of course, I haven't yet tested to see if Wii forwarders actually look at the meta.xml file for a given homebrew app as that's a requirement for it to work. If they do, then at least on Wii the trick is that the folder located in "apps" (you know, the one that contains the boot.dol and meta.xml files) can be renamed to anything, thereby allowing you to make multiple copies (e.g. one per game) where each one has a different name, and from there the according custom forwarder is simply set up to point to the according folder path for a given copy of the app.
Last edited by Nintendo Maniac,


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2017
United States
I'm not on a Wii U so I've little experience, but what I was trying to say was a forwarder channel on the Wii that points to WiiSX RX directly.

Of course, I haven't yet tested to see if Wii forwarders actually look at the meta.xml file for a given homebrew app as that's a requirement for it to work. If they do, then at least on Wii the trick is that the folder located in "apps" that contains the boot.dol can be renamed to anything, thereby allowing you to make multiple copies (e.g. one per game) where each one has a different name, and from there the according custom forwarder is simply set up to point to the according folder path for a given copy of the app.

Right, yeah that isn't what I'm looking for at all. Thanks though. I already have a forwarder for WiiSX RX directly from my Wii U menu, so that's not what I want. Frankly I'm great with what we currently do have, I'd just love to give a few of my favorite PS1 games their own channels, especially a game like Symphony of the Night that could fit so wonderfully next to my other favorite Castlevania games on my Wii U menu, while maintaining the illusion that such a game was almost a Virtual Console game on the Wii U, even though it'd just be an emulator that immediately forwards directly into a specific game without you entering the emulator menu.
Last edited by MikaDubbz,

Nintendo Maniac

Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2007
United States
I already have a forwarder for WiiSX RX directly from my Wii U menu, so that's not what I want.

I'd just love to give a few of my favorite PS1 games their own channels, especially a game like Symphony of the Night that could fit so wonderfully next to my other favorite Castlevania games on my Wii U menu.
So I don't know if Wii U forwarders work similarly to Wii forwarders, but such a thing should still be feasible if what I mentioned in my previous post is true (which I cannot confirm until I actually know how to use the autoboot function when booting from the HBC directly). The trick would be to once-again point the Wii U forwarder to the according dedicated apps folder configured for a given game but, just like Wii forwarders, this would require creating custom forwarders or "hi-jacking" existing ones (e.g. renaming the wiisx-rx apps folder to "not64" so that a not64 forwarder instead loads wiisx-rx).
Last edited by Nintendo Maniac,


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2017
United States
So I don't know if Wii U forwarders work similarly to Wii forwarders, but such a thing should still be feasible if what I mentioned in my previous post is true (which I cannot confirm until I actually know how to use the autoboot function when booting from the HBC directly). The trick would be to once-again point the Wii U forwarder to the according dedicated apps folder configured for a given game but, just like Wii forwarders, this would require creating custom forwarders or "hi-jacking" existing ones (e.g. renaming the wiisx-rx apps folder to "not64" so that a not64 forwarder instead loads wiisx-rx).

Sorry man, but you definitely do not know how the Wii U side of this stuff works. We can create forwarders for vWii homebrew from the Wii U menu. That isn't the problem (also I wouldn't say it's quite as simple to accomplish as regular Wii forwarders)

Beyond that, this still isn't addressing individual PS1 games getting forwarded directly to from the Wii U menu. Again, even if we can direct straight to a single game inside of WiiSX RX to autoboot without you even seeing the WiiSX Rx menu when you launch it through some Wiiflow shenanigans, if you forward from the Wii U side of the system to a Wii homebrew app that has been patched for the GamePad to work, then that homebrew app and only that homebrew app will allow for that Game Pad control, go to any retail games or emulators further through that vWii app you forwarded too, and that GamePad functionality ceases to work even if that app or game also has a patch for GamePad functionality. If I didn't care about the option of playing with the Game Pad or not, then sure I'd look more into using Wiiflow to boot directly into an individual PlayStation game if it indeed can do that, but again, I want to make the most of my Wii U, if I can't make an individual channel per PlayStation game while retaining Game Pad functionality, then I'll happily just keep using my WiiSX RX channel that I've forwarded to from the Wii U menu that still allows for Game Pad functionality.
Last edited by MikaDubbz,

Nintendo Maniac

Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2007
United States
Sorry man, but you definitely do not know how the Wii U side of this stuff works
I'll straight-up admit that myself. :P

even if we can direct straight to a single game inside of WiiSX RX to autoboot without you even seeing the WiiSX Rx menu when you launch it through some Wiiflow shenanigans

Not through WiiFlow. Again this is all assuming it works similarly to Not64, but I once again point to the line included in Not64's meta.xml which lets you directly boot into a game from the Homebrew Channel, and the Homebrew Channel is not a forwarder - in fact it's forwarders that simply load in the same way (at least AFAICT - I'm no coder) as if you loaded an app via the Homebrew Channel.

if you forward from the Wii U side of the system to a Wii homebrew app that has been patched for the GamePad to work
Wait, so does this mean that the homebrew app itself must include a patch coded-in? Is this something that only applies to proper forwarders and not WiiVC injection stuff (which AFAICT includes the necessary patches to make the gamepad be seen as a classic controller... unless that's only for commercial games, and homebrew needs support specifically added into the app itself?)

Does the WiiSX RX forwarder you already have work fine with the Wii U gamepad?

EDIT: Wait, you're just using the official WiiSX RX Wii U forwarder, right?
Last edited by Nintendo Maniac,


Well-Known Member
Dec 12, 2017
United States
Not through WiiFlow. Again this is all assuming it works similarly to Not64, but I once again point to the line included in Not64's meta.xml which lets you directly boot into a game from the Homebrew Channel, and the Homebrew Channel is not a forwarder - in fact it's forwarders that simply load in the same way (at least AFAICT - I'm no coder) as if you loaded an app via the Homebrew Channel.
I've not seen any indication that WiiSX (RX or otherwise) shares that feature of Not64, but I certainly could be wrong.

Wait, so does this mean that the homebrew app itself must include a patch coded-in? Is this something that only applies to proper forwarders and not WiiVC injection stuff (which AFAICT includes the necessary patches to make the gamepad be seen as a classic controller... unless that's only for commercial games, and homebrew needs support specifically added into the app itself?)
If it's a Wii homebrew app, then yes, Game Pad support has to be patched into that app and the Wii Homebrew needs to be forwarded to from the Wii U menu to make use of it. There are plenty of old Wii Homebrew apps with classic controller compatibility (and even some with Wii U pro controller compatibility) but still lack any Game Pad functionality to this day.

Does the WiiSX RX forwarder you already have work fine with the Wii U gamepad?

EDIT: Wait, you're just using the official WiiSX RX Wii U forwarder, right?
Yes and yes I believe it's the official one (though I did change the icon and banners to reflect the theme I have going with all my other emulator forwarders).
Last edited by MikaDubbz,


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2020
007 Racing
Actvision Classic Games
Biohazard (Works)
Biohazard 2 (Working)
Bomberman Land
Bomberman World
Crash Bandicoot 1-2
Crash Bandicoot 3
Crash Bash
Destruction Derby 1
Destruction Derby 2 (The Championship Mode works. The
Destruction Derby Mode Works.)
Destruction Derby 3 Raw
Driver 1 (NOTE: Choose Try again and not crashed!)
Driver 2 (Modified Iso?)
Intellivision Classic Games
Jumping Flash 1-2
Jumping Flash 3
Klonoa PSX
Megaman X3
Mr. Driller (USA)
Mr. Driller G
Ms. PacMan PSX maze madness USA/EUR
Namco museum vol1 usa
Oddworld Abe's Oddysee
PacMan World
Rayman 2
Rayman Rush
Resident Evil USA (it works on the latest wiisxrx versions but not on wiisx)
Resident Evil 2-3 (Working)
Resident Evil Survivor USA/Europe (Not tested yet)
Rockman EXE 5 Blues no Wana?! (Minor gfx glitches)
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1

Hellokitty White present (Pocketstation needed)

Mr. Driller (Japan)
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 USA (Video Supports)
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 (Graphics are very much okay?.
Tony Hawk's Pro Slater 4 (Minor Graphic Glitches?)

Doesn't Work
007 - The World is Not Enough (Freezes at loading screen)
007 - Tommorow never dies USA (Boots until Crashes after loading screen)
007 - Tommorow never dies Europe (Boots until Crashing after loading screen)
Crash Team Racing (Gets past Sony Computer Entertainment of America Screen and crashes. You can hear the music playing. immediately game works better tried it PCSX-Redux on my PC Only, not systems. Unplayable)
Namco museum vol1 europe (Doesn't work)
Resident Evil Europe (Black Screen)
Rockman EXE Dash 2 Episode 2 Ooinaru Isan (Boots until Crashing after Capcom logo and there is no sound)
Rockman X3 (Freezes during Now loading screen...)
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 Europe (Empty Screen and very much music noise?)
X2 (Graphic glitches)
Last edited by michele59,

Nintendo Maniac

Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2007
United States
I've not seen any indication that WiiSX (RX or otherwise) shares that feature of Not64, but I certainly could be wrong.

The thing is that the aforementioned autoboot function that Not64 uses in the meta.xml is also what is used for its WiiFlow autoboot function. Since WiiSX RX v2.5 specifically includes autoboot support with WiiFlow, this is what's making me think that it may in fact be the very same function... albeit without the according meta.xml documentation.

Of course, it's always possible that WiiSX RX is specifically functioning in a manner that hooks directly into the according WiiFlow plugin and doesn't use any meta.xml arguments or the like, in which case we'd be SOL.

The awaited new version is up!

* Version bump, IOS & CPU speed inside Credits.
You'll be able to check if you are harnessing the full CPU speed of the Wii U if you're using FIX94's sign_c2w_patcher.
* Controller settings SD saving bugfix.
* Increased analog value to cover the full range on the Wii Classic Controller. [loquinator3000]
* Autoboot support for Wiiflow. (thanks Wiimpathy!)
Last edited by Nintendo Maniac,


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2019
United Kingdom
Resident Evil USA (it works on the latest wiisxrx versions but not on wiisx)
How far have you tested it though? Because with the CPU core set to dynarec you normally can't get past either the logos or the character select screen (depending on game version). And when using interpreter it'll bug out when they start talking in the mansion because it's so slow.

There might of been an update that included a fix, but unfortunately niuus distanced himself from the project because a few people kept bothering him.

If I knew what the fix was then I would of compiled my own version of WiiSXRX.
Last edited by blackb0x,


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2016
Do you happen to have access to 2.5" SATA laptop hard drives / 2.5" SATA SSDs?
Nope. All spares were progressively used for computers, which are for work. I had one left, which was already damaged and not worthy of storing important data, hence why i only used it for Wii or Wii U related tests until it finally died with the click of doom last december, ended up gifting the caddy and the cable out of frustration.

I went like a decade trying and dealing with hit-and-miss compatibility of USB flash drives on the Wii until more recently I ended up with some spare lower-capacity SATA SSDs, so I ended up instead just using a USB-SATA adapter with an older 128GB SATA SSD which has been flawless and only cost ~$10 USD (and has the benefit of being able to connect to a PC at much faster speeds whether via USB 3.0, eSATA, or direct internal SATA).
Never had any problem with compatibility on USB flash drives on a little bit more than a decade of modding, whether branded or generic crappy ones. If the tip is useful to you, i used to have a 32GB PNY and the 256GB was a Kingston, both 3.0, nothing but great results.

I'm a total computer hardware geek so I've got random older SATA hard drives and stuff just laying around gathering dust, so I'm almost willing to send you one of my unused laptop mechanical hard drives laying around if you need it, though the logistic would be a pain to the point that, if I actually did that, I might as well include the USB adapter as well as a Y-cable if you only have a Wii U.

Alternatively I have basically $11.69 worth of gift cards that I could simply use on that USB adapter and then have it shipped to your address if you have a 2.5" SATA drive around but, again, if you only have a Wii U then you'd likely need a Y-cable if it's a mechanical drive and not an SSD.
I have a good friend in the USA that sometimes sends me things like needed medical stuff and minor tech things with his family when they travel back, so if you want to donate and send stuff over, lemme know.

EDIT: A more nutty option, if you have a large collection of physical PS1 discs and are on a Wii U, is my theory from years ago that the Wii U can actually read CDs (unlike the Wii)
Sadly, none of the Nintendo consoles ever made play CDs, unless you want to count the unreleased Nintendo Play Station. They didn't want to pay royalties, same for DVDs. :)

this would require creating custom forwarders or "hi-jacking" existing ones (e.g. renaming the wiisx-rx apps folder to "not64" so that a not64 forwarder instead loads wiisx-rx).
No need for hijacking. There is an official Wii U forwarder on the release page, in case you ever need one.

Wait, so does this mean that the homebrew app itself must include a patch coded-in?
This should be somewhat obvious, as you need drivers to control new types of controllers. The 'patch' is nothing more than a library made to recognize and handle the new input, up until the point those libraries are (sometimes) integrated to the dev environment itself, namely devkitPPC, libOGC, etc. There are libraries for the Wii U Gamepad, Wii U Pro Controller, Xbox 360, Retrode USB, some Mayflash adapters, some USB HID joysticks, DualShock 3, DualShock 4, and so on.

Does the WiiSX RX forwarder you already have work fine with the Wii U gamepad?
If he's using the official one i made, i can guarantee the Gamepad works.

Of course, it's always possible that WiiSX RX is specifically functioning in a manner that hooks directly into the according WiiFlow plugin and doesn't use any meta.xml arguments or the like, in which case we'd be SOL.
It doesn't require meta.xml editing. Wiiflow provides the arguments needed, as Wiiflow itself is a launcher and almost a system UI replacement.

There might of been an update that included a fix, but unfortunately niuus distanced himself from the project because a few people kept bothering him.

If I knew what the fix was then I would of compiled my own version of WiiSXRX.
There are some people in the shadows contributing to the emulator. Only days ago i have found that one of them supposedly added 240p and vertical sync support (only saw a video, so i haven't tested the claim, but he is a trusty dev and i like his work a lot) and it is already using forwarders as fake PS1 VC titles, and the other one, which i personally tested his code, added support for a wanted peripheral. I won't name names since, as you can already guess, some other people around are going to nag these guys to oblivion and madness, probably making it so his updates are never released.

I will try to resume WiiSXRX public development as soon as i can equal my quick testing environment with the SD and USB media i need, otherwise i am not going to burn my time on WiiSXRX to be used by some annoying rom kiddies asking for more features (and don't get me started with some stupid messages some friends have forwarded me from Facebook modding groups, with people complaining about supposed low compatibility on Not64, Wii64, WiiSXRX...), even though some of its users are having genuine love and appreciation for the N64/PS1 emulation on the Wii/Wii U.

Oh, and my personal compatibility list will also be available, i think i stopped at 700+ titles tested.
Last edited by niuus,

Nintendo Maniac

Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2007
United States
I've just done a quick test and, sadly, it turns out that custom-made forwarders (at least those made with "Simple Forwarder Channel Creator") do not look at the meta.xml file. So there goes my grand idea for custom per-game forwarders. :( As a user that has my Wii set to boot straight to USB Loader GX set to its "channel" view, that's really a disappointing discovery...


Never had any problem with compatibility on USB flash drives on a little bit more than a decade of modding, whether branded or generic crappy ones. If the tip is useful to you, i used to have a 32GB PNY and the 256GB was a Kingston, both 3.0, nothing but great results.

The following is my extremely hit-and-miss result:

4GB PNY USB 2.0 flash drive - didn't work
16GB Corsair USB 2.0 flash drive - worked (but my sister killed it)
128GB Corsair USB 3.0 flash drive - mostly didn't work
128GB PNY USB 3.0 flash drive - didn't work
128GB Sandisk USB 2.0 flash drive (friend's) - worked
128GB Sandisk USB 2.0 flash drive (exact same model, but was mine) - mostly worked (eventually failed)
8GB Swing Unirex USB 2.0 flash drive - worked

So from my perspective it was easier to just get a known-working adapter which I could then pair with any 2.5" SATA drive, and it'd have much faster transfer speeds on a PC too regardless of whether it's USB 3.0, SATA, or eSATA.

I have a good friend in the USA that sometimes sends me things like needed medical stuff and minor tech things with his family when they travel back, so if you want to donate and send stuff over, lemme know.
I will think about that, though if they're in the US as well then it'd probably be easier for me to buy stuff online and have the seller ship it directly to the friend.

...I don't suppose this friend has some 2.5" laptop drives laying around gathering dust?

Sadly, none of the Nintendo consoles ever made play CDs, unless you want to count the unreleased Nintendo Play Station. They didn't want to pay royalties, same for DVDs. :)
I'm not talking about the software compatibility side of things but the actual hardware functionality. I know for a fact that at least a launch Wii has the hardware to play a DVD and therefore, with the correct homebrew software, can enable the Wii to play actual commercial DVDs - I myself actually did this at least one time to watch I think Men in Black III via I think WiiMC + DVDX (which predates ahbprot). I just know it was definitely a commercial Will Smith movie from the library on disc because we discovered that our DVD player had borked and so we used the Wii instead, but then half-way through the movie there was a large scratch or something on the disc that the Wii didn't like reading so we had to finish watching it through my sister's laptop connected to the TV.

So my theory is that, considering the following (which I dug out of my 8+ year old browser history), it sounds like the Wii U optical drive may in fact have the hardware to be able to read CDs, it's just that it too may be lacking the software to read the contents:

It doesn't require meta.xml editing. Wiiflow provides the arguments needed, as Wiiflow itself is a launcher and almost a system UI replacement.
This is actually a downside in my view as that then ties the function specifically to Wiiflow... and I personally don't use Wiiflow since I don't like having games partitioned into per-console/per-emulator pages.

So um, is there any chance of being able to do what Not64 can do whereby the autoboot function can work independently of the loader you're using via the meta.xml or similar? (though, as I mentioned, it seems that custom forwarders don't look at the meta.xml, so...)

Alternatively (or, better yet, additionally), is there at the very least a possibility for WiiSX RX to automatically highlight "Play Game" after you load an ISO and select "OK" on the window that appears (this matches Not64's behavior), or even automatically launching the game directly after hitting "OK" without the need to even select "Play Game" (this would be similar to Wii64's behavior)? Though for the latter, it'd probably be ideal to also include a "cancel" button next to the "OK" button while still making "OK" be the default highlighted button.

one of them supposedly added 240p and vertical sync support
I don't suppose 240p support when using a Wii set to 480p would mean it'll instead do 200% nearest neighbor scaling (aka "pixel doubling"), thereby disabling the bilinear filter? Basically my TV doesn't support 240p signals over component (actually it's my understanding that very few TVs do).
Last edited by Nintendo Maniac,


Do what I do. Hold tight and pretend it’s a plan
Aug 19, 2015
United Kingdom
007 Racing
Actvision Classic Games
Biohazard (Works)
Biohazard 2 (Working)
Bomberman Land
Bomberman World
Crash Bandicoot 1-2
Crash Bandicoot 3
Crash Bash
Destruction Derby 1
Destruction Derby 2 (The Championship Mode works. The
Destruction Derby Mode Works.)
Destruction Derby 3 Raw
Driver 1 (NOTE: Choose Try again and not crashed!)
Driver 2 (Modified Iso?)
Intellivision Classic Games
Jumping Flash 1-2
Jumping Flash 3
Klonoa PSX
Megaman X3
Mr. Driller (USA)
Mr. Driller G
Ms. PacMan PSX maze madness USA/EUR
Namco museum vol1 usa
Oddworld Abe's Oddysee
PacMan World
Rayman 2
Rayman Rush
Resident Evil USA (it works on the latest wiisxrx versions but not on wiisx)
Resident Evil 2-3 (Working)
Resident Evil Survivor USA/Europe (Not tested yet)
Rockman EXE 5 Blues no Wana?! (Minor gfx glitches)
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1

Hellokitty White present (Pocketstation needed)

Mr. Driller (Japan)
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 USA (Video Supports)
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 (Graphics are very much okay?.
Tony Hawk's Pro Slater 4 (Minor Graphic Glitches?)

Doesn't Work
007 - The World is Not Enough (Freezes at loading screen)
007 - Tommorow never dies USA (Boots until Crashes after loading screen)
007 - Tommorow never dies Europe (Boots until Crashing after loading screen)
Crash Team Racing (Gets past Sony Computer Entertainment of America Screen and crashes. You can hear the music playing. immediately game works better tried it PCSX-Redux on my PC Only, not systems. Unplayable)
Namco museum vol1 europe (Doesn't work)
Resident Evil Europe (Black Screen)
Rockman EXE Dash 2 Episode 2 Ooinaru Isan (Boots until Crashing after Capcom logo and there is no sound)
Rockman X3 (Freezes during Now loading screen...)
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 Europe (Empty Screen and very much music noise?)
X2 (Graphic glitches)
Just a little heads up the light green text is almost impossible to read for anyone using the Rosey Blossom Theme on the site.

The Rosey Blossom theme was added to the site because pastel colours make it much easier for dyslexic people like myself to read better. The side effect is text in light colours especially green is nearly impossible to see unless your brightness is turned up to full but then it just becomes a jumble of combined letters lol. Basically light green is not a good colour for dyslexic people to try read :rofl2:.
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Reactions: niuus


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2019
United Kingdom
There are some people in the shadows contributing to the emulator. Only days ago i have found that one of them supposedly added 240p and vertical sync support (only saw a video, so i haven't tested the claim, but he is a trusty dev and i like his work a lot) and it is already using forwarders as fake PS1 VC titles, and the other one, which i personally tested his code, added support for a wanted peripheral. I won't name names since, as you can already guess, some other people around are going to nag these guys to oblivion and madness, probably making it so his updates are never released.
Say no more ;)

As for the people who nag and complain, they're the vocal minority and I can only suggest putting them on your ignore list and not replying to them, since I know that most people really appreciate the updates that us devs provide.

Oh, and my personal compatibility list will also be available, i think i stopped at 700+ titles tested.
That's impressive and anyone who doesn't think so has unrealistic expectations.
Last edited by blackb0x,


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2014
007 Racing
Actvision Classic Games
Biohazard (Works)
Biohazard 2 (Working)
Bomberman Land
Bomberman World
Crash Bandicoot 1-2
Crash Bandicoot 3
Crash Bash
Destruction Derby 1
Destruction Derby 2 (The Championship Mode works. The
Destruction Derby Mode Works.)
Destruction Derby 3 Raw
Driver 1 (NOTE: Choose Try again and not crashed!)
Driver 2 (Modified Iso?)
Intellivision Classic Games
Jumping Flash 1-2
Jumping Flash 3
Klonoa PSX
Megaman X3
Mr. Driller (USA)
Mr. Driller G
Ms. PacMan PSX maze madness USA/EUR
Namco museum vol1 usa
Oddworld Abe's Oddysee
PacMan World
Rayman 2
Rayman Rush
Resident Evil USA (it works on the latest wiisxrx versions but not on wiisx)
Resident Evil 2-3 (Working)
Resident Evil Survivor USA/Europe (Not tested yet)
Rockman EXE 5 Blues no Wana?! (Minor gfx glitches)
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1

Hellokitty White present (Pocketstation needed)

Mr. Driller (Japan)
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 USA (Video Supports)
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 (Graphics are very much okay?.
Tony Hawk's Pro Slater 4 (Minor Graphic Glitches?)

Doesn't Work
007 - The World is Not Enough (Freezes at loading screen)
007 - Tommorow never dies USA (Boots until Crashes after loading screen)
007 - Tommorow never dies Europe (Boots until Crashing after loading screen)
Crash Team Racing (Gets past Sony Computer Entertainment of America Screen and crashes. You can hear the music playing. immediately game works better tried it PCSX-Redux on my PC Only, not systems. Unplayable)
Namco museum vol1 europe (Doesn't work)
Resident Evil Europe (Black Screen)
Rockman EXE Dash 2 Episode 2 Ooinaru Isan (Boots until Crashing after Capcom logo and there is no sound)
Rockman X3 (Freezes during Now loading screen...)
Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2 Europe (Empty Screen and very much music noise?)
X2 (Graphic glitches)
Again what wiisxr version are you using can you link where you got it? Because the latest on GitHub doesn't have that compatibility...


Well-Known Member
Mar 4, 2016
The following is my extremely hit-and-miss result:

4GB PNY USB 2.0 flash drive - didn't work
16GB Corsair USB 2.0 flash drive - worked (but my sister killed it)
128GB Corsair USB 3.0 flash drive - mostly didn't work
128GB PNY USB 3.0 flash drive - didn't work
128GB Sandisk USB 2.0 flash drive (friend's) - worked
128GB Sandisk USB 2.0 flash drive (exact same model, but was mine) - mostly worked (eventually failed)
8GB Swing Unirex USB 2.0 flash drive - worked

So from my perspective it was easier to just get a known-working adapter which I could then pair with any 2.5" SATA drive, and it'd have much faster transfer speeds on a PC too regardless of whether it's USB 3.0, SATA, or eSATA.
Maybe a CIOS problem, can't say. Everything that i threw at my Wii worked. It just had to be USB.

...I don't suppose this friend has some 2.5" laptop drives laying around gathering dust?
He would have already offered me one a long time ago.

I'm not talking about the software compatibility side of things but the actual hardware functionality.
Again, that's a big no. It is physically impossible, the drive works exclusively on DVD ROM mode.

I know for a fact that at least a launch Wii has the hardware to play a DVD and therefore, with the correct homebrew software, can enable the Wii to play actual commercial DVDs - I myself actually did this at least one time to watch I think Men in Black III via I think WiiMC + DVDX (which predates ahbprot).
DVDX is not related to playback of Digital Video Disc Content . It was just a way to make DVD hardware calls and access files inside a burned/pressed optical disc. It became obsolete later in the life of the Hackmii Installer by the Homebrew Channel and the improved versions of the libdi library which became later integrated in libOGC. So yeah, you can use WiiMC to play VOB files on a DVD disc, not sure if it has the proper library for the menu structure to also work normally, i was never interested in doing such a test.

Interestingly enough for those users with DVD playback needs, there is this one particular user trying to make that function to work "natively", you can read about his findings here.

I just know it was definitely a commercial Will Smith movie from the library on disc because we discovered that our DVD player had borked and so we used the Wii instead, but then half-way through the movie there was a large scratch or something on the disc that the Wii didn't like reading so we had to finish watching it through my sister's laptop connected to the TV.

So my theory is that, considering the following (which I dug out of my 8+ year old browser history), it sounds like the Wii U optical drive may in fact have the hardware to be able to read CDs, it's just that it too may be lacking the software to read the contents:
I don't think the Wii U changed that, Nintendo being Nintendo and not putting extra hardware that costs more pennies.

This is actually a downside in my view as that then ties the function specifically to Wiiflow... and I personally don't use Wiiflow since I don't like having games partitioned into per-console/per-emulator pages.
AFAIK and from what i've read Wiiflow is entirely customizable. But since i don't use any type of ISO loaders as frontends or anything other than my 100% trustable HB Channel, don't take my word for it: go and kindly ask our resident Wiiflow expert Tetsuo Shima here.

So um, is there any chance of being able to do what Not64 can do whereby the autoboot function can work independently of the loader you're using via the meta.xml or similar? (though, as I mentioned, it seems that custom forwarders don't look at the meta.xml, so...)

Alternatively (or, better yet, additionally), is there at the very least a possibility for WiiSX RX to automatically highlight "Play Game" after you load an ISO and select "OK" on the window that appears (this matches Not64's behavior), or even automatically launching the game directly after hitting "OK" without the need to even select "Play Game" (this would be similar to Wii64's behavior)? Though for the latter, it'd probably be ideal to also include a "cancel" button next to the "OK" button while still making "OK" be the default highlighted button.
If anyone submits a pull request for it, i'll check it, test it, and approve it.

I don't suppose 240p support when using a Wii set to 480p would mean it'll instead do 200% nearest neighbor scaling (aka "pixel doubling"), thereby disabling the bilinear filter?
Unspoken but obvious, 240p would be optional as every single emulator out there for the Wii that offers double strike. The dev even added resolution switching and scale to fit, bilinear filter can be disabled at will.

Basically my TV doesn't support 240p signals over component (actually it's my understanding that very few TVs do).
My LED TV does. It is awesome, i don't have to keep changing parameters between the CRT and the modern display. If you ever buy a Retrotink 5X-Pro or OSSC Pro, you could enjoy the benefits without your display puking out on 240p signals. I will definitely get one someday in the future, even if it is in 2030.

Again what wiisxr version are you using can you link where you got it? Because the latest on GitHub doesn't have that compatibility...
You're still counting on a secret WiiSXRX version with other titles compatible that doesn't exist, nor will ever leak from my hard drive, LOL. It should be a clue that the mysterious user even posted a link to a private spreadsheet that goes nowhere.
Last edited by niuus,


Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2014
You're still counting on a secret WiiSXRX version with other titles compatible that doesn't exist, nor will ever leak from my hard drive, LOL. It should be a clue that the mysterious user even posted a link to a private spreadsheet that goes nowhere.
I just want to know why he is doing a weird compatibility list here and GBA runner 2 lol

Nintendo Maniac

Well-Known Member
Apr 26, 2007
United States
After-post EDIT: I just want to apologize for completely taking over this thread. Things should be calming down now after this post.

Maybe a CIOS problem, can't say. Everything that i threw at my Wii worked. It just had to be USB.

That seems unlikely as it was occurring even way before I ever touched cIOS over a decade ago, like the 4GB PNY drive I'm pretty sure doesn't even show up in the homebrew channel for example despite me having created and recreated that drive's partition table many many times (I use it as my dedicated Linux ISO-booting drive).

But since i don't use any type of ISO loaders as frontends or anything
Fun fact, I don't actually use it as a front-end for similar reasons and my system menu is completely unmodded (I even still have the "health and safety" warning screen), rather I'm using Cyan's modified bootmii file on my Wii's 2GB SD card that simply tells boot2 to launch USB Loader GX located on my SD card; if I remove the SD card and power-on the system then it just goes to the normal stock Wii Menu; if I put in my prepared-for-bootmii 4GB SDHC card and power-on the console then it goes into bootmii.

My LED TV does.
I mean, my TV does 240p over composite, but not component. Heck I only discovered a couple years ago that our decade-plus year old JVC DVD/VCR combo player actually uses 240p output for it's VCR's menu (for setting the clock and stuff) due to the fact that my TV throws up "unsupported signal" when connected to my TV's green component input (fyi green component inputs are signal-compatible with composite signals albeit in greyscale and maybe with some static) - that's the first device I've ever heard of that isn't a game console that outputs 240p.

other than my 100% trustable HB Channel
Not64's autobooting also works when launching from the Homebrew Channel (in fact I think that may have been the original intention of the function in Not64?). This is actually what I used to do before I starting having my Wii boot straight into USB Loader GX.

Speaking of which, I discovered the following line at the end of Not64's settings.cfg file:
rompath = ""
I believe this may be the setting that the autoboot function temporarily sets - I say this because, if you manually fill in the rompath in the settings.cfg file with something like the following:
rompath = "sd:/not64/roms/game.z64"
then it'll always auto-load the according rom even if you straight-up delete the meta.xml file located in the apps/not64 folder. This also means that it even works with forwarders!... though you're stuck with only a single rom unless you want to swap SD cards in a game cartridge sort of way.

...that is unless I can figure out how to change the root folder path, which would then open up a whole slew of individual per-game possibilities.

EDIT: Holy crap, the "sd:/wiisx-rx" and "usb:/wiisx-rx" folder paths are stored right in the boot.dol as plain text, and it's the very same for wii64 and not64 as well with their according folder paths! I can't code worth a darn and, while I can technically manage to compile code, it's a total PITA... but hex editing plain ascii? That's stupid simple for me.

Now that opens up a lot of possibilities... if I can figure out how to hook into WiiSX RX's autoboot function straight from the Homebrew Channel that is.

EDIT 2: I have been directed to the single-game loader for WiiSX RX v2.5 in the following thread that AFAICT hooks into the same thing that Wiiflow uses except also works from the Homebrew Channel:
According to that, the autoload meta.xml arguments for WiiSX RX are the following which theoretically should work on normal WiiSX RX (I can't test it right now) if one changes the path accordingly since the boot.dol is identical with the same hash checksum and everything:
    <arg>PS1game.bin</arg> <!-- PSX ROM in .iso or .bin/.cue (for these roms use .bin) -->

EDIT 3: Sure enough, if I make the argument path in the meta.xml point to sd:/wiisxrx/isos then it all "just works" with stock vanilla WiiSX RX! (though it seems to also purely rely on the meta.xml arguments, so if I want to make a custom forwarder then it looks like I'll have to figure out how to use ModMii as "Simple Forwarder Channel Creator" doesn't see the meta.xml fil.)

..except that, uh, it results in my 1st party classic controller pro straight-up not working? At least with the single game I'm testing with (Bust-A-Move 4), I have to hit the reset button on my Wii console to get it to go back to the WiiSX RX emulator menu at which point my classic controller works again, and I can then resume the game and play as normal with functional classic controller support and all (at least as normal as playing Bust-A-Move 4 without CD audio music that is, but I'm sure you've already heard more than enough complaints about the lack of CDDA support).

That... seems like a bug to me.

Also I can't help but notice that, if you launch a game in WiiSX RX via autoboot and then return to the emulator menu, it'll highlight "Load ISO" by default. This seems a bit odd to me considering that, if you launch a game without using autoboot and then return to the emulator menu, it'll instead be highlighting "Resume Game" by default (which I would think is the behavior that makes more sense).

Nevertheless, any chance of including documentation in the meta.xml regarding this autoboot functionality?

EDIT 4: It's definitely a bug, and it occurs if using the nunchuck as well (though interestingly not if using a GameCube controller). Directly after autoboot and while the game is still running, if you unplug the nunchuck or classic controller without returning to the emulator menu, it turns out that the Wii remote by itself works. This implies that, when using WiiSX RX's autoboot function, it defaults to using the Wii remote by itself regardless of whether or not you have a nunchuck or classic controller plugged in, especially since you can replicate this exact same behavior if you launch a game without autoboot using only a Wii remote and then plug in a nunchuck or classic controller while the game is running without returning to the emulator menu.

And in the process of doing the aforementioned bug-testing, I discovered that, when using a nunchuck or when using a Wii remote by itself, you can't set the "Home" button as the option for going back to the emulator menu. That seems a bit odd considering that the "Home" button is an option for going back to the emulator menu when using a classic controller, so perhaps this was simply an oversight?
Last edited by Nintendo Maniac,

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